Text Formatting and Text Commands

In event panels that display text on the screen, such as "Display Conversation," Text Commands with various effects can be placed within the text.
Click on the "Input Support" button in the respective event panel and enter the appropriate Text Commands for your purpose. Then, specify the necessary parameters for each Text Command.

FunctionCommandExample FormatNote
Bold\b\bBold\bFor example, if you write the following, the "italicized" parts of the text will be displayed in "bold and italicized".
\bBold and \iItalic\i\b
Font Size\z[000]\z[200]Size\z
Reset Font Color\c
Font Color\c[000000]\c[ff0000]Red\c[0000ff]Blue\cOriginal ColorThe same color codes can be used as in HTML.
Ruby on the Single Letter Immediately After\rIt's \r[Thousand]1,000.The word "Thousand" appears above the 1,000.
Ruby for Specified Strings\r\r[Put ruby above the sentence.,You can type whatever you like.]The string written after the comma is applied as ruby on top of the string before the comma.
Icon\I[X,YThe image specified for “User-defined Icon” in Game Definition > System Resources > Message Related can be displayed.
If an image is registered as User-defined Icon with “CountSlice” specified in “Slice” of Resources > Image Properties, you can assign which frame in the image is to be used by X,Y. (X,Y are not valid for images other than “CountSlice”.)
The size of the image inserted into the text is automatically resized to match the size of the immediately preceding font.
FunctionCommandExample FormatNote
0.5 Second Wait\wW\wa\wi\wtShow Conversation
Specified Seconds Wait\w[0.25]W\w[0.25]a\w[0.5]i\w[0.75]tDisplayed in specified seconds.
Instant Display\>\>Instant Display\<
Waiting for Input\!Wait for the string to be displayed until a keystroke is made.
Close Automatically\^\w[1]\^The window will automatically close after the string is finished displaying.
Display the Value of a Variable\$[Variable Name]Enter the name of the numerical or string variable in []. The contents of numeric variables are displayed as letters.
Disable Message Skipping\sMessage skipping can be disabled even if message skipping is enabled in Game Definition > Move and Operate.
Record/End in Backlog Only\-You can set text to be displayed only in the backlog, not during the game.
Show/End in Main Text Only\+You can set text that will be displayed during the game but not in the backlog.
FunctionCommandExample FormatNote
Display the Value of a Array Variable\$[Variable Name][Index]An index is the value of the pointer to an array variable.
Display the Value of a Local Variable\$L[Variable Name]Enter the name of the local variable in [].
Display Cast's Name\H[Name on Database]In [], enter the name of that cast as specified in Database > Casts.
Conversation Cast
FunctionCommandExample FormatNote
Blink Speed\blspd[sec]\blspd[0.2]Interval to perform blink (seconds)
Blink Rate\blrate[%]\blrate[30]Probability of performing a blink (specified in %)
Lip-synch Speed\lipspd[%]\lipspd[0.6]Specify the lip-sync speed (1 is constant speed, 0.5 is half speed, and 2 is double speed)
Name Box (Left)\NPL[Speaker Name]\NPL[Ken]In order to display the name box, it is necessary to specify a layout part to display the name in the conversation and message screens of the Layout Tool.
Please refer to the default layout of each screen.
Name Box (Center)\NPL[Speaker Name]\NPC[Luna]
Name Box (Right)\NPL[Speaker Name]\NPR[Cyrus]

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Last-modified: 2024-12-23 (Mon) 02:57:11