static String | getRelativePath (String baseDir, String targetPath) |
static uint[] | createColorBuffer (Bitmap mapThumbnail) |
static String | getDefaultResourceFolderName (string path, Resource.ResourceItem rom, Catalog.DlcInfo dlcInfo=null) |
static String | getDefaultResourceFolderName (string path, Type type, bool isName, Catalog.DlcInfo dlcInfo=null) |
static Guid | readGuid (System.IO.BinaryReader reader) |
static string | NewGuidConvertMaterial (string defimage, string mtlname) |
static bool | NewGuidConvertCheck (Catalog catalog, List< string > errList) |
static bool | isEndOfStream (BinaryReader reader) |
static int | getReverseDir (int dir) |
static Common.Rom.Script | createMoveScript (Rom.Event.MoveType moveType, int timing, int[] movingLimits, string motion) |
static string | createSkillDescription (Catalog catalog, GameData.Party party, Rom.NSkill skill, bool useNewLine=true) |
static string | createSkillDescription (Rom.GameSettings.Glossary glossary, Rom.NSkill skill, bool useNewLine=true) |
static string | createEquipmentDescription (Rom.GameSettings gs, Rom.Item item) |
static string | createEquipmentDescription (Rom.GameSettings gs, Rom.NItem item) |
static int | compareBinary (Stream a, Stream b) |
| A method that returns the offset if a difference is found in the binary More...
static int | compareBinary (byte[] aArr, byte[] bArr) |
| A method that returns the offset if a difference is found in the binary More...
static string | getSaveDate (int idx, bool multiLine=false) |
static ? DateTime | getSaveDateTime (int idx) |
static ? DateTime | getSaveDateTime (string path) |
static Stream | getFileStream (string path) |
static string | getDLCInfoPath (string dir, bool jpPreferred) |
static Common.Rom.Map | searchEventContainsMap (Catalog catalog, Guid guid) |
static List< Common.Rom.Map.Place > | getPlaceListFromEvent (Catalog catalog, Guid guidEvent) |
static string | getVersionString () |
static bool | HasFlag (this Enum self, Enum flag) |
static bool | HasFlagUlong (this Enum self, Enum flag) |
static bool | IsNullOrWhiteSpace (string value) |
static Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color | ToXnaColor (System.Drawing.Color color) |
static System.Drawing.Color | ToDrawingColor (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color color) |
static System.Drawing.Color | ToDrawingColor (SharpKmyGfx.Color color) |
static SharpKmyMath.Vector3 | UnProject2World (SharpKmyMath.Matrix4 projectionMatrix, SharpKmyMath.Matrix4 viewMatrix, SharpKmyMath.Vector3 screenPositon, float screenWidth, float screenHeight) |
static bool | equalMatrix (SharpKmyMath.Matrix4 mtx1, SharpKmyMath.Matrix4 mtx2) |
static void | SetCurrentDirectory (string path) |
static Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2 | getScreenPos (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3 pos, Render scn, int viewportWidth, int viewportHeight) |
static float | getScreenPos (Matrix4 pp, Matrix4 vv, SharpKmyMath.Vector3 v, out int x, out int y, int viewportX=1, int viewportY=1) |
static float | getTargetDegree (SharpKmyMath.Vector3 chrPos, Matrix4 vv) |
static SharpKmyMath.Vector3 | ToKmyVector (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3 v) |
static Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3 | ToXnaVector (SharpKmyMath.Vector3 v) |
static Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3 | getFrontVecFromDegree (float endAngle) |
static List< string > | ParseFormula (string formula) |
static List< string > | SortToRPN (List< string > words) |
static bool | isAvailableItem (Catalog catalog, Rom.Cast cast, Rom.NItem item) |
static bool | DeleteThumbnailFile (string inFilePath) |
static bool | DeleteFile (string inFilePath) |
static bool | DeleteFolder (string inFolderPath, bool inIsRecursive=false) |
static SharpKmyMath.Vector3 | GetRayDirection (int dirType, float degX, float degY, float length) |
static float | Parse (string inText) |
static void | convRotationToQuaternion (Vector3 rot, out Quaternion quat) |
static void | convQuaternionToRotation (Quaternion quat, out Vector3 rot) |
static void | cleanUpReferenceList () |
static SharpKmyGfx.Color | ToKmyColor (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color color) |
static SharpKmyGfx.Color | ToKmyColor (System.Drawing.Color color) |
static void | getLastEditorVersion (Catalog catalog, out int major, out int middle, out int minor, out int branch) |
| Get last saved editor version More...
static EditorVersion | getLastEditorVersion (Catalog catalog) |
| Get last saved editor version More...
static bool | isLowerEditorVersion (EditorVersion source, EditorVersion comparisonVersion) |
| Is the editor version lower than the comparison value More...
static string | getDlcResourcePath (Common.Catalog.DlcInfo inDlcInfo, string inPath) |
static Rom.RenderSettings | getRenderSettingsFromBase64String (string v) |
static int | CalcStatusChangeValue (int inBase, int inParam, StatusChangeType inStatusChangeType) |
static Vector3 | ToEulerAngles (Quaternion q) |
| Convert quaternion to Euler angles More...
static Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color | MultiplyColor (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color inBaseColor, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color inMulColor) |