#author("2023-03-08T00:37:50+00:00","default:admin","admin") *Plug-in Reference [#hc5a8f69] RPG Developer Bakin Plug-in Reference:https://rpgbakin.com/csreference/ This is a plug-in reference for RPG Developer Bakin. A brief description of each class used to create Bakin plug-ins is included. We will continue to add more detailed descriptions of the most frequently used classes. There are two main types of plug-ins: - Tool Plug-ins (.dll format) - Engine Plug-ins (.cs format) As of March 2023, the following two types of engine plug-ins are available for the creation environment. -- Event Scripts: Assign C# programs to events -- Battle Plug-ins: Replace Bakin's battle system with a C# program As of March 2023, this reference describes classes related to creating the above two types of plug-ins.