''[Manual Update Information]: ''

We will update the information and contents of this page as needed.

- ''[Dec. 18, 2024]'' Updated to Ver. 1.13. Please see [[Update log]] for details. The [[Plug-in Reference]] is now compatible with this version. This manual will be updated accordingly.
- ''[Feb. 13, 2024]'' Updated to Ver. 1.13.1. Please see [[Update log]] for details. The [[Plug-in Reference]] have also been updated. This manual will be updated gradually.
- ''[Dec. 18, 2024]'' Updated to Ver. 1.13. Please see [[Update log]] for details. This manual and the [[Plug-in Reference]] have also been updated.
- ''[Nov. 27, 2024]'' Updated to Ver. 1.12.1. Please see [[Update log]] for details. This manual and the [[Plug-in Reference]] have also been updated.
- ''[Oct. 18, 2024]'' Updated to Ver. 1.12.0. Please see [[Update log]] for details. This manual and the [[Plug-in Reference]] have also been updated.
- ''[Aug. 29, 2024]'' Updated to Ver. 1.11.0. Please see [[Update log]] for details. This manual and the [[Plug-in Reference]] have also been updated.
- ''[July 17, 2024]'' Added contents to the [[Creating Plug-ins FAQ]] page.
- ''[July. 4, 2024]'' Updated to Ver. 1.10.1. Please see [[Update log]] for details.
- ''[June. 20, 2024]'' Updated to Ver. 1.10.0. Please see [[Update log]] for details. This manual and the [[Plug-in Reference]] have also been updated.
- ''[May 24, 2024]'' The contents up to Ver. 1.9.1 are now supported. [[Creating Plug-ins FAQ]] page has been newly added.
- ''[May 23, 2024] [[To Use a DLC Layout:https://rpgbakin.com/pukiwiki_en/?Importing+and+Exporting+Layouts#s34bff9a]] in the Importing and Exporting Layouts was added.''
- ''[Apr. 22, 2024]'' The tool has been updated to Ver. 1.9 and the update contents are listed in the [[Update log]]. The manual is currently being updated to Ver. 1.9. Changes and additions will be made gradually. The [[Plug-in Reference:https://rpgbakin.com/csreference/]] is now compatible with Ver. 1.9.
- ''[Mar. 7, 2024]'' &color(red){Chinese (Simplified/Traditional) is supported as of Ver. 1.8. For the manual, please use the Google Translate service in the left column of this wiki and select your language.};

*About RPG Developer Bakin [#lacfff55]
RPG Developer Bakin (Bakin) is a game creation tool that allows anyone to enjoy creating RPGs with intuitive operations and advanced features without programming.
This wiki will explain each function in detail.


-[[Update log]]
-[[Official SNS (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Discord) and Contact Information]]
*RPG Developer Bakin Manual [#sd596602]

**Introduction [#i311ce51]
--[[First Things to Check]]
--[[About Free DLCs]]
--[[About Various Types of Help]]
--[[System Requirements]]
--[[For Those Who Are New to This Tool]]
--[[When Problems Occur]]

**FAQ & Creation Tips [#s62de370]
--[[Creation Tips]]

**Top Menu [#i311ce51]
--[[Create New]]
--[[Local PC]]
--[[Game Gallery]]
--[[Steam Workshop]]
--[[Assets Showcase]]
--[[Info and Tips]]
--[[Multiple Launch of Bakin]]

**Map Editor [#rfa75b16]
-[[Map Editor Overview]]
--[[Master Menu]]
--[[Shortcut Key List]]

***Various Palettes used on the Edit Screen [#k64bf2b9]
--[[Map List Palette]]
--[[Map Settings Palette]]
--[[Placed List Palette]]
--[[Common Event Palette]]
--[[Tools Palette]]
--[[Stamps Palette]]

**Events ( Event Sheets/Event Panels ) [#h4626ef0]
-[[Event Overview]]
--[[Event Editor Features]]
--[[Event Panels (Command Scripts)]]
---[[Screen Effects]]
---[[Variable Boxes]]
---[[Conditional Judgment]]
--[[About Variables]]
--[[Text Formatting and Text Commands]]]
--[[Collision Detection between Cast Members and Events]

**Resources [#u0a87ff3]
-[[Resources Overview]]
--[[What are 'Stamps'?]]
--[[3D Stamps]]
---[[Blend Shapes]]
---[[Physics Settings]]

--[[3D Stamps - Import and Export]]
--[[Convert VRM to FBX and Import to Bakin]]
--[[2D Stamps]]
---[[Slice Animation]]

--[[2D Stamps - Import and Export]]
--[[Decal Stamps]]
--[[Sounds (Resources)]]

**Database [#ec869462]
-[[Database Overview]]
--[[State Definition]]
--[[Attribute Definition]]

**Game Definition [#a251f8b9]
-[[Game Definition Overview]]
--[[Start Settings]]
--[[Rules and Rendering]]
--[[Move and Operate]]
---[[Assign Input Device]]
--[[Project Settings]]
--[[Common Terms]]
--[[System Resources]]

**Layout Tool [#u2dcbf88]
-[[Layout Tool Overview]]
--[[Layout Tool]]
--[[Screen List]]
--[[Types of Layout Parts and Properties]]
--[[Add Layout Part Dialog]]
--[[Text and Special Formats Insert Support Dialog]]
--[[Special Coordinate Specification Tag Insertion Dialog]]
--[[Importing and Exporting Layouts]]

**Camera Tool [#heca7d1a]
-[[Camera Tool Overview]]
--[[Camera Tool]]

**Variables Used [#f0c36af1]
-[[Variables Used Overview]]
--[[Variables Used]]

**Common Events [#u2a5bee0]
-[[Common Events]]

**Sprite Tool [#k0c45c78]
-[[Sprite Tool Overview]]
--[[Sprite Tool]]

**Plug-ins [#z900e466]
--[[What are Plug-ins?]]
--[[Plug-in Reference]]
--[[Plug-in Samples]]
--[[Creating Plug-ins FAQ]]

**Utilities [#ecdc3d92]
--[[Published Work Export]]

**Specifications of Various Assets [#c698877e]
--[[Assets - Terrains]]
--[[3D Characters]]
--[[2D Characters]]
--[[3D Textures]]
--[[Assets - Particles]]
--[[Motion Name Rules]]
--[[3D Character Shader]]
--[[Environment Map]]

**License Agreement [#f39faaae]
--[[Software License Agreement]]
--[[License Agreement for Downloadable Content]]

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