Conditional Judgment
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*Various Branches, Screen Display and Result Confirmation...
**Select from Selection and Check Results [#dc6dde9e]
Make selections.
-''Selection Position''
Select the position where the selection will be displayed.
It corresponds to the Special Coordinate Specification Ta...
ex. "Center" will display a menu container with "Center" ...
Add or delete selections. Up to ten selections can be add...
-''Text Commands''
Control inputs can be used to display variable contents a...
For a list of Text Commands, see the [[Text Formatting an...
The type of Text Commands that can be used depends on the...
Enter the text that will appear as selections.
-''Visibility Switch''
You can specify an event switch (variable) to display the...
If a switch is specified, the selections will not be disp...
This function makes it easy to create events such as "if ...
**Execute Battle and Check Results [#o22fcf69]
Execute a battle and handle the branching of winning and ...
Select the map to be used during the battle and specify t...
-''Delete Placement''
Discard the battle layout set in this panel and return to...
-''Battle Test''
Execute the battle test with the specified details.
Specify the BGM to be used during battle." If you specify...
If checked, the player will not be able to run away from ...
-''No Game Over Even If Defeated''
Even if they are annihilated in battle, the game does not...
By turning off "Inescapable" and turning on "No Game Over...
-''No Monster Appearance Message''
No system message is displayed when monsters appear.
-''Appearing Monsters''
Add/delete monsters that appear in battles. The level of ...
The maximum number of enemies that can appear at the same...
**Display Store and Check Results [#o6f97393]
Display a screen of store where items can be traded. The ...
It is also possible to display a screen to select items t...
//-''Selection Position''
//Select the position where the selection will be display...
-''Layout to be Used''
Select which layout to use when displaying Selection Scre...
-''Register Items for Sale''
Specify items to be sold in the store and their prices.
**Display Inn and Check Results [#y6f0c60f]
Display an innkeeper. The process can be performed differ...
-''Lodging Charge''
Specify a lodging charge between 0 and 9999999.
-''Selection Position''
Select the position where the selection will be displayed.
-''Cure State Changes''
If checked, their state changes will be restored.
-''Recover from KO''
If checked, they will recover from KO state.
**Check Event Switch [#s1c821d6]
Check the on/off of the specified event switch.
**Check Variable Box [#xa4c2d70]
Check the specified value variable.
-''Variable Box Number''
Specify the variable box to be referenced.
Enter a value to be compared or specify a variable box to...
**Check String Variable Box [#r01d350f]
Check the specified string variable.
-''String Variable Number''
Specify the string variable box to be used.
-''Comparing String''
Specify the string input or string variable to be compare...
**Check Party Cast [#y49e3e07]
Check if the specified cast is included in the party.
**Check Items Possessed [#ce0e3d36]
Check if the specified item is in possession.
-''Item to Check''
Specify items to be checked. If you want to include items...
Specify the number of items.
-''When in Possession/When not in Possession''
Specify one of the conditions.
**Check the Learned Skill [#q614189e]
Check to see if the target cast member has learned the as...
-''Cast to Check''
Assign a cast to be checked.
-''Skill to Check''
Assign a skill to be checked if it is learned.
**Check Money in Possession [#s1c761fb]
Check the amount of money in possession.
-''Amount of Money to Check''
Specify the amount of money in possession to be checked.
-''When in Possession/When not in Possession''
Specify one of the conditions.
**Check Available Item Slots [#y4de98f5]
Check the availability for the item inventory.
-- ''Check Available Slots''
Check to see if there is space to add one or more items t...
-- ''Availability of Additional Specified Item''
Check if there is space in the Inventory to add at least ...
**Check Whether in Battle (Available only for battle even...
Check if a battle is in progress.
#ref(Check Whether in Battle.png)
**Check Monster in Battle [#fdbce3b4]
During a battle, it checks to see if the specified monste...
#ref(Check Monster in Battle.png)
**Check Collision State [#daa59b2f]
Check if the player or event is in contact with any terra...
-''Check Source''
Select either the player or this event.
-''Check Target''
//Select terrain, object, player, or event.
Select terrain, object, player, event, or cast.
If a cast is selected, select the target cast.
-''Including Non-Collision Targets (Available only when P...
The condition will be fulfilled even if there are overlap...
//-''Ignore Events in the Process of Disappearing (Availa...
-'' Ignore Events in the Process of Disappearing (selecta...
Ignore events during the disappearance process when check...
-''Obtain Name of Check Target Contacted (Available only ...
Available only when Event is selected as the Check Target.
**Check Surrounding Collision Detection (Raycast) [#q6d77...
Extend a raycast (linear collision detection) from the ch...
#ref(Check_Surrounding_Collision_Detection (Ray Cast).png)
-''Check Source''
Select either the player or this event.
-''Check Target''
Select terrain, object, player, or event.
Specify whether local (check source) or world is used as ...
After determining the basis, specify the direction in whi...
--Front, Left, Right, Up, Down, Behind, Specified Angle
Specify the offset value from the origin of "Check Source".
Depending on the value set, the ray will extend further a...
-''How Many Grids to Check Ahead''
Specify the length of the raycast. The unit is grid.
Raycast is determined by touching the check target collis...
*Various Branches, Screen Display and Result Confirmation...
**Select from Selection and Check Results [#dc6dde9e]
Make selections.
-''Selection Position''
Select the position where the selection will be displayed.
It corresponds to the Special Coordinate Specification Ta...
ex. "Center" will display a menu container with "Center" ...
Add or delete selections. Up to ten selections can be add...
-''Text Commands''
Control inputs can be used to display variable contents a...
For a list of Text Commands, see the [[Text Formatting an...
The type of Text Commands that can be used depends on the...
Enter the text that will appear as selections.
-''Visibility Switch''
You can specify an event switch (variable) to display the...
If a switch is specified, the selections will not be disp...
This function makes it easy to create events such as "if ...
**Execute Battle and Check Results [#o22fcf69]
Execute a battle and handle the branching of winning and ...
Select the map to be used during the battle and specify t...
-''Delete Placement''
Discard the battle layout set in this panel and return to...
-''Battle Test''
Execute the battle test with the specified details.
Specify the BGM to be used during battle." If you specify...
If checked, the player will not be able to run away from ...
-''No Game Over Even If Defeated''
Even if they are annihilated in battle, the game does not...
By turning off "Inescapable" and turning on "No Game Over...
-''No Monster Appearance Message''
No system message is displayed when monsters appear.
-''Appearing Monsters''
Add/delete monsters that appear in battles. The level of ...
The maximum number of enemies that can appear at the same...
**Display Store and Check Results [#o6f97393]
Display a screen of store where items can be traded. The ...
It is also possible to display a screen to select items t...
//-''Selection Position''
//Select the position where the selection will be display...
-''Layout to be Used''
Select which layout to use when displaying Selection Scre...
-''Register Items for Sale''
Specify items to be sold in the store and their prices.
**Display Inn and Check Results [#y6f0c60f]
Display an innkeeper. The process can be performed differ...
-''Lodging Charge''
Specify a lodging charge between 0 and 9999999.
-''Selection Position''
Select the position where the selection will be displayed.
-''Cure State Changes''
If checked, their state changes will be restored.
-''Recover from KO''
If checked, they will recover from KO state.
**Check Event Switch [#s1c821d6]
Check the on/off of the specified event switch.
**Check Variable Box [#xa4c2d70]
Check the specified value variable.
-''Variable Box Number''
Specify the variable box to be referenced.
Enter a value to be compared or specify a variable box to...
**Check String Variable Box [#r01d350f]
Check the specified string variable.
-''String Variable Number''
Specify the string variable box to be used.
-''Comparing String''
Specify the string input or string variable to be compare...
**Check Party Cast [#y49e3e07]
Check if the specified cast is included in the party.
**Check Items Possessed [#ce0e3d36]
Check if the specified item is in possession.
-''Item to Check''
Specify items to be checked. If you want to include items...
Specify the number of items.
-''When in Possession/When not in Possession''
Specify one of the conditions.
**Check the Learned Skill [#q614189e]
Check to see if the target cast member has learned the as...
-''Cast to Check''
Assign a cast to be checked.
-''Skill to Check''
Assign a skill to be checked if it is learned.
**Check Money in Possession [#s1c761fb]
Check the amount of money in possession.
-''Amount of Money to Check''
Specify the amount of money in possession to be checked.
-''When in Possession/When not in Possession''
Specify one of the conditions.
**Check Available Item Slots [#y4de98f5]
Check the availability for the item inventory.
-- ''Check Available Slots''
Check to see if there is space to add one or more items t...
-- ''Availability of Additional Specified Item''
Check if there is space in the Inventory to add at least ...
**Check Whether in Battle (Available only for battle even...
Check if a battle is in progress.
#ref(Check Whether in Battle.png)
**Check Monster in Battle [#fdbce3b4]
During a battle, it checks to see if the specified monste...
#ref(Check Monster in Battle.png)
**Check Collision State [#daa59b2f]
Check if the player or event is in contact with any terra...
-''Check Source''
Select either the player or this event.
-''Check Target''
//Select terrain, object, player, or event.
Select terrain, object, player, event, or cast.
If a cast is selected, select the target cast.
-''Including Non-Collision Targets (Available only when P...
The condition will be fulfilled even if there are overlap...
//-''Ignore Events in the Process of Disappearing (Availa...
-'' Ignore Events in the Process of Disappearing (selecta...
Ignore events during the disappearance process when check...
-''Obtain Name of Check Target Contacted (Available only ...
Available only when Event is selected as the Check Target.
**Check Surrounding Collision Detection (Raycast) [#q6d77...
Extend a raycast (linear collision detection) from the ch...
#ref(Check_Surrounding_Collision_Detection (Ray Cast).png)
-''Check Source''
Select either the player or this event.
-''Check Target''
Select terrain, object, player, or event.
Specify whether local (check source) or world is used as ...
After determining the basis, specify the direction in whi...
--Front, Left, Right, Up, Down, Behind, Specified Angle
Specify the offset value from the origin of "Check Source".
Depending on the value set, the ray will extend further a...
-''How Many Grids to Check Ahead''
Specify the length of the raycast. The unit is grid.
Raycast is determined by touching the check target collis...