*What you can do with the Resource menu "Particles" [#cdd5974c]
In the Resource menu, Particles provides detailed settings for particles.

**Particle Setting Options [#keb0d9f5]

#ref(Partcles List.png)

-''Particle List''
This is a list of registered particles.
Select and add the particle effect file (.efk) you created in Effekseer.

-''Add Button''
Select effekseer data (.efk) from Explorer.

-''Folder Button''
Add a folder for management.
If there are any selected files, include them and make them into a folder. (Multiple selections allowed)
Data can be moved by drag and drop after adding folders.

-''Update Information Button''
Specify a folder for updating data.
The first time you click on it, you will be asked to specify the path from which you want to import. If you specify it, you will be able to update the data from that folder next time.
Use this function when you want to keep data for editing in a folder outside of the project.

-''Copy Button''
Copy the selection.

-''Paste Button''
Paste the copied items.

-''Trash Button''
Delete the selection.

-''Stamp Button''
Register the selection as a stamp.

-''Export Button''
Copy the selections to any folder.

**Particle List / Right-Click Menu [#d2432e2b]
In the particle list, right-click to view.


- ''Cut''
Cut the selected files.

- ''Copy''
Copy the selected files.

- ''Paste''
Paste the cut and copied files.

- ''Delete''
Delete the selected files.

- ''Rename File by Resource Name''
Rename the resource file with the name currently on the list.

- ''Specify Local Name''
Valid only when a folder is selected.
Folder name localization function.
English folder names can be specified when opening in the English version.

-''Export Selected Elements''
Export the selected elements as an .exrbr file. If multiple selections are made, they are combined into one file.
The .exrbr file is a file format that allows various resources to be compiled and imported into Bakin.

- ''Open the Resources Folder in Explorer''
Open the folder where the resource is stored.

- ''Open the Import Folder in Explorer''
Open the folder for import. (If there is a folder for updating data added with the Update Information button)

- ''Copy GUID''
Copy the specific GUID.

- ''Sort This Hierarchy by Name''
Sort alphabetically by name within the selected hierarchy/folder.

- ''Sort Selected Elements by Name''
Sort only on multiple selections.

-''Be Sure to Include in Published Work Export''
Ensure that the selected resources are included in the work when it is exported as a published work.
''&color(red){(!)};''When exporting a work as a published work, resources other than “resources used in the game,” such as those placed on maps or used in events, will not be included in the work.
Therefore, resources that are used only by plug-ins installed in the work must be explicitly included in the work with this feature.

**Particle Preview [#g078e775]
This is the model preview screen. You can check models.

#ref(Partcle Preview.png)

The camera can be rotated and moved by dragging the right mouse button and shifted horizontally by dragging the middle mouse button.

**Particle Settings [#t5d7bf8e]
This section provides detailed settings for particles.

#ref(Particle Settings.png)

Specify the particle name.
(It can also be changed by clicking twice on the file.) 

--''File Name''
This is the filename of the particle being specified.

--''Folder Name''
The folder name and folder path of the specified particle.

--''Prewarm (sec)''
Specify when you want to use the particle in a state where it is played back in advance. (1 = 1 second)

--''Environmental Effects''
Specify if you want to use it as an environmental effect.
When turned on, the effect can be selected under "Map Settings > Environmental Effects" and the effect will be overridden and displayed on the screen.

--''Sound Effect''
Select the SE to be played.

--''Timing of Sound Effect Playback (sec)''
Adjust the playback timing of sound effect. The playback timing is delayed by the number of seconds entered. (1 = 1 second)

--''Effect Play Time (Second) 0=Automatic''
Specify the playback time of the effect; if 0, the life of the created particles will be complete.
This is mainly used when there is a large amount of blank time at the end of the particle effect.

-''For Battle Effects''
Specify the behavior when used as a skill or magic in a battle scene.

--''Generated Position''
Specify the position for particle playback.
[Target] Generated at the target's location when skill or magic is used.
[User] When a skill or magic is used, it is generated at the position of the character who used it.

--''Target Position (Gravitational Force)''
Used when the gravitational force (with target) setting is specified in Effekseer.
[Target] Specify the target position of the gravitational force to the target person.
[User] Specify the target position of the gravitational force to the user.

Specify the target direction.
[None] No direction is specified. Playback is performed in the same direction as created.
[Same Orientation as Target] Playback in the same direction as the target is facing.
[Same Orientation as User] Playback in the same direction as the user is facing.
[From User to Target] Play from the user to the target.
[From Target to User] Play from the target to the user.
[Billboard (Y Rotate to Camera) ] なにこれ

--''Generation Method When Used as Overall Skill''
Specify the number of particles to be generated if the overall skill is specified.
[Individual for Each Target] Generates as many particles as there are characters.
[One in Center] Only one is generated in the center of the battle scene.

--''Particle Generated in Sequence''
Specify the particles you want to play back in a sequence.(Used when you want to play the effect in two steps, such as bow launch & bullet landing)

--''Sequence Timing (sec)''
Specify when the particle specified in the sequence will be played back. (1 = 1 second)

--''Screen Shaking Strength''
Specify how hard the screen is shaken when the particle is played.
[None] No shaking is used.
[Weak] Use small shaking.
[Medium] Use standard shaking.
[Strong] Use large shaking.

--''Shaking Timing (sec)''
Specify the timing for shaking the screen. (0 = Shake the screen at the same time the particle plays.)

--''Shaking Length (sec)''
Specify the length of shaking. (1 = 1 second)

--''Damage Display Timing (sec) 0=Automatic''
Specify the timing for displaying the damage text. (0 = use default display timing)

--''Guard Motion Timing (sec) 0=None''
Specify the timing of transition to the guard action. (0 = transition at default timing)

-''Linked to Local Light''
Generate a local light during the particle playback.

--''Position XYZ''
Specify the position of the local light.

Specify the color of the local light.

Specify the light intensity of the local light.

Specify the effect range of the local light.

--''Fade In Start Time (sec)''
Specify when the local light starts to turn on.

--''Time to Fade In (sec)''
Specify the time from the start of the fade-in until the specified light intensity is reached.

--''Fade Out Start Time (sec)''
Specify when the local light starts to turn off.

--''Time to Fade Out (sec)''
Specify the time from the start of fade-out until the light goes out completely.

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