*Variable Labels [#r89f30a8]
*Variables Used [#r89f30a8]
This is a list of maps in the project.

-''Maps Thumbnail''
Clicking on a map thumbnail displays a list of events in that map where variables are used.

-''ALL Icon''
Clicking on the ALL icon displays a full list of events for the entire project in which variables are used.
It is also done from ALL when displaying information on variables used in common and battle events.

-''Folder Icon''
If you are managing maps by creating folders in the "Map List", you will see a list of events in which variables are used in the maps in the folder.
Click to view the map in the folder.

**Details of Label Variables[#b39f028c]
**Details of Variables Used[#b39f028c]
This is a list of the locations in the project where variables are used.
Clicking on a row opens the event sheet that uses that variable and allows you to edit the event.



-''Place to be Used''
The event sheet in which the variable is used.

-''Variable ID''
It is a name of the variable.

-''Operation Contents''
If it is "Condition Panel of," it is used as a condition for the execution of the event.

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