Steam Workshop
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*Steam Workshop [#p399717b]
The Steam Workshop is a place where fans of the tool and ...
Users can share their own work and various types of asset...
The following files are acceptable for sharing on RPG Dev...
---Project files (.rbr)
---Exported resource files (.exrbr)
---Exported layout data files (.lyrbr)
---Zipped event plug-ins(.csrbr)
[[Steam Workshop Page:
-''Contents List''
Display content titles, data size, upload date, file name...
-''New Upload''
Select this option when uploading a new file. When clicke...
-''Rename and Save Project''
Save the content you have subscribed to through Steam Wor...
Delete uploaded data from Steam Workshop.
-''Open Workshop''
Open the Steam Workshop page in a browser.
-''State of Progress''
Display upload and download status.
-''Free Space''
Display the free space in the Steam Cloud used by Steam W...
**Register and Publish Your Files to the Steam Workshop [...
To publish your own game projects, stamps, and other reso...
''&color(red){(!)};''Uploading paid DLC content or projec...
+Click on "New Upload".
+From "Select the Game File," select the file you wish to...
+Compression and uploading of content will begin.
+Select the uploaded file from "Game Title", click "Publi...
What you specify in the Publish Tool can also be changed ...
If you wish to have the title name or description of your...
Specify the title name to be displayed on the Steam Works...
Specify the thumbnail to be displayed on the Steam Worksh...
---''In-Game Language''
Specify the language used in the work. (*Japanese and Eng...
---''Game Genre''
Specify the game genre.
Enter a description of the file to be uploaded.
---''Publish Settings''
Specify the file publishing settings. If you specify "Pub...
Below is the feature to update files uploaded to the Stea...
---''Update Only the File''
Only the file is updated, leaving the title and publicati...
To update only published file, check this box.
---''Update Only Information''
Only file information will be updated.
To update only Information, check this box.
**Update Published Data in Steam Workshop [#xe6b1204]
Please follow the procedure below to update data that has...
+ ''Perform Overwrite Upload''
Select the file you wish to update from within Bakin's St...
+ ''Configure Publish Settings''
After the overwrite upload, select the file you wish to u...
After changing the description of the creation and other ...
''&color(red){(!)};''Please note that updating only the P...
''&color(red){(!)};''Subscribers (users) of Steam Worksho...
In some cases, it may take some time to update the inform...
If they do not match, try restarting the Steam applicatio...
**Delete Data Already Published to Steam Workshop [#t7df0...
+Select the game file you wish to delete from the content...
+Click the "Delete" button.
**Download Users' Works from Steam Workshop. [#me572b88]
To download other users' game files, you must subscribe i...
+Select the file you wish to subscribe to from the follow...
+Click on "Subscribe".
+Select "Steam Workshop" from Bakin's Top Menu.
+Select the subscribed file in the contents list and clic...
+Name the file as you wish and save the file. The file wi...
+Once saved, unzip the Zip file and extract it to any fol...
+If it is a project file (.rbr), select the file from the...
For resource files (.exrbr), first open the project you w...
If it is a layout data file (.lyrbr), first open the proj...
The event plug-in (.csrbr) is imported by clicking the Ad...
*Steam Workshop [#p399717b]
The Steam Workshop is a place where fans of the tool and ...
Users can share their own work and various types of asset...
The following files are acceptable for sharing on RPG Dev...
---Project files (.rbr)
---Exported resource files (.exrbr)
---Exported layout data files (.lyrbr)
---Zipped event plug-ins(.csrbr)
[[Steam Workshop Page:
-''Contents List''
Display content titles, data size, upload date, file name...
-''New Upload''
Select this option when uploading a new file. When clicke...
-''Rename and Save Project''
Save the content you have subscribed to through Steam Wor...
Delete uploaded data from Steam Workshop.
-''Open Workshop''
Open the Steam Workshop page in a browser.
-''State of Progress''
Display upload and download status.
-''Free Space''
Display the free space in the Steam Cloud used by Steam W...
**Register and Publish Your Files to the Steam Workshop [...
To publish your own game projects, stamps, and other reso...
''&color(red){(!)};''Uploading paid DLC content or projec...
+Click on "New Upload".
+From "Select the Game File," select the file you wish to...
+Compression and uploading of content will begin.
+Select the uploaded file from "Game Title", click "Publi...
What you specify in the Publish Tool can also be changed ...
If you wish to have the title name or description of your...
Specify the title name to be displayed on the Steam Works...
Specify the thumbnail to be displayed on the Steam Worksh...
---''In-Game Language''
Specify the language used in the work. (*Japanese and Eng...
---''Game Genre''
Specify the game genre.
Enter a description of the file to be uploaded.
---''Publish Settings''
Specify the file publishing settings. If you specify "Pub...
Below is the feature to update files uploaded to the Stea...
---''Update Only the File''
Only the file is updated, leaving the title and publicati...
To update only published file, check this box.
---''Update Only Information''
Only file information will be updated.
To update only Information, check this box.
**Update Published Data in Steam Workshop [#xe6b1204]
Please follow the procedure below to update data that has...
+ ''Perform Overwrite Upload''
Select the file you wish to update from within Bakin's St...
+ ''Configure Publish Settings''
After the overwrite upload, select the file you wish to u...
After changing the description of the creation and other ...
''&color(red){(!)};''Please note that updating only the P...
''&color(red){(!)};''Subscribers (users) of Steam Worksho...
In some cases, it may take some time to update the inform...
If they do not match, try restarting the Steam applicatio...
**Delete Data Already Published to Steam Workshop [#t7df0...
+Select the game file you wish to delete from the content...
+Click the "Delete" button.
**Download Users' Works from Steam Workshop. [#me572b88]
To download other users' game files, you must subscribe i...
+Select the file you wish to subscribe to from the follow...
+Click on "Subscribe".
+Select "Steam Workshop" from Bakin's Top Menu.
+Select the subscribed file in the contents list and clic...
+Name the file as you wish and save the file. The file wi...
+Once saved, unzip the Zip file and extract it to any fol...
+If it is a project file (.rbr), select the file from the...
For resource files (.exrbr), first open the project you w...
If it is a layout data file (.lyrbr), first open the proj...
The event plug-in (.csrbr) is imported by clicking the Ad...