*Published Work Export [#g9771779]
This is a utility function that exports the completed game to an executable (exe) file for publication.


**Exporting Path of Published File for Windows [#mf4974a1]
-''File Path''
The path to export and save the executable file will be displayed. You can also enter the path directly by clicking on it.

Clicking on the button displays a dialog box to select a location to save the file. Specify the location where you want to export the data.

**Game Icon [#pd0502de]
Specify a game launch icon.

-''Change Icon''
Change the icon of the executable file to the specified image.
Click to display the file selection dialog. Specify the image you want to use as an icon.
However, changing the icon will invalidate the digital signature.

-''Linking to Steamworks''
This section specifies settings to work with Steamworks, a tool and service that helps develop and distribute Steam-compatible games.

--''Use Steam DRM''
Specify to use Steam DRM provided by Steam to authenticate the launch of published files.
It provides a copy protection that the game will not start unless a user owns the app with the specified AppId.
This feature should only be used by those who have been issued an AppId by Steam.

Enter the AppId issued by Steam.

--''Omit Unused''
If checked, maps not used in the game will be omitted from the export.

If checked, the game will be launched in full screen.

--''Display Loading''
When checked, a data loading dialog box will appear immediately after game startup.

--''Use the Menu''
When checked, a menu (“File” and “Settings”) will appear at the top of the game window and will be available for use.

--''Text to be Displayed During Startup Deployment''
Enter the message to be displayed during deployment at game startup.
Default is "Loading...".

Clicking on it will export an executable file of the game according to your specifications.

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