''[Manual Update Information]: ''

All information has not been updated to the latest.  We will update the information and contents of this page as needed.
We will update the information and contents of this page as needed.
- ''[Aug. 29, 2024]'' Updated to Ver. 1.11.0. Please see [[Update log]] for details. This manual and the [[Plug-in Reference]] have also been updated.
- ''[July 17, 2024]'' Added contents to the [[Creating Plug-ins FAQ]] page.
- ''[July. 4, 2024]'' Updated to Ver. 1.10.1. Please see [[Update log]] for details.
- ''[June. 20, 2024]'' Updated to Ver. 1.10.0. Please see [[Update log]] for details. This manual and the [[Plug-in Reference]] have also been updated.
- ''[May 24, 2024]'' The contents up to Ver. 1.9.1 are now supported. [[Creating Plug-ins FAQ]] page has been newly added.
- ''[May 23, 2024] [[To Use a DLC Layout:https://rpgbakin.com/pukiwiki_en/?Importing+and+Exporting+Layouts#s34bff9a]] in the Importing and Exporting Layouts was added.''
- ''[May. 22, 2024]'' Updated to Ver. Please see [[Update log]] for details.
- ''[May. 1, 2024]'' Updated to Ver. Please see [[Update log]] for details.
- ''[Apr. 22, 2024]'' The tool has been updated to Ver. 1.9 and the update contents are listed in the [[Update log]]. The manual is currently being updated to Ver. 1.9. Changes and additions will be made gradually. The [[Plug-in Reference:https://rpgbakin.com/csreference/]] is now compatible with Ver. 1.9.
- ''[Apr. 3, 2024]'' Updated to Ver. Please see [[Update log]] for details.
- ''[Mar. 7, 2024]'' &color(red){Chinese (Simplified/Traditional) is supported as of Ver. 1.8. For the manual, please use the Google Translate service in the left column of this wiki and select your language.};
- ''[Dec. 28, 2023]'' Corresponded to the contents of Ver. 1.7. Added [[Convert VRM to FBX and Import to Bakin]] and [[Blend Shapes]] pages.
- ''[Oct. 6, 2023]'' The URL of the contact page of the official website has been changed. The new URL is here: https://rpgbakin.com/en/contact

*About RPG Developer Bakin [#lacfff55]
RPG Developer Bakin (Bakin) is a game creation tool that allows anyone to enjoy creating RPGs with intuitive operations and advanced features without programming.
This wiki will explain each function in detail.


-[[Update log]]
-[[Official SNS (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Discord) and Contact Information]]
*RPG Developer Bakin Manual [#sd596602]

**Introduction [#i311ce51]
--[[First Things to Check]]
--[[About Free DLCs]]
--[[About Various Types of Help]]
--[[System Requirements]]
--[[For Those Who Are New to This Tool]]
--[[When Problems Occur]]

**FAQ & Creation Tips [#s62de370]
--[[Creation Tips]]

**Top Menu [#i311ce51]
--[[Create New]]
--[[Local PC]]
--[[Game Gallery]]
--[[Steam Workshop]]
--[[Assets Showcase]]
--[[Info and Tips]]
--[[Multiple Launch of Bakin]]

**Map Editor [#rfa75b16]
-[[Map Editor Overview]]
--[[Master Menu]]
--[[Shortcut Key List]]

***Various Palettes used on the Edit Screen [#k64bf2b9]
--[[Map List Palette]]
--[[Map Settings Palette]]
--[[Placed List Palette]]
--[[Common Event Palette]]
--[[Tools Palette]]
--[[Stamps Palette]]

**Events ( Event Sheets/Event Panels ) [#h4626ef0]
-[[Event Overview]]
--[[Event Editor Features]]
--[[Event Panels (Command Scripts)]]
---[[Screen Effects]]
---[[Variable Boxes]]
---[[Conditional Judgment]]
--[[About Variables]]
--[[Text Decoration/Command Input Support]]
--[[Collision Detection between Cast Members and Events]]

**Resources [#u0a87ff3]
-[[Resources Overview]]
--[[What are 'Stamps'?]]
--[[3D Stamps]]
---[[Blend Shapes]]
---[[Physics Settings]]

--[[3D Stamps - Import and Export]]
--[[Convert VRM to FBX and Import to Bakin]]
--[[2D Stamps]]
---[[Slice Animation]]

--[[2D Stamps - Import and Export]]
--[[Decal Stamps]]
--[[Sounds (Resources)]]

**Database [#ec869462]
-[[Database Overview]]
--[[State Definition]]
--[[Attribute Definition]]

**Game Definition [#a251f8b9]
-[[Game Definition Overview]]
--[[Start Settings]]
--[[Rules and Operations]]
---[[Assign Input Device]]
--[[Project Settings]]
--[[Common Terms]]
--[[System Resources]]

**Layout Tool [#u2dcbf88]
-[[Layout Tool Overview]]
--[[Layout Tool]]
--[[Screen List]]
--[[Types of Layout Parts and Properties]]
--[[Add Layout Part Dialog]]
--[[Text and Special Formats Insert Support Dialog]]
--[[Special Coordinate Specification Tag Insertion Dialog]]
--[[Importing and Exporting Layouts]]

**Camera Tool [#heca7d1a]
-[[Camera Tool Overview]]
--[[Camera Tool]]

**Variables Used [#f0c36af1]
-[[Variables Used Overview]]
--[[Variables Used]]

**Common Events [#u2a5bee0]
-[[Common Events]]

**Sprite Tool [#k0c45c78]
-[[Sprite Tool Overview]]
--[[Sprite Tool]]

**Plug-ins [#z900e466]
--[[What are Plug-ins?]]
--[[Plug-in Reference]]
--[[Plug-in Samples]]
--[[Creating Plug-ins FAQ]]

**Utilities [#ecdc3d92]
--[[Published Work Export]]

**Specifications of Various Assets [#c698877e]
--[[Assets - Terrains]]
--[[3D Characters]]
--[[2D Characters]]
--[[3D Textures]]
--[[Assets - Particles]]
--[[Motion Name Rules]]
--[[3D Character Shader]]
--[[Environment Map]]

**License Agreement [#f39faaae]
--[[Software License Agreement]]
--[[License Agreement for Downloadable Content]]

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