Steam Workshop

The Steam Workshop is a place where fans of the tool and community members can participate in creating content for games.
Users can share their own work and various types of assets with each other.
The following files are acceptable for sharing on RPG Developer Bakin.

Steam Workshop Page


Register and Publish Your Files to the Steam Workshop

To publish your own game projects, stamps, and other resources, please follow the steps below.
(!)Uploading paid DLC content or projects containing such content of this tool is a violation of the License Agreement and is prohibited.

  1. Click on "New Upload".
  2. From "Select the Game File," select the file you wish to upload and click the OK button. (Resource files (.exrbrなど) can also be selected from this dialog.)
  3. Compression and uploading of content will begin.
  4. Select the uploaded file from "Game Title", click "Publish Settings", and specify various settings in the Publish Tool dialog.
    What you specify in the Publish Tool can also be changed on the Steam Workshop.
    If you wish to have the title name or description of your content in more than one language, you can specify this on the Steam Workshop.

Below is the feature to update files uploaded to the Steam Workshop.

Update Published Data in Steam Workshop

Please follow the procedure below to update data that has already been published.

  1. Perform Overwrite Upload
    Select the file you wish to update from within Bakin's Steam Workshop dialog and press the "Overwrite Upload" button.
  2. Configure Publish Settings
    After the overwrite upload, select the file you wish to update and press the “Publish Settings” button to open the dialog.
    After changing the description of the creation and other necessary information, press OK to publish it.
    (!)Please note that updating only the Publish Settings without going through the Overwrite Upload will not update the data on the Steam Workshop.
    (!)Subscribers (users) of Steam Workshop should check that the date and time of the update on the Steam Workshop page for the data in question matches the date and time of the “subscribed file” in the Steam Workshop dialog of Bakin.
    In some cases, it may take some time to update the information.
    If they do not match, try restarting the Steam application itself, restarting Bakin, or unsubscribing once.

Delete Data Already Published to Steam Workshop

  1. Select the game file you wish to delete from the contents list.
  2. Click the "Delete" button.

Download Users' Works from Steam Workshop.

To download other users' game files, you must subscribe in advance on the Steam Workshop page.

  1. Select the file you wish to subscribe to from the following page.

  2. Click on "Subscribe".
  3. Select "Steam Workshop" from Bakin's Top Menu.
  4. Select the subscribed file in the contents list and click "Rename and Save Project".
  5. Name the file as you wish and save the file. The file will be saved in the form of a Zip file.
  6. Once saved, unzip the Zip file and extract it to any folder. This step is not necessary because the .csrbr files are unzipped upon import.
  7. If it is a project file (.rbr), select the file from the Top Menu > Local PC.
    For resource files (.exrbr), first open the project you wish to import and click the Add button in the Resources > Contents appropriate menu, or drag and drop the .exrbr file into the file tree.
    If it is a layout data file (.lyrbr), first open the project you want to import and right-click in the Layout Tool preview. Select "Load Layouts from File" from the context menu and specify the .lyrbr file you wish to import.
    The event plug-in (.csrbr) is imported by clicking the Add button in the "C# Program Assignment" field of the event sheet you wish to apply. Please specify the csrbr file. A Script folder is automatically generated in the project folder and the files in csrbr are extracted under it.

Attach file: fileENユーザー作品をサブスクライブする.png 333 download [Information] fileEN_2Dキャスト_steamWorkshop.png 334 download [Information] fileEN_Bakin__steamWorkshop.png 316 download [Information]

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Last-modified: 2024-11-27 (Wed) 07:45:47