*What is the Create New? [#p8c3f6d2]

RPG Developer Bakin" has a "Create New" that guides you through the process of creating a game by simply specifying a few fields.
Whether you are getting this application for the first time or are a complete game creation beginner, please use this feature first to experience the world of "RPG Developer Bakin".

#ref(./Top Menu.png,80%)

*Flow of Creating a Game Using the Feature [#oa39c2f2]
First, click on "Create New" in the "Top Menu".

#ref(./Flow of Creating a Game Using the Wizard.png,80%)

**Top Page [#r1d63262]
This is where you start. Click on "-> Next" in the lower right corner to specify the initial settings for your game.

#ref(./Top Menu.png,80%)

**Project Basics [#s9e4a721]
Here, you will decide on the following three points, which can be considered the most basic profile of the game.
Any of these can be freely changed later.

#ref(./Project Basics.png,80%)

-''Game Title''
The first step is, of course, to decide on the game title.
It has a temporary title of "The New Legend," so click on it and rewrite the title to your own preference.

Let's also add a subtitle. Here, too, rewrite the tentative title "The New Legend".

Then, enter another important piece of information, your name, as the game designer, in the temporary name section called "Nickname".

When everything is set, click "->Next" to proceed to the next step.

**Asset Amount Setting included from the Beginning [#na131c4f]
Assets are resources used in games, such as images, 3D models, music, and sound effects.
Starting with either of the following, you are free to add any assets you need to create your game.

#ref(./Asset Amount Setting included from the Beginning.png,80%)

This is a good choice for first-time users or those who want to familiarize themselves with the application, as it allows them to start creating a game with some assets ready to go.

You will start creating your game with the minimum required assets. You will add various data by yourself.

Once you have specified your asset, click "-> Next" to proceed to the next step.

**Player Settings (Main Cast) [#i8809a8f]
Choose a main cast who will be the player's persona to carry the story forward.

#ref(./Player Settings(Main Cast).png,80%)

-''For Moving''
Specify the image of the character when moving on the field map, the so-called "Dot Cast".
Click on the image area to display a folder with a tree structure (called the asset picker). From there, select the cast image of your choice.

-''For Layout''
Select a castimage to be displayed on the menu screen or in a conversation scene. This will be a single picture with no movement. Choose a picture that matches the cast you selected at "For Moving".

Enter the name of the main cast. The temporary name "hero" is attached, so rewrite it to any name you like.

Once you have decided on a main character, click on "-> Next" to proceed to the next step.

**Camera Settings [#ade56605]
In "Bakin," you can specify camera angles and camera movements for each map and event, but here we will specify the standard camera perspective for this game. Select the one that best fits the image of the game you want to create from the four types of camera perspectives shown.

#ref(./Camera Settings.png,80%)

''Camera Settings''
Select the one that best fits the image of the game you want to create from the four types of camera perspectives shown.

-''Player Central View''
This is a viewpoint mode in which the main cast is in the center of the screen, looking down on the viewer from almost directly above.  It is perhaps the most familiar perspective in RPGs.

-''Player Rear View''
This is a viewpoint looking down from behind the main cast's head. This viewpoint gives a greater sense of depth than the "Central View" and allows the viewer to enjoy the full depth of the 3D graphics.

-''First-Person View''
This is a subjective mode that represents the scene as the main cast actually sees it. The player can enjoy a sense of immersion in the game world and a sense of oneness with the main cast.

-''Side View''
This is a camera angle that captures the main cast from the side. The cast is moved mainly in the left and right directions.

Once you have decided on the angle you prefer, click "->Next" to proceed to the next step.

**Operation Method [#z5ba091f]
Specify one of three control methods for the main character. Basically, you can choose any of the three control methods, but it is a good idea to consider the compatibility with the camera angle you specified earlier.

#ref(./Operation Method.png,80%)

-''Top View Operation''
The most intuitive method of operation is to move the main cast in the direction of the cursor keys.  This mode is a good choice if you have chosen "Player Central View" or "Player Rear View" in the camera settings.

-''Tank Controls''
The character moves forward with the cursor up and backward with the cursor down.  The left and right keys serve as steering to change direction.  This mode is a good choice if you have chosen "First-Person View" in the camera settings.

-''Side View Operation''
Use the cursor keys left and right to move the main character, and use up and down to climb up and down to terrain of different elevations.  For the sense of operation, you may imagine a side-scrolling action game.
This mode is a good choice if you have chosen the "Side View" option in the camera settings.

Once you have decided on the method of operation, click "-> Next" to proceed to the next step.

**Action Settings [#e750ef6d]

"RPG Developer Bakin" is not only limited to the traditional style of RPGs, in which players travel on foot on a field.  How about specifying the action here and trying to create a game with action elements?

#ref(./Action Settings.png,80%)

-''With Jump''
Click here to check the box to make the cast jump using the X key on the keyboard. You can also edit the jump force and acceleration when falling.

-''With Inertial Movement''
Click here to check the box to allow inertia to work when moving.  For example, if the brakes are applied during a dash, the player will not stop immediately, but will move a little.

Once you have determined the action elements, click "-> Next" to proceed to the next step.

**Good job! [#x9869608]
Finally, all the initial setup is complete.
From here, you can start creating your own game. Enjoy the world of "RPG Developer Bakin" to your heart's content.

#ref(./Good job!.png,80%)

-''Start Editing Your Game''
After clicking here, you first choose whether you want to start creating a game on an automatically generated map with ups and downs or a flat map, then the editing screen opens and you can finally start the real game creation process.

-''Test Play''
Click here to test play with what you have specified so far.
Test play can be done at any time on the edit screen.

-''Start Over Again''
You can go back to the beginning of it and redo the settings.

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