*Decal Stamps [#n12ca09f]
Decal stamps allow 2D images to be projected onto terrain and models.
It is easy to understand if you imagine a scene where images are projected onto a wall or other surface using a projector.
Decal stamps can not only be placed on maps as objects, but can also be used as graphics for events.


- ''&color(red){(!)};''''About Preset Decal Stamps''
If you have created a project with previous version of Bakin (prior to version 1.10), or if you have created a project with "Simple" assets, please import and use the preset decal stamps by following the instructions below.
+ Press the Add Decal Stamp List button under Resources > Decal Stamps to open the Asset Picker.
+ Select ''BasicSet'' in the Additional Menu (leftmost menu) under the "Ready to Use" tab.
+ Select the decals you wish to import from the Asset column and press the "Add and Exit" button. Multiple selections are also possible.

**Decal Stamp Setting Options [#c5c92b20]

***Decal Stamp List [#v6512569]
This is a list of registered decal stamps.
- ''Add Button''
Add a decal stamp.
Only materials that have "decal shader" specified as the shader in Resources > [[Materials]] will appear in the Asset Picker > "Ready to Use" tab.

- ''Folder Button''
Add a folder to manage stamps.
Multiple selected stamps can be grouped into a folder, and stamps can be moved by drag & drop after adding a folder.

- ''Copy Button''
Copy the selected stamps.

- ''Paste Button''
Paste the selected stamps.

- ''Trash Button''
Delete the selected stamps.

''&color(red){(!)};''Newly added decal stamps are placed in the Map Editor > [[Stamps Palette]] > Objects tab.
If you create a folder in the Decal Stamp List, the created folder will also appear in the tree on the Objects tab.

**Decal Stamp List / Right-Click Menu [#r2e6754f]
Right-click in the decal stamp list to view.


Cut out the decal stamps.

Copy the decal stamps.

Paste the cut and copied decal stamps.

Delete the decal stamps.

-''Rename File by Resource Name''
Not used with decal stamps.

-''Specify Local Name''
Valid only when a folder is selected.
Folder name localization function.
English folder names can be specified when opening in the English version.

-''Export Selected Elements''
Export the selected elements as an .exrbr file. If multiple selections are made, they are combined into one file.
The .exrbr file is a file format that allows various resources to be compiled and imported into Bakin.

-''Open the Resources Folder in Explorer''
Not used with decal stamps.

-''Open the Import Folder in Explorer''
Open the folder for import. (If there is a folder for updating data specified with the Update Information button)

-''Copy GUID''
Copy the specific GUID.

-''Sort This Hierarchy by Name''
Sort alphabetically by name within the selected hierarchy/folder.

-''Sort Selected Elements by Name''
Sort only on multiple selections.

-''Be Sure to Include in Published Work Export''
Ensure that the selected resources are included in the work when it is exported as a published work.
''&color(red){(!)};''When exporting a work as a published work, resources other than “resources used in the game,” such as those placed on maps or used in events, will not be included in the work.
Therefore, resources that are used only by plug-ins installed in the work must be explicitly included in the work with this feature.

***Decal Preview [#q33cc6a7]
The decal selected in the list is displayed.

***Decal Settings [#k9de5657]
- ''Name''
Specify a name for the stamp.
(You can also change it by clicking twice on the stamp name in the Decal Stamp List.)

- ''Material Name''
This is the name of the material being specified.

- ''Materials''
This is a thumbnail of the material specified.
Click on a thumbnail to select the material to be assigned.
You can also use the jump button to go to the setting screen for the currently specified material.

- ''Width''
Specify a base size for placement of the decal stamp in the Map Editor.
The "size" of the bounding box displayed during placement changes.

- ''Elevation''
Specify the base height at which the decal stamp will be placed on the Map Editor.
The "height" of the bounding box displayed during placement changes.
The larger this value, the easier it is for the decal to be projected onto a stepped surface.

**How to Use Decals [#z79af215]
***Creating and Using Decal Stamps [#ac551a53]
+''Press the Add button in the Resources > Decal Stamp list.''
In the "Resources" tab or "Local Files" tab of the Asset Picker that opens, select an image/texture to generate a decal stamp.
A material will be generated using the image you specified automatically in Resources > Materials. In addition, images/textures selected in the Asset Picker will automatically be given the Management Tag #3D and will appear in the Resources > Textures list.
(!)Note that if you create a decal by selecting an image outside the project in the Asset Picker > "Local Files" tab, it will be registered in Resources > Textures.
+''Newly added decal stamps are placed in the Map Editor > [[Stamps Palette]] > Objects tab.''
If you create a folder in the Decal Stamp List, the created folder will also appear in the tree on the Objects tab.
+''Select a decal stamp from the [[Stamps Palette]]>Objects tab and place it on a map.''
''&color(red){(!)};''If you move the camera in the Map Editor after placement and find that there is an angle at which the decal grazes, try moving the position of the decal stamp so that it is slightly pressed against the projection plane.
''&color(red){(!)};''When projecting onto a surface that is at an angle or corner, the decal stamp must be rotated.
Picture in your mind what you are projecting with a projector and adjust the position and angle.

-- ''If you want to project a decal on an object, you need to change the material of the object to be projected setting.''
Select the material of the target object in the Resource menu and turn on "Decal Target" in the Properties.
''&color(red){(!)};''If you cannot see the effect in the Map Editor after turning on "Decal Target," save the project, close it, and reopen it.
This is an existing bug at the Ver. 1.10. It will be fixed in the future.

-- ''The order in which the decal stamps are rendered is controlled by "Rendering Order Offset" in Resources > Materials properties.''
The higher the value specified for this option, the more the decal will be rendered in the foreground.
''&color(red){(!)};''If you select decal shader for a material, you will be able to change the "Rendering Order Offset".

- ''You can "Convert to Event" from the context menu by right-clicking on a decal stamp placed on a map.''
Alternatively, click on a decal stamp and press the hotkey "T" to convert it into an event.
''&color(red){(!)};''Converting a decal stamp to an event changes the way "Angle" is taken.
When projecting a decal against the ground, the decal stamp projects the decal at angle X = -90°, but when eventing, the decal is projected toward the ground at angle = 0°.

***Notes on Decal Stamps [#h7d7cf35]
- ''Impact on Decal Processing Load''
Using large sized images as decals or using too many decals can increase the processing load.
Please note that this will increase the processing load on the GPU. Please perform a test play and check the GPU load with type 2 of the [[Performance Meter:https://rpgbakin.com/pukiwiki_en/?Map+Editor+Overview#b37070ca]].
The advantage of "decals" is that they can be used as stamps right out of 2D images, and they do not bury in or out even they are at the same position, depending on the camera's distance.
The "decals" do not need to consider how far away from the wall they need to be to avoid being buried in the wall.
Plate polygons, on the other hand, have the advantage that they can be used to decorate even slightly uneven areas without any discomfort.
Please compare the advantages of each.

-''Impact of Turning on "Decal Target" for Processing Load''
Turn on "Decal Target" in Resources > Materials to project decals.
It is difficult to say whether turning this option on will increase the processing load or not. The only effect of turning this option on or off is whether the material is rendered in front of or behind the decal path, so the processing load is basically unchanged.
However, the effect of the change in rendering order and the fact that materials are subject to Zprepass can make the load heavier or lighter in some cases.

- ''Decal Projection''
The way the decal looks is related to the material (decal shader) settings, the Rendering Settings of the map on which the decal is placed, and the settings of the lights placed on the map.
Adjust the visibility by tweaking the various settings.
''&color(red){(!)};''The F7 key is the hotkey that opens the Resources menu. This key is useful when switching back and forth between the Map Editor and the Resources menu.

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