*Movies [#e1f38bdd]
Manage your movie data; the only movie format available in RPG Developer Bakin is WebM format.


**Movie Setting Options [#gf49bb81]
***File Tree [#a5f70bae]
-''Add Button''
Add a movie from the asset picker.

**Movie Preview [#e0bd56e5]
-''Folder Button''
Add a folder to manage movies.

-''Update Information Button''
Assign a folder for updating data.
The first time you click on it, you will be asked if you want to specify the path from which you want to import the data. If you specify it, you will be able to update the data from that folder next time.
Use this function when you want to place data for editing in a folder outside of the project.

-''Copy Button''
Copy the selected movies.

-''Paste Button''
Paste the selected movies.

-''Trash Button''
Deletes the selected movies.

-''Export Button''
Copy the selected movies to any folder.

-''Management Tags + Notes''
You can add management tags and jot down memorandums.
Tags are registered by adding # to the beginning of the line. Tags and notes entered in this field will not appear in the game.

***Movie Preview [#e0bd56e5]
-''Play Button''
Play the selected movie.


#ref(./Movie Preview.png,50%)

**Movie Settings [#k280a1d7]
***Movie Settings [#k280a1d7]
Display and edit the name of the specified movie data.

Display the file name of the movie data and the name of the folder in which it is stored.


#ref(Movie Settings.png)

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