Contact Us

We gratefully accept inquiries about “RPG Developer Bakin” via Google Form as follows. Please feel free to use this form.
Also, when contacting us, please attach/share a system report file or images that will help us understand/resolve the problem as soon as possible.

- We can’t answer questions about information or detailed software operation other than RPG Developer Bakin. We may not be able to answer your questions depending on the nature of your question.
- Please allow at least 5 business days for a response to your inquiry. Additionally, please be aware that it may take even longer to respond to questions regarding plug-ins or those requiring further research or verification.
- Personal information provided in response to inquiries will be handled in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
- We will reply to your inquiry by email. Please check the following as you may not be able to receive our reply properly due to your receiving setting.
-- For receiving emails on your PC
Please check your mail software or provider to make sure that our email has not been sorted into a “junk mail folder” or other such folder.
-- For cell phone email addresses
Either disable receiving of specified domains, or set up your email settings so that you can receive emails from “”. Also, please disable your URL-containing email rejection settings and set up to receive emails from PCs.

Click Below for Inquiries Before Purchase
(1) Regarding Purchasing Method (2) About Sample Games (3) Others (comments/requests, etc.)

Click Below to Report Problems
(1) Crash and Freeze (2) Assets and Resources (3) Events and Others

Click Below for Inquiries After Purchase
(1) Questions (How to use Bakin, etc.)
(2) Comments and Requests (Features you would like to have and/or improve, etc.)

The contact form is created by Google Forms.
*You will need to sign in with your Google account.