*RPG Developer Bakinについて [#lacfff55]
本ソフトは、「プログラムの知識がなくてもゲーム制作が楽しめる」SMILE GAME BUILDERの製品コンセプトを継承し、使いやすさはもちろん、表現力および拡張性を大幅に改良したRPG制作ツールです。
SMILE GAME BUILDERの作る楽しさをそのままに、様々な機能の強化と追加を行いました。
*About RPG Developer Bakin[#lacfff55]
Inheriting the SMILE GAME BUILDER product concept of "enjoying game production without programming knowledge," this software is an RPG production tool with greatly improved expressiveness and expandability, as well as ease of use.
We have enhanced and added various functions while maintaining the fun of creating SMILE GAME BUILDER.

*RPG Developer Bakin マニュアル [#sd596602]
*RPG Developer Bakin Manual [#sd596602]

**トップメニュー [#i311ce51]
**Top Menu [#i311ce51]
--[[New Creation Wizard]]
---[[Flow of Data Generation with Wizard]]
--[[Local PC]]
--[[Game Gallery]]
--[[Steam Workshop]]
---[[What's "Steam Workshop"?]]
---[[Subscribe to data from Workshop]]
---[[Register Your Work in the Workshop]]
---[[Update data. Stop publishing.]]
--[[Assets Showcase]]
---[[Download the asset DLC]]
---[[Use downloaded assets]]
--[[Info and Tips]]
---[[YouTube Channel]]
---[[Official Website]]
--[[Multiple Launch of Bakin]]
--[[Multiple activations]]

**マップエディター [#rfa75b16]
**Map Editor [#rfa75b16]
--[[Map Editor Overview]]
--[[Master Menu]]
---[[Resource Management]]
---[[Game Definition]]
---[[Layout Adjustment]]
---[[Camera Registration]]
---[[Variable Labels]]
---[[Sprite Tool]]

**エディット画面で使用する各種パレット [#k64bf2b9]
**Various Palettes used on the Edit Screen [#k64bf2b9]
--[[Map List Palette]]
--[[Map Settings Palette ( Basic, Overall View, Rendering, Enemy Distribution, Working Camera)]]
--[[Placed List Palette]]
--[[Common Event Palette]]
--[[Tools Palette]]
--[[Stamps Palette]]

**イベント(イベントシート/イベントパネル) [#h4626ef0]
**Events ( Event Sheets/Event Panels ) [#h4626ef0]
--[[Event Overview]]
--[[Regular Events]]
---[[Event Sheet Description]]
--[[Common Events]]
---[[Common Events]]
---[[Battle Events]]
--[[Description of Each Event Panel]]
---[[Screen Effects]]
---[[Variable Boxes]]
---[[Conditional Judgment]]
--[[Text Decoration/Command Input Support]]

**リソース管理 [#u0a87ff3]
**Resource Management [#u0a87ff3]
--[[3D Stamps]]
---[[Physical Settings]]

**2Dスタンプ [#yed8972c]
**2D Stamps [#yed8972c]
--[[Slice Animation]]

**その他のリソース [#s018a7bb]
**Other Resources [#s018a7bb]
--[[System Resources]]

**データベース [#ec869462]
**Database [#ec869462]
--[[State Definition]]
--[[Attribute Definition]]

**ゲーム定義 [#a251f8b9]
**Game Definition [#a251f8b9]
--[[Start Settings]]
--[[Rules and Operation]]
--[[Project Settings]]
--[[Common Terms]]

**レイアウト調整 [#u2dcbf88]
**Layout Adjustment [#u2dcbf88]
--[[In-Game Effects]]

**カメラ登録 [#heca7d1a]
**Camera Registration [#heca7d1a]
--[[Camera List]]
--[[Camera Preview]]

**変数ラベル [#f0c36af1]
**Variable Labels [#f0c36af1]
--[[Details of Label Variables]]

**スプライトツール [#k0c45c78]
**Sprite Tool [#k0c45c78]
--[[Sprite List]]
--[[Main Editor]]

**ユーティリティ [#ecdc3d92]
**Utilities [#ecdc3d92]
--[[Published Work Export]]


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