Creation Tips
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*Creation Tips [#n05590dd]
This page contains creation tips to achieve a variety of ...
*What to Do When the Game is Running Slow [#l3d45d5e]
If you experience performance problems, such as slow or j...
***Review Collision (Collision Detection) [#e5fef618]
Collisions are a factor that has a significant impact on ...
First, "event" collisions take much longer to process tha...
The size of the collision and the complexity of the shape...
Therefore, please try to take the following measures;
-Replace anything that does not need to be an "event" wit...
-- If you are placing many transparent events with only c...
''&color(red){(!)};'' We are considering modifying the "I...
//---Create a stamp with a graphic "None" selected in Res...
---Create a cube box model, import Resources > [[3D Stamp...
---Create a terrain with "Traversable" specified as NO in...
Note that if the "Overwrite Non-Traversable Terrain" prop...
-Change the "object" collision to a simple one.
--Change the simple collision setting specified as "Mesh"...
Many of the 3D stamps included when you create a new proj...
These are assigned with a simple collision model created ...
In that case, change the collision to a simple one such a...
You can also create a model for collision that combines s...
The created model should be assigned after turning on "Ac...
-Delete collision of "objects" placed at locations where ...
For example, "trees" in a landscape with inaccessible for...
In these areas, prepare and place "objects" that have no ...
An "object" without collision can be created by turning o...
Please note that in some cases, the specifications of the...
*Make Player Invisible [#b473b26f]
In the "Dungeon RPG Sample," to hide the player when in f...
-In the "Dungeon RPG Sample," look at "Ken" in Database >...
-Next, go to Resources > 2D Stamps and look at DungeonPla...
-This stamp with no graphic specification and only a subg...
Place this stamp on the map as an event and turn off the ...
Then, after the boss is defeated, the subgraphics are tur...
*Grid Move [#p9aa4033]
Grid unit movement (movement in units of terrain squares)...
-If you select and apply the “Grid Move” event template f...
In the event, the player operation is disabled, and the d...
-Walking speed can be changed using the "Change Player Mo...
**Switch between “Grid Move” and “Normal Move” on a map-b...
You can create a game such as using normal move in the pl...
+ Make the “Grid Move” event template into a custom event.
+ Add a “Normal Move” event sheet as shown below. Note th...
+ Turn off the “Disable Move” switch in the event of ente...
+ The “Disable Move” switch is turned on at the event whe...
*Battles in "Dungeon RPG Sample" [#a902e4ed]
Below are some tips on battles implemented in “Dungeon RP...
**Introduce the Concept of "Front Row/Back Row" to the Pa...
In the battles of the "Dungeon RPG Sample," the concept o...
*** Specify the Positions of Allied Party Members in the ...
You can specify the placement of allies and enemies durin...
*** Specify Attack Range [#pb519225]
To introduce the concept of attack range into battles, fi...
For the difference between "Line" and "Distance", see Gam...
Next, you need to specify the attack range of the weapon ...
The Front/Back indications that appear above the members ...
**Rearrange the Party Members [#yb204fa2]
When the concept of front/back rows is introduced into ba...
***Enable the Battle Command "Swap Places" [#g726711b]
To display the rearrange order command during battle, cre...
***Enable Automatic Rearranging by "Status" [#ye138347]
To automatically send members to the back row depending o...
And which state to move to the back is specified in the B...
**How to Create a Battle Map (First-Person Battle) [#od07...
This section explains how to create a map (battle map) us...
-''When creating a first-person battle map, please keep t...
--The background and casts are displayed in 3D space.
--The background image is also an object placed in 3D spa...
--3D space is captured with an Orthographic Projection ca...
--Casts in battle are to ''land on the ground, not float ...
--Party member graphics should be specified as transparen...
***1. Prepare Background Image [#v1dbb9fe]
Add a background image to Bakin at Resources > Images.
- ''When using multiple background images, image sizes sh...
This allows simply determining one angle of view for the ...
- ''“SRGB” for background and enemy cast image properties...
Turn on “SRGB” for images that will be placed on maps (af...
You can select multiple images in the Resources tree and ...
- ''Make Background Image into 2D Stamp''
Use the Stamp button at the top of the file tree in Resou...
***2. Map Creation and Background Image Placement [#d875e...
Create a map to be used as a battlefield (battle map) in ...
The elevation (Y) of the terrain on the map should be low...
- ''Place the 2D stamp of the battle background you just ...
You may want to place the background stamp on the map and...
''X'': The x-axis width center of the map size. For examp...
''Z'': 0
''Y'': Adjust the position of the enemies' feet in the ba...
The bottom edge of the background image on the battle map...
If the terrain of the map is set to 0 elevation, the hori...
- ''Set “DOF” to “Off” for the battle map on the Renderin...
Please turn off “DOF” in the Map Editor's Map Settings pa...
If you want the background to look blurred, you can use a...
- ''Adjust the battle map Rendering Settings accordingly.''
Adjust the parameters other than “DOF” as necessary.
In the Dungen_2DBattleMap battle map in “Dungeon RPG Samp...
***3. Adjustment of Battle Layout [#e720a513]
The position of the allies and enemies in battle is assig...
The battle layout can be specified in Game Definition > [...
- ''Use the same battle layout throughout the game.''
+Game Definition > [[Rules and Rendering]] > Battle Relat...
+Click on the field “Battle Layout Settings” at the botto...
+Specify the position of the enemy standing ''“by number ...
+Map Settings for each map > Enemy Distribution tab > Pro...
-- ''Adjust the standing position considering the size of...
When specifying the battle layout, adjust the spacing of ...
For example, when using large images, pictures of cast me...
In the “Dungeon RPG Sample,” the spacing is specified as ...
***4. Adjustment of Battle Position on the Battle Map [#a...
For each ''Map where battles occur (Enemy Distribution ar...
Note that it should be specified in ''map where battles o...
Example: If an encounter battle occurs while moving throu...
-- ''Adjust the battle position on the map on the side wh...
Click on Map Settings > Enemy Distribution tab > Battle B...
The red dot is the center point of the battle layout.
--''&color(red){(!)};''The center point should be placed ...
If the center of the battle is placed further back than t...
On the other hand, if they are placed farther forward tha...
-- ''&color(red){(!)};''Note that you need to assign ''pe...
-- ''Adjust battle positions in event battles.''
When you use the [[Execute Battle and Check Results:https...
***5. Battle Camera Settings [#n810beae]
Open the Camera Tool and specify the battle camera.
Assign a battle map to the “Switch Maps for Preview” at t...
Refer to the Battle Camera in “Dungeon RPG Sample” to spe...
-''Key Points for Camera Settings''
--Turn on Orthographic Projection in the Properties “Basi...
--The gazing point should be set to “None (world coordina...
--All offsets should be 0.
--The camera angle should be adjusted as appropriate to c...
--Adjust the angle of view to fit the background image.
The angle of view is the vertical size of the background ...
--Adjust the camera position.
The basic idea is to place the background image in a posi...
Position X should be the same as the background image (12...
Position Y is considered as follows.
---When the vertical size of the background image is 1080...
---When the position Y of the background image is 0, plac...
---If the Y position of the background image has been cha...
** Switching Battle Backgrounds [#s8a400e9]
In the "Dungeon RPG Sample," the background 2D graphics a...
First, place an event for background graphics on the "Dun...
Then, at the event where the battle occurs, the backgroun...
**Damage Display in Battles [#c7ac0781]
In battle scenes in the "Dungeon RPG Sample," damage valu...
This is accomplished by placing parts with the special co...
*Narrowing Down the Entries to be Displayed on the Layout...
In the "Dungeon RPG Sample," each menu corresponding to t...
**Database Management Tags [#s9f73563]
You can freely set tags with a "#" in the Management Tags...
**Narrowing by Tags in the Layout Tool [#s11eb14e]
Use the Layout Tool to specify which of the tagged entrie...
**Display in the "Picture Book" Screen [#tbb6bb3c]
Please note that picture books will not be displayed unle...
The Dungeon RPG sample's picture book, or Monsters in the...
* Enhancement Items [#b5280f70]
In the "Dungeon RPG Sample," events occur where enhanced ...
** Specify as Enhanceable Items [#i317aa54]
If you want to make an item enhanceable, remember to firs...
**Enhancement Using "Custom Event" on Items [#q4cef2de]
For items from treasure chests, we have set up an item en...
** Enhancing Using Enhancement Item Selection Screen and ...
The item enhancement event on the B1 map is achieved by a...
Also, in the layout properties "Variable Specification," ...
- You can specify which abilities of the item will be enh...
Please refer to sample events in the Common Events sectio...
Each enhanced item is treated as a different type of item.
The capacity of the Inventory, which can be set in Game D...
In other words, each enhanced item is counted as "one typ...
*Mini Map [#s0b8f6de]
A mini map with auto-mapping is displayed on the screen. ...
**Display Mini Map [#vec244fb]
The mini map can be displayed simply by specifying the sp...
**Setting the Contents of the Mini Map Display [#m8ebb815]
- The color of the mini map to indicate where the area is...
- Whether or not the player icon on the mini map is rotat...
- The setting of whether or not to be able to walk on the...
- You can specify how much of the map to display on the m...
**Setting Icons on Mini Map [#wbb96aeb]
- The icons for doors and treasure chests on the mini map...
- The event sheet specifies where to display the images s...
Please see the door event in the sample game. The image i...
*Footstep Settings [#z219759e]
Footsteps can be sounded when the player walks on the ter...
**Footstep Settings for Terrain [#fe31f6cd]
Footsteps can be set in "Sound Effects" under Resources >...
**Footstep Settings for Objects [#e956310c]
Footsteps when walking on an object can be sounded by ass...
Specify the terrain in the "Terrain Assignment" property ...
The "Sound Effects" set for "Terrain" will be applied.
-This setting is also valid when an object is evented.
-You can also apply the "state" changes assigned to "terr...
This can be used, for example, to make the player "poison...
//---The Physics Settings allow you to change the terrain...
//This can be used to create different footstep sounds wi...
**Footstep Volume and Playback Speed Adjustment [#k3e9f7ea]
There are settings for footstep volume and footstep playb...
It can also be changed using the "Change Footstep Setting...
If you want to adjust the volume of individual footsteps,...
*Run up to the Enemy and Attack [#p5c184bc]
Actions such as running up to a monster and slashing at i...
- First, create a new battle event on the [[Common Event ...
Set up the following events on each sheet.
-- "Run up" sheet
---"When Command is Decided" to determine what the party ...
---If an "attack" is to be made, the number of the target...
---The attacking cast should be the operation target, and...
---Walk the cast towards the coordinates of the monster.
---Finally, turn on the "Ran up to" event switch.
-- "Return" sheet
---If the event switch indicating rushing is on at "At th...
---The cast walks toward the coordinates of where they ar...
---Finally, turn off the "Ran up to" event switch.
-''[Key Points]''
-- If you are using a pre-1.4.x version of the battle scr...
''&color(red){If you have made any modifications to yo...
[[Map Editor Menu Bar:
If you have made modifications, please merge them int...
-- "Make Event Walk to Specified Coordinates" panel setti...
--- For "Orientation at the End of Move", turn on "Face S...
--- Checking the "Keep Current Motion" checkbox will avoi...
- ''The sample event data is attached.''
+First, right-click on the file name below and "Save Link...
+Import the saved text file into ''Battle Events'' for vi...
//Please refer to the images below for event details.
*Continuous Damage Indication [#wa819449]
Actions that deal continuous damage in a single skill att...
- First, create a new common event on the [[Common Event ...
-- Use the "Obtain Battle Information" panel to obtain th...
-- Then repeat using the "Recover/Reduce Battle Cast's HP...
- Specify the configured event in "Common Event to be Cal...
-''[Key Points]''
-- After the damage dealt by this event is displayed, the...
-- If you wish to match the damage indication timing of t...
Please refer to the images below for event detail.
*Level Cap Release Event [#wb954e0a]
You can specify a maximum level for casts and classes and...
The [[Change Cast Status:
-First, specify the maximum level.
--Specify the maximum level in the game at Game Definitio...
--Specify the maximum level of the cast in Database > Cas...
-Next, create an event to release the level cap.
--In the "Change Cast Status" panel, obtain the "Max Leve...
It's a good idea to specify events at game milestones, su...
For example, the following can be achieved:
- The maximum level for the entire game is 99.
- The maximum level of Cast A at the start of the game is...
- At the end of the first chapter, the maximum level will...
*Sway Grass Models Growing Out of the Ground [#vec24090]
Shaders such as a_n_wind_discard, a_n_rm_wind_discard, an...
Please refer to the material sb_obj_nature002_Grass01a (s...
-In Resources > Materials > Shader, select the above shad...
-However, even if this is turned on, the Y axis may not b...
Please make sure that the following settings are specifie...
+Specify the "origin" as the root when creating the model.
+Check the "Transform > Apply Transform" setting box when...
*Cutscene when Activating a Skill [#w0ee7f8c]
By specifying the following settings, a cut scene with sp...
A cutscene is set as a sample for the skill “Fire” in “Or...
- Create a sprite with the Sprite Tool
- Create an event for a cutscene in Common Events
Event start condition is "No Trigger".
Assign the sprite you just created using the "Display Eff...
Specify Display Position as "Display in Center of Screen"...
- Create a skill in the Database.
- In Database > [[Skills]] > Basic Tab > Skills Abilities...
- Turn on "Activate after Completion of Common Event" in ...
Note that if "Wait to Complete" in the "Display Emoticon"...
*How to Use Auto Save [#f586fa3c]
Turning on auto save in Game Definition > [[Rules and Ren...
The top slot on the Save File Selection screen will be ch...
Please use the auto save feature in “Orb Stories” as a re...
-''Save File Selection Screen''
In the Layout Tool > Save File Selection screen, the save...
The display name of the auto save slot can be changed in ...
-''Screen Appearance when Executing Auto Save''
If you wish to display an indication such as “Saving” whe...
''&color(red){(!)};''In the “Saving” layout, the layout p...
+Layout Tool > Free Layout for Event screen to create a l...
+Show “Saving” layout in [[Display Free Layout for Event:...
+After auto save, delete the “Saving” layout in the [[Dis...
-''Auto Save Timing''
-- Game data is saved to the Auto Save slot at the end of...
In cases where an event occurs automatically following th...
The following event will be saved at the end of the event.
''&color(red){(!)};''The “Saving” layout should be displa...
''&color(red){(!)};''If parallel sheets are used in an ev...
For example, if the cast is made transparent on the paral...
The [[Forced Save:
-''Forced Save''
The [[Forced Save:
-- You can also assign a “special auto save slot” as a sa...
You can use this panel to auto save at the end of an impo...
-- Even if auto save is turned off in “Game Definition”, ...
This allows the “auto save slot” to be used as a “special...
-''Forced Load''
The event panel [[Forced Load:
By combining this panel and the auto save function in the...
+Delete the “Save” field from the menu.
+Always execute “Forced Load” for the auto save slot at t...
By doing these two things, it is possible to achieve a me...
-''Enable/Disable Auto Save''
The [[Enable/Disable Auto Save:
*Backlogs [#h7d7749c]
You can record in-game conversations and messages to crea...
**Show Backlog Screen [#p8d2942a]
Below is the procedure for displaying the backlog screen ...
+Create a layout for the backlog with “[[Backlog Screen:h...
+In the “Menu Screen” layout, assign “Show Backlogs” to “...
- Text displayed during the game using the following even...
"Display Conversation" / "Display Message" / "Add Strings...
-- Some effects of Text Commands in the text are disabled.
- Scroll bars are available on the backlog screen.
A scrollbar thumb (knob) is displayed by placing a render...
Please refer to the System Layout on the backlog screen.
In the backlog screen, the left and right keys can be use...
- You can set the amount to be backlogged under “Max Numb...
The number to be set in this section is the number of "ev...
***What the Backlog Can Do: Other [#y0995c00]
-''Text to be Displayed in Backlog Only''
You can set text that does not appear during the game, bu...
By using the following method, you can record only the ba...
-- Use the "[[Add Strings to Backlogs:
-- Use [[Text Commands:
-''Text Not Recorded in Backlog''
You can also set text that will be displayed during the g...
The following method can be used to remove from the backl...
-- Use [[Text Commands:
*Creation Tips [#n05590dd]
This page contains creation tips to achieve a variety of ...
*What to Do When the Game is Running Slow [#l3d45d5e]
If you experience performance problems, such as slow or j...
***Review Collision (Collision Detection) [#e5fef618]
Collisions are a factor that has a significant impact on ...
First, "event" collisions take much longer to process tha...
The size of the collision and the complexity of the shape...
Therefore, please try to take the following measures;
-Replace anything that does not need to be an "event" wit...
-- If you are placing many transparent events with only c...
''&color(red){(!)};'' We are considering modifying the "I...
//---Create a stamp with a graphic "None" selected in Res...
---Create a cube box model, import Resources > [[3D Stamp...
---Create a terrain with "Traversable" specified as NO in...
Note that if the "Overwrite Non-Traversable Terrain" prop...
-Change the "object" collision to a simple one.
--Change the simple collision setting specified as "Mesh"...
Many of the 3D stamps included when you create a new proj...
These are assigned with a simple collision model created ...
In that case, change the collision to a simple one such a...
You can also create a model for collision that combines s...
The created model should be assigned after turning on "Ac...
-Delete collision of "objects" placed at locations where ...
For example, "trees" in a landscape with inaccessible for...
In these areas, prepare and place "objects" that have no ...
An "object" without collision can be created by turning o...
Please note that in some cases, the specifications of the...
*Make Player Invisible [#b473b26f]
In the "Dungeon RPG Sample," to hide the player when in f...
-In the "Dungeon RPG Sample," look at "Ken" in Database >...
-Next, go to Resources > 2D Stamps and look at DungeonPla...
-This stamp with no graphic specification and only a subg...
Place this stamp on the map as an event and turn off the ...
Then, after the boss is defeated, the subgraphics are tur...
*Grid Move [#p9aa4033]
Grid unit movement (movement in units of terrain squares)...
-If you select and apply the “Grid Move” event template f...
In the event, the player operation is disabled, and the d...
-Walking speed can be changed using the "Change Player Mo...
**Switch between “Grid Move” and “Normal Move” on a map-b...
You can create a game such as using normal move in the pl...
+ Make the “Grid Move” event template into a custom event.
+ Add a “Normal Move” event sheet as shown below. Note th...
+ Turn off the “Disable Move” switch in the event of ente...
+ The “Disable Move” switch is turned on at the event whe...
*Battles in "Dungeon RPG Sample" [#a902e4ed]
Below are some tips on battles implemented in “Dungeon RP...
**Introduce the Concept of "Front Row/Back Row" to the Pa...
In the battles of the "Dungeon RPG Sample," the concept o...
*** Specify the Positions of Allied Party Members in the ...
You can specify the placement of allies and enemies durin...
*** Specify Attack Range [#pb519225]
To introduce the concept of attack range into battles, fi...
For the difference between "Line" and "Distance", see Gam...
Next, you need to specify the attack range of the weapon ...
The Front/Back indications that appear above the members ...
**Rearrange the Party Members [#yb204fa2]
When the concept of front/back rows is introduced into ba...
***Enable the Battle Command "Swap Places" [#g726711b]
To display the rearrange order command during battle, cre...
***Enable Automatic Rearranging by "Status" [#ye138347]
To automatically send members to the back row depending o...
And which state to move to the back is specified in the B...
**How to Create a Battle Map (First-Person Battle) [#od07...
This section explains how to create a map (battle map) us...
-''When creating a first-person battle map, please keep t...
--The background and casts are displayed in 3D space.
--The background image is also an object placed in 3D spa...
--3D space is captured with an Orthographic Projection ca...
--Casts in battle are to ''land on the ground, not float ...
--Party member graphics should be specified as transparen...
***1. Prepare Background Image [#v1dbb9fe]
Add a background image to Bakin at Resources > Images.
- ''When using multiple background images, image sizes sh...
This allows simply determining one angle of view for the ...
- ''“SRGB” for background and enemy cast image properties...
Turn on “SRGB” for images that will be placed on maps (af...
You can select multiple images in the Resources tree and ...
- ''Make Background Image into 2D Stamp''
Use the Stamp button at the top of the file tree in Resou...
***2. Map Creation and Background Image Placement [#d875e...
Create a map to be used as a battlefield (battle map) in ...
The elevation (Y) of the terrain on the map should be low...
- ''Place the 2D stamp of the battle background you just ...
You may want to place the background stamp on the map and...
''X'': The x-axis width center of the map size. For examp...
''Z'': 0
''Y'': Adjust the position of the enemies' feet in the ba...
The bottom edge of the background image on the battle map...
If the terrain of the map is set to 0 elevation, the hori...
- ''Set “DOF” to “Off” for the battle map on the Renderin...
Please turn off “DOF” in the Map Editor's Map Settings pa...
If you want the background to look blurred, you can use a...
- ''Adjust the battle map Rendering Settings accordingly.''
Adjust the parameters other than “DOF” as necessary.
In the Dungen_2DBattleMap battle map in “Dungeon RPG Samp...
***3. Adjustment of Battle Layout [#e720a513]
The position of the allies and enemies in battle is assig...
The battle layout can be specified in Game Definition > [...
- ''Use the same battle layout throughout the game.''
+Game Definition > [[Rules and Rendering]] > Battle Relat...
+Click on the field “Battle Layout Settings” at the botto...
+Specify the position of the enemy standing ''“by number ...
+Map Settings for each map > Enemy Distribution tab > Pro...
-- ''Adjust the standing position considering the size of...
When specifying the battle layout, adjust the spacing of ...
For example, when using large images, pictures of cast me...
In the “Dungeon RPG Sample,” the spacing is specified as ...
***4. Adjustment of Battle Position on the Battle Map [#a...
For each ''Map where battles occur (Enemy Distribution ar...
Note that it should be specified in ''map where battles o...
Example: If an encounter battle occurs while moving throu...
-- ''Adjust the battle position on the map on the side wh...
Click on Map Settings > Enemy Distribution tab > Battle B...
The red dot is the center point of the battle layout.
--''&color(red){(!)};''The center point should be placed ...
If the center of the battle is placed further back than t...
On the other hand, if they are placed farther forward tha...
-- ''&color(red){(!)};''Note that you need to assign ''pe...
-- ''Adjust battle positions in event battles.''
When you use the [[Execute Battle and Check Results:https...
***5. Battle Camera Settings [#n810beae]
Open the Camera Tool and specify the battle camera.
Assign a battle map to the “Switch Maps for Preview” at t...
Refer to the Battle Camera in “Dungeon RPG Sample” to spe...
-''Key Points for Camera Settings''
--Turn on Orthographic Projection in the Properties “Basi...
--The gazing point should be set to “None (world coordina...
--All offsets should be 0.
--The camera angle should be adjusted as appropriate to c...
--Adjust the angle of view to fit the background image.
The angle of view is the vertical size of the background ...
--Adjust the camera position.
The basic idea is to place the background image in a posi...
Position X should be the same as the background image (12...
Position Y is considered as follows.
---When the vertical size of the background image is 1080...
---When the position Y of the background image is 0, plac...
---If the Y position of the background image has been cha...
** Switching Battle Backgrounds [#s8a400e9]
In the "Dungeon RPG Sample," the background 2D graphics a...
First, place an event for background graphics on the "Dun...
Then, at the event where the battle occurs, the backgroun...
**Damage Display in Battles [#c7ac0781]
In battle scenes in the "Dungeon RPG Sample," damage valu...
This is accomplished by placing parts with the special co...
*Narrowing Down the Entries to be Displayed on the Layout...
In the "Dungeon RPG Sample," each menu corresponding to t...
**Database Management Tags [#s9f73563]
You can freely set tags with a "#" in the Management Tags...
**Narrowing by Tags in the Layout Tool [#s11eb14e]
Use the Layout Tool to specify which of the tagged entrie...
**Display in the "Picture Book" Screen [#tbb6bb3c]
Please note that picture books will not be displayed unle...
The Dungeon RPG sample's picture book, or Monsters in the...
* Enhancement Items [#b5280f70]
In the "Dungeon RPG Sample," events occur where enhanced ...
** Specify as Enhanceable Items [#i317aa54]
If you want to make an item enhanceable, remember to firs...
**Enhancement Using "Custom Event" on Items [#q4cef2de]
For items from treasure chests, we have set up an item en...
** Enhancing Using Enhancement Item Selection Screen and ...
The item enhancement event on the B1 map is achieved by a...
Also, in the layout properties "Variable Specification," ...
- You can specify which abilities of the item will be enh...
Please refer to sample events in the Common Events sectio...
Each enhanced item is treated as a different type of item.
The capacity of the Inventory, which can be set in Game D...
In other words, each enhanced item is counted as "one typ...
*Mini Map [#s0b8f6de]
A mini map with auto-mapping is displayed on the screen. ...
**Display Mini Map [#vec244fb]
The mini map can be displayed simply by specifying the sp...
**Setting the Contents of the Mini Map Display [#m8ebb815]
- The color of the mini map to indicate where the area is...
- Whether or not the player icon on the mini map is rotat...
- The setting of whether or not to be able to walk on the...
- You can specify how much of the map to display on the m...
**Setting Icons on Mini Map [#wbb96aeb]
- The icons for doors and treasure chests on the mini map...
- The event sheet specifies where to display the images s...
Please see the door event in the sample game. The image i...
*Footstep Settings [#z219759e]
Footsteps can be sounded when the player walks on the ter...
**Footstep Settings for Terrain [#fe31f6cd]
Footsteps can be set in "Sound Effects" under Resources >...
**Footstep Settings for Objects [#e956310c]
Footsteps when walking on an object can be sounded by ass...
Specify the terrain in the "Terrain Assignment" property ...
The "Sound Effects" set for "Terrain" will be applied.
-This setting is also valid when an object is evented.
-You can also apply the "state" changes assigned to "terr...
This can be used, for example, to make the player "poison...
//---The Physics Settings allow you to change the terrain...
//This can be used to create different footstep sounds wi...
**Footstep Volume and Playback Speed Adjustment [#k3e9f7ea]
There are settings for footstep volume and footstep playb...
It can also be changed using the "Change Footstep Setting...
If you want to adjust the volume of individual footsteps,...
*Run up to the Enemy and Attack [#p5c184bc]
Actions such as running up to a monster and slashing at i...
- First, create a new battle event on the [[Common Event ...
Set up the following events on each sheet.
-- "Run up" sheet
---"When Command is Decided" to determine what the party ...
---If an "attack" is to be made, the number of the target...
---The attacking cast should be the operation target, and...
---Walk the cast towards the coordinates of the monster.
---Finally, turn on the "Ran up to" event switch.
-- "Return" sheet
---If the event switch indicating rushing is on at "At th...
---The cast walks toward the coordinates of where they ar...
---Finally, turn off the "Ran up to" event switch.
-''[Key Points]''
-- If you are using a pre-1.4.x version of the battle scr...
''&color(red){If you have made any modifications to yo...
[[Map Editor Menu Bar:
If you have made modifications, please merge them int...
-- "Make Event Walk to Specified Coordinates" panel setti...
--- For "Orientation at the End of Move", turn on "Face S...
--- Checking the "Keep Current Motion" checkbox will avoi...
- ''The sample event data is attached.''
+First, right-click on the file name below and "Save Link...
+Import the saved text file into ''Battle Events'' for vi...
//Please refer to the images below for event details.
*Continuous Damage Indication [#wa819449]
Actions that deal continuous damage in a single skill att...
- First, create a new common event on the [[Common Event ...
-- Use the "Obtain Battle Information" panel to obtain th...
-- Then repeat using the "Recover/Reduce Battle Cast's HP...
- Specify the configured event in "Common Event to be Cal...
-''[Key Points]''
-- After the damage dealt by this event is displayed, the...
-- If you wish to match the damage indication timing of t...
Please refer to the images below for event detail.
*Level Cap Release Event [#wb954e0a]
You can specify a maximum level for casts and classes and...
The [[Change Cast Status:
-First, specify the maximum level.
--Specify the maximum level in the game at Game Definitio...
--Specify the maximum level of the cast in Database > Cas...
-Next, create an event to release the level cap.
--In the "Change Cast Status" panel, obtain the "Max Leve...
It's a good idea to specify events at game milestones, su...
For example, the following can be achieved:
- The maximum level for the entire game is 99.
- The maximum level of Cast A at the start of the game is...
- At the end of the first chapter, the maximum level will...
*Sway Grass Models Growing Out of the Ground [#vec24090]
Shaders such as a_n_wind_discard, a_n_rm_wind_discard, an...
Please refer to the material sb_obj_nature002_Grass01a (s...
-In Resources > Materials > Shader, select the above shad...
-However, even if this is turned on, the Y axis may not b...
Please make sure that the following settings are specifie...
+Specify the "origin" as the root when creating the model.
+Check the "Transform > Apply Transform" setting box when...
*Cutscene when Activating a Skill [#w0ee7f8c]
By specifying the following settings, a cut scene with sp...
A cutscene is set as a sample for the skill “Fire” in “Or...
- Create a sprite with the Sprite Tool
- Create an event for a cutscene in Common Events
Event start condition is "No Trigger".
Assign the sprite you just created using the "Display Eff...
Specify Display Position as "Display in Center of Screen"...
- Create a skill in the Database.
- In Database > [[Skills]] > Basic Tab > Skills Abilities...
- Turn on "Activate after Completion of Common Event" in ...
Note that if "Wait to Complete" in the "Display Emoticon"...
*How to Use Auto Save [#f586fa3c]
Turning on auto save in Game Definition > [[Rules and Ren...
The top slot on the Save File Selection screen will be ch...
Please use the auto save feature in “Orb Stories” as a re...
-''Save File Selection Screen''
In the Layout Tool > Save File Selection screen, the save...
The display name of the auto save slot can be changed in ...
-''Screen Appearance when Executing Auto Save''
If you wish to display an indication such as “Saving” whe...
''&color(red){(!)};''In the “Saving” layout, the layout p...
+Layout Tool > Free Layout for Event screen to create a l...
+Show “Saving” layout in [[Display Free Layout for Event:...
+After auto save, delete the “Saving” layout in the [[Dis...
-''Auto Save Timing''
-- Game data is saved to the Auto Save slot at the end of...
In cases where an event occurs automatically following th...
The following event will be saved at the end of the event.
''&color(red){(!)};''The “Saving” layout should be displa...
''&color(red){(!)};''If parallel sheets are used in an ev...
For example, if the cast is made transparent on the paral...
The [[Forced Save:
-''Forced Save''
The [[Forced Save:
-- You can also assign a “special auto save slot” as a sa...
You can use this panel to auto save at the end of an impo...
-- Even if auto save is turned off in “Game Definition”, ...
This allows the “auto save slot” to be used as a “special...
-''Forced Load''
The event panel [[Forced Load:
By combining this panel and the auto save function in the...
+Delete the “Save” field from the menu.
+Always execute “Forced Load” for the auto save slot at t...
By doing these two things, it is possible to achieve a me...
-''Enable/Disable Auto Save''
The [[Enable/Disable Auto Save:
*Backlogs [#h7d7749c]
You can record in-game conversations and messages to crea...
**Show Backlog Screen [#p8d2942a]
Below is the procedure for displaying the backlog screen ...
+Create a layout for the backlog with “[[Backlog Screen:h...
+In the “Menu Screen” layout, assign “Show Backlogs” to “...
- Text displayed during the game using the following even...
"Display Conversation" / "Display Message" / "Add Strings...
-- Some effects of Text Commands in the text are disabled.
- Scroll bars are available on the backlog screen.
A scrollbar thumb (knob) is displayed by placing a render...
Please refer to the System Layout on the backlog screen.
In the backlog screen, the left and right keys can be use...
- You can set the amount to be backlogged under “Max Numb...
The number to be set in this section is the number of "ev...
***What the Backlog Can Do: Other [#y0995c00]
-''Text to be Displayed in Backlog Only''
You can set text that does not appear during the game, bu...
By using the following method, you can record only the ba...
-- Use the "[[Add Strings to Backlogs:
-- Use [[Text Commands:
-''Text Not Recorded in Backlog''
You can also set text that will be displayed during the g...
The following method can be used to remove from the backl...
-- Use [[Text Commands: