Sprite Tool
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*Sprite Tool [#i55e70fe]
This tool allows you to create "sprites" that are animate...
Sprites can be used to create moving effects on the title...
Please also refer to Resources > [[Sprites]].
**Description of Each Function [#nbfb04bc]
***Sprite List [#nb1bc424]
A list of registered sprite sets and motions is displayed.
-''Sprite Set Add button''
-''Motion Add button''
A "sprite set" is like a folder that contains multiple "m...
"Motion" is that which is displayed in a sprite composed ...
When a "sprite set" is added, one "motion" is automatical...
-''Context Menu''
Select an entry and right-click to display a context menu.
You can copy, delete, or duplicate entries.
***Sprite Preview [#lf56e101]
This is the area where the animation being created will b...
Selecting a motion in the sprite list displays a preview.
The various preview settings are grouped together at the ...
Note that the center coordinates of the preview are (0,0).
Changing the scale of the preview. It can also be operate...
-''Screen Marker''
A frame with the same ratio as the screen size specified ...
-''Layer Marker''
A marker indicating the layer number appears.
By dragging a layer marker on the preview, you can change...
- ''Layer Marker (selected layer only)''
Only the markers of the currently selected layer on the t...
When this button is turned on, the Layer Marker button is...
-''Target Image''
An image can be displayed on the preview as a guide to de...
For example, when displaying a sprite over a cast, proper...
An image can be displayed in the background of the preview.
-''Position from Target''
You can change where the sprite origin is placed in relat...
-''Position Shift''
You can shift the position of all layers together, up, do...
***Timeline [#m0ccf80e]
-''Timeline Top Menu''
--''Layer Add button''
Add a layer.
--''Mask Layer Add button''
Add a mask layer.
--''Frame Add button''
Add an empty keyframe to the very end of the timeline.
--''Copy button''
Copy the selected layer/keyframe/cell.
Click on the top row (seconds) field of the timeline to s...
--''Paste button''
Paste what you have copied.
--''Delete button''
Delete the selected layer/keyframe/cell.
--''Play button''
The animation specified on the timeline is played back on...
--''Stop button''
Stop the animation preview.
--''Loop button''
When turned on, the animation is played in a loop.
By dragging the thumb (knob), the playback position of th...
-''Context Menu''
The content of the context menu changes depending on wher...
--''Layer Name Cell''
You can copy, paste, and insert layers.
The order of layers can also be rearranged using the +/- ...
--''Select Keyframe (sec) Cell''
You can copy, paste, and insert keyframes.
--''Other Cells''
You can copy and paste cell contents.
Specify the timing of the sprite's movement and the image...
Specify the state of the image set on the layer at the ti...
This line displays the keyframe timing converted to secon...
--''Start Frame''
This row assigns the timing of the start of the key frame...
--''Number of Frames''
This is the number of frames that will be displayed.
When the number of frames is changed, the start frame of ...
--''Screen Flash''
Flash the entire screen with the color and transparency y...
--''Target Flash''
When displaying this sprite in the "[[Display Effect:http...
When this sprite is assigned to the effect of a skill, th...
--''Sound Effect''
Specify the sound effect to be played during animation.
---''Lock button''
Once locked, dragging the layer marker on the preview wil...
However, changes to values in properties are reflected.
---''Show/Hide button''
You can toggle the visibility of layers on the preview by...
---''Masked/Unmasked button''
It is displayed only when a mask layer exists.
You can toggle whether the layer is affected by the mask.
--''Mask Layer''
A mask layer is a layer that crops the layers in its infl...
See the [[Mask:https://rpgbakin.com/pukiwiki_en/?Sprite+T...
***Information on Cell Changes [#abfe04fe]
In the Timeline, select a cell under "Screen Flash" to di...
You can specify what the layer shows at the keyframe wher...
Specify the color hue and transparency change information...
The assigned color is multiplied by the original color of...
Color information cannot be changed in the mask layer.
Specify where the image will be displayed and how it will...
''&color(red){(!)};'' The Z position indicates the displa...
For example, a layer with Z-position "1" will be rendered...
Interpolation does not work for Z-position changes.
Specify the scale of the image and how it will change.
A minus sign in the scale flips the image.
Specify the angle of the image and how it will change.
--''Interpolation Method Selection Dialog''
This dialog box opens when assigning how to change color/...
You can assign how to interpolate the movement from the v...
If "Maintain" is selected, it has no effect on the moveme...
When "No Interpolation" is selected, the image switches i...
''&color(red){(!)};'' Note that if there are two keyframe...
Therefore, the interpolation method should be assigned to...
Specify the image to be used and the coordinates of the s...
--''Slice X / Slice Y''
If the image specified is set to "CountSlice," assigns wh...
The image slicing method can be set in Resources > [[Imag...
You can also click on the image preview to directly assig...
--''Invert Alpha Value''
Invert the alpha value of the image assigned to the mask.
This option can be set only on the mask layers.
You can specify a sound effect.
Only sound effects can be set in the sound effect layer.
**Mask [#o0c3cb83]
Mask is a function that crops and displays layers under t...
Images of shapes that are easy to use for masks, such as ...
-''Mask Layer Influence Range''
Layers specified in the "row above the mask layer" on the...
If there are two mask layers, the layer specified on the ...
Note that the mask layer is only valid for the "layer und...
--''Example of Multiple Mask Layers''
---Layer 2, which specifies a rectangle (Screen_1280) as ...
---Layer 4, which specifies a rectangle (Screen_1280) as ...
-''Invert Alpha Value''
When "Invert Alpha Value" is turned on, the layer of infl...
-''Use in Layout Tool''
If a sprite with a mask layer is assigned in the Layout T...
Please read the [[layout parts:https://rpgbakin.com/pukiw...
**How to Create Sprite Data[#ne24b0b2]
***Example of Creating a Transition to Battle [#a6eb302f]
Let's use the Sprite Tool to create the following animati...
-- In this example, the game screen size is assumed to be...
-- In this example, the following two sprites are created...
--- Sprite when Transitioning from the Map to the Battle ...
--- Sprite when Transitioning from the Beginning of the B...
- ''&size(16){Sprite when Transitioning from the Map to t...
Four rectangles (strips) come in from the right side of t...
''&size(16){1.};'' Open the Sprite Tool and press the "Ad...
Select "Screen_1280" in the Images > reserved folder > Pr...
A sprite set and motion will be created, so change the na...
''&size(16){2.};'' The Screen_1280 you just opened is reg...
This should be the strip that is placed at the bottom of ...
Click on the first frame cell of Layer 1 and specify the ...
(Feel free to change the colors.)|BOLD:Layer 1||h
|BOLD:Color|Color Change Method: No Interpolation, red: 2...
|BOLD:Position|Position Change Method: No Interpolation, ...
|BOLD:Scale|Scale Change Method: No Interpolation, Scale ...
|BOLD:Rotation|Rotation Change Method: Maintain|
''&size(16){3.};'' Let's add layers to create three more ...
Press the Layer Add button to add layer 2, 3, and 4.
''&size(16){4.};'' Copy (Ctrl+C) the first frame cell of ...
''&size(16){5.};'' Shift the position of layers 2-4 and c...
Select the first frame cell on each layer, and change the...
You do not need to change any other parameters except for...
|BOLD:Layer 2||h
|BOLD:Color|Color Change Method: No Interpolation, red: 2...
|BOLD:Position|Position Change Method: No Interpolation, ...
|BOLD:Layer 3||h
|BOLD:Color|Color Change Method: No Interpolation, red: 2...
|BOLD:Position|Position Change Method: No Interpolation, ...
|BOLD:Layer 4||h
|BOLD:Color|Color Change Method: No Interpolation, red: 2...
|BOLD:Position|Position Change Method: No Interpolation, ...
Four different colored strips were created on the right s...
''&size(16){6.};'' Create an animation to move the strips...
First, add a new keyframe by pressing the Add Frame button.
Specify "12" for the "Start Frame" of the added keyframe.
This means that you have assigned a "12 frame" animation ...
''&size(16){7.};'' Click on the frame cell of layer 1 of ...
(You may copy the cells from the first keyframe and rewri...
|BOLD:Layer 1||h
|BOLD:Color|Color Change Method: Maintain|
|BOLD:Position|Position Change Method: Ease-out 3x (Stron...
|BOLD:Scale|Scale Change Method: Maintain|
|BOLD:Rotation|Rotation Change Method: Maintain|
|BOLD:Image|Image to be used: Screen_1280|
If you press the play button above the timeline, you shou...
"Ease-out 3x (Strong)" is specified for Position Change M...
Note that the change method should be specified for the "...
''&size(16){8.};'' Layer 2 to 4 should be animated in the...
Each layer should slide into the screen with different ti...
Press the Add Frame button three times to add three key f...
''&size(16){9.};'' Copy the frame cell in layer 1 of the ...
Adjust "Position Y" in the properties of the destination ...
|BOLD:Layer 2|Position Y: 90|
|BOLD:Layer 3|Position Y: -90|
|BOLD:Layer 4|Position Y: -270|
''&size(16){10.};'' Adjust the timing of when each layer ...
Enter a value for the "Number of Frames" for each keyfram...
''&color(red){(!)};''Timing can also be adjusted with "St...
For example, if keyframe 5 has a faster start timing valu...
|BOLD:Keyframe 2|12|
|BOLD:Keyframe 3|12|
|BOLD:Keyframe 4|6|
|BOLD:Keyframe 5|1 (No change)|
Press the playback button and watch the four strips cover...
''&size(16){The "Sprite when Transitioning from the Map t...
- ''&size(16){Sprite when Transitioning from the Beginnin...
Starting at the end of "Sprite when Transitioning from th...
''&size(16){11.};'' Copy the first keyframe of the "Map t...
You can use Ctrl+C, or you can copy from the copy button ...
For the context menu, select the top cell labeled keyfram...
''&size(16){12.};'' Select the "Battle Transitions" sprit...
The Asset Picker will open, select "None" for the image, ...
The motion name should be changed to "From the Beginning ...
''&size(16){13.};'' Select the top cell of the first keyf...
It is not possible to paste into a cell of a different ty...
ex.When you copy a cell in the sound effect layer, you ca...
''&size(16){14.};'' Select the cells in each layer and sp...
This will be the same as the last frame of the "Map to Ba...
''&size(16){15.};'' Add a mask layer.
Select the "layer name cell" in Layer 1 and right-click. ...
Mask Layer 1 is inserted and the layer numbers from Layer...
Layers 2 through 5 are all affected by mask layer 1.
''&size(16){16.};'' Select the first keyframe cell in the...
"Image to be Used" is "Circle" in the Images > reserved f...
|BOLD:Mask Layer 1||h
|BOLD:Position|Position Change Method: Maintain|
|BOLD:Scale|Scale Change Method: No Interpolation, Scale ...
|BOLD:Rotation|Rotation Change Method: Maintain|
|BOLD:Image|Image to be Used: Circle, Invert Alpha Value:...
By turning on "Invert Alpha Value" for an image, certain ...
''&size(16){17.};'' Press the Add Frame button to add a k...
Specify "30" for the start frame of the added frame.
Then copy the first keyframe cell of mask layer 1 to this...
Only the scale is changed.
|BOLD:Mask Layer 1||h
|BOLD:Position|Position Change Method: Maintain|
|BOLD:Scale|Scale Change Method: Ease-in (Acc.), Scale X:...
|BOLD:Rotation|Rotation Change Method: Maintain|
|BOLD:Image|Image to be Used: Circle, Invert Alpha Value:...
Press the play button and you should see an animation of ...
Try the Start Frame Timing and Scale Change Method.
Also, changing the "Image to be Used" will change the sha...
''&size(16){Now "Sprite when Transitioning from the Beg...
- ''&size(16){Specify the Created Sprites};''
Specify the two sprites you have created so far to be pla...
''&size(16){18.};'' Open the Asset Picker from "When Star...
''&color(red){(!)};''As of Ver. 1.9, a new sprite set cre...
This will enable the screen to be covered with four color...
''&size(16){19.};'' The transition from the beginning of ...
Create the following battle event in the [[Common Event P...
--- Event start condition is "At the Beginning of Battle".
--- In the [[Display Effect:https://rpgbakin.com/pukiwiki...
"Display in Center of Screen" is specified for the Displa...
''This completes the transition to the battle scene using...
***How to Create Eye Blinks and Lip Synch [#df9a9c6c]
When creating cast data to be used in conversation events...
-Layer name to place the animation for eye blinks: eyes
-Layer name to place the animation for lip synch: mouth
By naming these layers, the following [[Text Commands:htt...
-- Blink Speed \blspd[sec]
-- Blink Rate \blate[%]
-- Lip-synch Speed \lipspd[%]
Open the motion of the "chr001" sprite set from the Sprit...
*Sprite Tool [#i55e70fe]
This tool allows you to create "sprites" that are animate...
Sprites can be used to create moving effects on the title...
Please also refer to Resources > [[Sprites]].
**Description of Each Function [#nbfb04bc]
***Sprite List [#nb1bc424]
A list of registered sprite sets and motions is displayed.
-''Sprite Set Add button''
-''Motion Add button''
A "sprite set" is like a folder that contains multiple "m...
"Motion" is that which is displayed in a sprite composed ...
When a "sprite set" is added, one "motion" is automatical...
-''Context Menu''
Select an entry and right-click to display a context menu.
You can copy, delete, or duplicate entries.
***Sprite Preview [#lf56e101]
This is the area where the animation being created will b...
Selecting a motion in the sprite list displays a preview.
The various preview settings are grouped together at the ...
Note that the center coordinates of the preview are (0,0).
Changing the scale of the preview. It can also be operate...
-''Screen Marker''
A frame with the same ratio as the screen size specified ...
-''Layer Marker''
A marker indicating the layer number appears.
By dragging a layer marker on the preview, you can change...
- ''Layer Marker (selected layer only)''
Only the markers of the currently selected layer on the t...
When this button is turned on, the Layer Marker button is...
-''Target Image''
An image can be displayed on the preview as a guide to de...
For example, when displaying a sprite over a cast, proper...
An image can be displayed in the background of the preview.
-''Position from Target''
You can change where the sprite origin is placed in relat...
-''Position Shift''
You can shift the position of all layers together, up, do...
***Timeline [#m0ccf80e]
-''Timeline Top Menu''
--''Layer Add button''
Add a layer.
--''Mask Layer Add button''
Add a mask layer.
--''Frame Add button''
Add an empty keyframe to the very end of the timeline.
--''Copy button''
Copy the selected layer/keyframe/cell.
Click on the top row (seconds) field of the timeline to s...
--''Paste button''
Paste what you have copied.
--''Delete button''
Delete the selected layer/keyframe/cell.
--''Play button''
The animation specified on the timeline is played back on...
--''Stop button''
Stop the animation preview.
--''Loop button''
When turned on, the animation is played in a loop.
By dragging the thumb (knob), the playback position of th...
-''Context Menu''
The content of the context menu changes depending on wher...
--''Layer Name Cell''
You can copy, paste, and insert layers.
The order of layers can also be rearranged using the +/- ...
--''Select Keyframe (sec) Cell''
You can copy, paste, and insert keyframes.
--''Other Cells''
You can copy and paste cell contents.
Specify the timing of the sprite's movement and the image...
Specify the state of the image set on the layer at the ti...
This line displays the keyframe timing converted to secon...
--''Start Frame''
This row assigns the timing of the start of the key frame...
--''Number of Frames''
This is the number of frames that will be displayed.
When the number of frames is changed, the start frame of ...
--''Screen Flash''
Flash the entire screen with the color and transparency y...
--''Target Flash''
When displaying this sprite in the "[[Display Effect:http...
When this sprite is assigned to the effect of a skill, th...
--''Sound Effect''
Specify the sound effect to be played during animation.
---''Lock button''
Once locked, dragging the layer marker on the preview wil...
However, changes to values in properties are reflected.
---''Show/Hide button''
You can toggle the visibility of layers on the preview by...
---''Masked/Unmasked button''
It is displayed only when a mask layer exists.
You can toggle whether the layer is affected by the mask.
--''Mask Layer''
A mask layer is a layer that crops the layers in its infl...
See the [[Mask:https://rpgbakin.com/pukiwiki_en/?Sprite+T...
***Information on Cell Changes [#abfe04fe]
In the Timeline, select a cell under "Screen Flash" to di...
You can specify what the layer shows at the keyframe wher...
Specify the color hue and transparency change information...
The assigned color is multiplied by the original color of...
Color information cannot be changed in the mask layer.
Specify where the image will be displayed and how it will...
''&color(red){(!)};'' The Z position indicates the displa...
For example, a layer with Z-position "1" will be rendered...
Interpolation does not work for Z-position changes.
Specify the scale of the image and how it will change.
A minus sign in the scale flips the image.
Specify the angle of the image and how it will change.
--''Interpolation Method Selection Dialog''
This dialog box opens when assigning how to change color/...
You can assign how to interpolate the movement from the v...
If "Maintain" is selected, it has no effect on the moveme...
When "No Interpolation" is selected, the image switches i...
''&color(red){(!)};'' Note that if there are two keyframe...
Therefore, the interpolation method should be assigned to...
Specify the image to be used and the coordinates of the s...
--''Slice X / Slice Y''
If the image specified is set to "CountSlice," assigns wh...
The image slicing method can be set in Resources > [[Imag...
You can also click on the image preview to directly assig...
--''Invert Alpha Value''
Invert the alpha value of the image assigned to the mask.
This option can be set only on the mask layers.
You can specify a sound effect.
Only sound effects can be set in the sound effect layer.
**Mask [#o0c3cb83]
Mask is a function that crops and displays layers under t...
Images of shapes that are easy to use for masks, such as ...
-''Mask Layer Influence Range''
Layers specified in the "row above the mask layer" on the...
If there are two mask layers, the layer specified on the ...
Note that the mask layer is only valid for the "layer und...
--''Example of Multiple Mask Layers''
---Layer 2, which specifies a rectangle (Screen_1280) as ...
---Layer 4, which specifies a rectangle (Screen_1280) as ...
-''Invert Alpha Value''
When "Invert Alpha Value" is turned on, the layer of infl...
-''Use in Layout Tool''
If a sprite with a mask layer is assigned in the Layout T...
Please read the [[layout parts:https://rpgbakin.com/pukiw...
**How to Create Sprite Data[#ne24b0b2]
***Example of Creating a Transition to Battle [#a6eb302f]
Let's use the Sprite Tool to create the following animati...
-- In this example, the game screen size is assumed to be...
-- In this example, the following two sprites are created...
--- Sprite when Transitioning from the Map to the Battle ...
--- Sprite when Transitioning from the Beginning of the B...
- ''&size(16){Sprite when Transitioning from the Map to t...
Four rectangles (strips) come in from the right side of t...
''&size(16){1.};'' Open the Sprite Tool and press the "Ad...
Select "Screen_1280" in the Images > reserved folder > Pr...
A sprite set and motion will be created, so change the na...
''&size(16){2.};'' The Screen_1280 you just opened is reg...
This should be the strip that is placed at the bottom of ...
Click on the first frame cell of Layer 1 and specify the ...
(Feel free to change the colors.)|BOLD:Layer 1||h
|BOLD:Color|Color Change Method: No Interpolation, red: 2...
|BOLD:Position|Position Change Method: No Interpolation, ...
|BOLD:Scale|Scale Change Method: No Interpolation, Scale ...
|BOLD:Rotation|Rotation Change Method: Maintain|
''&size(16){3.};'' Let's add layers to create three more ...
Press the Layer Add button to add layer 2, 3, and 4.
''&size(16){4.};'' Copy (Ctrl+C) the first frame cell of ...
''&size(16){5.};'' Shift the position of layers 2-4 and c...
Select the first frame cell on each layer, and change the...
You do not need to change any other parameters except for...
|BOLD:Layer 2||h
|BOLD:Color|Color Change Method: No Interpolation, red: 2...
|BOLD:Position|Position Change Method: No Interpolation, ...
|BOLD:Layer 3||h
|BOLD:Color|Color Change Method: No Interpolation, red: 2...
|BOLD:Position|Position Change Method: No Interpolation, ...
|BOLD:Layer 4||h
|BOLD:Color|Color Change Method: No Interpolation, red: 2...
|BOLD:Position|Position Change Method: No Interpolation, ...
Four different colored strips were created on the right s...
''&size(16){6.};'' Create an animation to move the strips...
First, add a new keyframe by pressing the Add Frame button.
Specify "12" for the "Start Frame" of the added keyframe.
This means that you have assigned a "12 frame" animation ...
''&size(16){7.};'' Click on the frame cell of layer 1 of ...
(You may copy the cells from the first keyframe and rewri...
|BOLD:Layer 1||h
|BOLD:Color|Color Change Method: Maintain|
|BOLD:Position|Position Change Method: Ease-out 3x (Stron...
|BOLD:Scale|Scale Change Method: Maintain|
|BOLD:Rotation|Rotation Change Method: Maintain|
|BOLD:Image|Image to be used: Screen_1280|
If you press the play button above the timeline, you shou...
"Ease-out 3x (Strong)" is specified for Position Change M...
Note that the change method should be specified for the "...
''&size(16){8.};'' Layer 2 to 4 should be animated in the...
Each layer should slide into the screen with different ti...
Press the Add Frame button three times to add three key f...
''&size(16){9.};'' Copy the frame cell in layer 1 of the ...
Adjust "Position Y" in the properties of the destination ...
|BOLD:Layer 2|Position Y: 90|
|BOLD:Layer 3|Position Y: -90|
|BOLD:Layer 4|Position Y: -270|
''&size(16){10.};'' Adjust the timing of when each layer ...
Enter a value for the "Number of Frames" for each keyfram...
''&color(red){(!)};''Timing can also be adjusted with "St...
For example, if keyframe 5 has a faster start timing valu...
|BOLD:Keyframe 2|12|
|BOLD:Keyframe 3|12|
|BOLD:Keyframe 4|6|
|BOLD:Keyframe 5|1 (No change)|
Press the playback button and watch the four strips cover...
''&size(16){The "Sprite when Transitioning from the Map t...
- ''&size(16){Sprite when Transitioning from the Beginnin...
Starting at the end of "Sprite when Transitioning from th...
''&size(16){11.};'' Copy the first keyframe of the "Map t...
You can use Ctrl+C, or you can copy from the copy button ...
For the context menu, select the top cell labeled keyfram...
''&size(16){12.};'' Select the "Battle Transitions" sprit...
The Asset Picker will open, select "None" for the image, ...
The motion name should be changed to "From the Beginning ...
''&size(16){13.};'' Select the top cell of the first keyf...
It is not possible to paste into a cell of a different ty...
ex.When you copy a cell in the sound effect layer, you ca...
''&size(16){14.};'' Select the cells in each layer and sp...
This will be the same as the last frame of the "Map to Ba...
''&size(16){15.};'' Add a mask layer.
Select the "layer name cell" in Layer 1 and right-click. ...
Mask Layer 1 is inserted and the layer numbers from Layer...
Layers 2 through 5 are all affected by mask layer 1.
''&size(16){16.};'' Select the first keyframe cell in the...
"Image to be Used" is "Circle" in the Images > reserved f...
|BOLD:Mask Layer 1||h
|BOLD:Position|Position Change Method: Maintain|
|BOLD:Scale|Scale Change Method: No Interpolation, Scale ...
|BOLD:Rotation|Rotation Change Method: Maintain|
|BOLD:Image|Image to be Used: Circle, Invert Alpha Value:...
By turning on "Invert Alpha Value" for an image, certain ...
''&size(16){17.};'' Press the Add Frame button to add a k...
Specify "30" for the start frame of the added frame.
Then copy the first keyframe cell of mask layer 1 to this...
Only the scale is changed.
|BOLD:Mask Layer 1||h
|BOLD:Position|Position Change Method: Maintain|
|BOLD:Scale|Scale Change Method: Ease-in (Acc.), Scale X:...
|BOLD:Rotation|Rotation Change Method: Maintain|
|BOLD:Image|Image to be Used: Circle, Invert Alpha Value:...
Press the play button and you should see an animation of ...
Try the Start Frame Timing and Scale Change Method.
Also, changing the "Image to be Used" will change the sha...
''&size(16){Now "Sprite when Transitioning from the Beg...
- ''&size(16){Specify the Created Sprites};''
Specify the two sprites you have created so far to be pla...
''&size(16){18.};'' Open the Asset Picker from "When Star...
''&color(red){(!)};''As of Ver. 1.9, a new sprite set cre...
This will enable the screen to be covered with four color...
''&size(16){19.};'' The transition from the beginning of ...
Create the following battle event in the [[Common Event P...
--- Event start condition is "At the Beginning of Battle".
--- In the [[Display Effect:https://rpgbakin.com/pukiwiki...
"Display in Center of Screen" is specified for the Displa...
''This completes the transition to the battle scene using...
***How to Create Eye Blinks and Lip Synch [#df9a9c6c]
When creating cast data to be used in conversation events...
-Layer name to place the animation for eye blinks: eyes
-Layer name to place the animation for lip synch: mouth
By naming these layers, the following [[Text Commands:htt...
-- Blink Speed \blspd[sec]
-- Blink Rate \blate[%]
-- Lip-synch Speed \lipspd[%]
Open the motion of the "chr001" sprite set from the Sprit...