Common Terms†
You can change the terms used in the game to original ones that are compatible with the content of the game.
Replacement of Terms Used in the Game†
#ref(): File not found: "Replacement_of_Terms_Used_in_the_Game.png" at page "Common Terms"
- Restore to Initial State
Click to restore all terms to those specified as defaults.
- Store
These are terms related to money and stores, used mainly in stores.
On the left are the types of terms and when they are used, and on the right are the default settings.
Enter the term you want to change to the default value and replace it.
Category | Default Setting |
Unit of Currency | G |
Inn (Stay) | Stay |
Inn (Not Staying) | Not Staying |
When Short of Money | Not enough money... |
Store (Purchase) | Bought {0} |
Store (Sold) | {0} has been sold. |
- Items
These terms are mainly related to consumable items and equipment.
On the left are the types of terms and when they are used, and on the right are the default settings.
Enter the term you want to change to the default value and replace it.
Category | Default Setting |
Consumable Items | Consumables |
Weapon | Weapon |
Arm Armor | Shield |
Headgear | Headgear |
Body Armor | Body Armor |
Accessory | Accessory |
Accuracy | Accuracy |
Evasion Rate | Evasion Rate |
Inventory is Full | The inventory is full. |
Which item(s) do you want to discard? | Which item(s) do you discard? |
Discard All (Items) | Discard all {0}. Are you sure? |
Discard (Item) | Give up {0} |
When Unable to Remove Equipment | The equipment could not be removed because the inventory is full. |
Indication of Attack Range 0 | ∞ |
- Menu
These terms are mainly related to menus.
On the left are the types of terms and when they are used, and on the right are the default settings.
Enter the term you want to change to the default value and replace it.
Category | Default Setting |
When Inventory is Empty | No Items |
When No Skills | No Skills |
When No Equipment | Nothing |
When There is No Saved Data | No Save Data |
Remove | Remove |
Move Reserve Member to the Party | Empty |
Move Party Member to the Reserve | Empty |
Save Completed | Saved! |
Undiscovered Cast | ??? |
Unobtained Item | ??? |
Unlearned Skill | ??? |
- Parameters
These terms are related to the parameters of casts.
On the left are the types of terms and when they are used, and on the right are the default settings.
Enter the term you want to change to the default value and replace it.
Category | Default Setting |
Attack Power | Attack Power |
Defense Power | Defense Power |
Attribute Attack Power | Attribute Attack Power |
Normal | Normal |
- Battle
These terms are mainly related to battles.
On the left are the types of terms and when they are used, and on the right are the default settings.
Enter the term you want to change to the default value and replace it.
Category | Default Setting |
Battle Starts (Multiple) | The monsters are emerging! |
Battle Starts (Single) | {0} is emerging! |
Level Up | Level Up! |
Select Target of Skill or Item | Who will it be used for? |
Select Target to Swap Places | Who would you swap places with? |
Escape | Escape |
Missed | Miss!!! |
Back | Back |
(Action) Idle | {0} is surveying the situation... |
(Action) Critical Hit | {0}'s critical blow! |
(Action) Guard | {0} is defending... |
(Action) Attack | {0}'s attack! |
(Action) Use Skill | {0} activated {1}! |
(Action) Use Item | {0} used {1}! |
(Action) Charge | {0} is charging up power... |
(Action) Enemy Escape | {0} escaped! |
(Action) Escape Succeeded | {0} escaped! |
(Action) Escape Failed | Escape Failed! |
(Action) Skill Activation Failed | But there weren't enough {0}! |
Preemptive Attack by Opponents | We're preempted!? |
Preemptive Attack Success | We preempted! |
- Terrain Attributes
These terms are related to the state changes.
On the left are the types of terms and when they are used, and on the right are the default settings.
Enter the term you want to change to the default value and replace it.
Category | Default Setting |
No State | Nothing |
State 1 | Sleep |
State 2 | Paralysis |
State 3 | Poison |
State 4 | Confusion |
State 5 | Charm |
State 6 | Instant Death |
State 7 | State 7 |
State 8 | State 8 |
Localization Tool†
This tool exports all strings used in the game and can replace string data by importing the edited data.
It can be used for localization into other languages or to replace in-game terminology.
However, replacing strings with this tool, once executed, cannot be undone and may cause malfunctions, such as when improper input is made.
Use the "Replacement of Terms Used in the Game" function to overwrite terms used in regular games.
- Display Switching Buttons
Select what you want to display from the categories of "Database," "Game Definition," "Maps and Events," and "Dialogues."
Those in the off state (gray state) are not displayed.
- Update
Update the display to the latest information.
- List
A list of strings in the selected category is displayed.
Enter the string to be replaced in the "Strings to Replace" field on the far right.
- Export
- Export the text contained in the game as a TAB-delimited text file (UTF-16) or .xlsx file.
- You can replace strings with text editors, etc.
- Do not change the first column (where used) and the next column (GUID). If they are changed, they will not correspond to the corresponding location in the game and will not be replaced.
- After editing, save the file in the same text format and you can load it with "Import".
- Import
- Export and load edited data.
- To be safe, please save your game data under an other name and make a backup before loading. Rewriting internal data may lead to unexpected results.
- Only lines contained in the selected text file will be loaded.
- Only words on lines in the text file where the GUID matches the usage location will be replaced.
- It will not be reflected in the actual game until you press "Replace Execution".
- Revert Before Import
Cancel the contents imported into this diagram and return it to the state immediately before import.
Once you press "Replace Execution", you cannot restore to the previous state.
- Replace Execution
Write the imported contents into the game data.
This operation cannot be undone.
- All applicable strings in the game data are replaced and cannot be restored.
- The type and length of characters you type can cause unexpected malfunctions.
Be sure to save the game data as an another name before executing it.
- It is not possible to import the localization file again into the replaced game data.
- Cancel
Cancel and make no changes to the game.