*Sounds [#mf74129f]


**Play BGM [#h900d3c2]
Play the specified BGM.


Specify the background music to be played.

-''Adjust Volume''
Specify a value between 0 and 100.

-''Adjust Tempo''
It can be configured in 9 steps from 0 to 8.

-''Test Play/Stop''
Test play/stop the specified BGM.

-''Fade Out''

-''Fade In''

**Play Environmental Sound [#n1c04b96]
Play the specified environmental sound.


-''Environmental Sound''
Specify the environmental sound to be played.

-''Adjust Volume''
Specify a value between 0 and 100.

-''Adjust Tempo''
It can be configured in 9 steps from 0 to 8.

-''Test Play/Stop''
Test play/stop the specified environmental sound.

-''Fade Out''

-''Fade In''

**Play Sound Effect [#eb38aa0c]
Specify the sound effect to be played.


-''Adjust Volume''
Specify a value between 0 and 100.

-''Adjust Tempo''
It can be configured in 9 steps from 0 to 8.

-''Play as 3D sound''
If checked, the sound is heard and the volume changes according to the position and orientation from the player's point of view.

-''Test Play''
Test playback of the specified sound effect.

**Stop Sound Effect [#h21911fc]
Stop the specified sound effect.


**Play Fanfare [#yf878ff8]
Play the specified fanfare.


Specify the fanfare to be played.

-''Wait until Fanfare Completes''
The next event is not executed until the fanfare has finished playing.

-''Adjust Volume''
Specify a value between 0 and 100.

-''Adjust Tempo''
It can be configured in 9 steps from 0 to 8.

-''Test Play/Stop''
Test play/stop the specified fanfare.

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