*Player [#sfa4b392]


**Teleport Player [#l652125d]
Move the player to the specified location.


-''Specify Orientation''
Select the orientation of the player after the move.
Keep the orientation before the move.
After moving, turn to the specified orientation.

-''Specify from Map''
Specify the destination from the map you have already created.

--Change Map
Select a map.

--Registered Destinations
If a destination has already been registered for another event, you can select that destination from here.

--X/Z Coordinates
Specify the coordinates of the destination by entering numerical values.

-''Specify with Variable Boxes''
The value of the specified variable box is entered into the coordinates and used.

**Change Player Orientation [#mbd5b3af]
Change the player's orientation to the specified direction.


Change the direction in which the radio button is checked.

-''Face Random Direction''
Change the orientation to either up, down, left, or right.

-''Spin Around''
Make one rotation on the spot.

-''Face Specified Angle''
Change the orientation to the specified angle.

-''Face This Event''
Turn the player in the direction of this event.

-''Face Opposite''
Turn the player in the opposite direction from which this event is located.

-''4 Fixed Directions''
When checked, the orientation is always four directions (up, down, left, right) when changing the orientation.

**Make Player Walk [#dcf2a10e]
Make the player walk in the specified direction.


--''Walk in Direction Facing''
--''Walk to Specified Angle''
--''Walk Towards This Event''
--''Walk Opposite This Event''
--''Walk in Random Direction''

-''Number of Steps''
Specify the number of steps between 0.01 and 100. Up to two decimal places can also be used.

--''Lock Orientation''
If checked, it moves with the orientation fixed.

--''Pass Through Events''
If checked, it will move through all other events.

--''Ignore Elevation''
If checked, it moves ignoring steps.

--''Abort if Unable to Move''
If checked, event execution will be aborted if it collides with another event or terrain and cannot proceed any further.

--''Keep Current Motion''
If checked, the specified animation will play and move.

--''Change Orientation Smoothly''
If checked, the camera will smoothly turn to the specified direction by the end of the specified number of steps.

**Change Player Movement Speed [#u4972753]
Change the speed at which the player moves to any desired speed.


-''Speed Type''
-- -3: Slowest
-- -2: Slower
-- -1: Slow
-- 0: Normal
-- 1: Fast
-- 2: Faster
-- 3: Fastest

**Make Player Invisible/Visible [#c70a8f16]
Make the player's graphic invisible or return to its original state.


Make the player transparent and invisible.

Restore the player's graphic to its original state.

**Change Cast Graphic [#ub134d68]
Change the graphic and motion of the cast on the screen.


-''Cast to be Changed''
Select from the casts already created.

-''nth in the Party''
Change the graphic of the cast at the specified index in the party.

-''Graphic on the Map''
Select the cast graphic to be changed.

-''Graphic for Layout''
Select the cast face graphic to be changed.

-''Play the Whole Motion''
If checked, the system will not perform any motion changes (move, wait, run) until the motion is completed or circled.

**Change Player Y Coordinate [#c1a8f950]
Change the Y coordinate (height) of the player.


-''Specifying Method of Y Coordinate''
--''Specify from the Current Value''
Select this option to specify that the height the player is currently at is 0 and how much to change from there.

--''Specify the Absolute Value''
Select this option when setting the bottom of the map as 0 and specifying how much to change from there.

-''Y Coordinate to be Changed''
Specify a value between 0.1 and 50 for the change.

-''Time to Change''
Specify the time between 0.1 and 120 seconds to make the change; if 0 seconds is specified, the change is made instantly.

-''Moving Speed''
Specify acceleration/deceleration during movement.
Move at a constant speed.
Move with acceleration.
Move with deceleration.

-''Wait until Y Coordinate Change Completes''
If checked, the next event will not be executed until the move is complete.

**Start Player Falling [#q1fa96b1]
When the player is in the air, executing this event will initiate the player's fall.


-''Gravitational Acceleration''
Specify a value between 0.01 and 100. The standard is 1. The higher the number, the faster the fall speed.

-''Wait for Fall to Complete''
If checked, the next event will not be executed until the fall is complete.

**Change Player Traversable Terrains [#g63822af]
Change the passage attributes specified for the "Terrains."


-''Entering and Exiting Non-Traversable Terrains''
--''Disable (Normal)''
The player will be impassable.
The player will be able to pass through.

Passage attributes can be referenced and modified in "Resource Management" > "Terrains" > "Terrain Model Attributes".

**Change Player Scale [#m156996c]
Change the scale (size) of the 3D model specified for the player by the specified magnification and time.


-''Scale to be Changed''
It can be specified between 0 and 50.

-''Time to Change''
It can be specified between 0 and 120 seconds; if 0 seconds is specified, the scale is changed instantly.

-''Wait until Scale Change Completes''
If checked, the next event will not be executed until the scale change is complete.

**Attach Model to Cast [#ub07d02a]
If the 3D model with hooks for items is used, the item model can be attached to the 3D model.


-''Cast to be Attached''
Specify how to set the cast to be attached.

--''Cast to be Changed''
Select from the casts already created.

--''nth in the Party''
Specify the model for the cast to which you want to attach the item by indexing it in the party.

Preview the specified settings.

-''Remove All''
Remove all jointed models.

-''Attach Model According to Equipped Item''
Joint a 3D model that is specified in the "Items" section of the database.

-''Attach Selected Model''
Joint any 3D model, regardless of equipment.

**Enable/Disable Player Orientation Change [#u483fc0d]
Allow or prohibit the player to change direction.


**Make Player Invincible [#udce7f92]
Make the player invincible for a specified period of time.


-''Invincible Time''
Specify the length of time the player will be invincible, from 0 to 60 seconds.

-''Blink Graphic During Invincible''
If checked, the graphic flashes during the invincibility time.

-''No Damage to Enemies by Bumping During Invincible''
If checked, the cast will not give any damage when it hits enemies by body hits.

**Snap Player on Grid [#pdd4f68e]
Fit the player to the nearest grid (square).


**Make Player Walk to Specified Coordinates [#ne55d391]
The coordinates of the map are specified and the player is made to walk.


-''Specify the Destination''
Specify the destination of the player from one of the following methods.

--''Registered Destinations''
If a destination has already been registered for another event, you can select that destination from here.

--''X/Z Coordinates''
Specify the coordinates of the destination by entering numerical values.

-''Orientation at the End of Move''
Specify the orientation at the end of the move from one of the following methods.

--''Face Direction of Moving''
Turn it to face the direction of movement.

--''Face Specified Angle''
Enter the angle directly as a number or specify the angle by clicking on the direction you want to face in the circle.

--''Time Required for Move''
Specify between 0 and 60 seconds.

Specify acceleration/deceleration settings during the move.

It always moves at a constant speed.

It moves with gradual acceleration.

It moves with gradual deceleration.

--''Acc. to Decel.''
It accelerates at the start of the movement and decelerates as it approaches the end point.

-''Keep Current Motion''
If checked, the specified animation will play and move.

-''Wait to Complete''
If checked, the next event will not be executed until the move is complete.

**Change Cast's Equipment [#abb37f81]
Change the equipment of the specified cast forcibly.


-''Cast to be Changed''
Select from the casts already created.

-''nth in the Party''
Specify a cast member in the party whose equipment you wish to change by indexing them in the party.

-''Equipment Type''
Specify from one of the following: Weapon, Arm Armor, Headgear, Body Armor, Accessory 1, or Accessory 2.

-''Item to be Equipped''
Specify the item to be equipped.

**Change Cast's Class [#q53ea99a]
Change the class of the cast.


-''Cast to be Changed''
Select from the casts already created.

-''nth in the Party''
Specify the cast whose class will be changed by indexing them in the party.

-''Change Target''
Select either a class or a subclass.

-''Transfer of Grown-Up Status''
Specify whether or not to carry over the grown status from the previous class.

**Rotate Player [#ddc234e8]
Rotate the player's orientation and angle, which can be specified for each of the XYZ axes.


**Move Player with Physics Engine [#d555db2c]
Inertia is applied when the player moves.


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