#author("2024-12-18T13:05:22+09:00","default:admin","admin") #author("2024-12-21T20:36:36+09:00","default:admin","admin") *Battles [#f81988bb] > #contents **Execute Battle and Check Results [#y30ad274] Execute a battle and perform a branching process for winning and losing. #ref(Execute_Battle_and_Check_Results.png) #br -''Placement'' Select the map to be used during the battle and specify the placement of allies and enemies. -''Battle Test'' Execute the battle test with the specified details. -''BGM'' Specify the BGM to be used during battle. If you specify "No Change," the normal battle BGM will be played. -''Inescapable'' If checked, the player will not be able to run away from the battle. -''No Game Over Even If Defeated'' Even if they are annihilated in battle, the game does not transition to game over. -''No Monster Appearance Message'' No system message is displayed when monsters appear. -''Appearing Monsters'' Add/delete monsters that appear in battles. The level of each monster can also be specified. **Status Window ON/OFF [#za4cd4aa] Toggle between displaying and not displaying the status window during battle. #ref(Status_Window_ONOFF.png) #br **Recover/Reduce Battle Cast's Consumption_Status [#gf9433d7] **Recover/Reduce Battle Cast's Consumption Status [#gf9433d7] //Specify the increase or decrease in HP and MP of the cast members participating in the battle. Specify the increase or decrease of HP, MP, and other consumption statuses of the cast participating in battles. #ref(RecoverReduce_Battle_Casts_Consumption_Status.png) #br -''Effect Target'' --''Cast'' Select the cast to be effected. --''nth in the Party'' Specify the cast to be effected from 1 to 8. --''nth in Monsters'' Specify the cast to be effected from 1 to 8. -''Target Status'' Select the status to be changed. -''Attributes'' Specify an attribute that will be used to calculate the damage in this panel. This setting is used when using “Formula” in the “Value” column. -''Value'' --''Direct Input'' Enter a value directly or specify a variable box to be used. --''Use a Formula'' The amount of variation can be specified using the four arithmetic operations. The "Edit" button displays a dialog box to assist in entering the formula. ---''Effect Source'' For the status to be used in the formula, you can specify which cast status to base the formula on. -''Increase/Decrease'' Specify how the parameter will change when executed. -''Display Damage Numbers on Screen'' If checked, damage numbers will be displayed on the screen when the event is executed. -''Does Not Disappear Even if HP=0'' This option is only available when the “Effect Target” is set to the enemy. If checked, the enemy will not disappear even if its HP reaches 0 during battle. **Make Battle Cast as Operation Target [#l2a37f1a] #ref(Make_Battle_Cast_as_Operation_Target.png) #br -''Cast'' Select the cast to be effected. -''nth in the Party'' Specify the cast to be effected from 1 to 8. -''nth in Monsters'' Specify the cast to be effected from 1 to 8. **Specify Battle Cast Action [#mf285e9e] #ref(Specify_Battle_Cast_Action.png) #br Specify an action of the target cast during the battle. The use of this event panel will nullify the action for that turn. -''Cast'' Select the cast to be effected. -''nth in the Party'' Specify the cast to be effected from 1 to 8. -''nth in Monsters'' Specify the cast to be effected from 1 to 8. -''Action'' Perform an action as specified below. --''Attack'' Perform a normal attack. --''Guard'' Damage is reduced by the value (%) entered in the box on the right. --''Charge'' The attack power is increased by the value (%) entered in the box on the right. --''Do Nothing'' No action is taken. --''Skill'' Use a specified skill. -- ''Change Target Only'' The action is not changed, only the target of the action is changed. -''Target'' If you specify "Attack" or "Skill" as the action to be performed by the cast, specify its target. --''Random'' Select a target at random. --''Cast'' Select the target cast. --''nth in the Party'' Specify the target cast between 1 and 8. --''nth in Monsters'' Specify the target cast between 1 and 8. - ''Action Timing'' -- ''This Turn'' Change the action for this turn and perform the specified action. -- ''Interrupt the Immediate Action'' Immediately after this turn, it interrupts and performs the specified action. -- ''Next Turn'' Perform the specified action on the next turn. **Make/Cure Battle Cast State Change [#ib5ea142] Control the state change of the target cast during the battle. #ref(MakeCure_Battle_Cast_State_Change.png) #br -''Cast'' Select the cast to be effected. -''nth in the Party'' Specify the cast to be effected from 1 to 8. -''nth in Monsters'' Specify the cast to be effected from 1 to 8. -''Type of State Change'' Controls the state change of the target cast during the battle. -''Make/Cure State Change'' Choose whether to make a change in condition or cure it. **Terminate Battle Forcibly [#p1b4d68d] Force the battle to end. There is no setting item. #ref(Terminate Battle Forcibly.png) #br **Make Monster Appear [#nf1f0622] Make a monster appear. If you specify an index that has already appeared, the monster will be replaced by the specified monster. #ref(Make_Monster_Appear.png) #br -''Monster Index'' Specify the index in which the monster will appear. -''Monster to be Appeared'' Specify the monster to appear. //-''Placement'' //Specify where the monster will be placed by adjusting the placement. -''Specify the Position'' If checked, you can specify the battle layout for the appearance of monsters by adjusting their placement. -''Specify the Level'' If checked, you can assign the level of the monster to appear, either as a direct value or as a variable. **Obtain Battle Information [#f05e3f0a] Obtain information during the battle and assign the specified parameter in the specified manner. #ref(Obtain_Battle_Information.png) #br -''To what?'' Specify the variable box to be used. -''What?'' Specify the parameter to be assigned by selecting one of the following --''nth Status in the Party'' Obtain a Status for the specified cast. (Deprecated) corresponds to the status specified when using Ver. 1.5 or earlier. If you have specified a status in a later version, please assign a different status. ---''Name'' ---''LV'' ---''Current HP'' (Deprecated) ---''Current MP'' (Deprecated) ---''Maximum HP'' (Deprecated) ---''Maximum MP'' (Deprecated) ---''Current HP(%)'' (Deprecated) ---''Current MP(%)'' (Deprecated) ---''Attack Power'' (Deprecated) ---''Magical Power'' (Deprecated) ---''Defense Power'' (Deprecated) ---''Accuracy'' (Deprecated) ---''Evasion Rate'' ---''Agility'' ---''EXP'' ---''State Changes'' ---''Resistance to State'' ---''Resistance to Attributes'' ---''Statuses set in Database since Ver. 1.5'' --''nth Status in Monsters'' Obtain a Status for the specified Enemy cast. The parameters that can be obtained are the same as for "nth Status in the Party". --''Last Battle Result'' --''Target Number of Last Used Skill(1~)'' --''Group of the Last Skill Used (0=Party, 1=Monster)'' --''Cast Number of the Last Skill Used(1~)'' --''Target Type of Immediately Preceding Skill Used'' Information such as whether the selected skill targets a single enemy or the entire enemy can be obtained. 0 = Single Ally 1 = All Allies 2 = Single Enemy 3 = All Enemies 4 = Only Oneself 5 = All Allies Except Oneself 6 = All Enemies and Allies 7 = Oneself and Single Enemy 8 = Oneself and All Enemies 9 = All Except Oneself 10 = Single Ally and All Enemies 11 = All Allies and Single Enemy 12 = Except Oneself and Single Enemy --''Group of Casts Currently in Action (0=Party, 1=Monster)'' --''Cast Number Currently in Action(1~)'' --''Action Type of Cast Currently in Action'' Attack:0 / Defense:1 / Charge:2 / Wait:3 / Skill:4 / Item:5 / Escape:6 / Replace:7 / Critical:8 --''Action Target Number of Cast Currently in Action(1~)'' --''Action Target Group of Cast Currently in Action (0=Party, 1=Monster)'' --''Name of the Skill or Item Used by the Cast Currently in Action'' --''Name of the Skill or Item Used by the Cast Currently in Action'' --''Hit Determination of Cast Currently in Action (0=Miss, 1=Hit, 2=Critical)'' ''&color(red){(!)};''Please note that if the determination result is manipulated by an event after the start of the action, the result will be different from the obtained result. --''Management Tags for Cast Member Actions Currently in Action'' You can get the management tags set in Database > [[Casts]]>Battles > “Battle Command Menu” as a string. --''Management Tags for the Selected Skill or Item of the Cast Currently in Action'' You can get the management tags set in Database > [[Skills]] or [[Items]] as a string. --''Surviving Random Cast Number in Party Group (1~)'' --''Surviving Random Cast Number in Monster Group (1~)'' #br ''&color(red){(!)};''For those who have created with earlier version than Ver.1.10 The behavior is unchanged for the following options. Although they are deprecated, there is no need to modify them even if you are using them. --''Target Number of Last Used Skill(0~)'' (Deprecated) --''Cast Number of the Last Skill Used(0~)'' (Deprecated) --''Cast Number Currently in Action(0~)'' (Deprecated) --''Action Target Number of Cast Currently in Action(0~)'' (Deprecated) //--''Party Index'' //Obtain the index of the party. -''Do what?'' |''Assign''|Assign the obtained value to the variable box.| |''Addition''|Add the obtained value to the value of the variable box.| |''Subtraction''|Subtract the obtained value from the value of the variable box.| |''Multiplication''|Multiply the value of the variable box by the obtained value.| |''Division''|Divide the value of the variable box by the obtained value.| |''Assign Remainder of Division''|Divide the value of the variable box by the obtained value and assign the remainder.| //|''Assign with Decimals Rounded Down''|Assign the obtained value with the decimal point rounded down.| **Check Whether in Battle [#hf9f0632] Check if a battle is in progress. #ref(Check Whether in Battle.png) #br **Check Monster in Battle [#tdf4d5f9] During battle, check whether the specified monster appears at the specified index. #ref(Check_Monster_in_Battle.png) #br **Change Battle Speed [#r8c45b25] You can change the speed of battle progression, from 10 to 1000%. #ref(Change_Battle_Speed.png) #br **Switch Battle Camera Sets [#k72bcada] Please read the [[Cameras > Switch Battle Camera Sets:https://rpgbakin.com/pukiwiki_en/?Cameras#od87e983]] section for more information.