*データフォーマットの変更 [#cd616f0f]


*利用できない機能 [#e01cb692]










*試せるが不完全な機能 [#u0bc93f3]

''Steam Workshop''








**廃止予定 [#r738f220]

*Change Data Format [#ac90b2aa]
Changed the supported format of movie data to WebM only.

If you do not have a converter, please use this converter. (Free)  https://www.xmedia-recode.de/

*Unavailable Features [#fda10182]
%%The enemy HP/MP status bar displayed during battle ON/OFF: It will be configurable in the layout feature in the future.%%
&color(red){You can now turn it on and off by unchecking the "Screen List" -> "Battle" -> "Battle Status" -> "Enemies" item in the Layout Editor.};

''Connection Viewer (Master Menu)''

This feature allows you to see how each map is connected on a single screen.

''New Creation Wizard (Top Menu)''

This feature allows you to create a minimum RPG template by simply answering a series of questions.

''Assets Showcase''

This feature allows to introduce and download various assets.  Paid assets can be purchased as DLC from Steam.

''Export to Unity (Extension)''

This feature allows you to convert to a Unity project.

''Conversation List, Quest Definition, Variable Labels (Master Menu, Database)v


''Flash Value Input''

*Tryable but Incomplete Features [#r1f31f0d]
''Steam Workshop''

The Steam Cloud feature allows users to publish their works among themselves.

''Information and Tips''

Jump to the official YouTube channel or official website. You will be redirected to the SGB official YouTube channel.

''Layout Adjustment''

%%This feature allows you to adjust the layout of various screen modes. Currently, only a part of the data set here will be reflected.%%
&color(red){It is now available in this version. Please see [[HERE:https://yukar.smilefan.site/pukiwiki/?Layout+Tool]] for an overview.};

''Change Map Elevation Ratio''

%%This feature allows you to vary the elevation of blocks on a new map or by changing the map size. Currently, the map objects are not grounded properly.%%
&color(red){In the previous version, it was possible to select the height magnification, but from this version, it has been standardized to 1/4 (compared to SGB).};

''Avatar Registration''

You can edit and register models to resources. Currently, not all models are registered.

''Quick Test Play''

Right-click on the "Test Play" button on the menu bar for immediate test play.  Currently, test play here may not work properly, so please left click to test play.
&color(red){A bug has been identified where repeated use of this quick test play will cause the GPU usage values to accumulate. Please close the editor once if you think it is getting too slow.};

''English Localization''

The translation is currently incomplete. Please let us know if there are mistranslations or better words.

''Functions to be Removed''
Under the Top Menu, "Continue from Previous", "Continue without Assets", " Load GUID Changes".

**Scheduled to be abolished [#b83885a2]

Musical Instruments (VST)

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