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*RPG Developer Bakin Update History [#sddd12b1]
* [#sa61410d]
** New and Improved Features [#i2351c74]
***Events [#bdd3575f]
- A "Manipulate Array Variable" panel has been implemente...
This panel can be used to rewrite some or all the element...
- A "Batch Clear Variables" panel has been implemented in...
- An "Obtain Bone Coordinates" panel has been implemented...
- Offset specification has been added to the following ev...
"Check Surrounding Collision Detection", "Generate Events...
- Added the option to delete placement adjustments (battl...
***Database [#l6f9c3cc]
- Added "Do Nothing" to the system tag for battle commands.
''Usage example'':
When specifying a tag for the "Disable Command" state ab...
Disabling "Do Nothing" will cause the "Do Nothing" colum...
This allows, for example, to create "an enemy that begin...
- Separated "State" from the item ability "Attack Attribu...
The "Attack Attribute" ability had two mixed settings: "A...
By separating them this time, we have made it possible to...
***Battles [#b157d09f]
- During battle, the enemy's appearance now displays thei...
Weapon models attached to item hooks will also be display...
***Layout Tool [#b0d35cce]
- When attempting to display status changes of "unequipab...
***Rendering Settings [#dcac030c]
- The rendering engine has been modified to improve stabi...
- Improved the process of applying fog to the water surfa...
- The SSAO algorithm has been improved and the following ...
-- SSAO algorithm added.
~-''View'': Conventional algorithm.
~-''View (Corrected)'': The algorithm is the same as befo...
~-''Linear'': The algorithm is less sensitive to the dist...
-- The following parameters have been added:
--- Maximum Distance: Beyond the distance, the SSAO effec...
This was implemented to improve the noise-like results th...
---Blur: Added a choice of blurring techniques.
~- ''Previous'': This is the previous blur. There is no s...
~- ''Bilateral'': It has less blur, but avoids extending ...
~- ''Half Bilateral'': Bilateral is performed at half res...
--- Shadow Judgment Level: You can adjust how well the li...
***Map Editor [#z6fed44c]
- Added the function to sort entries in the Placed List p...
Sorting can be done from the context menu (select an entr...
***Test Play [#fe84fcfc]
- The Cast Parameter Check View now also displays the eff...
** Specification Changes [#ld111e58]
***Resources [#lc9eb5b8]
- When importing a file from the Image menu, the initial ...
**Bug Fixes [#o1396c1a]
***Events [#hc487197]
- Fixed a bug in the "Check Variable Box" panel setting w...
- Fixed a bug where "Enhanceable" items were not detected...
- Fixed a bug where HP/MP changed by an event after the r...
- Fixed a bug where the content displayed in the "Display...
- Fixed a bug where, in an event where a rotation angle o...
- Fixed a bug where collision detection would pass throug...
- Fixed a bug where switching to a different map several ...
- Fixed a bug in the "Recover/Reduce Battle Cast Consumpt...
- Fixed an issue where, when using the "Make Player/Event...
- Fixed a bug that caused Collision Detection with events...
- Fixed a bug where even if you allowed the player to wal...
***Map Editor [#p1b98777]
- Fixed a bug in the Placed List palette where sorting en...
- Fixed a bug where the destination location was not disp...
- Fixed a bug where after creating an event with a move, ...
The destination information was deleted internally but co...
***Game Definition [#ye9c2d57]
- Fixed a bug that caused gamepad input to become unrespo...
***Resources [#w7c8ff0d]
- Unused files and folders are deleted from the project f...
- Fixed a bug where model changes etc. were not immediate...
- Fixed a bug that caused animations to be displayed inco...
- Fixed a bug in the Asset Picker preview where resources...
- Fixed a bug where the value set in Asset Picker Options...
- When creating a physics setting from a model that was c...
- Moved the particle's "Playtime" property to "For Battle...
- Fixed a bug that prevented the cast from blinking when ...
***Database [#t050af0f]
- Fixed a bug where using the "Tag" for the "State" abili...
- Fixed a bug where the state with the "Force Granting Be...
- Fixed a bug in the processing of the lower limit set fo...
- If there is a "State" with the removal condition set as...
-- ''Previous Specification'':
Paralysis is removed at the end of the battle.
If "Paralysis" is set to "ability to grant 'Sleep' when r...
-- ''Improved Specification'':
This change will prevent sleep from being granted at the ...
*** Internal Format [#lbf4e4be]
- Fixed a bug that prevented the generation of internal f...
-- When importing from DLC using the Asset Picker
-- When importing by drag & drop into the Map Editor
-- When copying and pasting on the Resources & Database
-- When importing from an entry that specifies a graphic ...
-- When importing layout data
- Improved internal model format for more efficient memor...
''&color(red){(!)};''Please note that if you are using th...
***Layout Tool [#lea0c961]
- Fixed a bug that caused layout elements to be misaligne...
- Fixed a bug that prevented some operations, such as sel...
- Fixed a bug where, when copying and pasting elements in...
- Fixed a bug in the "Store - Sale" screen where an empty...
- Fixed a bug where event graphic changes were not applie...
- Fixed a bug in the submenu container property " Submenu...
***Battles [#x88458fe]
- Fixed a bug in which during a normal attack in battle, ...
- Fixed a bug in which the default display state of subgr...
***Sprite Tool [#u794c6a8]
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when deleting a la...
***Post Effects [#c2bb5e4f]
- Improved fog processing for the water surface shader.
***Tool UI [#ga90ba95]
- Fixed a bug in the Movement Range Setting dialog where ...
- Fixed a bug in the entry tree that sometimes did not fi...
***Plug-ins [#xaffecff]
- Fixed a bug that prevented getting the attribute/state ...
***Assets [#r53e6564]
- Changed the removal condition and icon for the "Less HP...
The "State" icon is now displayed without being removed a...
***DLC [#j43e9949]
- Fixed an error that displayed an error message that the...
Other minor UI and text changes were made.
* [#n62d90bd]
**Bug Fixes [#uc5ad079]
***Events [#r89bb975]
- Fixed a bug where the collision size did not change whe...
***Resources [#wc156a6d]
- Fixed a bug where the height generated by RigidBody was...
- Fixed a bug that caused an error when importing a VRM m...
- Fixed a bug that prevented the preview of the resource ...
***Camera Tool [#f6dce813]
- Fixed a bug that prevented editing the camera when dele...
As of Ver., the bug where the basic settings of ...
***Layout Tool [#fafc91c0]
- The description of the special format currentskillconsu...
***Map Editor [#gf4b3993]
- Fixed a bug that caused the model to appear to repeated...
***Gameplay Issues [#p98d4fbb]
- Fixed a bug that could cause some cast members during P...
***Others [#vb0690cc]
- Fixed a bug that prevented changes to font settings fro...
* [#u8863a51]
**Bug Fixes [#ja4a3f2e]
***Events [#r1990e06]
- Fixed a bug in the "Obtain Battle Information" panel th...
***Resources [#q0a6b55e]
- The Y coordinate of the capsule collision, which is aut...
''&color(red){(!)};'' When VRM-based 3D stamps imported i...
-In the Resources section, the "Update File" button has b...
*Ver. [#t996b1f1]
** New and Improved Features [#obed8dbf]
***Resources [#h28918f5]
- Automatically set collision on VRM import to "capsule" ...
**Bug Fixes [#b1508e8e]
***Resources [#f5098363]
- Fixed a bug that caused multiple VRM format models impo...
***Events [#h9eb9dd4]
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused translucent areas to ...
''&color(red){(!)};''The following bug fixes have been ca...
%%- Fixed a bug that caused the loss of collision detecti...
***Common Event Editor [#u52d09fe]
- Fixed a bug that caused slow processing when trying to ...
The problem of grayed out event names will be fixed in th...
***Game Definition [#z3fa0df0]
- Fixed a bug in which the setting option “Count Y Moveme...
*** Known Bugs [#ec063e9d]
- If you change the scale of a stamp based on a VRM-forma...
There is no problem with game play.
*Ver.1.13.0 [#t748f6da]
** New and Improved Features [#h67b29e1]
**Battle-related Features [#d0784460]
*** Additional Abilities when Equipped [#kd5f67de]
--'' The following options have been added to "Item" abil...
--- "Ability When Equipped: Skills" ability that allows t...
--- "Ability When Equipped: States" ability to grant spec...
*** Usage of "Tags" to Set the Effect Target Range [#jdda...
--'' Added the ability to specify "tags" in the "Items", ...
Example: In the State Definition, add the tag "#KO" for "...
Then, by creating a skill with the "State Recovery (Tag)"...
***Skill Reflection [#k77600a0]
--'' "Reflection Rate", which allows skills to reflect, h...
--- If more than one cast successfully reflects, each wil...
--- The destination of the reflection can be randomly sel...
--- Reflective/non-reflective skills can be specified by ...
Example: If you do not want to reflect only skills with o...
-#allycast -#tagA
--''In Casts > Battle tab > Treat as Enemy in Encounters,...
---Skill target is all of them and someone is in [Reflect...
---Skill target is a single person, but everyone is in [R...
---When the skill target is a single person, if someone i...
-''[Game Definition]''
--'' Added a field in "System Resources" to set the effec...
If the reflection is successful, the specified effect is ...
The sample game "Orb Stories", which is pre-installed in ...
If you want to use it, go to Resources > Particles, click...
--'' “Display Reflected Effects” has been added to “Rules...
Turning this switch off shortens the time of the battle p...
***Critical Hit [#ued6be1c]
- ''[Database]''
--'' The following options have been added to the "Items"...
--- Added "Critical Damage Rate (%)" which adds the criti...
--- Added "Critical Evasion Rate (%)", which adds the pro...
--'' "Critical Effect" has been added to the "Weapon/Armo...
You can set the effect that is displayed when a critica...
-- ''A “Bare Handed Critical Effect” has been added to th...
-''[Game Definition]''
--'' “Critical Damage Rate” has been added to Rules and R...
--'' When using the "At the Beginning of Action" trigger ...
*** Probability of Escaping [#qd2ff3dc]
-''[Game Definition]''
--''Added an option to edit the ""Escape" Command Success...
*** Formula Related [#bd55555a]
-''[Database and Others]''
-- ''Added "Formula List Dialog" to manage multiple formu...
In the tool, where formulas are available, you can use ...
-- ''Improved Formula Editor UI.''
-- ''Parameters and functions that can be used in formula...
---“Clamp” added to “Opcodes” is a function to keep a val...
Example: The parameter “a” represents the value to be k...
When clamp(a,5,10), a is output if 5<a<10, otherwise 5 ...
--- The “Active Casts” added to “Others” refers to the nu...
***Battle Events [#r650f604]
-- ''The following information is now available from the ...
--- "Management Tag" for the selected battle command
--- The "Management Tag" set for the "Action Type" that t...
--- The result of the hit determination at the beginning ...
Information on misses, hits, and criticals can be obtai...
Note that if the results are manipulated by events afte...
--- The target type of the immediately preceding skill.
For example, you can see if the selected skill targets ...
--- Skill (item) tags used
--- Number of surviving cast members randomly from allied...
--- Resistance value of the cast to attributes and states
-- ''The following features have been added to the "Speci...
--- Added the "Change Target Only" feature to the "Action...
--- Add "Action Timing" field to allow for immediate acti...
--- "At the End of Result" has been implemented as an exe...
The triggering condition will be triggered after the resu...
--- "When Result Ends" has been implemented in the "Battl...
Note that "When Result Ends" is also executed when "When ...
*** Refer to Weapon Setting [#i32edc0b]
-- ''Added "Refer to Weapon" to the motion and effect set...
The motion and effects of the weapon used when activati...
-- ''In the attribute selection of the skill's ability "S...
** VRM Format Support [#b177f047]
*** Import of VRM Format Models [#t87a8540]
-- ''VRM format models can now be used as 3D models.''
Upon import, the most appropriate materials are automatic...
In addition, a file converted to FBX format is generated ...
By using the model converted to FBX for services such as ...
''&color(red){(!)};''However, in some cases, depending on...
Please see the [[3D Characters > .vrm Format Models secti...
''&color(red){(!)};''In some cases, VRM format models use...
Please consider using the "Internal Format Settings" feat...
--'' In Resources > Models, added "Movement Limit of Swin...
When running or changing direction during a game, you can...
**Other Features and Improvements [#e5723e72]
***Game Definition [#nc1afcc8]
-The "Rules and Operations" screen has been split into th...
- The UI of the "Common Terms" screen has been changed.
- In the "Common Terms" section, the arrow symbol used to...
***[Tool UI] [#ra3d50da]
- Improved the tooltip of the variable selection box at v...
**Bug Fixes [#o338db83]
***Battles [#de03b887]
- Fixed a bug that caused the effect to be applied to the...
- Fixed a bug where the consumption status values of cast...
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when using the “Ch...
***Database [#bf505bb7]
- Fixed so that when damage is generated by automatic dam...
- Fixed a bug where damage/recovery colors were not used ...
- Fixed "Battle Action AI" under "Cast" so that the width...
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception in some cases when...
- Fixed a bug in the editing UI for abilities that increa...
- Fixed a bug in which the number of items with "Enhance...
- Fixed a bug in the "Damage to Consumption Status" abili...
- Fixed a bug where some ability editing UI had unnecessa...
- In Database, modified a scroll bar to appear when an en...
***Layout Tool [#g783d9da]
- Fixed a bug in the Free Layout for Event screen that pr...
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception if a key input was...
- Fixed a bug that reset the "Number of Message Lines" an...
***Events [#sd1ef934]
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when specifying a ...
- Fixed a bug in the "Display Store and Check Results" pa...
- Fixed a bug in the Common and Battle events that could ...
*** Internal Format [#rce79f5f]
- Fixed a bug that could cause some of the huge mesh coll...
- Fixed a bug that caused the Resources screen to freeze ...
***Map Editor [#jc7f3896]
- Fixed operation during narrowing of the placed list.
***Camera Tool [#u4c34ca8]
- Fixed a bug in the Camera List where buttons for unavai...
- In the combo box of the camera property "Use Other Came...
- Fixed a bug that caused the map currently displayed in ...
***Sprite Tool [#mb2a1bff]
- Fixed a bug where the first frame of a sprite assigned ...
***Resources [#oad30027]
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur when...
- Fixed a bug that could cause the preview to be very slo...
***Sample Games [#d4145f3e]
- Fixed a bug in the "Dungeon RPG Sample" where the stair...
- Fixed a bug in the "Dungeon RPG Sample" that caused ine...
''&color(red){(!)};''The "Grid Move" in the Common Event ...
- In Orb Stories, the battle AI of the Sword Keeper was m...
*Ver. [#kf2efb39]
**Bug Fixes [#jdf15b1c]
*** Internal Format Conversion [#l7b63ba0]
- Fixed a bug that caused internal format files to be cre...
- Fixed a bug in which model changes were not reflected i...
***Events [#td8433d4]
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused an exception when try...
***Map Editor [#u88e9a7f]
- Fixed a bug that caused the names of entries in the Pla...
***Others [#k5b85f5e]
- Fixed a bug that caused Japanese text to be displayed f...
*Ver. [#z5540139]
**Bug Fixes [#ecdd56e7]
***Events [#q6b6a8ff]
- Fixed a bug that blendshapes were not reflected in even...
***Plug-ins [#b09ff355]
- Fixed a bug in which some overloads of Yukar.Engine.Gra...
*Ver. 1.12.1 [#c0e1c37b]
** New and Improved Features [#i5db2c99]
***Conversion Feature to Internal Format of Resources [#n...
- ''The “Use Internal Format (beta)” feature has been imp...
The default setting for this feature is “off”.
''&color(red){(!)};'' This feature is in beta. It is reco...
When turned on, the model and textures are converted to a...
The converted files will be placed in the library folder ...
--''This feature has the following advantages and disadva...
--- Speeds up the loading process during games.
--- The memory used by the game is reduced.
--- When exporting as a published work, game size is redu...
--- Depending on your environment and the number of resou...
--- The size of the project folder will increase as it wi...
-- ''In addition, when this feature is turned on, the fol...
---Adding resources to the project with this feature turn...
---When this feature is turned on, a backup of the projec...
--''In addition, the properties of the resources to be co...
If you wish to restore the properties that were changed i...
---''[Turn Off “Vertex Compression” on the Model for Coll...
When “Vertex Compression” is turned on and an internal fo...
By turning this one off, you can avoid its effects.
If the same model is also used for display, the reduction...
---''[Turn On “Texture Compression” for All Textures]''
Compressing textures can reduce memory consumption.
However, the following types of textures, which have a si...
Textures for which the interpolation method is Near...
Textures for LUT
The image quality will be slightly degraded.
---''[Optimize Texture Usage Settings]''
Normal maps have dedicated texture compression, so if the...
---''[Backup the Entire Game File] ''
Create a backup folder for the entire game file (project ...
-- ''Once this feature is turned on, turning it off will ...
Note, however, that “Resources” menu properties changed i...
***Game Definition [#a7cd9b68]
- In the system graphic, icons indicating the equipment t...
***Events [#a826d0fe]
- The text command \c has been added to panels that can d...
***Database [#f5da671e]
- Sorting can now be done by clicking on the “Enable”, “A...
***Map Editor [#g0514012]
- Improved the behavior of the Map List palette.
-- After pasting a map, the editor will open the pasted m...
-- A blue circle is now displayed on the thumbnail of the...
***Test Play [#s038de30]
- The performance meter opened from the option menu has b...
***Others [#n40a0037]
- Improved the combo box to open immediately when clickin...
- A “Save Information for Inquiry” feature has been added...
By sending us the information you have saved using this f...
**Bug Fixes [#u1146236]
***Layout Tool [#jd06a154]
- Fixed a bug in which sound effects set for sprite motio...
- Fixed a bug that prevented the use of currentitem-relat...
- Fixed a bug where an exception would occur when opening...
- Fixed a bug in which if the decision button was pressed...
- Fixed a bug that allowed users to edit the motion of a ...
***Sprite Tool [#qc2ae43c]
- Fixed a bug in which a motion was not immediately added...
***Events [#kf746e39]
- Fixed a bug where moving to another map while a message...
- Fixed a bug in the String Input panel where an exceptio...
***Map Editor [#b53dfdf8]
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception when multiple...
***Database [#v5f9a6df]
- The display color of the damage value was fixed to the ...
- Fixed a bug in which the damage/recovery color set for ...
- The wording of the "Success Rate" property under "Skill...
***Resources [#ga475c6a]
- Fixed a bug that caused the motion blend time to be 0.1...
- Collisions that were inadvertently added to 3D stamps f...
- Fixed 4 textures for the pre-installed terrain stamp EP...
***Battles [#z4efc5c3]
- Fixed a bug that caused a waiting time of 30 frames eve...
- Fixed a bug in a battle event where the "Force Granting...
***Test Play [#x1db6070]
- Fixed a bug that could cause the tool to crash due to i...
***Others [#x39a56ba]
- Fixed a bug in which an exception would occur, and the ...
- Fixed a bug that caused the font.ttf of the first proje...
- A minimum size has been set for the dialog palette.
- Fixed a bug that could cause display corruption when re...
- Fixed a bug in the battle status screen of “Orb Stories...
*Ver. [#ya78c8f4]
**Bug Fixes [#e09a59b1]
***Map Editor [#r107618e]
- In the entry tree of the Common Events palette and the ...
- When opening another window, such as the Database, from...
- In the tree of the Common Events palette and the Placed...
*** Configuration [#i66348d3]
- It is no longer possible to disable all three types of ...
- A warning is now displayed when automatic backup is “tu...
***Others [#xf4d9ecf]
- If a problem occurs with this tool and a crash report i...
***Layout Tool [#dc4b7c65]
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when pressing the ...
*Ver. [#l714910b]
**Bug Fixes [#w355f51e]
***Map Editor [#x7a756c2]
- Fixed a bug in which an exception would occur if the ar...
Also fixed a bug that caused an exception when setting mu...
***Layout Tool [#dbda82b7]
- Fixed a bug that prevented \itemdictionaryname[x] from ...
*Ver. [#ed8346cb]
** New and Improved Features [#x2b31b97]
***Events [#gcd52843]
The limit of up to 2,048 entries has been removed from th...
**Bug Fixes [#f5984654]
***Layout Tool [#l9f9f89e]
- Fixed a bug in which the Special Coordinate Specificati...
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when placing a ren...
***Events [#ldf93422]
- Fixed a bug that caused the "Recover/Reduce HP or MP" p...
- Fixed a bug in the "Change Cast Graphic" panel, which i...
***Map Editor [#mfa507c6]
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when executing “Co...
***Others [#vac85bef]
- Fixed a bug in which when a game with a different aspec...
This is in response to a problem that occurs when running...
*Ver. [#s8a38e55]
**Bug Fixes [#l898ae47]
***Gameplay Issues [#h43fa76c]
- Fixed that the decision button does not respond when th...
- Fixed a bug that prevented the battle from progressing ...
- Fixed a bug that caused damage in map battles to hit in...
***Database [#odce3be7]
- Fixed a bug in the State Ability “Disable Command” that...
- Icons displayed in the Database Tool have been corrected.
***Map Editor [#a2013157]
- Fixed a bug that caused the tool in the Map Editor to c...
***Events [#ea988c29]
- Some English translations of the Text Command Insert Di...
***Others [#td6c7992]
- Added a sentence to the Published Work Export readme.tx...
*Ver. [#f063764c]
**Bug Fixes [#p8d3216a]
***Events [#j19cbc17]
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused an exception when exe...
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception during playback us...
- Fixed a bug that caused events using the “Item Enhancem...
***Layout Tool [#e7afb399]
- Fixed a bug that a sound effect assigned to the display...
*Ver. 1.12.0 [#q631ace1]
** New and Improved Features [#v5c25396]
***Backlogs [#d6a898e3]
- ''Layout Tool''
--'' A new “Backlog” screen has been added to the Layout ...
--'' Added “Show Backlogs” to the submenu container actio...
The in-game backlog can be displayed by placing a submenu...
- ''Events''
-- ''Added “Add Strings to Backlogs” panel to the “Conver...
Texts set in this panel are not displayed during the game...
For example, it is intended to be used to include a separ...
-- ''The following control characters have been added to ...
--- Record/End in Backlog Only: \-
--- Show/End Only in Main Text: \+
- ''Game Definition ''
-- ''New “Max Number of Backlogs Retained” in Rules & Ope...
***Change Game Speed / Skip Events [#jbf924e0]
- ''Events''
-- ''A “Change Game Speed” panel has been added to the “C...
This panel allows you to change the time elapsing speed o...
The game speed is restored when user input is required to...
''&color(red){(!)};'' ''Excessively high game speeds may ...
The speed limit will vary depending on factors such as th...
- ''Display priority can now be specified in the “Display...
As with the “Play Movie” panel, we have added a low, medi...
Previously, images could not be displayed in front of the...
- ''Common Event Templates''
-- ''Added “Skip Events” as a template for common events.''
Pressing the menu button will cause the game screen to fa...
This event template uses the “Change Game Speed” panel an...
''If you wish to change the key for activation or the eff...
''&color(red){(!)};'' ''In this event, the screen will re...
''&color(red){(!)};''At this time, this event automatical...
''If you want to explicitly disable event skipping in...
''&color(red){(!)};''''If you wish to continue displaying...
This is a necessary action to wait for the Common Eve...
***Message Skipping [#j118ee09]
- ''Game Definition ''
-- ''New “Use Message Skip” in Rules and Operations > Ope...
When this flag is turned on, messages and conversations i...
- ''Events''
-- ''The control character “\s” has been added to the “Di...
***Movie Playback During Battles [#c6e2cf2c]
- ''Events''
-- ''Movies can now be played in battle events using the ...
***Events [#i480e127]
- ''In the “Increase/Decrease Item” panel, the Nth item i...
- A function to specify the attack attribute and “a setti...
- The “Text Command Input Assistance Dialog,” which opens...
***Layout Tool [#b210c49c]
- ''The “Variable to Assign a Selection Result” and “Vari...
- "Start the Index from 1" has been added to the Layout P...
Previously, the index of the selection was set to 0 origi...
***Database [#f0286985]
- ''Added an entry field for Management Tags in “Battle A...
This allows us to use the “State” ability “Disable Comman...
''&color(red){(!)};'' Even if you do not enter any tags i...
- Changed the category of item/skill/state abilities and ...
***Game Definition [#m068d1b3]
- A new option “Count Y Movements as Steps” has been adde...
This allows choosing whether to consider the height movem...
***Resources [#k3816366]
- The “3D Stamps” have been improved so that subgraphics ...
This also allows the properties of selected entries to be...
''We will support the reordering of subgraphics by draggi...
- For “3D Stamps,” the initial display state setting for ...
***Map Editor [#je681f29]
- Improved the maximum map number limit, allowing map num...
***Plug-ins [#y54b1d1e]
- Added BattleStart method to MapScene class to generate ...
You can specify the monsters that appear by passing the G...
***Tool UI [#w442bf63]
- The overall color brightness of the Bakin tool has been...
''The coloring of the tool will be adjusted on an ongoing...
***Reminder Regarding the Update [#n049ee51]
-''Note on APIs available in C# scripts ''
--Removed invalid Rectangle argument that previously exis...
''&color(red){(!)};''If you have been using these, please...
**Bug Fixes [#rf67f7e5]
***Battles [#lc770b7d]
- Fixed a bug that prevented eventized decals from being ...
- Fixed a bug that prevented action types from being obta...
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused damage processing to ...
- Fixed a bug that caused a pause in the timing of the fi...
- Fixed the problem so that if an action selected by both...
***Events [#mffb0d09]
- Fixed a bug in which if the “End of Battle” event was c...
- Fixed a bug that prevented the “Change Layout to be Use...
- Fixed a bug that caused the “changed type of layout” to...
- Fixed a bug that caused incorrect centering when there ...
- Fixed a bug that caused the “Check Collision State” pan...
- The upper limit of the “Change Battle Speed” panel sett...
- Fixed a bug that prevented the graphics of event symbol...
***Database [#a5fe9c0b]
- Fixed a bug that caused the “Change in Resistance” effe...
***Layout Tool [#kb99da52]
- Fixed a bug that caused all name fields to be displayed...
- Fixed a bug that prevented \savename from being display...
***Sprite Tool [#i324bd74]
- Fixed a bug in which images no longer used in the sprit...
- Fixed a bug that allowed motions to be added to the Sys...
- Unnecessary “sweet_smile_1” was removed from chr001 in ...
''&color(red){(!)};''It will remain in the existing proje...
***Resources [#r2b235fe]
- When rendering a movie in an enlarged format, the linea...
- Fixed a bug in which if a subgraphic had a swaying obje...
- Fixed a bug where the setting of the scale to the subgr...
- Fixed a bug where a 3D stamp that used a different mate...
- Fixed a bug that prevented collisions from being update...
- Fixed a bug in which, when changing some parameters of ...
- Fixed a bug where decals added to Resources were not be...
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception when executin...
- Fixed a bug in which when selecting blendshapes with th...
***Gameplay Issues [#t217d1c0]
- Fixed a bug that caused animations of sprites displayed...
- Fixed a bug that caused the “HP” value to decrease when...
- Fixed the player cast motion to return to wait motion w...
- Fixed a slight color fading issue during WebM (movie) p...
- Fixed a bug where the screen would not stay still when ...
- Fixed a bug in which repeatedly hitting the close butto...
***Plug-ins [#of96f7aa]
- Fixed a bug that prevented updating with overwrite copy...
***Others [#tacc22fb]
- Fixed a bug that could cause maps with the environment ...
- Fixed a bug in the function to zip a project by right-c...
*Ver. [#jd088105]
**Bug Fixes [#u5055c03]
***Issues During Test Play [#n8c7bdd9]
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception at the start of te...
- Fixed a bug in the test play window in which repeatedly...
*Ver. [#o89adfae]
**Bug Fixes [#y1aa8e53]
***Layout Tool [#h8a6f4dd]
- Fixed a bug that caused the “Line Spacing Offset” in la...
***Resources [#udb16482]
- Fixed a bug that caused thumbnails to not display corre...
***Others [#iea27bb4]
- Fixed a bug that caused some files to not be exported p...
*Ver. [#tf77f2bb]
**Bug Fixes [#s0d74493]
***Events [#o0daacfe]
- Fixed a bug in which the “Brighten/Darken Screen” panel...
- Fixed a bug that prevented lip-synch of sprites in conv...
***Event Templates [#v5b5cec5]
- Fixed a bug that caused incorrect assignment of local v...
*** Variables Used [#jbadf7fc]
- Fixed a bug that caused the start conditions of “When G...
***Database [#q18b124e]
- Fixed a bug that caused some splitters in the “Casts” a...
***Gameplay Issues [#y389352f]
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception at startup if...
***Map Editor [#q231eb67]
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when displaying a ...
***Others [#ze8ddcc0]
- Some skills used by monsters in Orb Stories have been a...
*Ver. [#r915f68c]
**Bug Fixes [#d89abdf2]
***Events [#vb3215f2]
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception during a conversat...
''&color(red){(!)};''This problem occurred when the “Moti...
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused unintended lighting e...
- Fixed a bug that prevented the “Change Cast's Equipment...
***Camera Tool [#w982b98d]
- Fixed a bug that prevented the splitter in the Camera T...
***Test Play [#s913cfc0]
- Fixed a bug in the debugging display of collisions duri...
***Resources [#p0d2ebce]
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when adding a blen...
***Others [#cfcf9a64]
- Fixed a bug in which the dialog size did not match the ...
*Ver. [#x8fdd639]
** Bug Fixes [#x74b64a9]
***Events [#x6bb4dc0]
- Fixed a bug that prevented specifying speech bubbles ta...
*Ver. 1.11 [#o43dcf57]
** New and Improved Features [#t8a2b686]
***Auto Save [#wc44ffc5]
- ''An auto save function has been implemented.''
''Also, it is now possible to save and load from an event...
- By turning on Game Definition > Rules and Operations > ...
-- The top slot on the save data selection screen will be...
-- In the Layout Tool > Save File Selection screen, the s...
-- If you wish to display an indication such as "Saving" ...
- The event panels "Forced Save" and "Forced Load" have b...
-- The "Forced Save" panel is a function that forcibly ov...
-- The "Forced Load" panel forces the loading of saved da...
<<<- You can also assign a slot for auto save as a save/l...
<<<- Even if auto save is turned off in "Game Definition"...
<<<-- An event panel “Enable/Disable Auto Save” has been ...
We expect you to use it to create "games that only have a...
<<<1. Delete the "Save" option from the menu.
<<<2. At the beginning of the game, "Forced Load" is alwa...
*** Conversation Cast Enter and Exit Animation [#i0a92d93]
The "Conversation" event can now be customized by using t...
- Added "Conversation Cast Display Effect" to "Screen Tra...
Assign the sprite set you wish to use for the Enter and E...
The sprite set for Enter and Exit is created with the Spr...
>>>Referring to the default sprite set "DialogueAnimation...
>>>Example: Motion "LeftCharacterIn_Active" is the motion...
- In the previous version, when a billboard was assigned ...
*** Display the Portrait in Front of the Conversation Win...
The relationship between the rendering orders of windows ...
- A new "Reflect the Rendering Order of the Cast Displaye...
When this option is turned on, the rendering order will c...
Change the position on the layout parts list of the "pane...
***User-defined Icons [#p9ca0fd9]
Allows registered icons to be displayed in conversations ...
- "User-defined Icons" can now be registered in Game Defi...
- Added \i[X,Y] for displaying User-defined Icons to Text...
When you register an image with "Count Slice" in Resource...
Icons are automatically resized to the size of the immedi...
***Database [#cd0cc91c]
- In the "State Abilities" section of the State Definitio...
We also added the "Disable Command" ability to the "Abnor...
-- State Change (When Granted)
Assigns an additional state to the opponent.
---If "Not Granted" is assigned, the specified "state" is...
For example, if the effect of the "Poison" state is assig...
---If "Granted" is assigned, then the specified "state" w...
For example, if the "poison" ability is assigned as [Stat...
''&color(red){(!)};'' If the cast is not "poisoned" in th...
''&color(red){(!)};'' This ability will not work unless t...
''&color(red){(!)};'' It is recommended to specify the ab...
-- State Change (When Removed)
When this "state" is removed, the assigned "state" is gra...
However, if the "state" is disabled by the "State Disabli...
---If "Always" is specified, the specified "state" is ass...
---If "At Removal Condition" is assigned, the specified "...
---If "At State Recovery" is assigned, the "state" is ass...
-- Abnormal Action Category > Disable Command
Assigning a "tag" to a battle command disables the abilit...
Assign a default tag such as "Attack" or "Skill" or a tag...
''&color(red){(!)};''This ability “disables command selec...
- A new option has been added to the “Change in Appearan...
- Damage values specified in State Definition > State Abi...
When damage is caused by this ability on maps, the damage...
''&color(red){(!)};''To use this feature, turn on “Displa...
- Added enable/disable switches for items/skills/state ab...
Please use this feature when you want to temporarily disa...
- The "target" of an item, skill, or ability of State Def...
- The State Definition "Auto Damage" ability now has a ne...
- Assigned a lower limit when reducing the consumption va...
--In the "State Abilities" section, specify "Auto Damage,...
-- For example, if "1" is set in the "Lower Limit", the s...
- Changed the order and option name of "Removal Condition...
- The UI of the Casts > Basic tab "Resistance to State" a...
- Changed the "Auto Damage (On Maps: HP)" ability so that...
***Resources [#be41d516]
- In the "Materials" section, a new feature has been impl...
Copy and paste buttons are placed above the property sect...
This feature copies all material properties including tex...
- In the “3D/2D Stamps” section, the feature to copy and ...
Copy and Paste buttons are placed above the property field.
''&color(red){(!)};''Note that this feature does not copy...
- In each resource menu tree, the context menu (right-cli...
When exporting as a published work, resources with this c...
''&color(red){(!)};''Use this feature if you want to incl...
- A warning message is now displayed when importing WebM ...
The WebM file formats that can be successfully played bac...
-- Video tracks encoded in YUV420 using VP8/VP9
-- Audio tracks encoded using Opus
***Events [#f0169c85]
- A "Check the Learned Skill" panel has been implemented ...
- The "Obtain Battle Information" panel now allows the na...
- The following functions have been implemented in the "C...
-- The function to change the equipment ignoring the fixe...
-- The function to discard removed items without putting ...
- In the "Display Effect" panel and the "Display Emoticon...
***Event Editor [#v3908f26]
- The "Favorites" function has been added to the Command ...
Turning on the star symbol for each command will register...
- The rendering speed of the Event Editor has been impro...
Improved processing in both panel mode and text mode.
***Tool UI [#oc72ad53]
- When assigning a common event or a layout in the Event ...
- Folder expansion state on the "Select Variable Box" dia...
***Map Editor [#c3154b0d]
- Improved processing of opening and closing groups in th...
- Added "Event Search" to the Map Editor top menu > Edit ...
The "Event Search" menu, which was previously opened by p...
***Layout Tool [#m8a3f246]
- A check box has been added to the Layout to be Assigned...
The layout of the Layout Tool > Exit Game screen can now ...
You can also empty the contents of the layout to avoid th...
- "Management Tags for Casts to be Displayed" has been ad...
- In the Sprite Panel, an “Add and Edit” button has been ...
***Sprite Tool [#nfeaff76]
- When a motion is selected in the sprite list, informati...
***Camera Tool [#w037cc10]
- Improved the behavior of the camera list, including imp...
***Test Play [#e472cfd9]
- Improved to save the position and size of the debugging...
***Plug-ins [#x2a06d3e]
- For build/run errors in C# plug-ins, the number of line...
***Others [#y5884fff]
- In the Published Work Export function, it is now possib...
- Updated the sample game “Orb Stories” to support Ver. 1...
In addition, some 3D resources have been improved.
- Help button with ? mark has been added to the caption b...
The button opens the manual page in your browser. We plan...
**Bug Fixes [#u1bea481]
***Events [#ga259adf]
- Fixed a bug that prevented the "Change Cast's Equipment...
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the invincibility mod...
- Fixed a bug in the "Change Cast Status" panel where the...
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when using the "La...
- Fixed a bug in which jumping into a loop process using ...
- Fixed a bug that caused discrepancies between the targe...
***Battle Plug-in Sample [#i1769622]
- Fixed a bug in the Battle Plug-in sample that prevented...
- Fixed a bug in the Battle Plug-in sample where a skill ...
***Battles [#t294f341]
- Fixed a bug that prevented evented decals from being di...
***Map Editor [#k6cbdbd5]
- Fixed a bug in the battle test that caused an exception...
- Fixed a bug in the Placed List in which copying and pas...
- Fixed a bug in the Common Events palette under "Battle ...
- Fixed a bug that made opening a map in the editor and/o...
***Layout Tool [#eef39f3d]
- Fixed a bug that caused only that element to be visible...
(Example: "Visibility Switch" is specified for the "Money...
- Fixed a bug in which the decision button could be press...
- Fixed a bug in which when a common event was executed f...
- Fixed a bug in the layout parts list in which layout pa...
- Fixed a bug that caused incorrect line breaks in some d...
***Resources [#h0af7002]
- Fixed a bug in which "Cancel" in the Resource Dialog af...
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when deleting the ...
- Fixed a bug in which deleting “stamps using system proj...
***Database [#j9fe8b75]
- Fixed a bug that when opening a project created in a ve...
- Fixed a bug where the HP did not change when the player...
And we modified the system so that when the HP of all the...
- Fixed a bug that caused the game to be over when the St...
- Fixed a bug that caused a minus sign attached to the da...
*** Variables Used [#g843670b]
- Fixed a bug that caused deleted common events to remain...
***Gameplay Issues [#y5dc6939]
- Fixed a bug that caused the displayed free layout to di...
***Plug-ins [#t4f7fdac]
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused references to DLLs in...
***Others [#t2900529]
- Fixed a bug where the mouse cursor that was hidden did ...
- Fixed a bug that caused the left mouse button to behave...
*Ver. [#wbbb0c8b]
**Bug Fixes [#wcba94e7]
***Gameplay Issues [#uee71f91]
- Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when loading saved...
*Ver. [#r62edbbc]
**Bug Fixes [#cfe00cc1]
***Layout Tool [#m26a95d6]
- Fixed a bug that prevented inserting special formats us...
*Ver. [#b8ea07dc]
**Bug Fixes [#z0165da2]
***Layout Tool [#cf1c7ad8]
- Fixed a bug in the tree view of the "Layout to be Assig...
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when trying to nar...
- In the layout of the "Skill Target Selection" screen, t...
- Fixed a bug in which the target selection process did n...
***Others [#x257c876]
- Fixed a bug that prevented launching of published games...
*Ver. [#j3c520b0]
**Bug Fixes [#n95ee068]
***Events [#r7915ca3]
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception when using th...
- Fixed a bug in which the "Speech Bubble" display of a m...
- Fixed a bug in which when an item with the ability to e...
***Layout Tool [#u3950c02]
- Fixed a bug in which, while displaying a layout with th...
- Fixed a bug that the check box in the "Layout to be Ass...
- Fixed a bug in which converted layouts were not registe...
- Fixed a bug in which the target selection process for t...
***Database [#x19edbf4]
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when pasting when ...
- When a skill is used on the map, the target of the rate...
***Others [#uc1deb7e]
- Fixed a bug in which saved data for cast members who ha...
- Fixed a bug in which the facial graphics of some cast m...
''&color(red){(!)};''In making this correction, we have f...
This caused the file names of the "for sprite" images...
For example: Fighter A will be chr005 to chr006. Figh...
Please be careful when importing the above cast resou...
Example; When importing an image of fighter B into a ...
*Ver. [#jdbb12ee]
**Bug Fixes [#u98fc0e4]
***Events [#bc0397f2]
- Fixed a bug in which contact judging were not made when...
*Ver. 1.10.1 [#u3f07a5d]
** New and Improved Features [#d5eb368d]
***Resources [#d3098db3]
- When the "Optimize" option is selected during model imp...
***Layout Tool [#radc5beb]
- When multiple layouts are selected in the "Layout to be...
The changes are applied to the properties of all currentl...
***Sprite Tool [#z7e672c6]
- Layer information is now also copied when copying timel...
***Test Play [#v4fbb7a9]
- Added a simple performance meter to check CPU/GPU load.
It will appear when you select "On" in Options > Performa...
The names of the performance meters, which were previousl...
For "Details" graphs, explanations about graph coloring h...
- The "Log" tab of the Debug Window now logs the triggers...
When an event is executed from Map Settings, Skill Events...
***Plug-ins [#zc358966]
- For [BakinFunction] in C# script, \n can also be used f...
***Others [#de2dc2b3]
- Some Chinese translations have been improved.
**Bug Fixes [#rfbfae68]
***Events [#rbd17471]
- Fixed a bug in the "Select from Selection and Check Res...
- Fixed a bug that caused a forced termination of the wal...
- Fixed a bug that caused an empty item slot to be reserv...
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused folders with the same...
***Layout Tool [#if16ced0]
- Fixed a bug in the layout of the "Battle Status" screen...
- Fixed the behavior of tags for Obtained Items/Learned S...
***Gameplay Issues [#vb5fe4b6]
- Fixed a bug that increased the load on the collision de...
- Fixed a bug in which the behavior of determining the he...
***Database [#c253ed80]
- Fixed a bug in which specifying "Collide with Terrains"...
- Fixed a bug where the state ability "State Disabling" w...
- Fixed a bug in which the initial value of the state abi...
- Fixed a bug in the edit UI of the "Skill" ability "Stat...
- Fixed a bug that some changes in "Status" abilities wer...
***Resources [#m4f36ae7]
- Fixed a bug in the "Model" menu where a model for a sky...
- Fixed a bug that caused the transparency of water surfa...
***Sprite Tool [#o20ce57b]
- Fixed a bug in which the enable/disable control of the ...
- Fixed a bug in which layer information was pasted only ...
***Others [#ec1bc05e]
- Fixed a bug that prevented the correct re-import of esc...
- Fixed a bug in which alpha channel values were not alwa...
- Fixed a slight problem with the preset cast standing po...
*Ver. [#yfb7f358]
**Bug Fixes [#ua4a0877]
The following bugs derived from Ver. 1.10 have been fixed.
- Fixed a bug that prevented starting in Intel CPU built-...
- Fixed a bug that could cause collision generation for e...
*''Ver. 1.10'' [#t73df010]
** New and Improved Features [#t69d9543]
***Decals [#e4a9031a]
"Decal" related functions that allow 2D images to be proj...
For more information on how to use decals, please see [[D...
--''New "Decal Stamps" section in Resources is now availa...
''&color(red){(!)};''In v1.10, stamps added to the "Decal...
--''Added "decal shader" as a shader available in Resourc...
--''"Decal Target" has been added to the Resources > Mate...
''&color(red){(!)};''Note that using large images as deca...
- ''&color(red){(!)};''''About Preset Decal Stamps''
If you have created a project with previous version of Ba...
+ Press the Add Decal Stamp List button under Resources >...
+ Select ''BasicSet'' in the Additional Menu (leftmost me...
+ Select the decals you wish to import from the Asset col...
***Database [#y35cb5cd]
- ''The edit UI for State Definition > "State Abilities" ...
With this change, the Effects tab has been eliminated and...
- The "Auto Damage" ability of "State" can now be assigne...
- The "state" ability "automatic damage" can now be speci...
- The "State" ability "Disable Encounters" was changed to...
- "Sequential Numbering of Names When Generated", a funct...
The maximum number to be assigned is the value specified ...
- Changed the "Map/Available in Battles" flag so that bot...
- When pasting databases between projects when Bakin mult...
***Layout Tool [#nafff883]
- ''"Slider Orientation" was newly added to the propertie...
- The UI of the following dialog, which opens from the La...
--Text Panel: Special Formats Insert Dialog
--Slider Panel: Parameters Reflected in the Slider Insert...
--Rendering Container: Special Coordinate Specification T...
--Layout of Item Selection Screen, etc.: Management Tags ...
- The following features have been added to enhance the "...
-- Added "Management Tags for Skills to be Displayed" to ...
Free Layout for Event
-- Change the layout property of the following screen to ...
Skill Activator Selection / Skill Selection / Skill Pictu...
-- Added Item Related Tags
Obtained Items (For Picture Book)
-- Added Skill Related Tags
Learned Skills (For Picture Book)
- A folder management mechanism has been added to the "La...
***Events [#h69fdd00]
- ''A "Change Transition" panel has been implemented to c...
You can change the sprite used for the Screen Switching E...
- A scroll bar has been added to the description text fie...
- Regarding the "Check Collision State" panel, we have ad...
- The "Select from Selection and Check Results" panel now...
- For the "Assign to String Variable" and "String Replace...
- A new option has been added to the "Obtain Battle Infor...
''&color(red){(!)};''For example, "Target Number of Last ...
The existing option to obtain a value from (0~ ) has ...
- In the Event Command Selector, the "Display Effect" pan...
***Map Editor [#o0788ffd]
- Rotate lights and decals can now be rotated using the r...
- The direction of rotation using the Rotate button on th...
***Resources [#f712eee4]
- A "Vertex Compression" option has been implemented in R...
By turning this off, the "slight degradation of vertex co...
***Test Play [#d5b987eb]
- Added the ability to add/delete items in possession in ...
***Others [#vb1adf37]
- The "Batch Rename Dialog" available from the context me...
The "Numbering Digits" and "Make All Names the Same" chec...
***Localization [#y69ee34b]
- Some Chinese translations have been improved.
**Bug Fixes [#q299cdee]
***Map Editor [#a285f750]
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when changing a ma...
***Battle [#c0de6102]
- Fixed a bug in which the effect of using an item during...
***Event [#d233f2d3]
-Fixed a bug in the "Item Enhancement" panel that prevent...
- Fixed a bug in the "Recover/Reduce Battle Cast's HP/MP"...
- Fixed a bug that caused some conditions to not work cor...
- In the "Check Collision State" panel and the "Collision...
- Fixed a bug in which the "Change Cast Status" panel was...
- Fixed a bug that caused the Asset Picker to open when r...
- Fixed a bug in the Edit UI of the Event Panel where the...
***Database [#m9f48988]
- Fixed a bug in the "Auto Damage Frequency" of the "Stat...
- Fixed a bug that caused the translucent state of the la...
''&color(red){(!)};''After this version, the player cast ...
- Fixed a bug in the Database > Items tree where copying ...
***Gameplay Issues [#g02dfa4e]
- Since Ver. 1.9.0, we have fixed a bug that sometimes ca...
***Map Editor [#o63cd98e]
- Fixed a bug that caused unintended rotation results whe...
- Fixed a bug that local light type changes (local light/...
***Test Play [#d5a13e65]
- Fixed a bug in the Cast Parameter Check View where in-g...
***Others [#ld40f30d]
- Fixed a bug that the slider background image on the Orb...
- Fixed a bug in which the proper management tags were no...
- Fixed a bug that the volume of Bakin itself and the exe...
**Alerts for Update [#g345bd81]
If you are using the following functions after updating t...
- '' If you are using self-made shaders in the previous v...
-- To access scene information (members of struct System ...
-- When assigning the PBR world position using the fragme...
- ''If you are using "UV Step Animation" of the material,...
--Fixed a bug that caused the frames to be omitted when t...
--If you have created UV step animations based on this be...
*Ver. [#cb033cc7]
**Bug Fixes [#x021c344]
***Layout Tool [#q85aab30]
- Fixed a bug that prevented masks specified for layout p...
***Gameplay Issues [#lf685da5]
- Fixed a bug in which the enhancement values of enhancem...
- Fixed a bug that allowed cast members in the Unable to ...
***Map Editor [#o08a6ae2]
- Fixed a bug that prevented the "cut" of terrain from wo...
***Game Definition [#qf7ec7a0]
- The color picker that appears when specifying a color i...
Since the alpha channel value is invalid for "Display Col...
***Sprite Tool [#nd2e6652]
- In the sprite list, when a new sprite set was added, th...
*Ver. [#k99b2df7]
** New and Improved Features [#s39b1942]
- Some Chinese translations have been improved.
***Sprite Tool [#s55325ca]
- When a mask layer is selected on the timeline, the mask...
- A new [RGBA] field was added to the color change inform...
- A single display mode has been added to the layer marker.
A new button has been added to the menu at the top of the...
- It is now possible to select multiple layers and switch...
***Events [#y69e551e]
- Added "Transfer Previous Class Skills" option to the "C...
**Bug Fixes [#o356e6a7]
***Resources [#cd16dca5]
- Fixed a bug that prevented "Object Transparency" of mat...
***Database [#o125e704]
- Fixed a bug that prevented "variable names containing s...
- Fixed a bug that caused unintended recovery when the "R...
''&color(red){(!)};''The "Recover Self with Damage Inflic...
- The amount of damage caused by a skill with the "Recove...
- Fixed a bug that prevented the "Recover with Damage Inf...
''&color(red){(!)};''By specifying a negative value for t...
- Fixed a bug where statuses added in "Casts" were not re...
***Test Play [#o2d4ecb7]
- Fixed a bug where the Equip field in the Attribute/Stat...
- Fixed a bug that caused the formula to be added as a va...
***Gameplay Issues [#da16aba9]
- Fixed a bug that caused events assigned "Automatically ...
- Fixed a bug in which attribute resistances of casts and...
- Fixed a bug that caused the EXP Gaining screen of the B...
- Fixed a bug where the "jumpup" motion would not release...
***Events [#c83723d8]
- Fixed a bug in which the start timing of movie playback...
- Fixed a bug in which specifying "Transfer of Grown-Up S...
***Camera Tool [#h9a51534]
- Fixed a bug in the "Use Skill" camera/"Use Item" camera...
- Fixed a bug in the "Use Skill" camera/"Use Item" camera...
***Layout Tool [#i079ca16]
- Fixed a bug that caused a momentary Disappearing Motion...
- Fixed a bug in which the "Sprite Edit Button" responded...
***Sprite Tool [#e3515fd5]
- Fixed a bug in which information such as display state ...
- Fixed a bug where the actual situation did not match th...
- Fixed a bug in which "Insert Mask Layer" in the context...
- Fixed a bug that could cause incorrect image names to b...
- Fixed a bug in which the undo buffer did not include in...
***Plug-ins [#m7ee2478]
- Fixed a bug that caused a crash during game play when a...
***Others [#m9a9dad7]
- Fixed a bug that prevented icons from being displayed f...
- Changed the import path for the lyrbr file to default t...
*''Ver.'' [#h78397a9]
**Bug Fixes [#taeb4ad7]
***Events [#dd7872ca]
- Fixed a bug that prevented the "Recover/Reduce HP or MP...
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when trying to dis...
***Layout Tool [#n89e9744]
- The following bugs that occurred when opening the Sprit...
-- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused an exception when th...
-- Fixed a bug that prevented subsequent sprite edits fro...
- The function to open the Sprite Tool from the Layout To...
***Database [#t9591526]
- The names of the equipment parts in the cast "Initial E...
*''Ver.'' [#ofa9177d]
**'' Bug Fixes'' [#q23c8304]
***''Sprite Tool'' [#ab8c4527]
- Fixed a bug that caused regular mask and alpha inverted...
***''Events'' [#t5abf076]
- Fixed a bug that caused -1 to be assigned when obtainin...
- Fixed a bug in the "Check Collision State" panel in whi...
- Since Ver. 1.9.0, an exception occurred when attempting...
***''Database'' [#yd83d599]
- The following two bugs in the Casts > Battles tab > Bat...
-- Changing "Function to be Assigned" from "Guard" or "Ch...
--Change "Open Item (Skill) List" to "Open Skill (Item) L...
***''Layout Tool'' [#t1142dd9]
- Fixed a bug that caused interpolation from the initial ...
***''Test Play'' [#k8a629a4]
-Fixed a bug that could cause an exception in the update ...
*''Ver. 1.9'' [#i76fc840]
- ''"Chinese Style 2D Assets", a 2D asset pack with Chine...
- ''Simplified/Traditional Chinese translation has been i...
''&color(red){We will continue to enhance the quality of ...
**''New and Improved Features'' [#cf93a194]
***''Sprite Tool'' [#d80fcf50]
- ''Mask layer was implemented in the Sprite Tool.''
--In the sprite timeline, layers in the line above the ma...
--If "Invert Alpha Value" is turned on in the properties ...
-- Images of primitive shapes such as a square or circle ...
--Masked animation can be applied to layout elements by a...
--- "Sprite Set referring to "Motion"" in the rendering c...
---Selection cursor sprite set of menu containers
---Sprite set of sprite panel
- ''Easing selection function has been improved.''
A dialog box has been added to select the type of easing ...
You can try this feature in the frame properties, where y...
- Sprite list operations have been improved.
-- Improved paste position when copying and pasting tree ...
-- Support for reordering of motions by multiple selectio...
-- Implemented a hotkey (Ctrl+D) for duplicating entries.
- Preview playback/pause can now be performed with the sp...
- Layers can now be swapped with the +/- keys.
With the layer name selected by clicking on it, press + t...
***''Database'' [#ka7c52b7]
- ''The number of battle commands can now be added/remove...
-- A battle command can be added by pressing the Add butt...
-- When "Open Skill List" or "Open Item List" is selected...
For example, skills could be divided into "skill" and "sp...
- Added "Damage Reduction when "Guard"" to the Skills > B...
When turned on, this skill is subject to damage reduction...
- Under Items > Change Elements tab > Basic Settings, "Da...
However, if both effects have been specified, turning off...
- In Items > Change Elements tab > Basic Settings, "Parts...
However, if the "Parts" setting has been specified, turni...
***''Layout Tool'' [#l3672307]
- '' "Management Tags for Items to be Displayed" can now ...
"Skill Activator Selection", "Battle Skill Selection", "B...
- In the properties of layout parts, a button to start ed...
Clicking the pen icon activates the Sprite Tool.
- The layout property "Variable to Assign the Selection R...
- Added "Change the Controller Vibration Setting" as an a...
A controller vibration on/off setting has also been added...
- Added "EXP at Current Level" to layout special format \...
***''Test Play'' [#hf882fbd]
- A debugging feature has been added to the Cast Paramete...
It can be opened from the Edit menu of the Cast Parameter...
- Added ability to change cast statuses and consumption v...
- The log in the Debug Window now displays the expanded r...
***''Map Editor'' [#t06f3bc6]
- The ability to open the Event Editor with a hotkey has ...
The hotkey default is "G". After selecting the terrain wh...
***''Events'' [#x14736de]
- Improved judging of lifts (on top of events).
- "Display Damage Numbers on Screen" function has been ad...
- The "Make Battle Cast as Operation Target" panel and th...
- For C# calls, overloading of methods with the same name...
***''Others'' [#u6880ae2]
- The following processing/loading times have been improv...
-- Processing when the "Resources" menu is closed by Canc...
-- Data loading time at project startup.
-- Time until the Top Menu opens when Bakin starts up.
-- The time it takes for a list of local files to appear.
**'' Bug Fixes'' [#vea59b59]
***''Layout Tool'' [#s30e1481]
- Fixed a bug in which "Management Tags for Items to be D...
- Fixed a bug in special forms that display accumulated E...
- Fixed a bug in "Effects" where centering would not work...
- Fixed a bug that caused the use of name box command in ...
- In the shop-related layouts, a bug has been corrected i...
The total number of items in the inventory bag (including...
***''Battles'' [#d8be8677]
- Fixed a bug in which the lower limit of cast status was...
- Fixed a bug that caused redrawing of the attack target ...
- Fixed a bug that could cause abnormally low frame rates...
- Fixed a bug where the motion assigned to a "state" was ...
- Fixed a bug that caused cast members who were in the KO...
- Fixed a bug that could cause initialization to run mult...
- Fixed a bug that prevented obtaining monster levels dur...
- Fixed a bug that caused the "guard" motion to play when...
- Fixed a bug that caused the damage value that pops up t...
- Fixed a bug in which changing a cast's level during bat...
***''Database'' [#r97e0d51]
- Fixed a bug where the damage/healing formula did not wo...
- Fixed a bug where selecting "None" for the target of a ...
- Fixed a bug in the skill settings where the target of r...
- Changed so that when an item is newly added, the effect...
- Fixed a bug that could cause the Asset Picker to open t...
- Fixed a bug in which the "Valid Only for Those KO" sett...
- Fixed a bug that prevented changes to the Skill Ability...
- Fixed a bug in which the "State Recovery (Valid Only fo...
***''Events'' [#yec79c14]
- In the "Recover/Reduce HP for This Event" panel, the ma...
- Fixed a bug in which the status for calculating damage ...
- Fixed a bug that prevented variables from being used as...
- Fixed a bug in which "Disable Player Orientation Change...
- Fixed a bug that prevented screen shaking effects such ...
- Fixed a bug that caused the first cast to end its walk ...
- Fixed a bug where the symbols indicating particles did ...
- Fixed a bug where adding a "Change Cast Motion" panel w...
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when trying to obt...
- Fixed a bug in which local variables could not be selec...
- Fixed a bug that caused the background color to be gree...
***''Game Definition'' [#kb41de4e]
- Fixed a bug that slowed down the test play after displa...
***''Map Editor'' [#n2294aad]
- Fixed a bug in which the state of the display and lock ...
***''Resources'' [#h73f1c24]
- In resource properties, if the resource you are jumping...
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception in previewing...
***''Sprite Tool'' [#n27ebec5]
- Fixed a bug that prevented pasting only the numerical v...
***''Play Execution Issue'' [#sc2f639d]
- Fixed a bug that caused a frame blackout between the tr...
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception at the start of a ...
***''Test Play'' [#z369ff14]
- Fixed a bug in the Debug Window that caused an exceptio...
***''Others'' [#b57e1815]
- Fixed a bug that prevented games from starting if a vid...
- The common event "Item Enhancement (For Menu)" of the "...
The timing for reducing the number of items in their poss...
(The position of the "Increase/Decrease Item" panel has c...
&color(red){If you have created your own event based on t...
*''Ver. 1.8.1'' [#d41c0feb]
- Improved Chinese translation of resources included in t...
The main changes are in the wording of resources (default...
**''Bug Fixes'' [#b1043af3]
***''Map Editor'' [#c643467f]
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when converting a ...
***''Resources'' [#g40afee4]
- Fixed a bug that prevented cancel from being disabled w...
The resources are still imported into the project folder ...
- Fixed a bug in which particles were not always immediat...
- Fixed a bug in which the end time of motion was not cor...
***''Events'' [#d384b144]
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when trying to obt...
- Fixed a bug in the "Add/Remove Party Member" panel wher...
***''Layout'' [#j657f8f3]
- Fixed a bug in the title screen layout that did not pro...
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when viewing a cas...
- Fixed a bug in the preview where the text color was not...
- Fixed a bug that caused incorrect branching to the sele...
***''Game Definition '' [#b3391b80]
- Fixed a bug where vibration was not turned off when Pro...
***''Plug-ins'' [#l5c5a1fc]
- Fixed a bug that allowed null to be assigned to a strin...
***'' Play Execution Issue '' [#tb1e40d0]
- Fixed a bug that prevented damage motions from being pl...
***''Others'' [#fd8d9b5d]
- Fixed a bug that caused the lower part of the font in t...
- Fixed a bug in some event templates in the Traditional ...
*''Ver.'' [#iafffbc3]
**''Bug Fixes'' [#r252cf63]
***''Events'' [#f2219b2a]
- Fixed a bug in the variable selection dialog in which a...
- Fixed a bug regarding "Event to be Generated" that coul...
***''Layout Tool'' [#z19ab36d]
- Fixed a bug in which the information of the currently s...
- Fixed a bug that caused incorrect sorting results when ...
***''Battles'' [#a31b0fb5]
- Fixed a bug that caused the status of equipped items to...
*''Ver.'' [#z447102c]
- For the Chinese (Simplified/Traditional) version, trans...
&color(red){We will continue to enhance the quality of ou...
**''Bug Fixes'' [#e5b60310]
***''Database'' [#f91d2116]
- Fixed a bug where when copying and pasting an item, the...
***''Layout Tool'' [#bcf1c98a]
- Fixed a bug in which the special format "partystatus***...
- Fixed a bug in the Special Coordinate Specification Tag...
***''Resources'' [#v459e79a]
- Fixed a bug in which the "Outline Width Map" was not ap...
***''Map Editor'' [#yb3572d7]
- Fixed a bug in the Placed List where the lock icons wer...
***''Play Execution Issue'' [#zf56ca80]
- Fixed a bug that could cause the execution engine to cr...
***''Battle Plug-in Sample'' [#t066d85a]
- Fixed a bug in the Battle Plug-in Sample where "assigni...
***''Game Definition '' [#qcfffdca]
- Fixed a bug that could cause the execution engine or la...
***''Others'' [#ne666c91]
- Fixed a bug that caused the variable selection dialog t...
- We have taken steps to reduce the number of cases where...
*''Ver.'' [#f5eab5ce]
**''Bug Fixes'' [#y71ae4b4]
***''Resources'' [#b216f67f]
- Fixed a bug that caused the tool to crash when attempti...
- Fixed a bug that caused an error when specifying "None"...
***''Battles'' [#qdba4cd7]
- Fixed a bug in which items that only have effects to re...
- Fixed a bug that caused the local lights of the origina...
***''Game Definition '' [#vb4e9d4b]
- The key/gamepad assignment dialog has been corrected to...
***''Events'' [#ie6dcb05]
- In the "Advanced String Variable Operation" panel, the ...
-Fixed a bug that caused an exception if an item specifie...
***'' Configuration'' [#wea72d0c]
- The "Use a rendering method that supports multi-languag...
*''Ver.'' [#n05f8ad8]
**''Bug Fixes'' [#uf9078a3]
***''Resources'' [#cd346243]
- Fixed a bug that could cause the tool to crash when cha...
After specifying cutoff in the Toon shader, a crash would...
***''Play Execution Issues'' [#v0d47e14]
- Fixed a bug that could cause the 3D models to appear co...
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception when displayi...
***''Top Menu'' [#xac8b4df]
-Fixed a bug in the top menu that sometimes prevented use...
***''Game Definition'' [#p0811a4b]
- Fixed a bug that caused the key/button assignment dialo...
***''Map Editor'' [#tc26bae4]
-Fixed a bug that caused an exception when selecting and ...
*''Ver.'' [#ke161d45]
**''Bug Fixes'' [#p821edad]
***''Resources'' [#m87fef9a]
- Fixed a bug that WebM format movies were not rendered c...
***''Layout Tool'' [#s810fdf4]
- Fixed a bug that prevented the "Enhancement Item Select...
- Fixed a bug in the layout of the "Equipment Item Select...
Cases where this bug caused exceptions have also been fix...
***''Events'' [#bbe291d5]
- In the "Obtain Cast Status" panel, the "Current HP" of ...
***''Database'' [#d8ae0185]
- (Japanese version only) Fixed a bug that caused an exce...
*''Ver. 1.8'' [#y98798d3]
**''New and Improved Features'' [#pf6e79d1]
**'' Chinese (Simplified and Traditional) Language Suppor...
-'' Simplified (zh-Hans) and traditional (zh-Hant) Chines...
You can select your language from the top menu > Preferen...
''&color(red){We will continue to enhance the quality of ...
***''Layout Tool'' [#ac719df9]
-'' The "Mask Texture" setting has been implemented for r...
By specifying an image for the mask, you can display the ...
[[A sample mask image:https://rpgbakin.com/pukiwiki_en/?p...
-'' "Display Condition Switch" has been implemented for r...
The event switch can be used to show/hide them.
-'' "Variable to Assign the Result to" setting has been i...
You can assign which of the child submenu containers was ...
-'' Added an action "Change the Value of a Variable (For ...
- An option "Line Spacing Offset" has been implemented in...
- The filtering function of display entries by management...
//- CurrentParty-related formatting is now available on t...
-'' When the Special Coordinate Specification Tag "Damage...
In the past, only 2D sprites could be used for damage eff...
***''Events'' [#p72d5309]
-'' When specifying variables in conversations, messages,...
For example, in the "Display Conversation" panel, if you ...
This dialog can be closed with the ESC key.
- A new field to change the event name has been added to ...
- Added "Including Non-Collision Targets" checkbox to the...
When this is turned on, the condition panel will be activ...
- The "Including Non-Collision Targets" function has been...
When this is turned on, the condition panel will be activ...
- In the "Check Collision State" panel, when the Check De...
- The "Obtain Item Parameter" panel can now also be used ...
- The "Obtain Cast Status" panel can now obtain the cast'...
- The "Change Cast Status" panel now allows cast events t...
- Fixed the notation in the "Call C# Program" panel so th...
***'' Variable Usage Location'' [#d4919e45]
- Fixed so that variables quoted in message texts and lay...
***''Game Definition'' [#l1e49d78]
-'' The number of action buttons that can be assigned has...
You can set your own keys in "Key/Button Assignments" und...
-'' A function to vibrate the controller in response to s...
It can be enabled/disabled from Game Definition > Project...
- The "Standard Turning Speed" setting has been added to ...
In addition, a panel to "Change Turning Speed" has been a...
- Added "Pause Event Walking as Needed" to "Movement (Ine...
Using this feature, the user can choose whether to stop w...
***''Database'' [#l2ac47e3]
-'' The UI has been improved for specifying the abilities...
-'' The UI has been improved for specifying the ability o...
We changed to a method of adding entries and summarizing ...
- Added "No Collision with the Same Cast Member" switch t...
The same cast members will not collide with each other ev...
- Decimals can now also be used as the specified values f...
Previously, only integer values could be managed, but thi...
--- "Basic Increase Value" in Casts > Basic Tab > Growth ...
--- "Basic Increase Value" in Classes > Basic Tab > Growt...
--- "Reward for Being Defeated as an Enemy" in Casts > Ba...
***''Map Editor'' [#hc73cfb6]
//- Added "Enable Condition Switch" to "Selected Appearan...
//This will allow you to create areas where encounters wi...
- When placing a stamp, even if the "Place on Top" button...
- The preview on the "Terrains" tab of the Stamp Palette ...
If it does not appear, try changing the size of the previ...
***''Camera Tool'' [#k61818ce]
- A function has been added to the camera properties "Bas...
***''Test Play'' [#i4f5bb12]
-'' An option has been added to the Options > Cast Parame...
This can be specified in the "Option" added at the top of...
***''Resources'' [#f61d5c23]
- For each resource section, the tabs that appear in the ...
Improvements have been made to this feature to reduce con...
***''Top Menu'' [#te028960]
- The maximum number of history projects displayed in "Hi...
- In "History," the ability to select multiple projects a...
***''Plug-ins'' [#z0091b70]
- Added description that bool/Vector2,3,4/Color can be us...
***''Others'' [#t77c0100]
- Fixed that letters that do not exist in the font used w...
- A "Delete All Error Thumbnails" option has been added t...
**''Bug Fixes'' [#de633fb8]
***''Database'' [#p949bcdf]
- Fixed a bug in which "0" could be entered as the initia...
***''Layout Tool'' [#ieb6e3e7]
- Fixed a bug where the menu container property "Hide whe...
- Fixed a bug that caused incorrect display in the game w...
- Fixed a bug when rendering a texture specified as "FILL...
Assigning 2 to the property "X Margin for Slider" under R...
***''Resources'' [#o5374723]
- Fixed a bug in which "Movement/Rotation/Scale Disable N...
- Fixed a bug where the screen vibration setting was not ...
- The rendering order of subgraphics for 2D stamps has be...
- In Blend Shapes, an exception occurred when creating a ...
***''Events'' [#qe83116e]
- Fixed a bug that prevented array variables from being s...
- Fixed a bug in the "Obtain Cast Status" panel where the...
- Fixed a bug that was preventing export/import from work...
- Fixed a bug that caused a variable entry with the name ...
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when trying to ret...
- Fixed a bug that prevented specifying the ally side pla...
- Fixed a bug where the "Recover/Reduce HP for This Event...
***''Battles'' [#me694722]
- Fixed a problem in which the "Attack Camera" did not re...
***'' Play Execution Issues'' [#a8559756]
- When the event "Falling by Gravity" is turned off, the ...
- Fixed a bug where added statuses were not reflected in ...
***''Camera Tool'' [#oda9088f]
- Fixed a bug where the light coefficient specified in th...
Along with this correction, the DOF setting has been disa...
***''Map Editor'' [#j656e3cc]
- Fixed a bug regarding event symbols on the Map Editor w...
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when specifying a ...
***''Game Definition'' [#fe152a75]
- Fixed a bug in the Initial Accompanied Members list in ...
- Fixed a bug that caused the "Select Target to Swap Plac...
*''Ver. 1.7'' [#lc00251f]
**'' New and Improved Features'' [#h68dc33c]
**'' Toon Shader & Outlines'' [#ob4e321d]
-'' Added "toon shader" and "outline settings" to the Res...
You can assign a "toon shader" to a material in an FBX mo...
We have also added new options to specify the presence of...
''For an explanation of toon shader properties, please ...
''&color(red){(!)Bakin supports FBX format only.}; ''
''&color(red){For information on how to convert from VR...
The implementation of the ability to directly read VRM ...
**'' Blend Shapes'' [#vac3d8df]
-'' The following features regarding blend shapes have be...
It can be called from an event by combining keys contai...
This can be used to add facial expressions to 3D models.
-'' A "Blend Shapes" menu entry has been added to Resourc...
-'' Added "Apply Blend Shapes to Player/This Event" panel...
''You can apply it in the following steps.''
1) Create a clip with a combination of keys in Resource...
2) [u]Assign blend shapes to be applied to the stamp in...
3) Assign a clip to play in the Event Panel.
**'' Conversation Scenes'' [#w484f7fb]
-'' Creating a camera for conversation scenes & specifyin...
This makes it easier to utilize the 3D models as st...
-'' A "Conversation Scenes" folder has been added to the ...
Select this folder and press the Add button at the ...
There are buttons above the camera preview to place...
-'' A "Switch Conversation Scene Camera" panel has been...
Specify a camera for the conversation scene in the ...
-'' Assigning blend shapes in the "Display Conversation" ...
You can assign a Clip created in Resources > Blend ...
''If the following Clips are created in the Blend S...
The speed of the blinking and lip-synching can be a...
--- Clip Name "blink": Key with eyes closed.
--- Clip Name "talk": Key with mouth opened.
Note that if a 2D stamp is selected for the graphi...
**''Consumption Statuses''[#n9f9d333]
-'' A function to add "Consumption Statuses" has been imp...
Added the ability to specify statuses with a maximum/cu...
[u]This feature will be further improved in the future ...
***''Database'' [#h5eccbb7]
-'' The "Casts" and "Classes" Status dialog can now speci...
- The "Damage Formula" and "Battle AI Conditions" of the ...
- Added to the Basic tab of Skills, the consumption statu...
***''Events'' [#c4455925]
- The following event panels have been modified so that t...
--- Screen Effects: "Specify Game Over"
--- Statuses: "Obtain Cast Status", "Change Cast Status"
--- Battles: " Recover/Reduce Battle Cast's HP/MP", "Obta...
- The following event commands have been modified so that...
--- Statuses: "Fully Recover Party"
--- Conditional Judgment: " Display Inn and Check Results...
***''Layout Tool'' [#f77f0354]
- Added special formats for displaying consumption status.
**'' Additional Functions'' [#of8e84be]
***''Map Editor'' [#a193ac34]
-'' Added the ability to assign a color to symbol icons r...
This function is used to change the color of map-to-m...
Right-click on the symbol with an "E" in the Map Editor a...
- When raising/lowering terrain, only the "currently sele...
Previously, when only terrain was selected for raisin...
Only the currently selected objects will move together wi...
- In the Placed List palette, the deletion process of eve...
***''Events'' [#abc135d8]
-'' Cast level can be changed in the "Change Cast Status"...
- Added a function to the "Advanced Variable Box Operatio...
***''Battles'' [#obe373ec]
- Improved the battle message layout to skip the time for...
***''Plug-ins'' [#zcf52403]
- Added "FixedUpdate" to C# script with always 60 calls p...
***''Resources'' [#me77c602]
- Zooming process by wheel and panning behavior by middle...
- Material preview has been improved so that a stamp usin...
***''Others'' [#a53b3640]
- Improved color picker history recording method.
**'' Bug Fixes'' [#pa56fe10]
***''Play Execution Issues'' [#xc961480]
- Fixed a bug that could cause local lights on the moving...
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception if a map move...
- Fixed a bug that caused the game to start from very hig...
***''Battles'' [#ld90ec7c]
- Fixed a bug that caused member placement to be corrupte...
- Fixed a bug that caused attack range calculations to be...
- Fixed a bug in the damage display process in map battle...
- Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the SkyBox from be...
***''Events'' [#heab2668]
- Fixed a bug in applying "Advanced Settings" in the "Spe...
- Fixed a bug in which when a party member was removed us...
- In the "Display Inn and Check Results" panel, the "Reco...
- Fixed a bug in the "Add/Remove Party Member" panel in w...
- Fixed a bug in the "Recover/Reduce Battle Cast's HP/MP"...
***''Layout Tool'' [#j9e02afa]
- Fixed a bug that caused the player to freeze when "inva...
- Fixed a bug in which the "Wait to Close" function, a pr...
- Improved behavior when the number of columns and rows i...
***''Map Editor'' [#b8ca5bf9]
- Fixed a bug that prevented folder information in the Pl...
- Fixed a bug that prevented the lock icon from operating...
***''Common Event Editor/Common Event Palette'' [#d4f09d09]
- Fixed a bug that the view ON/OFF check was not being sa...
- Fixed a bug that caused folder information (view ON/OFF...
- Fixed a bug that caused folder information to be lost w...
***''Resources'' [#qc9ccf2c]
- Fixed a bug that prevented exporting resources added fr...
- Fixed a bug that material information in the def file c...
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when selecting Can...
- Fixed a bug that could cause parameters to be reflected...
***''Camera Tool'' [#t8333c3c]
- Fixed a bug that prevented the Camera Tool from working...
***''Game Definition'' [#j489439c]
- If there are no layout parts in the layout of the start...
However, fixed a bug that caused title skip to be ignored...
*''Ver.'' [#x2096860]
**'' Bug Fixes '' [#v14383af]
***''Game Definition'' [#ze1c06be]
- Mouse wheel dead zone disabled (the option removed).
The dead zone setting for the wheel itself was determined...
&color(red){If the mouse wheel does not work before apply...
***''Events'' [#g7e36658]
- Fixed a bug that caused the following status changes to...
--- Equipping items
--- Use of items
--- Granting of states
--- Changed statuses in the "Change Cast Status" panel
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when trying to add...
***''Layout Tool'' [#u794bf57]
- Fixed a bug that when copying and pasting a layout, the...
- Fixed a bug that previously prevented copying and pasti...
Submenu containers can now be pasted as soon as they ar...
***''Database'' [#b391c0f5]
- Fixed a bug that prevented scroll bars from appearing i...
&color(red){We will continue to improve the UI in this ar...
***''Test Play'' [#o13a1e6d]
- In the Cast Parameter Check View, changes in status due...
*''Ver. 1.6'' [#bf5c9721]
**''New and Improved Features'' [#nd0b343f]
**''Battle Camera Set Switching Function'' [#c108800f]
We have implemented the ability to create multiple ba...
This makes it possible to "change the camera between ...
***''Camera Tool'' [#w80a6c3d]
- ''The ability to create multiple battle camera sets has...
- With the "Battle" folder icon in the camera tree se...
***''Events'' [#t2164509]
- ''A "Switch Battle Camera Sets" panel has been implemen...
- Switching can be performed not only on maps, but al...
**''Maximum Level Change Function'' [#ke290f4f]
The maximum range of levels that can be reached in th...
***''Game Definition'' [#cfe6fbc9]
- ''The maximum level limits for "Casts" and "Classes" in...
-"Max Level" has been added to the left-most column "...
- Up to 9999 levels can be specified.
- The maximum overall game level specified here canno...
***''Database'' [#gc11163c]
- ''A function to specify/change the maximum level of eac...
- Both can be specified up to a maximum of 9999 levels.
However, the maximum level value that can be specif...
***''Events'' [#zbfb6eab]
- The "Obtain Cast Status" panel allows you to get the ma...
- The "Change Cast Status" panel allows you to change the...
'' By using the newly added features, you will be able...
- Maximum level for the entire game is 99.
- Maximum level of Cast A is 99.
- Maximum level of Cast B is 50.
- The maximum level of Cast C is 20; however, events ...
&color(red){ The event may reduce the maximum level, b...
***''Layout Tool'' [#d31ad8ec]
- A parameter has been added to the special format for st...
For example, the special format "\partystatus[]" that...
''[Other Additional Features]''
***''Database'' [#zbb9b088]
- ''A curve generation function has been added to the "St...
We have added the ability to assign values for the st...
We are planning to support the creation of cases such...
***''Map Editor'' [#r9ad3e4a]
- ''A "Camera Tracking Range" option has been implemented...
This function is designed to meet the need to avoid s...
- The following features have been added to the Map Setti...
- "Sharpen" function for image sharpening has been im...
- An option "FXAA" has been added that allows the use...
The parameters for the "Sharpen" settings can be set ...
Strength: 0 to 0.1 Distance: 0 to 1
***''Events'' [#c2fffe82]
- ''A "comment out" function has been implemented in the ...
Right-click in the event panel (or event line if in t...
Note that commented out panels will not be executed.
- ''A "Label Definition" panel and a "Label Jump" panel h...
Labels can be set from 0 to 99.
Variables can also be used to specify the label jump ...
If the jump destination does not exist, or if an inva...
Note that the label jump function is different from t...
''&color(red){ This function is powerful, but too much...
- ''In the "Start Loop" panel of the Control category, th...
- The "Make Player Invisible/Visible" panel can now gradu...
- The " Make Event Invisible/Visible " panel can now grad...
The opaque/translucent state of the cast graphic at "...
- Added "Abort if Unable to Move" and "Pass Through Event...
- When "None" appears using the "Make Monster Appear" pan...
***''Game Definition'' [#e7c71a6a]
- The ""Key/Button Assignments"" dialog box has been impl...
A dialog box opens when you click the newly created "...
- Added the ability to select whether to use map battles ...
- Added the ability to display damage values during map b...
***''Test Play'' [#l3b395e9]
- Improved so that the Debug Window and Cast Parameter Vi...
***''Resources'' [#q164c2c4]
- New Update (Re-import) buttons have been added to sound...
- When selecting an icon image in the Asset Picker, the s...
***''Game Play'' [#j1f1391d]
- The function to open the end-of-game dialog assigned to...
**''Bug Fixes'' [#s3e8d886]
***''Problems When Playing'' [#f0df762d]
- Fixed a bug that caused attack range calculations to be...
- Fixed a bug that HP/MP recovery items assigned as consu...
- Fixed a bug that caused a delay in the reflection of th...
***''Layout Tool'' [#b5146f02]
- Fixed a bug in the layout of the Conversation, Messages...
- Fixed a bug that caused the preview rectangle size and ...
- Fixed a bug that caused the system layout to be interna...
***''Map Editor'' [#z121a6e1]
- Fixed a bug that caused "Memorize Position" and "Origin...
- Fixed a bug that could cause some information, such as ...
***''Events'' [#nc13a625]
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when playing a cam...
***''Game Definition'' [#cd263ca6]
- Fixed a bug in "Assign Input Device" where an exception...
***''Resources'' [#n180016c]
- Fixed a bug that caused the preview of a material to ap...
This improves cases where unnatural spheres appear in the...
***''Battles'' [#e99f79e4]
- Fixed a bug in which a cast member who became "confused...
- Fixed a bug that prevented battles from progressing if ...
***''Assets'' [#cd60f46b]
Fixed general 2D assets related to casts built into Bakin.
*''Ver. 1.5.1'' [#h3b2acb6]
**''New and Improved Features'' [#kd8e2357]
***''Database'' [#v03c7b33]
-- The Level Curve and Status Curve dialogs have been imp...
--- When displaying single statuses in the Status Curve d...
If you select a single status in Target Status, an additi...
After selecting the class, you wish to apply from the co...
The value of the reflection rate for classes/subclasses ...
**''Bug Fixes'' [#ie6796ba]
***''Sound'' [#y3ddfcd0]
--- Fixed a bug that caused the BGS to stop when opening ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the volume in Configuration S...
&color(red){With this correction, if an existing project ...
***''Events'' [#ld7902bc]
--- Fixed a bug in the "Display Message" panel where the ...
--- Fixed a bug where turning the Party Train on/off woul...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the player's subgraphic state...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented the status of casts in map...
--- Fixed a bug that could cause all walks of the same ty...
***''Database'' [#p4160f0b]
--- Fixed a bug that prevented negative values from being...
--- Fixed a bug in which the "Parameter Reflection Rate" ...
--- Fixed a bug where, for cast members who had a class a...
However, the class "None" that was generated by this bug ...
***''Camera Tool'' [#h7983f7d]
--- Fixed a bug that prevented the camera from being edit...
--- Fixed a bug in which the gazing point sometimes remai...
***''Map Editor'' [#d28edf13]
--- Fixed a bug that prevented camera playback in the Edi...
***''Resources'' [#v316e444]
--- Fixed the timing of all overwrite confirmations to be...
--- Fixed the Re-import Dialog to be displayed when choos...
--- Fixed a bug that caused unnecessary overwrite confirm...
***''Test Play'' [#z7cfda71]
--- Fixed a bug that the values of attack/defense power d...
***''Others'' [#hec0b170]
--- Fixed a bug that caused unfinished theme features to ...
--- Fixed a bug where event and player emissive settings ...
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the map to be rende...
*''Ver.'' [#k73dfc6d]
**''Bug Fixes'' [#x64ebea2]
--- A bug in which statuses were not loaded correctly in ...
--- A bug in the Cast Parameter Check View, where the fin...
--- A bug in the "Specify Battle Cast Action" panel, when...
*''Ver.'' [#ncbb8540]
**''Bug Fixes'' [#j167b4ce]
--- A bug that causes a crash in test play when the initi...
--- A bug in the Casts > Others tab "Invincible Time afte...
--- A bug that the sorting of the Item List by Database O...
--- A bug in which the exported game does not start if th...
*''Ver.'' [#p94339d3]
**''Bug Fixes'' [#vd9c17c6]
--- A bug that occurred when an event was specified in th...
--- A bug that an exception occurred when selecting "None...
--- A crash occurred when a model with the same name as a...
*''Ver. 1.5'' [#x4b32923]
**''New and Improved Features'' [#yec8bbea]
***''Adding Statuses, Level and Status Growth Curve Adjus...
***''Database'' [#va31bf90]
- ''A "Status Editor" dialog has been implemented to add/...
It can be opened from the button in the Basic tab under "...
You can add statuses, set names, keywords and numbers to ...
&color(red){Please note that the added statuses must be s...
- ''A "Status Curve" dialog has been implemented to allow...
- ''A "Level Curve" dialog has been implemented to custom...
Both dialogs can be opened from the newly created buttons...
The "Relative Value" option in the "Level Curve" and the...
The "Addition Value to Class/Subclass Level" in the "Sta...
This function is only available when an individual statu...
Click on "Addition Value to Class Level" to turn it on, ...
***''Events'' [#lceee261]
- Added "Obtain Cast Status" panel and "Obtain Item Param...
- The following event panel UI has been modified to accom...
- Item Enhancement" panel
- Change Cast Status" panel (renamed from "Increase/D...
- Get Battle Information" panel
***''Layout Tool'' [#o6261845]
- With the ability to add statuses, the special format pa...
The existing parameters are retained, so there is no nee...
For parameters, see "Special Format Parameter Details" o...
- Added the special format \growthfactorname which displa...
***''Related to Battle Scene Customization'' [#ld5eb554]
***''Events'' [#y9937123]
- ''The timing for inserting battle events has been incre...
-- The start condition for battle events has been increas...
Added options for event sheets of battle events: At the B...
- The following information can now be obtained from the ...
- Index of cast during currently in action or comma...
- Type of action and attack target of the cast curr...
- The "Recover/Reduce Battle Cast's HP/MP" panel has been...
- Enhanced battle test function.
- Added the ability to save and restore party setti...
- The level of class can also be set.
***''Database'' [#h82ebf43]
- ''Added "Activate after Completion of Common Event" to ...
This makes it easier to "activate a skill after the cut-i...
- ''In the Casts > "Battles" tab, the Bare Handed Damege ...
- The "Ability Enhancement/Weakening" field of the "Effec...
- In the "Influence on Abilities" column of the Status De...
***''Game Definition'' [#a08aa1e2]
- A function to change the color of the numbers in the ba...
***''Layout Tool'' [#bf798e31]
- ''An option has been added to the properties of the men...
- Added special formats for displaying the consumable ite...
In addition, it is now possible to automatically disable ...
For example, if the HP consumption of Skill A is specifi...
Please refer to the description section of the skill bei...
***''Events'' [#t6c2512e]
- Added the ability to obtain analog values for each axis...
(Analog) is an input type that allows obtaining the stren...
If digital input is made with a device such as a keyboard...
- Improved the player's operation to be allowed when a co...
- About the "Call C# Program" panel: bool return/paramete...
**''Bug Fixes'' [#jb99bbb0]
***''Map Editor'' [#kb2345db]
- Fixed a bug that prevented the deletion of a map in a p...
- When rotating an object on the editor, the object is no...
- Fixed a bug that could cause the delete operation on th...
- The behavior of the Quick Toolbar when locked in the Pl...
- Fixed a bug that could cause destination symbols that s...
***''Layout Tool'' [#n1d14fc9]
- Fixed a bug in which the set display origin was not acc...
&color(red){For example, when two lines of text were disp...
&color(red){This correction will allow the text panel to ...
&color(red){This may affect the layout you have created, ...
- Fixed a bug that caused "Enhanceable Items" to always a...
- Fixed a bug that caused the layout of speech bubbles to...
- Fixed a bug that caused shortcut keys such as Ctrl+C to...
- Fixed behavior so that Free Layout for Event screens di...
- Fixed a bug in "Skill Activator Selection" where the au...
***''Database'' [#i8b97ac7]
- In the battle formula, a bug has been corrected in whic...
&color(red){As a result of the above, the calculation res...
- Fixed a bug in which the damage formula was not correct...
&color(red){Please note that in cases where random number...
&color(red){The default damage formula includes a random ...
(max(a.atk / 2.5 - b.def / 4, 0) + a.eatk * b.edef) * ra...
- Fixed a bug in which changes in the status of percentag...
***''Resources'' [#y65063c0]
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when copying or pa...
- Fixed a bug that prevented adding resources by dragging...
- Fixed a bug that caused Bakin to crash when attempting ...
***''Play Execution Issues'' [#lfdb8701]
- Fixed a bug where if the player was on an event and the...
- Fixed a bug in which the "color of the hidden part" of ...
***''Battles'' [#h527c7c2]
- Fixed a bug that prevented skills with a common event s...
- Fixed a bug in which the scale of events placed on the ...
- Fixed a bug that prevented the "Make Battle Cast as Ope...
***''Sprite Tool'' [#o9ca8943]
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused images to become unin...
***''Events'' [#c703acb9]
- Fixed a bug that prevented mouse dragging to scroll the...
- Fixed a bug that "Orientation after Move" in the "Telep...
- In panels where cast status and item parameters can be ...
***''Others'' [#f40c0a92]
- Fixed a bug where particles placed directly on a map we...
- Fixed a bug that caused the bumps to be reversed in som...
- Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the Map Editor fro...
*''Ver. 1.4'' [#a9ed5550]
**''New and Improved Features'' [#u02f0386]
***''[Plug-ins]'' [#k2e1d7f2]
--''Allows C# programs to link arbitrary DLLs. ''
// @@link meta-syntax functionality improvements to allo...
A sample plugin that allows you to give your game the S...
''<For Those Who Create Plug-ins> ''
As an existing feature, another .cs file can be imported...
// @@include xxx.cs
This is especially useful when large processes are divid...
Although only the root BattlePluginDef.cs is targeted fo...
We hope you will find it useful.
--''A "Call C# Program" panel has been implemented in the...
Assign .cs file to an event using "C# Program Assignment"...
A sample plug-in that enables you to give your game the S...
-- We have implemented a function that allows you to impo...
It can be added from the event sheet "C# Program Assignme...
.csrbr files can also be uploaded to the Steam Workshop.
&color(red){Note, however, that battle plug-ins are not s...
-- We have added a function to the Extension menu to allo...
&color(red){The battle script in the "Battle Plug-in Samp...
&color(red){If you are using Bakin Ver. 1.3.0 or earlier,...
***''[Map Editor] '' [#h3a0fc57]
--''The Common Event Editor Plug-in, which allows editing...
It has been added to the Master Menu on the left side of ...
Add a tree of common events to the Event Editor, allowing...
This function is implemented as an Editor Plug-in.
The "Editor Plug-in" creation environment, which can ext...
--''Added configuration settings functionality.''
It can be opened from "Functions" in the top menu of the ...
You can customize shortcut key assignments for tool opera...
You can control the settings in the "Configuration" menu ...
-- Added shortcut keys.
Shortcut keys have been added along with the addition of ...
-- After a copy operation on a map, a box indicating the ...
This feature was added to solve the problem of not knowin...
-- Entries that are locked in the Placed List are no long...
It is possible to select that entry on the Placed List.
***''[Resources] '' [#sccf2b7b]
--''Improved the functionality of the dialog for selectin...
--- Materials with the same textures in the project can n...
--- The functions have been reorganized into three catego...
--- Material properties are now displayed in the Asset Pi...
***''[Layout Tool] '' [#ic8baad6]
--''Free Layout for Events can now be displayed during ba...
It was previously disabled during battles but can now be ...
-- It is now possible to sort skills. Added setting to au...
This can be set in the layout properties of each screen.
The default sort order is "Obtained Order".
-- The color of text used in the spin panel can now be ch...
***''[Game Definition] '' [#y29cda74]
--''A "cursor hide mode" has been implemented to help cre...
A selection "Hide Mouse Cursor While Moving" has been add...
&color(red){When this feature is turned on, the mouse cur...
&color(red){Please note that opening the menu screen will...
***''[Events] '' [#nd08f209]
-- When a Free Layout for Event is hidden using the "Disp...
-- A "Wait to Close" option has been implemented in the "...
-- The "Enable/Disable Camera Operation" panel can now al...
**''Bug Fixes'' [#e42efca6]
***''[Events]'' [#tfd78fff]
--''In custom events set for "Enhanceable" items, local v...
Prior to the fix, local variables were shared among the s...
Note that "Enhanceable" items are treated as separate it...
"Knife" and "Knife +1" are two different things.
---&color(red){This will result in the following differen...
''"Enhanceable" OFF'': all the same items use the same lo...
''"Enhanceable" ON'': Uses a separate local variable for ...
Deleting variables is also to avoid making the debug wind...
-- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when trying to re...
-- Fixed a bug where when creating and playing back a cam...
-- Fixed a bug in which an event with "when contact" as a...
-- Fixed a bug where events with the "Collide with Player...
-- Fixed a bug in the "Display Free Layout for Event" pan...
-- Fixed a bug where the arrow in the speech bubbles did ...
***''[Resources] '' [#q606b37d]
-- Fixed a bug in which "Cancel" in the Resources dialog ...
When you press Cancel to close the Resources dialog, the...
The Cancel button is disabled so as not to create the mi...
-- Fixed the searching process for similar materials in t...
-- When adding motions to a motion set, the add button wa...
-- Fixed a bug where image size values were not immediate...
***''[Layout] '' [#z34f7ece]
-- Fixed a bug in which text was not displayed correctly ...
-- Fixed a bug in the layout of the map screen in which t...
-- Fixed a bug that caused the OS system sound when using...
-- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when executing a ...
-- In the "Enhancement Item Selection" screen, an incorre...
This bug caused a layout with the same content as the sy...
We are working to prevent this unwanted layout from bein...
However, it does not affect the actual creation.
***''[Game Definition] '' [#cf1da9d1]
-- Fixed a bug in Tank Controls type operation mode where...
***''[Play Execution Issues] '' [#rb2200c1]
-- Fixed a bug that caused CPU load due to cache left in ...
-- Fixed a bug that caused a momentary jerky movement whe...
-- Fixed a bug in which the source for comparison of the ...
This is in response to a bug that prevented the purchase ...
-- The limit on the purchase of "items set to be enhancea...
-- Fixed a bug in which the "available item slots status"...
***''[Plug-ins] '' [#d2bbf7a9]
-- Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the test play fro...
*''Ver.'' [#ifee7418]
**''Bug Fixes'' [#h249e26f]
***''[Events]'' [#kc6f53a3]
-- Fixed the following bugs related to the "Teleport Play...
--- If the destination coordinates are specified with a "...
--- If the map ID is specified as a "direct value", it wi...
--- Regardless of the setting of the "Auto" checkbox in t...
--- If a map ID is specified, the elevation is calculated...
***''[Battle Plug-ins]'' [#d51cc9c7]
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception on the result sc...
Although we have corrected the above, we recommend that u...
-''[For Those Using Published Work Export]''
Bugs are being fixed with each update.
If you have exported and published your work with an earl...
Please update your own work as needed.
*''Ver.'' [#fcba685c]
**''Bug Fixes'' [#z7383499]
***''[Play Execution Issues]'' [#b9dd6c43]
--- Fixed a bug that only one state change was recovered ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused a white frame to appear aroun...
--- Fixed a bug that during game play, if the cursor was ...
***''[Battles]'' [#l9383935]
--- Fixed a bug that caused an ally's battle KO state eff...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the result screen to be very ...
--- Fixed a bug that occasionally caused particles create...
--- Fixed a bug in which attack ranges were not applied c...
***''[Others]'' [#d4810a20]
--- Fixed a bug that caused particles and model textures ...
*''Ver. 1.3.2'' [#d6254d84]
**'' New and Improved Features '' [#j3039cd7]
---'' We have completely reorganized the area around the ...
In event sheets, bugs such as events not hitting each oth...
''&color(red){Please note that this is an improvement in ...
If this affects your most recent work, please roll back t...
Please refer to the following manual for specific behavio...
[[Collision Detection between Cast Members and Events]]
***''[Functions Related to Footsteps]'' [#pfc23f6a]
''Added the ability to give objects footsteps or "states"...
We have also added the ability to change the volume and p...
---'' An option "Terrain Assignment" has been added to th...
- By assigning "Terrain " to a simple collision of st...
- This setting is also valid when objects are eventiz...
--- Added "Change Footstep Settings" panel to the player ...
-''[Game Definition]''
--- Added "Footstep Settings" to Rules and Operations to ...
***''[Resources]'' [#o935b6fa]
---'' Added the ability to make Slice Animation unaffecte...
Lights, ambient, point lights placed on the map, and sp...
Since it is not affected by lights, shadows will not ap...
It is affected by Bloom, auto exposure settings and DOF.
The following settings can be used to create billboards...
- Turn off this function in Resources > Slice Anima...
- Turn off "SRGB" in the properties of the image us...
---'' The ability to billboard objects has been implement...
A switch has been added to the Resources > 3D/2D Stamp ...
This makes the object rotate and face the camera accord...
However, rotation is limited to the Y axis.
--- The order of the Collision List in the Physics Settin...
--- For models with terrain exported as fbx, we have adde...
Specify this in the Shader of the Materials.
--- System project resources are now excluded from the se...
--- In the sprite preview, the scale can now be changed w...
***''[Events]'' [#gb0d138d]
---'' Added "Use Physical Keyboard" option to the "Input ...
This allows for direct input of strings from the keyboa...
---'' In the "Teleport Player" panel and "Teleport Event"...
---'' Y coordinate option has been added to the "Make Pla...
&color(red){However, if the target player/event has Falli...
--- Added "Group of the Last Skill Used (0=Party, 1=Monst...
--- In the "Execute Battle and Check Results" panel, "Ine...
This will allow "escapeable and not game over" battles ...
***''[Database]'' [#p5988b13]
---'' Variables can now be used in the damage calculation...
--- Added the ability to change the invincible time for d...
***''[Map Editor]'' [#c7ef48d3]
--- The ability to rotate the map being edited in 90-degr...
Added arrow buttons for rotation to Edit > Scroll Entire ...
--- Added an ON/OFF function that temporarily removes the...
Click on the lock symbols in the list to switch.
--- The Terrain: Same Type Selection tool in the Tools pa...
Alt+ will select only the "same terrain" ignoring terrain...
This improvement makes it easier to select the placed are...
< Grouping of Terrain>
In each menu in Resources, tags can be set to group...
The tag setting field is located below the entry tr...
When placing terrain with the Random Pen tool, it i...
For example, the cracked wall in the "Dungeon RPG S...
--- A new button has been added to the right of the test ...
The button labeled "...".
--- The Map Editor now scrolls the map when the mouse cur...
--- In the Map Settings > Enemy Distribution tab, the cur...
--- When the "Falling by Gravity" setting of an event is ...
***''[Layout Tool]'' [#e8c2ffa3]
--- "Management Tags for Items to be Displayed" can be us...
***''[Battles]'' [#c1924927]
--- After entering a battle command, if the target has mo...
***''[Others]'' [#r0aef8b9]
-- When the window size of the execution engine is differ...
''&color(red){With this function implemented, project...
If the window mode is not full screen, or if full scr...
--- Mini map rendering load has been optimized.
--- We have applied the features added in this update to ...
**'' Bug Fixes '' [#i8dc92b9]
***''[Resources]'' [#a9f27a96]
--- Fixed a bug that was causing textures used for slice ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an error when obtaining versi...
--- The path when importing an "exrbr file" has been modi...
--- Fixed a bug in which when adding resources from DLC i...
For example, in 3D stamps, if you add the "Models" fo...
However, at the same time, the "Models" folder was di...
Objects in the "Models" folder look the same as stamp...
With this correction, this issue no longer occurs.
--- Fixed a bug in which the "Optimize" and "Scale" setti...
--- When checking the size when importing a model, the sp...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when clicking on...
--- Fixed a bug in which the folder structure of resource...
--- Fixed a bug where adding a resource that was "created...
--- Fixed a bug where if a DLC stamp already added in Res...
--- Fixed a bug that caused both thumbnails and previews ...
--- Fixed to display material properties in the asset pic...
The behavior of the dialog that appears when importing ...
***''[Events]'' [#a42bc3ab]
--- Fixed a bug in the "Check Collision State" panel when...
--- Fixed a bug in which when a battle camera was selecte...
--- Fixed a bug in which copying and pasting an event acr...
--- Fixed a bug in which raycasts with "Terrain" set to c...
--- Fixed a bug that caused some sheets in some door-base...
***''[Database]'' [#bbcde06a]
--- Fixed so that the ON/OFF of "Enhancement" of an item ...
***''[Battles]'' [#ga587d86]
--- Fixed a bug in which the coordinates for determining ...
--- Fixed a bug in which when an event sheet was added to...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the order of party train to n...
--- Fixed a bug that could cause incorrect casts to be di...
--- Fixed a bug where local lights placed on a map design...
--- Fixed a bug that displayed the "Escape" icon in the "...
***''[Map Editor]'' [#cf8078bc]
--- Fixed a bug that caused objects outside the map to mo...
Objects with an origin outside the map are not moved.
--- Fixed a bug that caused objects using subgraphics to ...
***''[Camera Tool]'' [#k58e2cb5]
--- Fixed a bug that was causing the camera of deleted ma...
***''[Others]'' [#ubaf86a8]
--- Fixed a bug in the battle plugin sample where the pre...
*''Ver.'' [#laa91414]
**'' New and Improved Features '' [#ceeaebd8]
***''[Layout Tool] '' [#k387b9bc]
--- In "Free Layout for Event," when multiple layouts wit...
''&color(red){This will be a change from the previous ver...
--- When multiple "Free Layout for Event" with menus are ...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented specifying the "Layout to ...
--- Fixed a bug where some of the tooltips in the Layout ...
***''[Battles] '' [#s03ff060]
--- Fixed a bug that caused attack effects to be displaye...
***''[Events] '' [#oe580713]
--- Fixed a bug in the event template "Treasure Chest - G...
''&color(red){We apologize for the inconvenience, but if ...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented the player's expression fr...
***''In addition to the above, the following adjustments ...
--- For the common event "Grid Move" in "Dungeon RPG Samp...
In the "Make Player Walk" panel, the camera orientation i...
You can export the "Grid Move" event and import it into y...
--- Fixed a bug in the main menu of "Dungeon RPG Sample" ...
--- The rendering settings for the Neitei village map in ...
*''Ver. 1.3.1'' [#t8e930a0]
**'' New and Improved Features '' [#f92ff622]
***''[Layout Tool] '' [#i88801f1]
--- Added the ability to overlap layouts of other screens...
Press the button in the red box in the image to select th...
Please use it for layout positioning, etc.
Currently, there is only one layout that can be overlappe...
The overlapped layout cannot be manipulated.
--- Added layout import and export function buttons to th...
Functions that were in the context menu of the layout pre...
--- When using the special coordinate specification tags ...
If you are editing a speech bubble layout in version 1.2....
***''[Events] '' [#j64d1a94]
--- A method for specifying the layout to be displayed by...
Display the same name of the free layout as the specified...
--- Added "Name of the Last Item Obtained" to the "Advanc...
--- Added and improved functions in the "Change Camera Pa...
-- Added option to abort the camera animation and run...
-- Changed so that camera movement does not end midwa...
-- Improved behavior when duplicate changes are made ...
***''[Game Definition] '' [#z6a28807]
--- A new setting to rotate the player icon on the mini m...
***''[Resources] '' [#g7cdc124]
--- In the 2D file import dialog, you can now select mult...
***''[Map Editor] '' [#ra415219]
--- Improved behavior when copying and pasting objects on...
-- Improved the priority of pasting over selected ter...
Previously, priority was given to "mouse cursor p...
If the selected terrain is outside the editor's d...
-- When an attempt is made to place it off the map, i...
-- In cases where pasting occurs without specifying t...
This is to avoid users losing track of what they ...
***''[Others] '' [#x86a8bf1]
--- The following improvements have been made to the "Dun...
- The names of items obtained from treasure chests dr...
The new "Advanced String Variable Operation" panel ...
- During battle, when an attack hits an enemy, the ef...
This is achieved by specifying a simple collision o...
Depending on the "Position from Target" setting of ...
If the target is "Target Center", the effect will...
If the target is "Target Overhead", the effect wi...
If the target is "Target Feet", the effect will b...
**''Bug Fixes '' [#uc2c9bae]
***''[Map Editor] '' [#l3d17f6b]
--- Fixed a bug that caused a different entry to be selec...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the selection display (highli...
--- Fixed a bug in which "properties for multiple entry s...
***''[Game Definition] '' [#s0752d2d]
--- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception if the TAB ...
***''[Problems Occurring During Gameplay] '' [#m0d1f493]
--- Fixed a bug in which the "Change in Maximum HP/MP" va...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented the "Change Camera Paramet...
--- Fixed a bug that caused 2D stamps in "No Billboard Pr...
***''[Events]'' [#kaf279c1]
--- Fixed a bug in which it would always take more than 2...
***''[Test Play] '' [#ye2553bf]
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when exiting tes...
***''[Other] '' [#o026936e]
--- Fixed a bug that the images may not be rendered corre...
*''Ver.'' [#zfd57418]
**'' New and Improved Features'' [#ve4c66e1]
***''[Database]'' [#b8946add]
--- Improved to be able to edit the damage calculation fo...
**''Bug Fixes'' [#o6951adf]
***''[Database]'' [#c8dd6f58]
--- Fixed a bug that caused some options to become imposs...
***''[Events]'' [#rfb98e56]
--- Fixed a bug in which the "Teleport Player" panel did ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when the display...
--- Fixed a bug that pattern 0 was always displayed when ...
--- Fixed a bug in which designated cast members in the r...
--- Fixed a bug in the "Change Camera Parameters" panel w...
***''[Map Editor]'' [#ncfd64f5]
--- Fixed a bug that prevented a placed object from becom...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented the quick toolbar from bei...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when copying an ...
***''[Game Definition]'' [#c198e025]
--- The player icon image in the System Resources has bee...
*''Ver. 1.3'' [#b42b0e2f]
**''New and Improved Features'' [#a956cdc6]
***''[Dungeon RPG Sample Game]'' [#ee51b1ed]
A simple dungeon RPG sample game has been added to the Ga...
***''[2D Style Battle Related]'' [#sea2f5cd]
''This function can be used, for example, to create a so-...
--- A special coordinate specification tag DamagePosition...
--- A new " Orthographic Projection" option has been adde...
The size and visibility of the projected object is no...
This camera is easy to use for creating 2D games.
***''[Battle Related]'' [#k5c95d1b]
''This function can be used to introduce the concept of "...
--- Added "Use Attack Range" and "Attack Range Judgment T...
--- Added "Attack Range" setting to Database > Casts & It...
--- Added "Rearrange by State During Battle" and "Restore...
--- Added "Move to Back of the Party while Granted" setti...
It is intended to be used to automatically move membe...
--- "Swap Places" has been added to the function for assi...
Selecting this command allows you to change the order...
--- Added "Reverse Left/Right Battle Target Selection" an...
Reverses keystrokes for selecting battle command sele...
Specify the order of the selection to match the order...
--- The following can now be specified in Game Definition...
Added a guide message to the Battle tab when selectin...
The Items tab can now specify the wording to be displ...
--- Added "Make Battle Rewards Level Dependent" to Game D...
When turned on, rewards specified in the Database wil...
***''[Increase in Number of Party/Enemy Members]'' [#xd62...
''The maximum number of members has been doubled to "8" i...
''The number of enemies appearing in a battle has also be...
--- The number of Accompanied Members can now be set to "...
--- Regarding the area where the number of enemies is spe...
***''[Enhancement Items]'' [#n3c44443]
''Combine database/event/layout to create enhancement ite...
--- Added "Enhanceable" setting to "Items."
Items with this setting are eligible for enhancement.
--- "Item" can now specify a custom event to be triggered...
Keep in mind that the number of available event panel...
--''[Layout Tool]''
--- Added "Enhancement Item Selection" screen.
This screen will be used together with a common event...
Please see the note on the System Layout for instruct...
--- Added "Display Item to be Enhanced" to the actions in...
--''[Event Panels]''
--- The new event panel "Display Layout Screen" can now o...
--- Added "Item Enhancement" and "Change Item Name" panel...
--- Added "nth Parameter in the Inventory" and "Parameter...
--- Added "nth Parameter in the Inventory" and "Parameter...
***''[Mini Map with Auto Mapping]'' [#h65d0411]
''Mini map display function, including auto-mapping funct...
--''[Layout Tool]''
--- Displaying a layout using the special format \minimap...
The position/size of the mini map on the screen can b...
--''[Game Definition]''
--- You can specify which areas on the map will be shown ...
--- The size of the terrain 1 grid on the mini map and th...
--- Icons indicating the location of doors, traps, etc. c...
--''[Event Editor]''
--- Under "Change Elements During Sheet Execution," a fie...
The image can be selected from the Image for Displayi...
***''[Expanded Picture Book Features]'' [#o53925f2]
''New features have been implemented to enhance the monst...
--''[Layout Tool] ''
--- Added a Skill Picture Book and added special formats ...
--- Added special formats for Item Picture Book to show i...
--- Added the ability to filter the entries to be display...
Additional settings are specified in the properties o...
Tags should be specified for each entry in the Databa...
--- The "Others" tab has been added to "Items" and "Skill...
--''[Game Definition] ''
--- Added an option under "Rules and Operations" to allow...
--''[Event Panel] ''
--- The new "Display Layout Screen" panel can be used to ...
***''[Item Sorting]'' [#c2cdff5c]
Added the ability to "sort" ("rearrange") in-game to orga...
--''[Layout Tool]''
--- Added "Sorting Items" to the actions of the submenu c...
--- Added "Sorting Type" to the properties of the submenu...
Three sorting types are implemented: by database, by ...
--- Added "Input to Execute Action" function to the prope...
--- Added "Disable Auto Assignment Container Management N...
***''[Batch Rename]'' [#c223cd3a]
''A function to rename multiple entries in a list at once...
Select multiple entries in the following tree, then right...
''[Map Editor]''
A "Batch Rename" function has been added to the Plac...
''[Layout Tool]''
A "Batch Rename" function has been added to the Layo...
***''[Layout Tool]'' [#xdec0655]
--- Added special formats for the Replace Member screen t...
The status of both members to be replaced can be disp...
Members who do not want to be replaced can be set in ...
--- A "Display Special Format for Party" setting has been...
For the special format that displays party status and...
However, this function does not exist in the Replace ...
--''[Free Layout for Events]''
--- The order in which free layouts are displayed can now...
This can be specified in the Layout Properties.
The standard value is 0. The higher the value, the mo...
--- A "Save Display State" setting was added.
This can be specified in the Layout Properties.
You can choose whether or not to save the display sta...
--''[Improved Layout Tool Operation]''
--- When an image with a No Slice setting is specified as...
--- When pasting a layout part in the Layout Tool, only t...
--- The display of configurable settings has been improve...
--- When opening the Add Layout Part dialog, the behavior...
--- The display frame of a part can be enlarged without c...
--- The behavior of the preview has been changed so that ...
--- Improved the performance when changing the specified ...
--''[Layout Tool and Others]''
--- The "Suspend Event Execution" setting has been added ...
--- For clipping by parent containers, the parent is now ...
--- Added a new setting value to the Properties Control s...
--- In the Discard Item Selection screen, obtained items ...
***''[Game Definition]'' [#w0212d1d]
--- A function has been added to the "Rules and Operation...
Please use this function when the range of detection ...
--- In System Resources, the default image can now be spe...
***''[Map Editor]'' [#gcb0e6bc]
--- A MapID option has been added to the Map Settings > B...
The MapID is automatically assigned when the map is g...
--- Added MapID indication to the Map List.
--- Added a new setting to the Map Settings > Basic tab t...
--- Faster display of the Placed List and UNDO/REDO for m...
***''[Events]'' [#r75da161]
--- Added "Change Battle Speed" panel to the Battle categ...
You can change the speed of the battle by specifying ...
--- A "Display Layout Screen" panel has been added to the...
You can select the screen and layout to be displayed.
--- The event panel "Display Menu" has been added to the ...
--- Added "Teleport Player" panel to specify where to mov...
The Map ID can be found in the upper right corner of ...
--- A function to retrieve the current map ID has been ad...
--- A function to obtain "whether operation is prohibited...
In the DRPG sample game, this function is used in the...
--- Added the ability to get the name of the monster in b...
--- The "Change Camera Parameters" panel now includes the...
--- When playing a movie with an event, the sound effect ...
--- Added the ability to check the availability of specif...
--- Added a Non Cancelable option to the "Discard Item" p...
--- Added a function to the "Discard Item" panel to turn ...
--- We have improved the processing of the event template...
--- The "Display Image" panel now inverts the image when ...
***''[Resources]'' [#zf1db61d]
-- Improved the behavior of the dialog that appears when ...
--- Single images that are not placed on maps are now reg...
--- When multiple slice animation assets are imported, it...
--- Slice animation assets can now be specified as count ...
---Added "Up, Left, Down, Right" setting for Direction Or...
***''[Camera Tool]] [#ad2a75df]
--- For the gazing point of the camera tool, the coordina...
"LPF" stands for low pass filter. The effect is that ...
--- The tree section now allows the reordering of cameras...
Since the camera belongs to each map, it is not possi...
***''[Test Play]'' [#ufaf74b5]
--- Added the ability to visualize raycasts to the debugg...
--- An "Event Monitor" tab has been implemented in the de...
***''[Event Editor]'' [#jc969d85]
--- Variable icons in the Variable Selection List are now...
***''[Others]'' [#b17b32da]
--- Battle effects are now loaded at the time of command ...
--- The speed of the Database and Asset Picker has been i...
--- In the Battle Placement Editor, the coordinates of th...
--- 2D cast stamps for conversation events" and "icon ima...
The mini map icons are located at Resources > Images ...
**'' Bug Fixes '' [#a0cdfbb7]
---''[Layout Tool] ''
--- Fixed a bug in which the images of reserve members we...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented changes to menu container ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when calling a c...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented messages from being displa...
--- Fixed a bug that caused child parts of containers who...
--- Fixed a bug in which when multiple parts were selecte...
--- Fixed a bug in submenu container Properties->Control ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when selecting a...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception in some cases wh...
---''[Game Definition] ''
--- Fixed a bug in which message-related window images sp...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented the player from rotating s...
---''[Resources] ''
--- The "SpriteOrigin" texture setting was found not to b...
We will reexamine how to implement this function in c...
--- Fixed a bug in which the skip selection in the overwr...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when selecting C...
---''[Map Editor] ''
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when attempting ...
--- Fixed a bug where, immediately after converting a ter...
--- Fixed naming rule when groups are created in the Plac...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception in some cases wh...
--- Fixed a bug that caused 2D stamps to appear distorted...
---''[Database] ''
--- Fixed a bug that caused overwritten items to disappea...
--- Fixed a bug in which the enable/disable decision for ...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented changing equipment even if...
--- Fixed a bug that caused incorrect status values when ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused a crash if an event was disca...
--- Fixed a bug where the "4 Fixed Directions" in the "Ch...
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the "Display Image"...
--- Fixed a bug in which the "Walk to Specified Coordinat...
--- Fixed a bug in which images specified for "Layout Dis...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the Game Definition "Use Iner...
--- Fixed a bug that when using a raycast from "This Even...
--- Fixed a bug where using the "Change Cast Motion" pane...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented battles from progressing i...
--- Fixed a bug that could cause the skybox to blink blac...
--- Fixed a bug in the battle placement editor that could...
--- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to be displ...
--- Fixed a bug where a Windows warning sound would be em...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the BGM fade process to not w...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the menu save to become selec...
--- Fixed a bug in the "Specify Game Over" panel where ev...
---''[Camera Tool] ''
--- Fixed a bug in the camera tree in which information o...
---''[Variables Used] ''
--- Fixed a bug in the "Variables Used" dialog in which i...
---''[Game Play] ''
--- Fixed a bug in which changes in experience, money, an...
--- Fixed a bug in which the cursor could be moved to the...
--- Fixed a bug that caused object collisions to be gener...
--- Fixed a bug in which the attack calculation formulas ...
--- Fixed a bug that could cause unnatural shaking in the...
--- Fixed a bug that caused reserve members to be selecte...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented monster preemptive attacks...
---''[Other] ''
--- Fixed a bug that could cause the tool to fail to star...
--- Fixed a bug that caused after rearranging the entry t...
--- Fixed the display position of the player icon in the ...
--- Fixed the save screen layout settings for the sample ...
The property "Layout to be Opened" setting for the "Sa...
"SaveAsk_Master_1" must be specified as with other "sa...
Please note that if you have created a save screen for...
--''Improved Features''
--- A warning is now displayed when attempting to delete ...
--''Bug Fixes''
--- Fixed a problem with unused camera data being pasted ...
--''New and Improved Features''
--- When importing multiple assets for slice animation by...
Previously supported only for importing a single image, t...
Please refer to the [[2D Stamps - Import and Export]] for...
---''[Resources] ''
--- When importing sound files, "Use Loop" is now automat...
---''[Layout Tool] ''
--- A system layout has been added to the "Item Picture B...
Currently, all items in the Database are listed on this s...
---''[Database] ''
--- The effect of the "status change with a rate of incre...
--''Bug Fixes''
---''[Events] ''
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when executing t...
---''[Event Editor] ''
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused an exception when r...
---''[Problems at Playing] ''
--- Fixed a bug that caused incorrect values for each cha...
---''[Published Work Export] ''
--- Fixed a bug that could cause published exported game ...
---'' Fixed a bug that caused map editing content to be i...
As a result, the following issue, which was reported fixe...
'''- Fixed a bug that caused camera operations and rend...
--- Fixed a bug that caused incorrect determination of th...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented some of the rendering sett...
--- Fixed a bug that Enemy was not appearing in the Inser...
--''New and Improved Features''
---''[Asset Picker] ''
---'' A simple asset picker has been implemented.''
We implemented a new asset picker that is just the tree p...
We have applied this to places where previews are not nee...
This allows for quicker selection of various assets.
The process of opening the asset picker has also been spe...
--- When the asset picker is opened, various places have ...
---''[Map Editor] ''
---'' Copy, cut, and paste functions for terrain have bee...
This changes the behavior of copy, cut, and paste in the ...
The behavior depends on the mode of the "Selection Target...
" Terrains Only ": Copy, cut, and paste selected terrains.
" Objects Only": Copy, cut, and paste selected objects a...
" Terrains and Objects ": Copy, cut, and paste selected ...
--- Folders with more than two levels of hierarchy can be...
--- The number of monsters that appear during battle test...
--- Multiple monsters can now be selected and deleted fro...
---''[Event Editor] ''
---'' The variable list has been changed to a tree system...
---''[Events] ''
--- The event walking process is now paused while the men...
--- Parallel events are now stopped while the save screen...
These two changes may affect some events. Please be aware...
--- In status---related event panels, "Entire Party" can ...
--- The maximum number of selections in the "Display Sele...
--- Added the ability to obtain "This Event's Name" in th...
---''[Layout Tool] ''
--- Modifications have been made to the Layout Tool to im...
We will continue to make ongoing modifications based on t...
---''--- Display necessary information and delete unneces...
Ex: Container Management Number used for submenu contai...
---''--- Anything that cannot be placed or changed, etc.,...
Ex: In the dialog box for specifying special coordinate...
---''--- Make it easier to understand the settings at the...
Ex: When creating a new menu container or rendering con...
--- A special format called \newitem has been added that ...
--- The special coordinate specification tag "Player" can...
---''[Database] ''
--- Status changes due to skill/state changes can now als...
Currently, changes in status caused by "skills" and statu...
Skills > Effect on Allies tab > Ability Enhancement
Skills > Effect on Enemies tab > Ability Weakening
State Definition > Influence of State Change > Influence...
---''[Game Definition] ''
--- Multiple selection and deletion of Initial Accompanie...
--- Added options to Game Definition > Project Settings t...
---''[Resources] ''
--- The contents of folders can be added together from Ex...
---''[Test Play] ''
--- The "debug window open/close status" from the previou...
--- Regarding the Variable List in the Debug Window, it h...
---'' [Others] ''
--- The "Zip Project" function, available by right---clic...
Import paths for resources, etc. can be removed and distr...
--''Bug Fixes''
---''[Game Engine] ''
--- Fixed a bug in the processing when rotation was appli...
''The engine rotation order "ZYX" has been changed to "ZX...
Please note that the operation of the engine will change ...
---''[Problems at Playing] ''
--- Fixed a bug that caused HP/MP values to change in som...
--- Fixed a bug where gamepad stick thresholds were not w...
--- Fixed a bug where information on the currently select...
---''[Events] ''
--- For "Only Once in Parallel" event sheets, as with "Re...
--- When the original motion is played back immediately a...
--- Fixed a bug that caused a crash when combining the "L...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when specifying ...
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused an exception on the...
--- Fixed a bug in which "event transparency state," "ren...
--- Fixed a bug in the "Change Display State of Player/Ev...
--- Fixed a bug that caused some frames to momentarily sh...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the volume to be set to 0 whe...
--- Fixed a bug where events with "Collide with Player" t...
--- Fixed a bug in which contact detection was not perfor...
--- Fixed a bug in which contact detection with other obj...
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented up staircase eve...
--- In battle events, when using a message or conversatio...
---Fixed a bug that prevented the "Decrease" function fro...
--- Fixed a bug that caused speech bubbles to be displaye...
---''[Layout Tool] ''
--- Fixed a bug in which the size of the rectangle when s...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the size rectangle in the tex...
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused incorrect position ...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented dragging small sized parts...
--- Fixed a bug that caused camera operations and renderi...
---''[Map Editor] ''
--- Fixed a bug where properties were not displayed in th...
--- Fixed a bug where a common event immediately after it...
--- Fixed a bug where the checkboxes for enabling and dis...
--- Fixed a bug where camera data was not pasted correctl...
--- Fixed a bug that caused a crash when creating thumbna...
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the indicator for s...
---''[Resources] ''
--- Fixed a bug that prevented stamps with "None" selecte...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented thumbnails from being disp...
--- Fixed a bug where the "Use Same Procedure for All The...
---''[Game Definition] ''
--- Fixed a bug that prevented jumping to objects and eve...
---''[Published Work Export] ''
--- Fixed a bug in exported game files that caused the me...
--- Fixed a bug in which the DLL for battle system proces...
[Test Play]
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when entering a ...
--- Fixed a bug that could cause a freeze during loading ...
---''[Top Menu] ''
--- Changed the operation method to Tank Controls when "O...
--- Fixed a bug in the Steam Workshop management screen w...
--- Fixed a bug where changing the game file save locatio...
---''[Others] ''
--- Fixed a bug that caused the skybox coordinates to shi...
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes slowed down the test play ...
--- Fixed a bug that when the execution engine window was...
--- For each tree view in the tool, a bug has been fixed ...
--- Fixed a bug in the battle test that prevented battles...
--- Fixed a bug in the default terrain stamp EP_rock_01 w...
--- Fixed a bug where a variable name for the Orb Stories...
--- Added an event on Orb Stories' Scorching Cave map to ...
-- ''New and Improved Features''
---''[Steam Workshop]''
--- Lyrbr files (exported layout data) can now be uploade...
The .lyarbr file contains the sprite and image resources ...
This new feature makes it easier for users to share their...
We hope this will be of great use to you.
In addition, two layout data files have been released...
---''- SGB Style: "SMILE GAME BUILDER" style layout.''
---''- Sample Layout A: A bright yellow and orange-based ...
--- A property called "Y Angle Offset" has been added to ...
Previously, a two-directional slice animation could onl...
---''[Map Editor]''
--- In Terrain Raise/Lower Pen mode, when the Ctrl key is...
--- Map size limits are now determined by the area of X *...
--- When creating a new map or resizing a large map, the ...
---''[Layout Tool]''
---''<Preview Improvements>''
--- The outer frame of layout parts can be resized by dra...
--- Property values are now updated immediately when a la...
--- Specified values used for previews of the Selection S...
---''<Improved Actions>''
--- Allows the common event specified in the submenu cont...
--- A "Display Return to Title" action has been added as ...
This function works as follows. The Exit Game action th...
At the title screen;
Exit Game...Quit game (application)
Return to Title... do nothing.
When other than the title screen:
Exit Game...Quit game (application)
Return to Title...Return to the title
--- Actions for the configuration can now work outside of...
Please note that some screens, such as battle-related s...
---''<Improvements to Panel for String Rendering>''
--- The following improvements have been made:
- Multiple lines of text input is now supported.
- The property option "Use Multi-Line Text (Auto Line...
- Text effects can now be specified individually (e.g...
- If "Specify What to Display in the Panel" contains ...
---''<Improvements to Layout for Input String Screen>''
--- The following improvements have been made:
- The rendering width of input string elements (eleme...
Previously, rendering was based on the width of the...
- The rendering container placed on this screen can n...
- Images used for decision buttons, etc. can now be s...
With this change, the option to specify input string-rela...
The existing Input String screen will not be affect...
---''<Other Improvements to Layout Tool>''
--- Menu containers cannot be placed as layout parts on "...
--- The size of the menu container is now unchangeable on...
The size setting of the menu container is invalid becau...
The above action was taken to prevent confusion caused ...
--- Visibility of the "Add Layout Part" and "Insert Speci...
--- "Targetability" was added as an element of the State ...
By increasing or decreasing this value through skills a...
--- The ability to explicitly specify the target of an ac...
---''[Game Definition]''
--- Added the ability to dither objects close to the came...
[u]This feature is activated by turning it on both in t...
--- The timing of data loading at the start of battle is ...
---''[Top Menu]''
--- A "Save Information for Inquiry" function has been ad...
We would appreciate it if you could provide us with the...
--- In the local PC menu, the history of the game file sa...
-- ''Bug Fixes''
--- Fixed the display state of the player's subgraphics t...
Please note that with this modification, if you change ...
--- Fixed a bug in which when a skill was used with the "...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the game to become very slow ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the "Display Effect" panel to...
--- Fixed a bug that could cause images to not load prope...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when updating in...
--- Fixed a bug that caused texture files to be copied ev...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the volume of BGM to be lower...
--- Fixed a bug that could cause file path information to...
--- Fixed a bug that caused a shader compilation error to...
---''[Game Definition]''
--- Fixed a bug that caused a sprite called "None" to be ...
---''[Sprite Tool]''
--- Fixed a bug in which sound effects specified for the ...
---''[Layout Tool]''
--- Fixed a bug where the special coordinate specificatio...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when the value o...
---''[Map Editor]''
--- Fixed a bug in the terrain selection in the Auto Map ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the motion of placed objects ...
--- Fixed a bug that could cause incorrect application of...
--- Fixed a bug where exrbr files could not be selected w...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented multiple selections by shi...
--- Improved stability against crashes for OpenGL-related...
--- Fixed a bug in which English translations were not be...
--'' New and Improved Features''
---''[Layout Tool]''
---''[Layout Tool Operation]''
--- Operation using the mouse in layout preview has been ...
General operations have been revised, such as zooming in ...
--- Added a button at the top of the preview that allows ...
--- The Layout to be Assigned column in the Layout Tool h...
---''[Layout Tool Features]''
--- Container for Elements of Entry Selection now can spe...
--- In the "Effects" section of the Container for Element...
--- A special coordinate specification tag has been added...
--- Improved "Continue" as a layout action so that it can...
By using Container for Elements of Entry Selection with t...
--- "Display Discard Item Selection" and "Confirm Discard...
By specifying these actions and Layout to be Opened in Co...
--- Add options to the properties of the General Message ...
--- The Container for Rendering settings on the General M...
The above functionality has been added because these scre...
--- Added special formats for displaying extended variabl...
---''[Layout Data]''
--- Paste and export of layouts now includes the resource...
This will ensure that the .lyrbr file exporting the layou...
--- Layouts can now be selected for inclusion in the expo...
---''[Map Editor]''
--- When Bakin is launched multiply and maps are copied b...
(*However, resources specified in events that exist on ma...
--- For frames of camera data for which the gazing point ...
--- A "Enable/Disable Move" panel has been added to the "...
---A "Change Operation Mode" panel has been added to the ...
--- For the event panel that performs operations on the p...
--- Added "Event Status (For Cast---based Event)" to the ...
--- The "Name of Shooting Source" for dynamic events can ...
--- A check box has been implemented in the "Play Movie" ...
---''[Game Definition]''
--- In the project settings, the default text color can n...
--- In Rules and Operations, a switch has been implemente...
The above switch can now be used to turn on/off jumps tha...
--- Added a "Disable "None"" option to the "Fixed" column...
This setting will prohibit the "Remove" option from being...
--- The battle formula rand(min,max) has been improved so...
--- The confirmation of overwriting related data when pas...
--- The maximum number of particle emitters and vertices ...
--- The configuration can now be specified to reverse up/...
Accordingly, the default value for the vertical rotation ...
--- .xlsx can now be selected as the export format for th...
--- The mouse operation of the image/icon preview has bee...
--- Added jumpup and landing motion to all casts included...
--'' Bug Fixes''
---''[System Resources]''
--- Fixed a bug in which the sounds specified for opening...
Please note that with this modification, no sound will pl...
---''[Game Execution Issues]''
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when selecting "...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception if a deleted win...
--- Fixed a bug in which the player cast could fall when ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the camera rotation speed to ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused a graphic error when displayi...
--- Fixed a bug that caused incorrect collision walls to ...
--- Fixed a bug in which changing the movement speed usin...
Please note that with this modification, if you change th...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when an event us...
--- Fixed a bug in which null was set to mapScene when a ...
--- Fixed a bug that could cause the player to change to ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the player to move while the ...
--- For dynamically generated events, a bug that prevente...
--- In the "Advanced String Variable Operation" panel, fi...
--- As for obtaining the "Name of Shooting Source" in the...
--- Fixed a bug in which changes in destination coordinat...
---''[Map Editor]''
--- Fixed a bug that prevented the map paste button of Ba...
--- Fixed a bug that caused a crash when trying to select...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the scale to be applied twice...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when placing a 3...
--- Fixed a bug that caused extremely horizontal billboar...
--- Fixed a bug in which copy/paste, etc. in the Database...
--- Fixed a bug in which entries for local variables used...
---''[Layout Tool]''
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when displaying ...
--- Fixed a bug in the Container for Entry Selection prop...
--- Fixed a bug in which the text color was not reflected...
--- Fixed a bug with Panel for Slider Operation in which ...
--- Fixed a bug in which the display did not work correct...
---''[Sprite Tool]''
--- Fixed a bug in which copying and pasting sprites in t...
--- Fixed a bug that created a new material when a materi...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when selecting a...
--- Fixed so that when renaming using "Rename File by Res...
--- Fixed a bug in which "None" could be selected as the ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when multiple fi...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when a slice ani...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception in some cases wh...
--- Changed so that adding a model from motion does not g...
--- In each tree view, the opening and closing of folders...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when adding some...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented events from working proper...
--'' Known Bugs''
We have confirmed a case where the application cannot be ...
Then, please start Bakin again.
We will continue to investigate and fix this issue.
--'' Bug Fixes ''
--- In Ver. or later, when "Center-Aligned"/"Righ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the text color to turn white ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused cast members to be sent to th...
--- Fixed a bug that caused a margin to appear in the low...
--- Fixed a bug in which the special formats \currentpart...
--- Fixed a bug in which the display priority of free lay...
--- Fixed a bug in the layout function that caused the ca...
--- Fixed a bug in which, since Ver., skills that...
--- Fixed a bug in which selecting "Add with Another ID" ...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented adding terrain from a DLC ...
--- Fixed a bug that was not immediately reflected in the...
--'' Improved Feature''
--- When using "Copy Battle-Related Scripts to Game File"...
We recommend Visual Studio (Community version is acceptab...
--'' Bug Fixes''
--- Fixed a bug in which it was possible to copy and dele...
If it has already been executed, it can be restored by ru...
--- Fixed a bug in Ver. where the "Ignore Elevati...
--- Fixed a bug in Ver. that caused speech bubble...
--- Fixed a bug in Ver. that caused a crash when ...
Currently, we ask that you work with the .efk file and th...
--'' Note''
After this version update, if you perform test play on a ...
However, there are no changes to the battle process in th...
If you do not want the warning, you can replace // @@vers...
(Overwrite copying of the battle plug-in can also solve t...
--'' Major New Features''
---''[C# Plug-ins]''
''Bakin has two types of plug-ins: tool plug-ins (.dll fo...
''We have published a reference for "Battle Plug-ins" and...
''- Added "Copy Battle-Related Scripts to Game File" fe...
The battle plug-in must be exported from the default ...
The source itself can be modified, allowing you to fr...
''- The reference will be a website with brief descript...
Plug-in Reference URL: https://rpgbakin.com/csref...
- We have also updated the compilation method for C# sc...
---''Added a sample project of a battle plug-in to the Ga...
This project uses a plug-in to create a battle system in ...
Two patterns are available as battle layouts.
We hope you will use them as a reference when creating yo...
When using Layout Type-B, select the Battle Camera in the...
---''[Layout Tool]''
- Multiple displays of the "Free Layout for Events" scr...
- Added "Open Menu" and "Open Free Layout" as container...
Starting from ver. 1.1.3, common events can also be c...
- During test play, the feature to fast-forward through...
This allows for faster play when debugging, etc.
In Game Definition > Rules and Operations > Assign In...
The default specification is to assign the "left CTRL...
It is automatically included in new projects, but if ...
''bind FAST_FORWARD LeftControl''
--''Added and Improved Features''
''- The event panel "Make Event as Operation Target" ha...
This panel can be used to perform operations such as ...
- The following features have been added to the "Advanc...
- Implemented the ability to specify "nth in the Pa...
- Ability to obtain information on cast members oth...
- The following features have been added to the "Advanc...
- Ability to obtain the elapsed time from the previ...
- Ability to obtain the coordinates of the camera i...
- Ability to obtain class and subclass levels.
- Ability to obtain information on cast members oth...
- In the "Display Store and Check Results" event panel,...
- In the "Change Layout to be Used" event panel, the me...
- In the "Make Player/Event Walk to Specified Coordinat...
- In the event panels "Select from Selection and Check ...
The type of Text Commands available depends on the fu...
- When adding a member using the "Add/Remove Party Memb...
- The event panel "Start Event Falling" can now be exec...
By using this condition, the "Move with Physics Engin...
---''[Layout Tool]''
'' - We have added and improved features to unify the op...
---'' [Layout Preview]''
- Changed so that hidden parts cannot be selected in ...
- The display color of the rectangle representing the...
- Added the ability to move parts while holding down ...
- When multiple parts are selected by pressing Shift ...
---'' [Layout Parts Tree]''
- Lock feature for parts is provided.
- When multiple parts are selected and the display ch...
- Changed the position of the new entry in the tree o...
- Improved behavior so that name editing is canceled ...
---'' [Others]''
- Added search feature to the add layout part dialog.
- The Special Format Insert Support dialog can now be...
- Reorganized the order in which action candidates ar...
- When a duplicate layout is found when importing lay...
- When clicking on a value specified for a system lay...
---''[Layout Tools - Other Features]''
- Added "Call Common Event" (do not close after calling...
- A special format has been added that displays a movin...
- A special coordinate specification tag has been added...
- When layouts are converted by changing the execution ...
- Specified an animation that fades in and out during p...
- When adding a new entry in the entry tree of each men...
---''[Sprite Tool]''
- Added variations of interpolation like rotation and e...
---''[Camera Tool]''
- Added two preset data for the battle camera.
---''[Map Editor]''
- Added the feature to drag the quick toolbar to pin it...
You can specify to enable or disable this feature in ...
- Changed the folder to which resources from the DLC ar...
Files imported from the DLC were previously stored in...
- In Resources > Motions, motion of models with no mate...
- The minimum scale value that can be specified in the ...
- When selecting an icon image using the asset picker, ...
--''Bug Fixes''
---''[C# Plug-ins]''
- Fixed a bug where update/beforeupdate/afterdraw was n...
---''[Camera Tool]''
'' - Fixed a bug in the battle camera where the gazing p...
There was a case where the camera tool and the battle...
'' Please note that due to this correction, if you hav...
- Fixed a bug where particles displayed using the "Disp...
- Fixed a bug that prevented local variables for events...
- Fixed a bug in which operations other than the Y axis...
- Fixed a bug in the event panel related to conversatio...
- Fixed a bug that caused the player's motion to return...
- Fixed a bug in which if the event panel "Change Playe...
'' - During battles, there was a function that displayed...
If you would like to display the status change of ene...
We are separately considering how to allow the displa...
- Fixed a bug that could cause the previous battle stat...
- Fixed a bug in the battle formula where the enemy lev...
- Fixed a bug where events placed in the battle backgro...
- Fixed a bug that caused even unselected monsters to b...
- Fixed a bug where the subgraphic portion of the cast ...
- Fixed a bug that could cause a monster to target an a...
- Fixed a bug that prevented the "Escape" command from ...
---'' [Exporting Layouts]''
- An error occurred when loading a project if an .rbr f...
The extension for exporting with the Layout Tool has ...
Please note that placing an .rbr file of a previously...
- Fixed a bug where the Layout to be Assigned section w...
---'' [Layout Parts Tree]''
- Fixed a bug in which switching the display of the sli...
- Fixed a bug that when copying and pasting layout part...
---'' [Layout to be Assigned]''
- Fixed a bug that caused some properties to be incorre...
---'' [Properties]''
- When displaying the status of party/reserve members u...
Along with this modification, a special format has be...
- Fixed a bug where special formats related to saved da...
- Fixed a bug that prevented some of the special format...
This applies to formats without [x], such as partyhp ...
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception if the parent Co...
---'' [Layout Preview]''
- Fixed a bug that caused a crash when clicking on the ...
- Fixed a bug in the scrolling process when the preview...
- Fixed a bug in which display position updates were no...
- Fixed a bug that caused a crash when dragging and mov...
---'' [Game Execution Issues]''
- Fixed a bug that caused the message feed mark to appe...
- Fixed a bug that caused the text to be misaligned at ...
- Fixed a bug that caused the game to start from the be...
- Fixed a bug that prevented hidden containers from bei...
- Fixed a bug that caused the "Free Layout for Event" w...
- Fixed a bug that prevented the special format display...
- Fixed a bug that caused items and skill availability ...
---'' [Layout Conversion Issues]''
- Fixed a bug in which non-default layouts were not con...
- Fixed a bug that caused icons to be the wrong size wh...
---'' [Others]''
- Fixed a bug in the system layout of the save file sel...
---''[Sprite Tool]''
- Fixed a bug that caused sprites to be deleted when th...
- Fixed a bug that prevented material textures from bei...
- Fixed a bug in which unnecessary resources were check...
- Fixed a bug that was causing slow processing due to r...
- Fixed a bug in which changes to the State Definition ...
- In the tree of each entry, fixed a bug in which "cont...
---''[Game Definition]''
- Fixed a bug in the Game Definition in which the scree...
- Fixed a bug in which entries that should have been en...
- Fixed a bug in Game Definition > Common Terms where t...
---''[Map Editor]''
- Fixed a bug that caused shortcut keys such as Del key...
- When multiple entries are selected on the map and in ...
- In the Placed List, the behavior of the display check...
- Fixed a bug in the battle test where the light source...
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the camera to move ...
- Fixed a bug with 2D stamps in "No Billboard Processin...
- When running a published game, if the monitor resolut...
--''Additional and Improved Functions''
---''[Layout Tool]''
--- The ability to specify variables as parameters to be ...
--- The following special formats have been added:
- Display array variables.
- Display cast description.
- Display units of money specified in common terms.
--- An action can now be called from a menu placed on the...
However, this screen-placed menu behaves as "equivalent ...
--- The following settings have been added to the propert...
- Whether or not the player's operations are limited ...
- Whether the screen can be closed with the Cancel bu...
--- Unchecked parts in the "Layout Parts" column are now ...
--- The page mark is now always displayed on the preview ...
--- A copy and paste function for the sheet condition pan...
This can be done by right-clicking on the condition p...
--- In the event panels "Display Conversation" and "Displ...
--- The event panel "Check String Variable Box" allows st...
--- Added playback of battle_walk (when walking in battle...
--- Fixed monster placement, battle test UI and default l...
--- For resources, whose properties cannot be changed, a ...
(This includes default resources in the reserved folder.)
---''[Map Editor]''
--- In the Placed List of the Map Editor, the icon to sho...
--- When a vertex error occurs during a middle-click test...
--''Bug Fixes''
---''[Layout Tool]''
--- When the special format "\currentsavemap" is used, no...
--- Fixed a system layout problem that caused the window ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused incorrect display when displa...
--- Fixed a bug that caused containers displayed as recta...
--- Fixed a bug in which class status was not being added...
---''[Game Engine]''
--- Fixed a bug where dashing toward a gap between collis...
--- For the "Advanced Variable Box Operation" panel, a bu...
In addition, a bug has been fixed in which the state of b...
--- The following bugs in the "Display Image" panel have ...
- The center point for rotating the image was not spe...
- Failure to rotate slice animation
- Scale/rotation was not working in the preview of th...
--- Fixed a display misalignment problem when displaying ...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented changes to the direction o...
--- Fixed a bug where the state definition "Increase Move...
---''[Game Definition]''
--- Fixed a bug in which the camera's "Get Behind Player ...
---''[Camera Tool]''
--- Fixed a bug in the camera tool that caused the X angl...
In addition, when a camera work in which the interpolatio...
--- Fixed a bug that appeared in special cases such as "a...
--- When multiple launching projects in use, the project ...
--- Removed unneeded minimize buttons from forms that had...
--'' Additional Functions ''
--- Layout Tool: Added special formats showing status cha...
selectshopitemequipstatus[x], selectshopitemequipstatus[x...
If you use the above special formats when selecting an it...
--- Added "Basic Max Damage/Recovery Amount" to the "Rule...
--- The following parameters have been added to the Datab...
- "Max Damage/Recovery Amount" of "Items > Change Ele...
- "Max Damage/Recovery Amount" of "State Definition >...
The final Max Damage/Recovery is the sum of the Basic Max...
--- In the asset picker, the properties of the selected r...
--'' Bug Fixes ''
---''[Layout Tool]''
--- Fixed a bug that caused the cursor to be displaced wh...
--- Fixed a bug that could cause a rare exception when a ...
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the granting messag...
--- Fixed a bug in which when another state was added to ...
--- Fixed a bug in the event sheet that prevented movemen...
After this version, the last issued walk command will hav...
--- Fixed a bug where when changing the event sheet, walk...
--- Fixed a bug that caused incorrect speech bubble heigh...
--- Fixed a bug where adding a new member to the party wh...
--- Fixed a bug in the "nth Status in the Party" of the "...
--- Fixed a bug where the options column in Database > Ca...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented the Database menu from ope...
---''[Map Editor]''
--- Fixed a bug that caused event collisions that existed...
---''[Game Engine]''
--- Fixed a bug in Map Settings > Rendering Settings wher...
--- Fixed a bug where repeatedly pressing the jump button...
--'' New and Improved Features''
--- Formats for Text Commands have been implemented that ...
--- All resistance values in the Database have been chang...
--- The System Resources menu that was in Resources has b...
--- When adding assets from local files or DLC using the ...
--'' Bug Fixes''
---''[Game Engine]''
--- Fixed a bug that could cause the player to be trapped...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the player cast to be affecte...
--- Fixed a bug where collisions were not generated corre...
--- Fixed a bug in which the collision models' pre-loadin...
--- Fixed a bug that could cause movement by "Movement Pa...
--- Fixed a bug in "Display Ticker Text" that caused the ...
--- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception when using ...
--- Fixed a bug in which the elevation of the destination...
--- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception when specif...
--- Fixed a memory leak problem when starting to display ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused damage numbers to overlap whe...
--- Fixed a bug in which the value of the class's state r...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an empty battlefield to be di...
---''[Map Editor]''
--- Fixed a bug in which, when converting an object to an...
--- Fixed a bug where adding and deleting terrain stamps ...
---''[Layout Tool]''
--- Some wording used within the layout tool has been cor...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the display of messages, conv...
--- Fixed a bug that caused incorrect scale calculations ...
--- Fixed the display of special formats for sliders and ...
--- Fixed a bug in the special format for displaying vari...
--- Fixed a bug that incorrectly indicated state changes ...
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented folders in the l...
--- The U/I of the file import dialog that appears when i...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when changing mo...
--- Fixed a bug that caused images existing in the res fo...
--- In the process of adding to Resources, the behavior o...
--- Collision models from local files (files whose filena...
--- Fixed a bug in which resource files that did not need...
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the scale select...
--- Fixed a bug that caused incorrect values to be specif...
--'' New and Improved Features''
---'' Cross-Save Shared Variables''
Variables that exist beyond the saved data units and can ...
By using these variables, it is possible to change the ga...
---'' Title Screen Call Feature from Event''
Added a command script "Display Title Screen".
This makes it possible to display the title screen after ...
Together with the cross-save shared variables, it is also...
To skip the title screen, turn on Game Definition > Rules...
The sample game "Orb Stories" has been updated to show ho...
---'' Stamp Export/Import Feature and Ability to Publishe...
Added the ability to export 2D/3D/terrain stamps and vari...
''< Export >''
1. Select the file(s) or folder(s) you wish to export in ...
2. Select "Export Selected Elements" in the menu.
3. Each element of the stamp is compiled and exported in ...
''< Import >''
You can import resources by selecting them from the Asset...
Also, exported .exrbr files can now be published to the S...
Please use it to publish your own stamps, etc.
---'' New 3D/2D stamps exported to Steam Workshop are now...
We have released the following two samples of the stamp e...
''2D Cast Figure Graphics Set'': This is a set of figure ...
#ref(./2D Cast Figure Sets.png,20%)
''3D Models Stall Tent Set'': This set will be 3D stamps ...
#ref(./Stall Tent Sets.png,20%)
--[ Event Editor ]
--- Added functions to the command script "Advanced Varia...
--- The command script "Play Movie" can now select the di...
In addition, a function has been implemented to end a mov...
--- The command script "Change Cast Graphic" can also be ...
--- Changed the specification of the command script "Chan...
The previous specification was to go through the collisio...
--[Map Editor]
--- Added "Memorize Position" to the context menu of even...
Events with this setting turned on will keep their post-m...
--- Snap Tool has been added to the Tools palette.
After this tool is turned on, if an object or event is se...
--- Random Pen placed on the Tools palette.
Random Pen function that randomly changes scale and angle...
(The existing shortcut Ctrl+Alt to Random Pen when using ...
--- A button has been added to the Quick Toolbar that all...
--- The ON/OFF button for View Collision at the bottom of...
--[ Layout Tool ]
--- Added Special Formats for Layout Tool
Various special formats have been added, focusing on attr...
--- Implementation of a List of Tags Specifying Special C...
Special Coordinate Specification Tags" in Container for R...
--[ Game Definition ]
--- Rules and Operations > Use Default Battle Layout and ...
This allows you to specify a default battle layout for th...
Also, a switch to use/not use custom battle layouts has b...
--- The height limit of 50 for "Change Y Coordinate of Pl...
--- In the Project Settings, it is now possible to specif...
This setting is common to both the Pen tool and the Rando...
--[ Resources ]
--- The asset picker now divides sound types into BGM/Env...
--- When moving to the material edit screen from the "Mat...
--- Added motion for emotion marks to Emotion in the Reso...
--[ Database ]
--- The range of status increases/decreases values for it...
--'' Bug Fixes''
--[ Game Engine ]
--- Fixed a bug in the command script "Change Player Y Co...
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the event to be sta...
--- Fixed a bug in which when changing classes with a bat...
--- Fixed the display position of the cast graphic for co...
--- Fixed a bug in which the "Enemy Level" specified and ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when a sprite wi...
--- Fixed a bug that caused a crash when executing the co...
--- Fixed a bug that caused a crash when playing a movie ...
--[ Layout Tool ]
--- Fixed a bug that allowed the user to press the Add Pa...
--- The value displayed in the special format enemystatus...
--[ Event Editor ]
--- Fixed a bug that prevented switching motions on the e...
--[ Map Editor ]
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when renaming an...
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the collision of th...
--[ Resources ]
--- Fixed a bug in Resources > 3D Stamps/2D Stamps Textur...
--- Fixed a bug that caused resources with the same name ...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented a stamp with multiple subg...
--[ Database ]
--- Fixed incorrect initial value for Generate Events > "...
--[ Sprite Tool ]
---Fixed a bug that caused an exception when adding a spr...
--[ Camera Tool ]
---Fixed a bug that could cause an exception when editing...
[ Other ]
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused particles placed on...
--- Fixed a bug that caused a freeze when quitting a publ...
--- Fixed unnecessary folders are no longer displayed in ...
--'' New Features''
--- When the project path is displayed in the upper right...
--- Added state resistance indicators to the Cast Paramet...
--- Added links to the official website/YouTube channel/C...
--'' Functional Improvements''
--- When removing ally members from the party, you can no...
--- The check for allies in the party for the execution c...
--''Bug Fixes''
---''[ Events ]''
--- Fixed a bug in which left-right flipping did not work...
With this correction, if a character or other element is ...
--- Fixed a bug in which changing the cast to be displaye...
--- Fixed a bug in which scaling did not work when a spri...
--- Fixed a bug in which events fired using "Generate Eve...
--- Fixed a bug in which the upper limit for a value inpu...
--- Fixed a bug in which a sheet with the "In Battle, Rep...
---''[ Test Plays ]''
--- Fixed a bug that prevented motions of some models fro...
--- Fixed a bug that caused a crash that was still occurr...
--- In the Cast Parameter Check View of the Test Play > O...
--- Fixed a bug in which resistance values specified for ...
--- Fixed a bug in Items > Assign When Handling Skill whe...
--- Fixed a bug in the success check when using a state c...
--- Fixed a bug where the camera's playback status, such ...
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused events with Falling...
--- Fixed a bug where the target of "This Event" was the ...
After this modification, "This Event" will be ignored whe...
--- Fixed a bug where the sound specified on the startup ...
--- Fixed a bug in which the text effects of layouts used...
--- Fixed a bug in which the text display position for me...
--- Fixed a bug in which the display was not always updat...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented variables from displaying ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused a crash when entering emoji d...
---''[ Map Editor ]''
--- Fixed a bug that caused a mismatch between the displa...
--- Fixed a bug where changes to the collision range of a...
--- Fixed a bug in the "Event to be Called Before Display...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the object stamp thumbnails i...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented placing an event if a cast...
---''[ Resources ]''
--- Fixed a bug that caused some bone animations to be lo...
--- Fixed a bug where when adding Terrain Stamps/Particle...
--- Fixed a bug that caused a crash when repeatedly chang...
---''[ Layout Tool ]''
--- Adjusted the size of the thumbnails displayed in the ...
---''[ Sample Game ]''
--- Modified the sample game to conform to current specif...
--''Bug Fixes''
--- Fixed a bug that caused a crash after moving the map,...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the selection window to grow ...
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused teleporting to coor...
--- Adjusted the animation of the sprite set, Emoticon "!...
--'' New Features''
--- Guides have been added for dragging and moving elemen...
--- Layout Tool > Slider Panel text color can now be chan...
--''Functional Improvements ''
--- We have implemented load handling when a relatively l...
--- Improved processing time when executing the command s...
--- In the in-game menu, it is now possible to go back an...
--''Bug Fixes''
--- Fixed display problems with the asset picker.
--- Fixed a bug that caused the player to teleport to coo...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception on the map scree...
--- Fixed a bug in the command script "Advanced String Va...
--- Fixed a bug in the command script "Display Ticker Tex...
--- Fixed a bug in which the display state of the command...
--- Fixed a bug in which the text effects of layouts used...
--- Fixed a bug that caused graphics from other sheets to...
---''[Game Play]''
--- Fixed a bug that caused the player to receive damage ...
--- Fixed a bug that when the player collided with an ene...
--- Fixed a bug in which the height of the speech bubble ...
---''[Map Editor]''
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes created events with duplic...
This fix resolves the following issues that were occurrin...
An exception occurs during save and load.
Unintended events are moved.
Local variables would be shared.
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the positions of pl...
--- Fixed a bug in which changes to the resources that ma...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when copying and...
--- Fixed a bug that created data that could not be loade...
--- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception when updati...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented model scaling from working...
--- Fixed a bug that caused semi-transparency to appear i...
--- Fixed a bug that in some cases the folder preview dis...
---''[Layout Tool]''
--- In Layout Tools > System Layout, a bug that caused la...
--- Fixed a bug in the display of selections when using w...
--- Fixed a bug in which the Database > Casts > Others > ...
In newly created projects, the case in which the followin...
If you are experiencing disappearing events for an existi...
--'' New Features''
--- Added the ability to skip the "Do Nothing" message in...
--'' Bug Fixes''
--- Fixed a bug that caused walk and wait motions to star...
--- Fixed a bug that the manipulator could not be operate...
--- Fixed a bug that caused battle characters to be highl...
--- Fixed a bug in the command script "Rearrange the Part...
--- Fixed a bug in the command script "Make Event Walk" w...
--- Fixed a bug in the Map Editor > Placed List palette t...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when placing a P...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when the file tr...
--- Fixed a bug that caused a crash in the preview of the...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented textures from being conver...
--- Fixed a bug that caused colors to change on export wh...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented a battle from progressing ...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented the next battle from progr...
--''Functional Improvement''
--- For the player's walking process, a new walking proce...
If Game Definition > Rules and Operations > "Use Inertia ...
If you wish to use inertia, please turn on this option an...
e.g.: Lowering the Damping Amount at Ground Level will re...
--- Asset picker has been improved.
The UI has been changed to make it easier to find ready-t...
Added the ability to add resources from the DLC with mult...
--'' New Features''
--- Test Play > Debug Window now has a function to fast-f...
--- An "Invisible Wall" event template has been added to ...
You can place an event on the map and adjust its size t...
--'' Bug Fixes''
--- Fixed a bug that prevented resources such as skyboxes...
--- Fixed a bug regarding the command script "Select from...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented images from being displaye...
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented subsequent conve...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when attempting ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when attempting ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused pointer information of array ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the player to be affected by ...
--- Fixed a bug in which, when using the Basic tab "Event...
--- Fixed a bug in which the cast's own accuracy and evas...
--- Rotation and scaling behavior when multiple objects o...
--- Fixed a bug in the Map Editor that caused the eyedrop...
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the Map Editor d...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented object deletion if the sta...
--- Fixed a bug in which when an object was selected, the...
--- In the Slice Animation Import dialog, a bug was fixed...
--- Fixed a bug that caused some models imported from the...
--- After resource files are deleted, the empty OS folder...
--- When deleting related resources, the parent folder in...
--- When deleting a model, a texture was not a candidate ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused events deleted by the command...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented editing of the tag field i...
--- Fixed a bug in which pressing Ctrl+C, etc. while edit...
--- Fixed a bug in which the default "Yes/No" selection w...
-- ''Bug Fixes''
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception in the battle te...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when performing ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused a crash when playing a WebM f...
--- Fixed a bug that caused a crash if the collision type...
--- Fixed a bug that caused common events tied to an item...
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused a cast without a ju...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented the "Teleport Event" panel...
--- Fixed a bug in which deleting the event that executed...
--- Fixed a bug so that a confirmation message is not dis...
--- When pasting data from the database, if there is data...
--- Fixed a bug in which the contents of an event generat...
--- Fixed a bug in the Layout Tool > Text & Special Forma...
learncharactername : Name of Party Member who Lea...
learnskillname : Name of Skill to be Lea...
learnskillname[x] : Name of Skill X to be Le...
--- Fixed a bug that caused skin models to appear composi...
--- Graphic data that contained incorrect settings has be...
--- ''Countermeasures have been taken to address the issu...
Please try this along with the previously mentioned turni...
--'' Added Feature''
--- A link to the "Shortcut Key List" has been added to t...
--'' Bug Fixes''
--- Fixed a bug in Ver. 1.0.9 where the target to be gene...
--- Fixed a bug in the Layout Tool where the mini map cou...
--- Fixed a bug in the Map Editor in which the relative p...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented games exported by the publ...
If you have experienced a failure to launch the sample ga...
Due to this problem, there have been cases where games di...
-- ''Functional Improvements ''
--- When a diffuse/normal/specular texture is set as the ...
-- ''Bug Fixes''
--- Fixed a bug that could slow down test play after open...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when repeatedly ...
--- Fixed a bug in which placing an allied cast on the ma...
--- Fixed a bug that caused variables in deleted events t...
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the graphic on Shee...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented test play from starting if...
--- Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when adding a re...
--- Fixed a bug in the Layout Tool where the OK button co...
--- Fixed a bug that caused Bakin to become inoperable fo...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the engine to process very sl...
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused light gray squares ...
--'' Known Issues ''
--- There is a problem with the Steam overlay function di...
To turn off this feature explicitly, go to the right side...
--- The bug that prevented the published work export dial...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the texture in the blank area...
--- Fixed a bug that caused automatic window width adjust...
--- Fixed a bug in which "Layout to be Opened" could not ...
--- Fixed a Bakin crash that could occur if the Asset Pic...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when the Add but...
---%%''We are currently experiencing a slowdown in test p...
-- ''Added Features''
---Top Menu: "Update Log" page tab and "Back" button adde...
-- '' Bug Fixes''
--- We have removed the -0.2 degree X-axis tilt that was ...
--- Fixed a bug in the command script "Event/Rotate Playe...
--- Fixed a bug where event destination symbols sometimes...
--- Fixed a bug in which local variables were not availab...
--- Fixed a bug that caused shader compilation errors dur...
--- Fixed a bug that caused image files to be locked and ...
--- The process of obtaining the loop range of an ogg fil...
---'' Fixed a bug where battle formulas required commas f...
''From this version onward, decimal points in battle form...
''[Affected Areas]''
Database -> "Damage Formula" for Items and Skills, "HP Re...
--''Functional Improvements''
--- Removed text limits for title, subtitle, and creator'...
However, if the number of letters is large, the default t...
--''Bug Fixes''
---Fixed a bug that could cause an exception when using t...
---Fixed a bug in Event Editor > Panel Mode where copying...
---Fixed a bug that occurred in Game Definition > Project...
Changing the run-time resolution causes a crash / BGM ini...
---Minor corrections were made to the sample game "Orb St...
--- Fixed a problem that caused maps to become abnormally...
The problem was occurring in some locales, including Ge...
If you are still experiencing the problem after having ...
--- Fixed a problem in which bakinbattle.dll would not st...
With this modification, no special work is required to ...
--- Fixed a problem where the RayCast panel was firing fr...
From this Ver onward, as previewed in the panel, it wil...
If you have already implemented events in a way that de...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when using a ski...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented recovery from events durin...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented the event panel "Recover/R...
--- Fixed a problem in which a weapon item with "One Step...
--- Fixed a problem in which the camera with the gazing t...
--- Fixed a problem in which pressing the F key with a Co...
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the position of the...
--- Improved the ability to toggle the display of a file ...
Moved to "View" menu to memorize ON/OFF
--- Fixed a bug where Wav files were not being processed ...
--- The section Game Definition > Execution Engine Defini...
The font can be changed from the configuration settings i...
--- Modified the various "House - Wall 01-03" models on t...
Newly created project (Normal assets)
Sample game "Orb Stories"
House Pack Vol.1 (Free DLC)
--- In addition, we have fixed several issues that were i...
-- ''Added Features''
--- Effekseer 1.70 is now supported.
You can use particles created with Effekseer 1.70 in Bakin.
-- ''Bug Fixes''
--- Fixed a bug that caused the splitter position in the ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused a higher value to be set inte...
After this version, the correct values are displayed and ...
--- Fixed a bug in the command script "Display Image" tha...
--- Fixed a bug in the battle layout that caused an excep...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when a cast memb...
--- Fixed a bug in the map editor "Placed List Palette" w...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the window to maximize when d...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the tool to crash if there wa...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented WAV files from playing pro...
--- Fixed a bug that caused some dialogs, such as exit co...
--'' Added Features''
--- The manual wiki is also available from the "Info and ...
--- For the property "Layout to be Opened" of the Layout ...
--''Bug Fixes''
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when an item ref...
--- Fixed a bug in the rendering settings in Map Settings...
--- Fixed a bug in the game where events added to that ma...
--- Fixed a bug that caused resources other than stamps t...
--- Fixed a bug that sound was distorted in some cases wh...
--- Fixed a bug where this tool crashes in the middle of ...
If you are using an AMD Radeon GPU and have been experien...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the editor to freeze or crash...
--- Fixed a problem with the screen turning light blue an...
--- Fixed a problem with the jump button, which is specif...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the editor to freeze or crash...
--- In the "Edit" menu at the top of the Map Editor, a ne...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented the "Asset Showcase" banne...
--- Other minor corrections
*RPG Developer Bakin Update History [#sddd12b1]
* [#sa61410d]
** New and Improved Features [#i2351c74]
***Events [#bdd3575f]
- A "Manipulate Array Variable" panel has been implemente...
This panel can be used to rewrite some or all the element...
- A "Batch Clear Variables" panel has been implemented in...
- An "Obtain Bone Coordinates" panel has been implemented...
- Offset specification has been added to the following ev...
"Check Surrounding Collision Detection", "Generate Events...
- Added the option to delete placement adjustments (battl...
***Database [#l6f9c3cc]
- Added "Do Nothing" to the system tag for battle commands.
''Usage example'':
When specifying a tag for the "Disable Command" state ab...
Disabling "Do Nothing" will cause the "Do Nothing" colum...
This allows, for example, to create "an enemy that begin...
- Separated "State" from the item ability "Attack Attribu...
The "Attack Attribute" ability had two mixed settings: "A...
By separating them this time, we have made it possible to...
***Battles [#b157d09f]
- During battle, the enemy's appearance now displays thei...
Weapon models attached to item hooks will also be display...
***Layout Tool [#b0d35cce]
- When attempting to display status changes of "unequipab...
***Rendering Settings [#dcac030c]
- The rendering engine has been modified to improve stabi...
- Improved the process of applying fog to the water surfa...
- The SSAO algorithm has been improved and the following ...
-- SSAO algorithm added.
~-''View'': Conventional algorithm.
~-''View (Corrected)'': The algorithm is the same as befo...
~-''Linear'': The algorithm is less sensitive to the dist...
-- The following parameters have been added:
--- Maximum Distance: Beyond the distance, the SSAO effec...
This was implemented to improve the noise-like results th...
---Blur: Added a choice of blurring techniques.
~- ''Previous'': This is the previous blur. There is no s...
~- ''Bilateral'': It has less blur, but avoids extending ...
~- ''Half Bilateral'': Bilateral is performed at half res...
--- Shadow Judgment Level: You can adjust how well the li...
***Map Editor [#z6fed44c]
- Added the function to sort entries in the Placed List p...
Sorting can be done from the context menu (select an entr...
***Test Play [#fe84fcfc]
- The Cast Parameter Check View now also displays the eff...
** Specification Changes [#ld111e58]
***Resources [#lc9eb5b8]
- When importing a file from the Image menu, the initial ...
**Bug Fixes [#o1396c1a]
***Events [#hc487197]
- Fixed a bug in the "Check Variable Box" panel setting w...
- Fixed a bug where "Enhanceable" items were not detected...
- Fixed a bug where HP/MP changed by an event after the r...
- Fixed a bug where the content displayed in the "Display...
- Fixed a bug where, in an event where a rotation angle o...
- Fixed a bug where collision detection would pass throug...
- Fixed a bug where switching to a different map several ...
- Fixed a bug in the "Recover/Reduce Battle Cast Consumpt...
- Fixed an issue where, when using the "Make Player/Event...
- Fixed a bug that caused Collision Detection with events...
- Fixed a bug where even if you allowed the player to wal...
***Map Editor [#p1b98777]
- Fixed a bug in the Placed List palette where sorting en...
- Fixed a bug where the destination location was not disp...
- Fixed a bug where after creating an event with a move, ...
The destination information was deleted internally but co...
***Game Definition [#ye9c2d57]
- Fixed a bug that caused gamepad input to become unrespo...
***Resources [#w7c8ff0d]
- Unused files and folders are deleted from the project f...
- Fixed a bug where model changes etc. were not immediate...
- Fixed a bug that caused animations to be displayed inco...
- Fixed a bug in the Asset Picker preview where resources...
- Fixed a bug where the value set in Asset Picker Options...
- When creating a physics setting from a model that was c...
- Moved the particle's "Playtime" property to "For Battle...
- Fixed a bug that prevented the cast from blinking when ...
***Database [#t050af0f]
- Fixed a bug where using the "Tag" for the "State" abili...
- Fixed a bug where the state with the "Force Granting Be...
- Fixed a bug in the processing of the lower limit set fo...
- If there is a "State" with the removal condition set as...
-- ''Previous Specification'':
Paralysis is removed at the end of the battle.
If "Paralysis" is set to "ability to grant 'Sleep' when r...
-- ''Improved Specification'':
This change will prevent sleep from being granted at the ...
*** Internal Format [#lbf4e4be]
- Fixed a bug that prevented the generation of internal f...
-- When importing from DLC using the Asset Picker
-- When importing by drag & drop into the Map Editor
-- When copying and pasting on the Resources & Database
-- When importing from an entry that specifies a graphic ...
-- When importing layout data
- Improved internal model format for more efficient memor...
''&color(red){(!)};''Please note that if you are using th...
***Layout Tool [#lea0c961]
- Fixed a bug that caused layout elements to be misaligne...
- Fixed a bug that prevented some operations, such as sel...
- Fixed a bug where, when copying and pasting elements in...
- Fixed a bug in the "Store - Sale" screen where an empty...
- Fixed a bug where event graphic changes were not applie...
- Fixed a bug in the submenu container property " Submenu...
***Battles [#x88458fe]
- Fixed a bug in which during a normal attack in battle, ...
- Fixed a bug in which the default display state of subgr...
***Sprite Tool [#u794c6a8]
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when deleting a la...
***Post Effects [#c2bb5e4f]
- Improved fog processing for the water surface shader.
***Tool UI [#ga90ba95]
- Fixed a bug in the Movement Range Setting dialog where ...
- Fixed a bug in the entry tree that sometimes did not fi...
***Plug-ins [#xaffecff]
- Fixed a bug that prevented getting the attribute/state ...
***Assets [#r53e6564]
- Changed the removal condition and icon for the "Less HP...
The "State" icon is now displayed without being removed a...
***DLC [#j43e9949]
- Fixed an error that displayed an error message that the...
Other minor UI and text changes were made.
* [#n62d90bd]
**Bug Fixes [#uc5ad079]
***Events [#r89bb975]
- Fixed a bug where the collision size did not change whe...
***Resources [#wc156a6d]
- Fixed a bug where the height generated by RigidBody was...
- Fixed a bug that caused an error when importing a VRM m...
- Fixed a bug that prevented the preview of the resource ...
***Camera Tool [#f6dce813]
- Fixed a bug that prevented editing the camera when dele...
As of Ver., the bug where the basic settings of ...
***Layout Tool [#fafc91c0]
- The description of the special format currentskillconsu...
***Map Editor [#gf4b3993]
- Fixed a bug that caused the model to appear to repeated...
***Gameplay Issues [#p98d4fbb]
- Fixed a bug that could cause some cast members during P...
***Others [#vb0690cc]
- Fixed a bug that prevented changes to font settings fro...
* [#u8863a51]
**Bug Fixes [#ja4a3f2e]
***Events [#r1990e06]
- Fixed a bug in the "Obtain Battle Information" panel th...
***Resources [#q0a6b55e]
- The Y coordinate of the capsule collision, which is aut...
''&color(red){(!)};'' When VRM-based 3D stamps imported i...
-In the Resources section, the "Update File" button has b...
*Ver. [#t996b1f1]
** New and Improved Features [#obed8dbf]
***Resources [#h28918f5]
- Automatically set collision on VRM import to "capsule" ...
**Bug Fixes [#b1508e8e]
***Resources [#f5098363]
- Fixed a bug that caused multiple VRM format models impo...
***Events [#h9eb9dd4]
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused translucent areas to ...
''&color(red){(!)};''The following bug fixes have been ca...
%%- Fixed a bug that caused the loss of collision detecti...
***Common Event Editor [#u52d09fe]
- Fixed a bug that caused slow processing when trying to ...
The problem of grayed out event names will be fixed in th...
***Game Definition [#z3fa0df0]
- Fixed a bug in which the setting option “Count Y Moveme...
*** Known Bugs [#ec063e9d]
- If you change the scale of a stamp based on a VRM-forma...
There is no problem with game play.
*Ver.1.13.0 [#t748f6da]
** New and Improved Features [#h67b29e1]
**Battle-related Features [#d0784460]
*** Additional Abilities when Equipped [#kd5f67de]
--'' The following options have been added to "Item" abil...
--- "Ability When Equipped: Skills" ability that allows t...
--- "Ability When Equipped: States" ability to grant spec...
*** Usage of "Tags" to Set the Effect Target Range [#jdda...
--'' Added the ability to specify "tags" in the "Items", ...
Example: In the State Definition, add the tag "#KO" for "...
Then, by creating a skill with the "State Recovery (Tag)"...
***Skill Reflection [#k77600a0]
--'' "Reflection Rate", which allows skills to reflect, h...
--- If more than one cast successfully reflects, each wil...
--- The destination of the reflection can be randomly sel...
--- Reflective/non-reflective skills can be specified by ...
Example: If you do not want to reflect only skills with o...
-#allycast -#tagA
--''In Casts > Battle tab > Treat as Enemy in Encounters,...
---Skill target is all of them and someone is in [Reflect...
---Skill target is a single person, but everyone is in [R...
---When the skill target is a single person, if someone i...
-''[Game Definition]''
--'' Added a field in "System Resources" to set the effec...
If the reflection is successful, the specified effect is ...
The sample game "Orb Stories", which is pre-installed in ...
If you want to use it, go to Resources > Particles, click...
--'' “Display Reflected Effects” has been added to “Rules...
Turning this switch off shortens the time of the battle p...
***Critical Hit [#ued6be1c]
- ''[Database]''
--'' The following options have been added to the "Items"...
--- Added "Critical Damage Rate (%)" which adds the criti...
--- Added "Critical Evasion Rate (%)", which adds the pro...
--'' "Critical Effect" has been added to the "Weapon/Armo...
You can set the effect that is displayed when a critica...
-- ''A “Bare Handed Critical Effect” has been added to th...
-''[Game Definition]''
--'' “Critical Damage Rate” has been added to Rules and R...
--'' When using the "At the Beginning of Action" trigger ...
*** Probability of Escaping [#qd2ff3dc]
-''[Game Definition]''
--''Added an option to edit the ""Escape" Command Success...
*** Formula Related [#bd55555a]
-''[Database and Others]''
-- ''Added "Formula List Dialog" to manage multiple formu...
In the tool, where formulas are available, you can use ...
-- ''Improved Formula Editor UI.''
-- ''Parameters and functions that can be used in formula...
---“Clamp” added to “Opcodes” is a function to keep a val...
Example: The parameter “a” represents the value to be k...
When clamp(a,5,10), a is output if 5<a<10, otherwise 5 ...
--- The “Active Casts” added to “Others” refers to the nu...
***Battle Events [#r650f604]
-- ''The following information is now available from the ...
--- "Management Tag" for the selected battle command
--- The "Management Tag" set for the "Action Type" that t...
--- The result of the hit determination at the beginning ...
Information on misses, hits, and criticals can be obtai...
Note that if the results are manipulated by events afte...
--- The target type of the immediately preceding skill.
For example, you can see if the selected skill targets ...
--- Skill (item) tags used
--- Number of surviving cast members randomly from allied...
--- Resistance value of the cast to attributes and states
-- ''The following features have been added to the "Speci...
--- Added the "Change Target Only" feature to the "Action...
--- Add "Action Timing" field to allow for immediate acti...
--- "At the End of Result" has been implemented as an exe...
The triggering condition will be triggered after the resu...
--- "When Result Ends" has been implemented in the "Battl...
Note that "When Result Ends" is also executed when "When ...
*** Refer to Weapon Setting [#i32edc0b]
-- ''Added "Refer to Weapon" to the motion and effect set...
The motion and effects of the weapon used when activati...
-- ''In the attribute selection of the skill's ability "S...
** VRM Format Support [#b177f047]
*** Import of VRM Format Models [#t87a8540]
-- ''VRM format models can now be used as 3D models.''
Upon import, the most appropriate materials are automatic...
In addition, a file converted to FBX format is generated ...
By using the model converted to FBX for services such as ...
''&color(red){(!)};''However, in some cases, depending on...
Please see the [[3D Characters > .vrm Format Models secti...
''&color(red){(!)};''In some cases, VRM format models use...
Please consider using the "Internal Format Settings" feat...
--'' In Resources > Models, added "Movement Limit of Swin...
When running or changing direction during a game, you can...
**Other Features and Improvements [#e5723e72]
***Game Definition [#nc1afcc8]
-The "Rules and Operations" screen has been split into th...
- The UI of the "Common Terms" screen has been changed.
- In the "Common Terms" section, the arrow symbol used to...
***[Tool UI] [#ra3d50da]
- Improved the tooltip of the variable selection box at v...
**Bug Fixes [#o338db83]
***Battles [#de03b887]
- Fixed a bug that caused the effect to be applied to the...
- Fixed a bug where the consumption status values of cast...
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when using the “Ch...
***Database [#bf505bb7]
- Fixed so that when damage is generated by automatic dam...
- Fixed a bug where damage/recovery colors were not used ...
- Fixed "Battle Action AI" under "Cast" so that the width...
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception in some cases when...
- Fixed a bug in the editing UI for abilities that increa...
- Fixed a bug in which the number of items with "Enhance...
- Fixed a bug in the "Damage to Consumption Status" abili...
- Fixed a bug where some ability editing UI had unnecessa...
- In Database, modified a scroll bar to appear when an en...
***Layout Tool [#g783d9da]
- Fixed a bug in the Free Layout for Event screen that pr...
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception if a key input was...
- Fixed a bug that reset the "Number of Message Lines" an...
***Events [#sd1ef934]
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when specifying a ...
- Fixed a bug in the "Display Store and Check Results" pa...
- Fixed a bug in the Common and Battle events that could ...
*** Internal Format [#rce79f5f]
- Fixed a bug that could cause some of the huge mesh coll...
- Fixed a bug that caused the Resources screen to freeze ...
***Map Editor [#jc7f3896]
- Fixed operation during narrowing of the placed list.
***Camera Tool [#u4c34ca8]
- Fixed a bug in the Camera List where buttons for unavai...
- In the combo box of the camera property "Use Other Came...
- Fixed a bug that caused the map currently displayed in ...
***Sprite Tool [#mb2a1bff]
- Fixed a bug where the first frame of a sprite assigned ...
***Resources [#oad30027]
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur when...
- Fixed a bug that could cause the preview to be very slo...
***Sample Games [#d4145f3e]
- Fixed a bug in the "Dungeon RPG Sample" where the stair...
- Fixed a bug in the "Dungeon RPG Sample" that caused ine...
''&color(red){(!)};''The "Grid Move" in the Common Event ...
- In Orb Stories, the battle AI of the Sword Keeper was m...
*Ver. [#kf2efb39]
**Bug Fixes [#jdf15b1c]
*** Internal Format Conversion [#l7b63ba0]
- Fixed a bug that caused internal format files to be cre...
- Fixed a bug in which model changes were not reflected i...
***Events [#td8433d4]
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused an exception when try...
***Map Editor [#u88e9a7f]
- Fixed a bug that caused the names of entries in the Pla...
***Others [#k5b85f5e]
- Fixed a bug that caused Japanese text to be displayed f...
*Ver. [#z5540139]
**Bug Fixes [#ecdd56e7]
***Events [#q6b6a8ff]
- Fixed a bug that blendshapes were not reflected in even...
***Plug-ins [#b09ff355]
- Fixed a bug in which some overloads of Yukar.Engine.Gra...
*Ver. 1.12.1 [#c0e1c37b]
** New and Improved Features [#i5db2c99]
***Conversion Feature to Internal Format of Resources [#n...
- ''The “Use Internal Format (beta)” feature has been imp...
The default setting for this feature is “off”.
''&color(red){(!)};'' This feature is in beta. It is reco...
When turned on, the model and textures are converted to a...
The converted files will be placed in the library folder ...
--''This feature has the following advantages and disadva...
--- Speeds up the loading process during games.
--- The memory used by the game is reduced.
--- When exporting as a published work, game size is redu...
--- Depending on your environment and the number of resou...
--- The size of the project folder will increase as it wi...
-- ''In addition, when this feature is turned on, the fol...
---Adding resources to the project with this feature turn...
---When this feature is turned on, a backup of the projec...
--''In addition, the properties of the resources to be co...
If you wish to restore the properties that were changed i...
---''[Turn Off “Vertex Compression” on the Model for Coll...
When “Vertex Compression” is turned on and an internal fo...
By turning this one off, you can avoid its effects.
If the same model is also used for display, the reduction...
---''[Turn On “Texture Compression” for All Textures]''
Compressing textures can reduce memory consumption.
However, the following types of textures, which have a si...
Textures for which the interpolation method is Near...
Textures for LUT
The image quality will be slightly degraded.
---''[Optimize Texture Usage Settings]''
Normal maps have dedicated texture compression, so if the...
---''[Backup the Entire Game File] ''
Create a backup folder for the entire game file (project ...
-- ''Once this feature is turned on, turning it off will ...
Note, however, that “Resources” menu properties changed i...
***Game Definition [#a7cd9b68]
- In the system graphic, icons indicating the equipment t...
***Events [#a826d0fe]
- The text command \c has been added to panels that can d...
***Database [#f5da671e]
- Sorting can now be done by clicking on the “Enable”, “A...
***Map Editor [#g0514012]
- Improved the behavior of the Map List palette.
-- After pasting a map, the editor will open the pasted m...
-- A blue circle is now displayed on the thumbnail of the...
***Test Play [#s038de30]
- The performance meter opened from the option menu has b...
***Others [#n40a0037]
- Improved the combo box to open immediately when clickin...
- A “Save Information for Inquiry” feature has been added...
By sending us the information you have saved using this f...
**Bug Fixes [#u1146236]
***Layout Tool [#jd06a154]
- Fixed a bug in which sound effects set for sprite motio...
- Fixed a bug that prevented the use of currentitem-relat...
- Fixed a bug where an exception would occur when opening...
- Fixed a bug in which if the decision button was pressed...
- Fixed a bug that allowed users to edit the motion of a ...
***Sprite Tool [#qc2ae43c]
- Fixed a bug in which a motion was not immediately added...
***Events [#kf746e39]
- Fixed a bug where moving to another map while a message...
- Fixed a bug in the String Input panel where an exceptio...
***Map Editor [#b53dfdf8]
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception when multiple...
***Database [#v5f9a6df]
- The display color of the damage value was fixed to the ...
- Fixed a bug in which the damage/recovery color set for ...
- The wording of the "Success Rate" property under "Skill...
***Resources [#ga475c6a]
- Fixed a bug that caused the motion blend time to be 0.1...
- Collisions that were inadvertently added to 3D stamps f...
- Fixed 4 textures for the pre-installed terrain stamp EP...
***Battles [#z4efc5c3]
- Fixed a bug that caused a waiting time of 30 frames eve...
- Fixed a bug in a battle event where the "Force Granting...
***Test Play [#x1db6070]
- Fixed a bug that could cause the tool to crash due to i...
***Others [#x39a56ba]
- Fixed a bug in which an exception would occur, and the ...
- Fixed a bug that caused the font.ttf of the first proje...
- A minimum size has been set for the dialog palette.
- Fixed a bug that could cause display corruption when re...
- Fixed a bug in the battle status screen of “Orb Stories...
*Ver. [#ya78c8f4]
**Bug Fixes [#e09a59b1]
***Map Editor [#r107618e]
- In the entry tree of the Common Events palette and the ...
- When opening another window, such as the Database, from...
- In the tree of the Common Events palette and the Placed...
*** Configuration [#i66348d3]
- It is no longer possible to disable all three types of ...
- A warning is now displayed when automatic backup is “tu...
***Others [#xf4d9ecf]
- If a problem occurs with this tool and a crash report i...
***Layout Tool [#dc4b7c65]
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when pressing the ...
*Ver. [#l714910b]
**Bug Fixes [#w355f51e]
***Map Editor [#x7a756c2]
- Fixed a bug in which an exception would occur if the ar...
Also fixed a bug that caused an exception when setting mu...
***Layout Tool [#dbda82b7]
- Fixed a bug that prevented \itemdictionaryname[x] from ...
*Ver. [#ed8346cb]
** New and Improved Features [#x2b31b97]
***Events [#gcd52843]
The limit of up to 2,048 entries has been removed from th...
**Bug Fixes [#f5984654]
***Layout Tool [#l9f9f89e]
- Fixed a bug in which the Special Coordinate Specificati...
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when placing a ren...
***Events [#ldf93422]
- Fixed a bug that caused the "Recover/Reduce HP or MP" p...
- Fixed a bug in the "Change Cast Graphic" panel, which i...
***Map Editor [#mfa507c6]
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when executing “Co...
***Others [#vac85bef]
- Fixed a bug in which when a game with a different aspec...
This is in response to a problem that occurs when running...
*Ver. [#s8a38e55]
**Bug Fixes [#l898ae47]
***Gameplay Issues [#h43fa76c]
- Fixed that the decision button does not respond when th...
- Fixed a bug that prevented the battle from progressing ...
- Fixed a bug that caused damage in map battles to hit in...
***Database [#odce3be7]
- Fixed a bug in the State Ability “Disable Command” that...
- Icons displayed in the Database Tool have been corrected.
***Map Editor [#a2013157]
- Fixed a bug that caused the tool in the Map Editor to c...
***Events [#ea988c29]
- Some English translations of the Text Command Insert Di...
***Others [#td6c7992]
- Added a sentence to the Published Work Export readme.tx...
*Ver. [#f063764c]
**Bug Fixes [#p8d3216a]
***Events [#j19cbc17]
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused an exception when exe...
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception during playback us...
- Fixed a bug that caused events using the “Item Enhancem...
***Layout Tool [#e7afb399]
- Fixed a bug that a sound effect assigned to the display...
*Ver. 1.12.0 [#q631ace1]
** New and Improved Features [#v5c25396]
***Backlogs [#d6a898e3]
- ''Layout Tool''
--'' A new “Backlog” screen has been added to the Layout ...
--'' Added “Show Backlogs” to the submenu container actio...
The in-game backlog can be displayed by placing a submenu...
- ''Events''
-- ''Added “Add Strings to Backlogs” panel to the “Conver...
Texts set in this panel are not displayed during the game...
For example, it is intended to be used to include a separ...
-- ''The following control characters have been added to ...
--- Record/End in Backlog Only: \-
--- Show/End Only in Main Text: \+
- ''Game Definition ''
-- ''New “Max Number of Backlogs Retained” in Rules & Ope...
***Change Game Speed / Skip Events [#jbf924e0]
- ''Events''
-- ''A “Change Game Speed” panel has been added to the “C...
This panel allows you to change the time elapsing speed o...
The game speed is restored when user input is required to...
''&color(red){(!)};'' ''Excessively high game speeds may ...
The speed limit will vary depending on factors such as th...
- ''Display priority can now be specified in the “Display...
As with the “Play Movie” panel, we have added a low, medi...
Previously, images could not be displayed in front of the...
- ''Common Event Templates''
-- ''Added “Skip Events” as a template for common events.''
Pressing the menu button will cause the game screen to fa...
This event template uses the “Change Game Speed” panel an...
''If you wish to change the key for activation or the eff...
''&color(red){(!)};'' ''In this event, the screen will re...
''&color(red){(!)};''At this time, this event automatical...
''If you want to explicitly disable event skipping in...
''&color(red){(!)};''''If you wish to continue displaying...
This is a necessary action to wait for the Common Eve...
***Message Skipping [#j118ee09]
- ''Game Definition ''
-- ''New “Use Message Skip” in Rules and Operations > Ope...
When this flag is turned on, messages and conversations i...
- ''Events''
-- ''The control character “\s” has been added to the “Di...
***Movie Playback During Battles [#c6e2cf2c]
- ''Events''
-- ''Movies can now be played in battle events using the ...
***Events [#i480e127]
- ''In the “Increase/Decrease Item” panel, the Nth item i...
- A function to specify the attack attribute and “a setti...
- The “Text Command Input Assistance Dialog,” which opens...
***Layout Tool [#b210c49c]
- ''The “Variable to Assign a Selection Result” and “Vari...
- "Start the Index from 1" has been added to the Layout P...
Previously, the index of the selection was set to 0 origi...
***Database [#f0286985]
- ''Added an entry field for Management Tags in “Battle A...
This allows us to use the “State” ability “Disable Comman...
''&color(red){(!)};'' Even if you do not enter any tags i...
- Changed the category of item/skill/state abilities and ...
***Game Definition [#m068d1b3]
- A new option “Count Y Movements as Steps” has been adde...
This allows choosing whether to consider the height movem...
***Resources [#k3816366]
- The “3D Stamps” have been improved so that subgraphics ...
This also allows the properties of selected entries to be...
''We will support the reordering of subgraphics by draggi...
- For “3D Stamps,” the initial display state setting for ...
***Map Editor [#je681f29]
- Improved the maximum map number limit, allowing map num...
***Plug-ins [#y54b1d1e]
- Added BattleStart method to MapScene class to generate ...
You can specify the monsters that appear by passing the G...
***Tool UI [#w442bf63]
- The overall color brightness of the Bakin tool has been...
''The coloring of the tool will be adjusted on an ongoing...
***Reminder Regarding the Update [#n049ee51]
-''Note on APIs available in C# scripts ''
--Removed invalid Rectangle argument that previously exis...
''&color(red){(!)};''If you have been using these, please...
**Bug Fixes [#rf67f7e5]
***Battles [#lc770b7d]
- Fixed a bug that prevented eventized decals from being ...
- Fixed a bug that prevented action types from being obta...
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused damage processing to ...
- Fixed a bug that caused a pause in the timing of the fi...
- Fixed the problem so that if an action selected by both...
***Events [#mffb0d09]
- Fixed a bug in which if the “End of Battle” event was c...
- Fixed a bug that prevented the “Change Layout to be Use...
- Fixed a bug that caused the “changed type of layout” to...
- Fixed a bug that caused incorrect centering when there ...
- Fixed a bug that caused the “Check Collision State” pan...
- The upper limit of the “Change Battle Speed” panel sett...
- Fixed a bug that prevented the graphics of event symbol...
***Database [#a5fe9c0b]
- Fixed a bug that caused the “Change in Resistance” effe...
***Layout Tool [#kb99da52]
- Fixed a bug that caused all name fields to be displayed...
- Fixed a bug that prevented \savename from being display...
***Sprite Tool [#i324bd74]
- Fixed a bug in which images no longer used in the sprit...
- Fixed a bug that allowed motions to be added to the Sys...
- Unnecessary “sweet_smile_1” was removed from chr001 in ...
''&color(red){(!)};''It will remain in the existing proje...
***Resources [#r2b235fe]
- When rendering a movie in an enlarged format, the linea...
- Fixed a bug in which if a subgraphic had a swaying obje...
- Fixed a bug where the setting of the scale to the subgr...
- Fixed a bug where a 3D stamp that used a different mate...
- Fixed a bug that prevented collisions from being update...
- Fixed a bug in which, when changing some parameters of ...
- Fixed a bug where decals added to Resources were not be...
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception when executin...
- Fixed a bug in which when selecting blendshapes with th...
***Gameplay Issues [#t217d1c0]
- Fixed a bug that caused animations of sprites displayed...
- Fixed a bug that caused the “HP” value to decrease when...
- Fixed the player cast motion to return to wait motion w...
- Fixed a slight color fading issue during WebM (movie) p...
- Fixed a bug where the screen would not stay still when ...
- Fixed a bug in which repeatedly hitting the close butto...
***Plug-ins [#of96f7aa]
- Fixed a bug that prevented updating with overwrite copy...
***Others [#tacc22fb]
- Fixed a bug that could cause maps with the environment ...
- Fixed a bug in the function to zip a project by right-c...
*Ver. [#jd088105]
**Bug Fixes [#u5055c03]
***Issues During Test Play [#n8c7bdd9]
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception at the start of te...
- Fixed a bug in the test play window in which repeatedly...
*Ver. [#o89adfae]
**Bug Fixes [#y1aa8e53]
***Layout Tool [#h8a6f4dd]
- Fixed a bug that caused the “Line Spacing Offset” in la...
***Resources [#udb16482]
- Fixed a bug that caused thumbnails to not display corre...
***Others [#iea27bb4]
- Fixed a bug that caused some files to not be exported p...
*Ver. [#tf77f2bb]
**Bug Fixes [#s0d74493]
***Events [#o0daacfe]
- Fixed a bug in which the “Brighten/Darken Screen” panel...
- Fixed a bug that prevented lip-synch of sprites in conv...
***Event Templates [#v5b5cec5]
- Fixed a bug that caused incorrect assignment of local v...
*** Variables Used [#jbadf7fc]
- Fixed a bug that caused the start conditions of “When G...
***Database [#q18b124e]
- Fixed a bug that caused some splitters in the “Casts” a...
***Gameplay Issues [#y389352f]
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception at startup if...
***Map Editor [#q231eb67]
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when displaying a ...
***Others [#ze8ddcc0]
- Some skills used by monsters in Orb Stories have been a...
*Ver. [#r915f68c]
**Bug Fixes [#d89abdf2]
***Events [#vb3215f2]
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception during a conversat...
''&color(red){(!)};''This problem occurred when the “Moti...
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused unintended lighting e...
- Fixed a bug that prevented the “Change Cast's Equipment...
***Camera Tool [#w982b98d]
- Fixed a bug that prevented the splitter in the Camera T...
***Test Play [#s913cfc0]
- Fixed a bug in the debugging display of collisions duri...
***Resources [#p0d2ebce]
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when adding a blen...
***Others [#cfcf9a64]
- Fixed a bug in which the dialog size did not match the ...
*Ver. [#x8fdd639]
** Bug Fixes [#x74b64a9]
***Events [#x6bb4dc0]
- Fixed a bug that prevented specifying speech bubbles ta...
*Ver. 1.11 [#o43dcf57]
** New and Improved Features [#t8a2b686]
***Auto Save [#wc44ffc5]
- ''An auto save function has been implemented.''
''Also, it is now possible to save and load from an event...
- By turning on Game Definition > Rules and Operations > ...
-- The top slot on the save data selection screen will be...
-- In the Layout Tool > Save File Selection screen, the s...
-- If you wish to display an indication such as "Saving" ...
- The event panels "Forced Save" and "Forced Load" have b...
-- The "Forced Save" panel is a function that forcibly ov...
-- The "Forced Load" panel forces the loading of saved da...
<<<- You can also assign a slot for auto save as a save/l...
<<<- Even if auto save is turned off in "Game Definition"...
<<<-- An event panel “Enable/Disable Auto Save” has been ...
We expect you to use it to create "games that only have a...
<<<1. Delete the "Save" option from the menu.
<<<2. At the beginning of the game, "Forced Load" is alwa...
*** Conversation Cast Enter and Exit Animation [#i0a92d93]
The "Conversation" event can now be customized by using t...
- Added "Conversation Cast Display Effect" to "Screen Tra...
Assign the sprite set you wish to use for the Enter and E...
The sprite set for Enter and Exit is created with the Spr...
>>>Referring to the default sprite set "DialogueAnimation...
>>>Example: Motion "LeftCharacterIn_Active" is the motion...
- In the previous version, when a billboard was assigned ...
*** Display the Portrait in Front of the Conversation Win...
The relationship between the rendering orders of windows ...
- A new "Reflect the Rendering Order of the Cast Displaye...
When this option is turned on, the rendering order will c...
Change the position on the layout parts list of the "pane...
***User-defined Icons [#p9ca0fd9]
Allows registered icons to be displayed in conversations ...
- "User-defined Icons" can now be registered in Game Defi...
- Added \i[X,Y] for displaying User-defined Icons to Text...
When you register an image with "Count Slice" in Resource...
Icons are automatically resized to the size of the immedi...
***Database [#cd0cc91c]
- In the "State Abilities" section of the State Definitio...
We also added the "Disable Command" ability to the "Abnor...
-- State Change (When Granted)
Assigns an additional state to the opponent.
---If "Not Granted" is assigned, the specified "state" is...
For example, if the effect of the "Poison" state is assig...
---If "Granted" is assigned, then the specified "state" w...
For example, if the "poison" ability is assigned as [Stat...
''&color(red){(!)};'' If the cast is not "poisoned" in th...
''&color(red){(!)};'' This ability will not work unless t...
''&color(red){(!)};'' It is recommended to specify the ab...
-- State Change (When Removed)
When this "state" is removed, the assigned "state" is gra...
However, if the "state" is disabled by the "State Disabli...
---If "Always" is specified, the specified "state" is ass...
---If "At Removal Condition" is assigned, the specified "...
---If "At State Recovery" is assigned, the "state" is ass...
-- Abnormal Action Category > Disable Command
Assigning a "tag" to a battle command disables the abilit...
Assign a default tag such as "Attack" or "Skill" or a tag...
''&color(red){(!)};''This ability “disables command selec...
- A new option has been added to the “Change in Appearan...
- Damage values specified in State Definition > State Abi...
When damage is caused by this ability on maps, the damage...
''&color(red){(!)};''To use this feature, turn on “Displa...
- Added enable/disable switches for items/skills/state ab...
Please use this feature when you want to temporarily disa...
- The "target" of an item, skill, or ability of State Def...
- The State Definition "Auto Damage" ability now has a ne...
- Assigned a lower limit when reducing the consumption va...
--In the "State Abilities" section, specify "Auto Damage,...
-- For example, if "1" is set in the "Lower Limit", the s...
- Changed the order and option name of "Removal Condition...
- The UI of the Casts > Basic tab "Resistance to State" a...
- Changed the "Auto Damage (On Maps: HP)" ability so that...
***Resources [#be41d516]
- In the "Materials" section, a new feature has been impl...
Copy and paste buttons are placed above the property sect...
This feature copies all material properties including tex...
- In the “3D/2D Stamps” section, the feature to copy and ...
Copy and Paste buttons are placed above the property field.
''&color(red){(!)};''Note that this feature does not copy...
- In each resource menu tree, the context menu (right-cli...
When exporting as a published work, resources with this c...
''&color(red){(!)};''Use this feature if you want to incl...
- A warning message is now displayed when importing WebM ...
The WebM file formats that can be successfully played bac...
-- Video tracks encoded in YUV420 using VP8/VP9
-- Audio tracks encoded using Opus
***Events [#f0169c85]
- A "Check the Learned Skill" panel has been implemented ...
- The "Obtain Battle Information" panel now allows the na...
- The following functions have been implemented in the "C...
-- The function to change the equipment ignoring the fixe...
-- The function to discard removed items without putting ...
- In the "Display Effect" panel and the "Display Emoticon...
***Event Editor [#v3908f26]
- The "Favorites" function has been added to the Command ...
Turning on the star symbol for each command will register...
- The rendering speed of the Event Editor has been impro...
Improved processing in both panel mode and text mode.
***Tool UI [#oc72ad53]
- When assigning a common event or a layout in the Event ...
- Folder expansion state on the "Select Variable Box" dia...
***Map Editor [#c3154b0d]
- Improved processing of opening and closing groups in th...
- Added "Event Search" to the Map Editor top menu > Edit ...
The "Event Search" menu, which was previously opened by p...
***Layout Tool [#m8a3f246]
- A check box has been added to the Layout to be Assigned...
The layout of the Layout Tool > Exit Game screen can now ...
You can also empty the contents of the layout to avoid th...
- "Management Tags for Casts to be Displayed" has been ad...
- In the Sprite Panel, an “Add and Edit” button has been ...
***Sprite Tool [#nfeaff76]
- When a motion is selected in the sprite list, informati...
***Camera Tool [#w037cc10]
- Improved the behavior of the camera list, including imp...
***Test Play [#e472cfd9]
- Improved to save the position and size of the debugging...
***Plug-ins [#x2a06d3e]
- For build/run errors in C# plug-ins, the number of line...
***Others [#y5884fff]
- In the Published Work Export function, it is now possib...
- Updated the sample game “Orb Stories” to support Ver. 1...
In addition, some 3D resources have been improved.
- Help button with ? mark has been added to the caption b...
The button opens the manual page in your browser. We plan...
**Bug Fixes [#u1bea481]
***Events [#ga259adf]
- Fixed a bug that prevented the "Change Cast's Equipment...
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the invincibility mod...
- Fixed a bug in the "Change Cast Status" panel where the...
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when using the "La...
- Fixed a bug in which jumping into a loop process using ...
- Fixed a bug that caused discrepancies between the targe...
***Battle Plug-in Sample [#i1769622]
- Fixed a bug in the Battle Plug-in sample that prevented...
- Fixed a bug in the Battle Plug-in sample where a skill ...
***Battles [#t294f341]
- Fixed a bug that prevented evented decals from being di...
***Map Editor [#k6cbdbd5]
- Fixed a bug in the battle test that caused an exception...
- Fixed a bug in the Placed List in which copying and pas...
- Fixed a bug in the Common Events palette under "Battle ...
- Fixed a bug that made opening a map in the editor and/o...
***Layout Tool [#eef39f3d]
- Fixed a bug that caused only that element to be visible...
(Example: "Visibility Switch" is specified for the "Money...
- Fixed a bug in which the decision button could be press...
- Fixed a bug in which when a common event was executed f...
- Fixed a bug in the layout parts list in which layout pa...
- Fixed a bug that caused incorrect line breaks in some d...
***Resources [#h0af7002]
- Fixed a bug in which "Cancel" in the Resource Dialog af...
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when deleting the ...
- Fixed a bug in which deleting “stamps using system proj...
***Database [#j9fe8b75]
- Fixed a bug that when opening a project created in a ve...
- Fixed a bug where the HP did not change when the player...
And we modified the system so that when the HP of all the...
- Fixed a bug that caused the game to be over when the St...
- Fixed a bug that caused a minus sign attached to the da...
*** Variables Used [#g843670b]
- Fixed a bug that caused deleted common events to remain...
***Gameplay Issues [#y5dc6939]
- Fixed a bug that caused the displayed free layout to di...
***Plug-ins [#t4f7fdac]
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused references to DLLs in...
***Others [#t2900529]
- Fixed a bug where the mouse cursor that was hidden did ...
- Fixed a bug that caused the left mouse button to behave...
*Ver. [#wbbb0c8b]
**Bug Fixes [#wcba94e7]
***Gameplay Issues [#uee71f91]
- Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when loading saved...
*Ver. [#r62edbbc]
**Bug Fixes [#cfe00cc1]
***Layout Tool [#m26a95d6]
- Fixed a bug that prevented inserting special formats us...
*Ver. [#b8ea07dc]
**Bug Fixes [#z0165da2]
***Layout Tool [#cf1c7ad8]
- Fixed a bug in the tree view of the "Layout to be Assig...
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when trying to nar...
- In the layout of the "Skill Target Selection" screen, t...
- Fixed a bug in which the target selection process did n...
***Others [#x257c876]
- Fixed a bug that prevented launching of published games...
*Ver. [#j3c520b0]
**Bug Fixes [#n95ee068]
***Events [#r7915ca3]
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception when using th...
- Fixed a bug in which the "Speech Bubble" display of a m...
- Fixed a bug in which when an item with the ability to e...
***Layout Tool [#u3950c02]
- Fixed a bug in which, while displaying a layout with th...
- Fixed a bug that the check box in the "Layout to be Ass...
- Fixed a bug in which converted layouts were not registe...
- Fixed a bug in which the target selection process for t...
***Database [#x19edbf4]
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when pasting when ...
- When a skill is used on the map, the target of the rate...
***Others [#uc1deb7e]
- Fixed a bug in which saved data for cast members who ha...
- Fixed a bug in which the facial graphics of some cast m...
''&color(red){(!)};''In making this correction, we have f...
This caused the file names of the "for sprite" images...
For example: Fighter A will be chr005 to chr006. Figh...
Please be careful when importing the above cast resou...
Example; When importing an image of fighter B into a ...
*Ver. [#jdbb12ee]
**Bug Fixes [#u98fc0e4]
***Events [#bc0397f2]
- Fixed a bug in which contact judging were not made when...
*Ver. 1.10.1 [#u3f07a5d]
** New and Improved Features [#d5eb368d]
***Resources [#d3098db3]
- When the "Optimize" option is selected during model imp...
***Layout Tool [#radc5beb]
- When multiple layouts are selected in the "Layout to be...
The changes are applied to the properties of all currentl...
***Sprite Tool [#z7e672c6]
- Layer information is now also copied when copying timel...
***Test Play [#v4fbb7a9]
- Added a simple performance meter to check CPU/GPU load.
It will appear when you select "On" in Options > Performa...
The names of the performance meters, which were previousl...
For "Details" graphs, explanations about graph coloring h...
- The "Log" tab of the Debug Window now logs the triggers...
When an event is executed from Map Settings, Skill Events...
***Plug-ins [#zc358966]
- For [BakinFunction] in C# script, \n can also be used f...
***Others [#de2dc2b3]
- Some Chinese translations have been improved.
**Bug Fixes [#rfbfae68]
***Events [#rbd17471]
- Fixed a bug in the "Select from Selection and Check Res...
- Fixed a bug that caused a forced termination of the wal...
- Fixed a bug that caused an empty item slot to be reserv...
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused folders with the same...
***Layout Tool [#if16ced0]
- Fixed a bug in the layout of the "Battle Status" screen...
- Fixed the behavior of tags for Obtained Items/Learned S...
***Gameplay Issues [#vb5fe4b6]
- Fixed a bug that increased the load on the collision de...
- Fixed a bug in which the behavior of determining the he...
***Database [#c253ed80]
- Fixed a bug in which specifying "Collide with Terrains"...
- Fixed a bug where the state ability "State Disabling" w...
- Fixed a bug in which the initial value of the state abi...
- Fixed a bug in the edit UI of the "Skill" ability "Stat...
- Fixed a bug that some changes in "Status" abilities wer...
***Resources [#m4f36ae7]
- Fixed a bug in the "Model" menu where a model for a sky...
- Fixed a bug that caused the transparency of water surfa...
***Sprite Tool [#o20ce57b]
- Fixed a bug in which the enable/disable control of the ...
- Fixed a bug in which layer information was pasted only ...
***Others [#ec1bc05e]
- Fixed a bug that prevented the correct re-import of esc...
- Fixed a bug in which alpha channel values were not alwa...
- Fixed a slight problem with the preset cast standing po...
*Ver. [#yfb7f358]
**Bug Fixes [#ua4a0877]
The following bugs derived from Ver. 1.10 have been fixed.
- Fixed a bug that prevented starting in Intel CPU built-...
- Fixed a bug that could cause collision generation for e...
*''Ver. 1.10'' [#t73df010]
** New and Improved Features [#t69d9543]
***Decals [#e4a9031a]
"Decal" related functions that allow 2D images to be proj...
For more information on how to use decals, please see [[D...
--''New "Decal Stamps" section in Resources is now availa...
''&color(red){(!)};''In v1.10, stamps added to the "Decal...
--''Added "decal shader" as a shader available in Resourc...
--''"Decal Target" has been added to the Resources > Mate...
''&color(red){(!)};''Note that using large images as deca...
- ''&color(red){(!)};''''About Preset Decal Stamps''
If you have created a project with previous version of Ba...
+ Press the Add Decal Stamp List button under Resources >...
+ Select ''BasicSet'' in the Additional Menu (leftmost me...
+ Select the decals you wish to import from the Asset col...
***Database [#y35cb5cd]
- ''The edit UI for State Definition > "State Abilities" ...
With this change, the Effects tab has been eliminated and...
- The "Auto Damage" ability of "State" can now be assigne...
- The "state" ability "automatic damage" can now be speci...
- The "State" ability "Disable Encounters" was changed to...
- "Sequential Numbering of Names When Generated", a funct...
The maximum number to be assigned is the value specified ...
- Changed the "Map/Available in Battles" flag so that bot...
- When pasting databases between projects when Bakin mult...
***Layout Tool [#nafff883]
- ''"Slider Orientation" was newly added to the propertie...
- The UI of the following dialog, which opens from the La...
--Text Panel: Special Formats Insert Dialog
--Slider Panel: Parameters Reflected in the Slider Insert...
--Rendering Container: Special Coordinate Specification T...
--Layout of Item Selection Screen, etc.: Management Tags ...
- The following features have been added to enhance the "...
-- Added "Management Tags for Skills to be Displayed" to ...
Free Layout for Event
-- Change the layout property of the following screen to ...
Skill Activator Selection / Skill Selection / Skill Pictu...
-- Added Item Related Tags
Obtained Items (For Picture Book)
-- Added Skill Related Tags
Learned Skills (For Picture Book)
- A folder management mechanism has been added to the "La...
***Events [#h69fdd00]
- ''A "Change Transition" panel has been implemented to c...
You can change the sprite used for the Screen Switching E...
- A scroll bar has been added to the description text fie...
- Regarding the "Check Collision State" panel, we have ad...
- The "Select from Selection and Check Results" panel now...
- For the "Assign to String Variable" and "String Replace...
- A new option has been added to the "Obtain Battle Infor...
''&color(red){(!)};''For example, "Target Number of Last ...
The existing option to obtain a value from (0~ ) has ...
- In the Event Command Selector, the "Display Effect" pan...
***Map Editor [#o0788ffd]
- Rotate lights and decals can now be rotated using the r...
- The direction of rotation using the Rotate button on th...
***Resources [#f712eee4]
- A "Vertex Compression" option has been implemented in R...
By turning this off, the "slight degradation of vertex co...
***Test Play [#d5b987eb]
- Added the ability to add/delete items in possession in ...
***Others [#vb1adf37]
- The "Batch Rename Dialog" available from the context me...
The "Numbering Digits" and "Make All Names the Same" chec...
***Localization [#y69ee34b]
- Some Chinese translations have been improved.
**Bug Fixes [#q299cdee]
***Map Editor [#a285f750]
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when changing a ma...
***Battle [#c0de6102]
- Fixed a bug in which the effect of using an item during...
***Event [#d233f2d3]
-Fixed a bug in the "Item Enhancement" panel that prevent...
- Fixed a bug in the "Recover/Reduce Battle Cast's HP/MP"...
- Fixed a bug that caused some conditions to not work cor...
- In the "Check Collision State" panel and the "Collision...
- Fixed a bug in which the "Change Cast Status" panel was...
- Fixed a bug that caused the Asset Picker to open when r...
- Fixed a bug in the Edit UI of the Event Panel where the...
***Database [#m9f48988]
- Fixed a bug in the "Auto Damage Frequency" of the "Stat...
- Fixed a bug that caused the translucent state of the la...
''&color(red){(!)};''After this version, the player cast ...
- Fixed a bug in the Database > Items tree where copying ...
***Gameplay Issues [#g02dfa4e]
- Since Ver. 1.9.0, we have fixed a bug that sometimes ca...
***Map Editor [#o63cd98e]
- Fixed a bug that caused unintended rotation results whe...
- Fixed a bug that local light type changes (local light/...
***Test Play [#d5a13e65]
- Fixed a bug in the Cast Parameter Check View where in-g...
***Others [#ld40f30d]
- Fixed a bug that the slider background image on the Orb...
- Fixed a bug in which the proper management tags were no...
- Fixed a bug that the volume of Bakin itself and the exe...
**Alerts for Update [#g345bd81]
If you are using the following functions after updating t...
- '' If you are using self-made shaders in the previous v...
-- To access scene information (members of struct System ...
-- When assigning the PBR world position using the fragme...
- ''If you are using "UV Step Animation" of the material,...
--Fixed a bug that caused the frames to be omitted when t...
--If you have created UV step animations based on this be...
*Ver. [#cb033cc7]
**Bug Fixes [#x021c344]
***Layout Tool [#q85aab30]
- Fixed a bug that prevented masks specified for layout p...
***Gameplay Issues [#lf685da5]
- Fixed a bug in which the enhancement values of enhancem...
- Fixed a bug that allowed cast members in the Unable to ...
***Map Editor [#o08a6ae2]
- Fixed a bug that prevented the "cut" of terrain from wo...
***Game Definition [#qf7ec7a0]
- The color picker that appears when specifying a color i...
Since the alpha channel value is invalid for "Display Col...
***Sprite Tool [#nd2e6652]
- In the sprite list, when a new sprite set was added, th...
*Ver. [#k99b2df7]
** New and Improved Features [#s39b1942]
- Some Chinese translations have been improved.
***Sprite Tool [#s55325ca]
- When a mask layer is selected on the timeline, the mask...
- A new [RGBA] field was added to the color change inform...
- A single display mode has been added to the layer marker.
A new button has been added to the menu at the top of the...
- It is now possible to select multiple layers and switch...
***Events [#y69e551e]
- Added "Transfer Previous Class Skills" option to the "C...
**Bug Fixes [#o356e6a7]
***Resources [#cd16dca5]
- Fixed a bug that prevented "Object Transparency" of mat...
***Database [#o125e704]
- Fixed a bug that prevented "variable names containing s...
- Fixed a bug that caused unintended recovery when the "R...
''&color(red){(!)};''The "Recover Self with Damage Inflic...
- The amount of damage caused by a skill with the "Recove...
- Fixed a bug that prevented the "Recover with Damage Inf...
''&color(red){(!)};''By specifying a negative value for t...
- Fixed a bug where statuses added in "Casts" were not re...
***Test Play [#o2d4ecb7]
- Fixed a bug where the Equip field in the Attribute/Stat...
- Fixed a bug that caused the formula to be added as a va...
***Gameplay Issues [#da16aba9]
- Fixed a bug that caused events assigned "Automatically ...
- Fixed a bug in which attribute resistances of casts and...
- Fixed a bug that caused the EXP Gaining screen of the B...
- Fixed a bug where the "jumpup" motion would not release...
***Events [#c83723d8]
- Fixed a bug in which the start timing of movie playback...
- Fixed a bug in which specifying "Transfer of Grown-Up S...
***Camera Tool [#h9a51534]
- Fixed a bug in the "Use Skill" camera/"Use Item" camera...
- Fixed a bug in the "Use Skill" camera/"Use Item" camera...
***Layout Tool [#i079ca16]
- Fixed a bug that caused a momentary Disappearing Motion...
- Fixed a bug in which the "Sprite Edit Button" responded...
***Sprite Tool [#e3515fd5]
- Fixed a bug in which information such as display state ...
- Fixed a bug where the actual situation did not match th...
- Fixed a bug in which "Insert Mask Layer" in the context...
- Fixed a bug that could cause incorrect image names to b...
- Fixed a bug in which the undo buffer did not include in...
***Plug-ins [#m7ee2478]
- Fixed a bug that caused a crash during game play when a...
***Others [#m9a9dad7]
- Fixed a bug that prevented icons from being displayed f...
- Changed the import path for the lyrbr file to default t...
*''Ver.'' [#h78397a9]
**Bug Fixes [#taeb4ad7]
***Events [#dd7872ca]
- Fixed a bug that prevented the "Recover/Reduce HP or MP...
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when trying to dis...
***Layout Tool [#n89e9744]
- The following bugs that occurred when opening the Sprit...
-- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused an exception when th...
-- Fixed a bug that prevented subsequent sprite edits fro...
- The function to open the Sprite Tool from the Layout To...
***Database [#t9591526]
- The names of the equipment parts in the cast "Initial E...
*''Ver.'' [#ofa9177d]
**'' Bug Fixes'' [#q23c8304]
***''Sprite Tool'' [#ab8c4527]
- Fixed a bug that caused regular mask and alpha inverted...
***''Events'' [#t5abf076]
- Fixed a bug that caused -1 to be assigned when obtainin...
- Fixed a bug in the "Check Collision State" panel in whi...
- Since Ver. 1.9.0, an exception occurred when attempting...
***''Database'' [#yd83d599]
- The following two bugs in the Casts > Battles tab > Bat...
-- Changing "Function to be Assigned" from "Guard" or "Ch...
--Change "Open Item (Skill) List" to "Open Skill (Item) L...
***''Layout Tool'' [#t1142dd9]
- Fixed a bug that caused interpolation from the initial ...
***''Test Play'' [#k8a629a4]
-Fixed a bug that could cause an exception in the update ...
*''Ver. 1.9'' [#i76fc840]
- ''"Chinese Style 2D Assets", a 2D asset pack with Chine...
- ''Simplified/Traditional Chinese translation has been i...
''&color(red){We will continue to enhance the quality of ...
**''New and Improved Features'' [#cf93a194]
***''Sprite Tool'' [#d80fcf50]
- ''Mask layer was implemented in the Sprite Tool.''
--In the sprite timeline, layers in the line above the ma...
--If "Invert Alpha Value" is turned on in the properties ...
-- Images of primitive shapes such as a square or circle ...
--Masked animation can be applied to layout elements by a...
--- "Sprite Set referring to "Motion"" in the rendering c...
---Selection cursor sprite set of menu containers
---Sprite set of sprite panel
- ''Easing selection function has been improved.''
A dialog box has been added to select the type of easing ...
You can try this feature in the frame properties, where y...
- Sprite list operations have been improved.
-- Improved paste position when copying and pasting tree ...
-- Support for reordering of motions by multiple selectio...
-- Implemented a hotkey (Ctrl+D) for duplicating entries.
- Preview playback/pause can now be performed with the sp...
- Layers can now be swapped with the +/- keys.
With the layer name selected by clicking on it, press + t...
***''Database'' [#ka7c52b7]
- ''The number of battle commands can now be added/remove...
-- A battle command can be added by pressing the Add butt...
-- When "Open Skill List" or "Open Item List" is selected...
For example, skills could be divided into "skill" and "sp...
- Added "Damage Reduction when "Guard"" to the Skills > B...
When turned on, this skill is subject to damage reduction...
- Under Items > Change Elements tab > Basic Settings, "Da...
However, if both effects have been specified, turning off...
- In Items > Change Elements tab > Basic Settings, "Parts...
However, if the "Parts" setting has been specified, turni...
***''Layout Tool'' [#l3672307]
- '' "Management Tags for Items to be Displayed" can now ...
"Skill Activator Selection", "Battle Skill Selection", "B...
- In the properties of layout parts, a button to start ed...
Clicking the pen icon activates the Sprite Tool.
- The layout property "Variable to Assign the Selection R...
- Added "Change the Controller Vibration Setting" as an a...
A controller vibration on/off setting has also been added...
- Added "EXP at Current Level" to layout special format \...
***''Test Play'' [#hf882fbd]
- A debugging feature has been added to the Cast Paramete...
It can be opened from the Edit menu of the Cast Parameter...
- Added ability to change cast statuses and consumption v...
- The log in the Debug Window now displays the expanded r...
***''Map Editor'' [#t06f3bc6]
- The ability to open the Event Editor with a hotkey has ...
The hotkey default is "G". After selecting the terrain wh...
***''Events'' [#x14736de]
- Improved judging of lifts (on top of events).
- "Display Damage Numbers on Screen" function has been ad...
- The "Make Battle Cast as Operation Target" panel and th...
- For C# calls, overloading of methods with the same name...
***''Others'' [#u6880ae2]
- The following processing/loading times have been improv...
-- Processing when the "Resources" menu is closed by Canc...
-- Data loading time at project startup.
-- Time until the Top Menu opens when Bakin starts up.
-- The time it takes for a list of local files to appear.
**'' Bug Fixes'' [#vea59b59]
***''Layout Tool'' [#s30e1481]
- Fixed a bug in which "Management Tags for Items to be D...
- Fixed a bug in special forms that display accumulated E...
- Fixed a bug in "Effects" where centering would not work...
- Fixed a bug that caused the use of name box command in ...
- In the shop-related layouts, a bug has been corrected i...
The total number of items in the inventory bag (including...
***''Battles'' [#d8be8677]
- Fixed a bug in which the lower limit of cast status was...
- Fixed a bug that caused redrawing of the attack target ...
- Fixed a bug that could cause abnormally low frame rates...
- Fixed a bug where the motion assigned to a "state" was ...
- Fixed a bug that caused cast members who were in the KO...
- Fixed a bug that could cause initialization to run mult...
- Fixed a bug that prevented obtaining monster levels dur...
- Fixed a bug that caused the "guard" motion to play when...
- Fixed a bug that caused the damage value that pops up t...
- Fixed a bug in which changing a cast's level during bat...
***''Database'' [#r97e0d51]
- Fixed a bug where the damage/healing formula did not wo...
- Fixed a bug where selecting "None" for the target of a ...
- Fixed a bug in the skill settings where the target of r...
- Changed so that when an item is newly added, the effect...
- Fixed a bug that could cause the Asset Picker to open t...
- Fixed a bug in which the "Valid Only for Those KO" sett...
- Fixed a bug that prevented changes to the Skill Ability...
- Fixed a bug in which the "State Recovery (Valid Only fo...
***''Events'' [#yec79c14]
- In the "Recover/Reduce HP for This Event" panel, the ma...
- Fixed a bug in which the status for calculating damage ...
- Fixed a bug that prevented variables from being used as...
- Fixed a bug in which "Disable Player Orientation Change...
- Fixed a bug that prevented screen shaking effects such ...
- Fixed a bug that caused the first cast to end its walk ...
- Fixed a bug where the symbols indicating particles did ...
- Fixed a bug where adding a "Change Cast Motion" panel w...
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when trying to obt...
- Fixed a bug in which local variables could not be selec...
- Fixed a bug that caused the background color to be gree...
***''Game Definition'' [#kb41de4e]
- Fixed a bug that slowed down the test play after displa...
***''Map Editor'' [#n2294aad]
- Fixed a bug in which the state of the display and lock ...
***''Resources'' [#h73f1c24]
- In resource properties, if the resource you are jumping...
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception in previewing...
***''Sprite Tool'' [#n27ebec5]
- Fixed a bug that prevented pasting only the numerical v...
***''Play Execution Issue'' [#sc2f639d]
- Fixed a bug that caused a frame blackout between the tr...
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception at the start of a ...
***''Test Play'' [#z369ff14]
- Fixed a bug in the Debug Window that caused an exceptio...
***''Others'' [#b57e1815]
- Fixed a bug that prevented games from starting if a vid...
- The common event "Item Enhancement (For Menu)" of the "...
The timing for reducing the number of items in their poss...
(The position of the "Increase/Decrease Item" panel has c...
&color(red){If you have created your own event based on t...
*''Ver. 1.8.1'' [#d41c0feb]
- Improved Chinese translation of resources included in t...
The main changes are in the wording of resources (default...
**''Bug Fixes'' [#b1043af3]
***''Map Editor'' [#c643467f]
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when converting a ...
***''Resources'' [#g40afee4]
- Fixed a bug that prevented cancel from being disabled w...
The resources are still imported into the project folder ...
- Fixed a bug in which particles were not always immediat...
- Fixed a bug in which the end time of motion was not cor...
***''Events'' [#d384b144]
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when trying to obt...
- Fixed a bug in the "Add/Remove Party Member" panel wher...
***''Layout'' [#j657f8f3]
- Fixed a bug in the title screen layout that did not pro...
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when viewing a cas...
- Fixed a bug in the preview where the text color was not...
- Fixed a bug that caused incorrect branching to the sele...
***''Game Definition '' [#b3391b80]
- Fixed a bug where vibration was not turned off when Pro...
***''Plug-ins'' [#l5c5a1fc]
- Fixed a bug that allowed null to be assigned to a strin...
***'' Play Execution Issue '' [#tb1e40d0]
- Fixed a bug that prevented damage motions from being pl...
***''Others'' [#fd8d9b5d]
- Fixed a bug that caused the lower part of the font in t...
- Fixed a bug in some event templates in the Traditional ...
*''Ver.'' [#iafffbc3]
**''Bug Fixes'' [#r252cf63]
***''Events'' [#f2219b2a]
- Fixed a bug in the variable selection dialog in which a...
- Fixed a bug regarding "Event to be Generated" that coul...
***''Layout Tool'' [#z19ab36d]
- Fixed a bug in which the information of the currently s...
- Fixed a bug that caused incorrect sorting results when ...
***''Battles'' [#a31b0fb5]
- Fixed a bug that caused the status of equipped items to...
*''Ver.'' [#z447102c]
- For the Chinese (Simplified/Traditional) version, trans...
&color(red){We will continue to enhance the quality of ou...
**''Bug Fixes'' [#e5b60310]
***''Database'' [#f91d2116]
- Fixed a bug where when copying and pasting an item, the...
***''Layout Tool'' [#bcf1c98a]
- Fixed a bug in which the special format "partystatus***...
- Fixed a bug in the Special Coordinate Specification Tag...
***''Resources'' [#v459e79a]
- Fixed a bug in which the "Outline Width Map" was not ap...
***''Map Editor'' [#yb3572d7]
- Fixed a bug in the Placed List where the lock icons wer...
***''Play Execution Issue'' [#zf56ca80]
- Fixed a bug that could cause the execution engine to cr...
***''Battle Plug-in Sample'' [#t066d85a]
- Fixed a bug in the Battle Plug-in Sample where "assigni...
***''Game Definition '' [#qcfffdca]
- Fixed a bug that could cause the execution engine or la...
***''Others'' [#ne666c91]
- Fixed a bug that caused the variable selection dialog t...
- We have taken steps to reduce the number of cases where...
*''Ver.'' [#f5eab5ce]
**''Bug Fixes'' [#y71ae4b4]
***''Resources'' [#b216f67f]
- Fixed a bug that caused the tool to crash when attempti...
- Fixed a bug that caused an error when specifying "None"...
***''Battles'' [#qdba4cd7]
- Fixed a bug in which items that only have effects to re...
- Fixed a bug that caused the local lights of the origina...
***''Game Definition '' [#vb4e9d4b]
- The key/gamepad assignment dialog has been corrected to...
***''Events'' [#ie6dcb05]
- In the "Advanced String Variable Operation" panel, the ...
-Fixed a bug that caused an exception if an item specifie...
***'' Configuration'' [#wea72d0c]
- The "Use a rendering method that supports multi-languag...
*''Ver.'' [#n05f8ad8]
**''Bug Fixes'' [#uf9078a3]
***''Resources'' [#cd346243]
- Fixed a bug that could cause the tool to crash when cha...
After specifying cutoff in the Toon shader, a crash would...
***''Play Execution Issues'' [#v0d47e14]
- Fixed a bug that could cause the 3D models to appear co...
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception when displayi...
***''Top Menu'' [#xac8b4df]
-Fixed a bug in the top menu that sometimes prevented use...
***''Game Definition'' [#p0811a4b]
- Fixed a bug that caused the key/button assignment dialo...
***''Map Editor'' [#tc26bae4]
-Fixed a bug that caused an exception when selecting and ...
*''Ver.'' [#ke161d45]
**''Bug Fixes'' [#p821edad]
***''Resources'' [#m87fef9a]
- Fixed a bug that WebM format movies were not rendered c...
***''Layout Tool'' [#s810fdf4]
- Fixed a bug that prevented the "Enhancement Item Select...
- Fixed a bug in the layout of the "Equipment Item Select...
Cases where this bug caused exceptions have also been fix...
***''Events'' [#bbe291d5]
- In the "Obtain Cast Status" panel, the "Current HP" of ...
***''Database'' [#d8ae0185]
- (Japanese version only) Fixed a bug that caused an exce...
*''Ver. 1.8'' [#y98798d3]
**''New and Improved Features'' [#pf6e79d1]
**'' Chinese (Simplified and Traditional) Language Suppor...
-'' Simplified (zh-Hans) and traditional (zh-Hant) Chines...
You can select your language from the top menu > Preferen...
''&color(red){We will continue to enhance the quality of ...
***''Layout Tool'' [#ac719df9]
-'' The "Mask Texture" setting has been implemented for r...
By specifying an image for the mask, you can display the ...
[[A sample mask image:https://rpgbakin.com/pukiwiki_en/?p...
-'' "Display Condition Switch" has been implemented for r...
The event switch can be used to show/hide them.
-'' "Variable to Assign the Result to" setting has been i...
You can assign which of the child submenu containers was ...
-'' Added an action "Change the Value of a Variable (For ...
- An option "Line Spacing Offset" has been implemented in...
- The filtering function of display entries by management...
//- CurrentParty-related formatting is now available on t...
-'' When the Special Coordinate Specification Tag "Damage...
In the past, only 2D sprites could be used for damage eff...
***''Events'' [#p72d5309]
-'' When specifying variables in conversations, messages,...
For example, in the "Display Conversation" panel, if you ...
This dialog can be closed with the ESC key.
- A new field to change the event name has been added to ...
- Added "Including Non-Collision Targets" checkbox to the...
When this is turned on, the condition panel will be activ...
- The "Including Non-Collision Targets" function has been...
When this is turned on, the condition panel will be activ...
- In the "Check Collision State" panel, when the Check De...
- The "Obtain Item Parameter" panel can now also be used ...
- The "Obtain Cast Status" panel can now obtain the cast'...
- The "Change Cast Status" panel now allows cast events t...
- Fixed the notation in the "Call C# Program" panel so th...
***'' Variable Usage Location'' [#d4919e45]
- Fixed so that variables quoted in message texts and lay...
***''Game Definition'' [#l1e49d78]
-'' The number of action buttons that can be assigned has...
You can set your own keys in "Key/Button Assignments" und...
-'' A function to vibrate the controller in response to s...
It can be enabled/disabled from Game Definition > Project...
- The "Standard Turning Speed" setting has been added to ...
In addition, a panel to "Change Turning Speed" has been a...
- Added "Pause Event Walking as Needed" to "Movement (Ine...
Using this feature, the user can choose whether to stop w...
***''Database'' [#l2ac47e3]
-'' The UI has been improved for specifying the abilities...
-'' The UI has been improved for specifying the ability o...
We changed to a method of adding entries and summarizing ...
- Added "No Collision with the Same Cast Member" switch t...
The same cast members will not collide with each other ev...
- Decimals can now also be used as the specified values f...
Previously, only integer values could be managed, but thi...
--- "Basic Increase Value" in Casts > Basic Tab > Growth ...
--- "Basic Increase Value" in Classes > Basic Tab > Growt...
--- "Reward for Being Defeated as an Enemy" in Casts > Ba...
***''Map Editor'' [#hc73cfb6]
//- Added "Enable Condition Switch" to "Selected Appearan...
//This will allow you to create areas where encounters wi...
- When placing a stamp, even if the "Place on Top" button...
- The preview on the "Terrains" tab of the Stamp Palette ...
If it does not appear, try changing the size of the previ...
***''Camera Tool'' [#k61818ce]
- A function has been added to the camera properties "Bas...
***''Test Play'' [#i4f5bb12]
-'' An option has been added to the Options > Cast Parame...
This can be specified in the "Option" added at the top of...
***''Resources'' [#f61d5c23]
- For each resource section, the tabs that appear in the ...
Improvements have been made to this feature to reduce con...
***''Top Menu'' [#te028960]
- The maximum number of history projects displayed in "Hi...
- In "History," the ability to select multiple projects a...
***''Plug-ins'' [#z0091b70]
- Added description that bool/Vector2,3,4/Color can be us...
***''Others'' [#t77c0100]
- Fixed that letters that do not exist in the font used w...
- A "Delete All Error Thumbnails" option has been added t...
**''Bug Fixes'' [#de633fb8]
***''Database'' [#p949bcdf]
- Fixed a bug in which "0" could be entered as the initia...
***''Layout Tool'' [#ieb6e3e7]
- Fixed a bug where the menu container property "Hide whe...
- Fixed a bug that caused incorrect display in the game w...
- Fixed a bug when rendering a texture specified as "FILL...
Assigning 2 to the property "X Margin for Slider" under R...
***''Resources'' [#o5374723]
- Fixed a bug in which "Movement/Rotation/Scale Disable N...
- Fixed a bug where the screen vibration setting was not ...
- The rendering order of subgraphics for 2D stamps has be...
- In Blend Shapes, an exception occurred when creating a ...
***''Events'' [#qe83116e]
- Fixed a bug that prevented array variables from being s...
- Fixed a bug in the "Obtain Cast Status" panel where the...
- Fixed a bug that was preventing export/import from work...
- Fixed a bug that caused a variable entry with the name ...
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when trying to ret...
- Fixed a bug that prevented specifying the ally side pla...
- Fixed a bug where the "Recover/Reduce HP for This Event...
***''Battles'' [#me694722]
- Fixed a problem in which the "Attack Camera" did not re...
***'' Play Execution Issues'' [#a8559756]
- When the event "Falling by Gravity" is turned off, the ...
- Fixed a bug where added statuses were not reflected in ...
***''Camera Tool'' [#oda9088f]
- Fixed a bug where the light coefficient specified in th...
Along with this correction, the DOF setting has been disa...
***''Map Editor'' [#j656e3cc]
- Fixed a bug regarding event symbols on the Map Editor w...
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when specifying a ...
***''Game Definition'' [#fe152a75]
- Fixed a bug in the Initial Accompanied Members list in ...
- Fixed a bug that caused the "Select Target to Swap Plac...
*''Ver. 1.7'' [#lc00251f]
**'' New and Improved Features'' [#h68dc33c]
**'' Toon Shader & Outlines'' [#ob4e321d]
-'' Added "toon shader" and "outline settings" to the Res...
You can assign a "toon shader" to a material in an FBX mo...
We have also added new options to specify the presence of...
''For an explanation of toon shader properties, please ...
''&color(red){(!)Bakin supports FBX format only.}; ''
''&color(red){For information on how to convert from VR...
The implementation of the ability to directly read VRM ...
**'' Blend Shapes'' [#vac3d8df]
-'' The following features regarding blend shapes have be...
It can be called from an event by combining keys contai...
This can be used to add facial expressions to 3D models.
-'' A "Blend Shapes" menu entry has been added to Resourc...
-'' Added "Apply Blend Shapes to Player/This Event" panel...
''You can apply it in the following steps.''
1) Create a clip with a combination of keys in Resource...
2) [u]Assign blend shapes to be applied to the stamp in...
3) Assign a clip to play in the Event Panel.
**'' Conversation Scenes'' [#w484f7fb]
-'' Creating a camera for conversation scenes & specifyin...
This makes it easier to utilize the 3D models as st...
-'' A "Conversation Scenes" folder has been added to the ...
Select this folder and press the Add button at the ...
There are buttons above the camera preview to place...
-'' A "Switch Conversation Scene Camera" panel has been...
Specify a camera for the conversation scene in the ...
-'' Assigning blend shapes in the "Display Conversation" ...
You can assign a Clip created in Resources > Blend ...
''If the following Clips are created in the Blend S...
The speed of the blinking and lip-synching can be a...
--- Clip Name "blink": Key with eyes closed.
--- Clip Name "talk": Key with mouth opened.
Note that if a 2D stamp is selected for the graphi...
**''Consumption Statuses''[#n9f9d333]
-'' A function to add "Consumption Statuses" has been imp...
Added the ability to specify statuses with a maximum/cu...
[u]This feature will be further improved in the future ...
***''Database'' [#h5eccbb7]
-'' The "Casts" and "Classes" Status dialog can now speci...
- The "Damage Formula" and "Battle AI Conditions" of the ...
- Added to the Basic tab of Skills, the consumption statu...
***''Events'' [#c4455925]
- The following event panels have been modified so that t...
--- Screen Effects: "Specify Game Over"
--- Statuses: "Obtain Cast Status", "Change Cast Status"
--- Battles: " Recover/Reduce Battle Cast's HP/MP", "Obta...
- The following event commands have been modified so that...
--- Statuses: "Fully Recover Party"
--- Conditional Judgment: " Display Inn and Check Results...
***''Layout Tool'' [#f77f0354]
- Added special formats for displaying consumption status.
**'' Additional Functions'' [#of8e84be]
***''Map Editor'' [#a193ac34]
-'' Added the ability to assign a color to symbol icons r...
This function is used to change the color of map-to-m...
Right-click on the symbol with an "E" in the Map Editor a...
- When raising/lowering terrain, only the "currently sele...
Previously, when only terrain was selected for raisin...
Only the currently selected objects will move together wi...
- In the Placed List palette, the deletion process of eve...
***''Events'' [#abc135d8]
-'' Cast level can be changed in the "Change Cast Status"...
- Added a function to the "Advanced Variable Box Operatio...
***''Battles'' [#obe373ec]
- Improved the battle message layout to skip the time for...
***''Plug-ins'' [#zcf52403]
- Added "FixedUpdate" to C# script with always 60 calls p...
***''Resources'' [#me77c602]
- Zooming process by wheel and panning behavior by middle...
- Material preview has been improved so that a stamp usin...
***''Others'' [#a53b3640]
- Improved color picker history recording method.
**'' Bug Fixes'' [#pa56fe10]
***''Play Execution Issues'' [#xc961480]
- Fixed a bug that could cause local lights on the moving...
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception if a map move...
- Fixed a bug that caused the game to start from very hig...
***''Battles'' [#ld90ec7c]
- Fixed a bug that caused member placement to be corrupte...
- Fixed a bug that caused attack range calculations to be...
- Fixed a bug in the damage display process in map battle...
- Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the SkyBox from be...
***''Events'' [#heab2668]
- Fixed a bug in applying "Advanced Settings" in the "Spe...
- Fixed a bug in which when a party member was removed us...
- In the "Display Inn and Check Results" panel, the "Reco...
- Fixed a bug in the "Add/Remove Party Member" panel in w...
- Fixed a bug in the "Recover/Reduce Battle Cast's HP/MP"...
***''Layout Tool'' [#j9e02afa]
- Fixed a bug that caused the player to freeze when "inva...
- Fixed a bug in which the "Wait to Close" function, a pr...
- Improved behavior when the number of columns and rows i...
***''Map Editor'' [#b8ca5bf9]
- Fixed a bug that prevented folder information in the Pl...
- Fixed a bug that prevented the lock icon from operating...
***''Common Event Editor/Common Event Palette'' [#d4f09d09]
- Fixed a bug that the view ON/OFF check was not being sa...
- Fixed a bug that caused folder information (view ON/OFF...
- Fixed a bug that caused folder information to be lost w...
***''Resources'' [#qc9ccf2c]
- Fixed a bug that prevented exporting resources added fr...
- Fixed a bug that material information in the def file c...
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when selecting Can...
- Fixed a bug that could cause parameters to be reflected...
***''Camera Tool'' [#t8333c3c]
- Fixed a bug that prevented the Camera Tool from working...
***''Game Definition'' [#j489439c]
- If there are no layout parts in the layout of the start...
However, fixed a bug that caused title skip to be ignored...
*''Ver.'' [#x2096860]
**'' Bug Fixes '' [#v14383af]
***''Game Definition'' [#ze1c06be]
- Mouse wheel dead zone disabled (the option removed).
The dead zone setting for the wheel itself was determined...
&color(red){If the mouse wheel does not work before apply...
***''Events'' [#g7e36658]
- Fixed a bug that caused the following status changes to...
--- Equipping items
--- Use of items
--- Granting of states
--- Changed statuses in the "Change Cast Status" panel
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when trying to add...
***''Layout Tool'' [#u794bf57]
- Fixed a bug that when copying and pasting a layout, the...
- Fixed a bug that previously prevented copying and pasti...
Submenu containers can now be pasted as soon as they ar...
***''Database'' [#b391c0f5]
- Fixed a bug that prevented scroll bars from appearing i...
&color(red){We will continue to improve the UI in this ar...
***''Test Play'' [#o13a1e6d]
- In the Cast Parameter Check View, changes in status due...
*''Ver. 1.6'' [#bf5c9721]
**''New and Improved Features'' [#nd0b343f]
**''Battle Camera Set Switching Function'' [#c108800f]
We have implemented the ability to create multiple ba...
This makes it possible to "change the camera between ...
***''Camera Tool'' [#w80a6c3d]
- ''The ability to create multiple battle camera sets has...
- With the "Battle" folder icon in the camera tree se...
***''Events'' [#t2164509]
- ''A "Switch Battle Camera Sets" panel has been implemen...
- Switching can be performed not only on maps, but al...
**''Maximum Level Change Function'' [#ke290f4f]
The maximum range of levels that can be reached in th...
***''Game Definition'' [#cfe6fbc9]
- ''The maximum level limits for "Casts" and "Classes" in...
-"Max Level" has been added to the left-most column "...
- Up to 9999 levels can be specified.
- The maximum overall game level specified here canno...
***''Database'' [#gc11163c]
- ''A function to specify/change the maximum level of eac...
- Both can be specified up to a maximum of 9999 levels.
However, the maximum level value that can be specif...
***''Events'' [#zbfb6eab]
- The "Obtain Cast Status" panel allows you to get the ma...
- The "Change Cast Status" panel allows you to change the...
'' By using the newly added features, you will be able...
- Maximum level for the entire game is 99.
- Maximum level of Cast A is 99.
- Maximum level of Cast B is 50.
- The maximum level of Cast C is 20; however, events ...
&color(red){ The event may reduce the maximum level, b...
***''Layout Tool'' [#d31ad8ec]
- A parameter has been added to the special format for st...
For example, the special format "\partystatus[]" that...
''[Other Additional Features]''
***''Database'' [#zbb9b088]
- ''A curve generation function has been added to the "St...
We have added the ability to assign values for the st...
We are planning to support the creation of cases such...
***''Map Editor'' [#r9ad3e4a]
- ''A "Camera Tracking Range" option has been implemented...
This function is designed to meet the need to avoid s...
- The following features have been added to the Map Setti...
- "Sharpen" function for image sharpening has been im...
- An option "FXAA" has been added that allows the use...
The parameters for the "Sharpen" settings can be set ...
Strength: 0 to 0.1 Distance: 0 to 1
***''Events'' [#c2fffe82]
- ''A "comment out" function has been implemented in the ...
Right-click in the event panel (or event line if in t...
Note that commented out panels will not be executed.
- ''A "Label Definition" panel and a "Label Jump" panel h...
Labels can be set from 0 to 99.
Variables can also be used to specify the label jump ...
If the jump destination does not exist, or if an inva...
Note that the label jump function is different from t...
''&color(red){ This function is powerful, but too much...
- ''In the "Start Loop" panel of the Control category, th...
- The "Make Player Invisible/Visible" panel can now gradu...
- The " Make Event Invisible/Visible " panel can now grad...
The opaque/translucent state of the cast graphic at "...
- Added "Abort if Unable to Move" and "Pass Through Event...
- When "None" appears using the "Make Monster Appear" pan...
***''Game Definition'' [#e7c71a6a]
- The ""Key/Button Assignments"" dialog box has been impl...
A dialog box opens when you click the newly created "...
- Added the ability to select whether to use map battles ...
- Added the ability to display damage values during map b...
***''Test Play'' [#l3b395e9]
- Improved so that the Debug Window and Cast Parameter Vi...
***''Resources'' [#q164c2c4]
- New Update (Re-import) buttons have been added to sound...
- When selecting an icon image in the Asset Picker, the s...
***''Game Play'' [#j1f1391d]
- The function to open the end-of-game dialog assigned to...
**''Bug Fixes'' [#s3e8d886]
***''Problems When Playing'' [#f0df762d]
- Fixed a bug that caused attack range calculations to be...
- Fixed a bug that HP/MP recovery items assigned as consu...
- Fixed a bug that caused a delay in the reflection of th...
***''Layout Tool'' [#b5146f02]
- Fixed a bug in the layout of the Conversation, Messages...
- Fixed a bug that caused the preview rectangle size and ...
- Fixed a bug that caused the system layout to be interna...
***''Map Editor'' [#z121a6e1]
- Fixed a bug that caused "Memorize Position" and "Origin...
- Fixed a bug that could cause some information, such as ...
***''Events'' [#nc13a625]
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when playing a cam...
***''Game Definition'' [#cd263ca6]
- Fixed a bug in "Assign Input Device" where an exception...
***''Resources'' [#n180016c]
- Fixed a bug that caused the preview of a material to ap...
This improves cases where unnatural spheres appear in the...
***''Battles'' [#e99f79e4]
- Fixed a bug in which a cast member who became "confused...
- Fixed a bug that prevented battles from progressing if ...
***''Assets'' [#cd60f46b]
Fixed general 2D assets related to casts built into Bakin.
*''Ver. 1.5.1'' [#h3b2acb6]
**''New and Improved Features'' [#kd8e2357]
***''Database'' [#v03c7b33]
-- The Level Curve and Status Curve dialogs have been imp...
--- When displaying single statuses in the Status Curve d...
If you select a single status in Target Status, an additi...
After selecting the class, you wish to apply from the co...
The value of the reflection rate for classes/subclasses ...
**''Bug Fixes'' [#ie6796ba]
***''Sound'' [#y3ddfcd0]
--- Fixed a bug that caused the BGS to stop when opening ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the volume in Configuration S...
&color(red){With this correction, if an existing project ...
***''Events'' [#ld7902bc]
--- Fixed a bug in the "Display Message" panel where the ...
--- Fixed a bug where turning the Party Train on/off woul...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the player's subgraphic state...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented the status of casts in map...
--- Fixed a bug that could cause all walks of the same ty...
***''Database'' [#p4160f0b]
--- Fixed a bug that prevented negative values from being...
--- Fixed a bug in which the "Parameter Reflection Rate" ...
--- Fixed a bug where, for cast members who had a class a...
However, the class "None" that was generated by this bug ...
***''Camera Tool'' [#h7983f7d]
--- Fixed a bug that prevented the camera from being edit...
--- Fixed a bug in which the gazing point sometimes remai...
***''Map Editor'' [#d28edf13]
--- Fixed a bug that prevented camera playback in the Edi...
***''Resources'' [#v316e444]
--- Fixed the timing of all overwrite confirmations to be...
--- Fixed the Re-import Dialog to be displayed when choos...
--- Fixed a bug that caused unnecessary overwrite confirm...
***''Test Play'' [#z7cfda71]
--- Fixed a bug that the values of attack/defense power d...
***''Others'' [#hec0b170]
--- Fixed a bug that caused unfinished theme features to ...
--- Fixed a bug where event and player emissive settings ...
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the map to be rende...
*''Ver.'' [#k73dfc6d]
**''Bug Fixes'' [#x64ebea2]
--- A bug in which statuses were not loaded correctly in ...
--- A bug in the Cast Parameter Check View, where the fin...
--- A bug in the "Specify Battle Cast Action" panel, when...
*''Ver.'' [#ncbb8540]
**''Bug Fixes'' [#j167b4ce]
--- A bug that causes a crash in test play when the initi...
--- A bug in the Casts > Others tab "Invincible Time afte...
--- A bug that the sorting of the Item List by Database O...
--- A bug in which the exported game does not start if th...
*''Ver.'' [#p94339d3]
**''Bug Fixes'' [#vd9c17c6]
--- A bug that occurred when an event was specified in th...
--- A bug that an exception occurred when selecting "None...
--- A crash occurred when a model with the same name as a...
*''Ver. 1.5'' [#x4b32923]
**''New and Improved Features'' [#yec8bbea]
***''Adding Statuses, Level and Status Growth Curve Adjus...
***''Database'' [#va31bf90]
- ''A "Status Editor" dialog has been implemented to add/...
It can be opened from the button in the Basic tab under "...
You can add statuses, set names, keywords and numbers to ...
&color(red){Please note that the added statuses must be s...
- ''A "Status Curve" dialog has been implemented to allow...
- ''A "Level Curve" dialog has been implemented to custom...
Both dialogs can be opened from the newly created buttons...
The "Relative Value" option in the "Level Curve" and the...
The "Addition Value to Class/Subclass Level" in the "Sta...
This function is only available when an individual statu...
Click on "Addition Value to Class Level" to turn it on, ...
***''Events'' [#lceee261]
- Added "Obtain Cast Status" panel and "Obtain Item Param...
- The following event panel UI has been modified to accom...
- Item Enhancement" panel
- Change Cast Status" panel (renamed from "Increase/D...
- Get Battle Information" panel
***''Layout Tool'' [#o6261845]
- With the ability to add statuses, the special format pa...
The existing parameters are retained, so there is no nee...
For parameters, see "Special Format Parameter Details" o...
- Added the special format \growthfactorname which displa...
***''Related to Battle Scene Customization'' [#ld5eb554]
***''Events'' [#y9937123]
- ''The timing for inserting battle events has been incre...
-- The start condition for battle events has been increas...
Added options for event sheets of battle events: At the B...
- The following information can now be obtained from the ...
- Index of cast during currently in action or comma...
- Type of action and attack target of the cast curr...
- The "Recover/Reduce Battle Cast's HP/MP" panel has been...
- Enhanced battle test function.
- Added the ability to save and restore party setti...
- The level of class can also be set.
***''Database'' [#h82ebf43]
- ''Added "Activate after Completion of Common Event" to ...
This makes it easier to "activate a skill after the cut-i...
- ''In the Casts > "Battles" tab, the Bare Handed Damege ...
- The "Ability Enhancement/Weakening" field of the "Effec...
- In the "Influence on Abilities" column of the Status De...
***''Game Definition'' [#a08aa1e2]
- A function to change the color of the numbers in the ba...
***''Layout Tool'' [#bf798e31]
- ''An option has been added to the properties of the men...
- Added special formats for displaying the consumable ite...
In addition, it is now possible to automatically disable ...
For example, if the HP consumption of Skill A is specifi...
Please refer to the description section of the skill bei...
***''Events'' [#t6c2512e]
- Added the ability to obtain analog values for each axis...
(Analog) is an input type that allows obtaining the stren...
If digital input is made with a device such as a keyboard...
- Improved the player's operation to be allowed when a co...
- About the "Call C# Program" panel: bool return/paramete...
**''Bug Fixes'' [#jb99bbb0]
***''Map Editor'' [#kb2345db]
- Fixed a bug that prevented the deletion of a map in a p...
- When rotating an object on the editor, the object is no...
- Fixed a bug that could cause the delete operation on th...
- The behavior of the Quick Toolbar when locked in the Pl...
- Fixed a bug that could cause destination symbols that s...
***''Layout Tool'' [#n1d14fc9]
- Fixed a bug in which the set display origin was not acc...
&color(red){For example, when two lines of text were disp...
&color(red){This correction will allow the text panel to ...
&color(red){This may affect the layout you have created, ...
- Fixed a bug that caused "Enhanceable Items" to always a...
- Fixed a bug that caused the layout of speech bubbles to...
- Fixed a bug that caused shortcut keys such as Ctrl+C to...
- Fixed behavior so that Free Layout for Event screens di...
- Fixed a bug in "Skill Activator Selection" where the au...
***''Database'' [#i8b97ac7]
- In the battle formula, a bug has been corrected in whic...
&color(red){As a result of the above, the calculation res...
- Fixed a bug in which the damage formula was not correct...
&color(red){Please note that in cases where random number...
&color(red){The default damage formula includes a random ...
(max(a.atk / 2.5 - b.def / 4, 0) + a.eatk * b.edef) * ra...
- Fixed a bug in which changes in the status of percentag...
***''Resources'' [#y65063c0]
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when copying or pa...
- Fixed a bug that prevented adding resources by dragging...
- Fixed a bug that caused Bakin to crash when attempting ...
***''Play Execution Issues'' [#lfdb8701]
- Fixed a bug where if the player was on an event and the...
- Fixed a bug in which the "color of the hidden part" of ...
***''Battles'' [#h527c7c2]
- Fixed a bug that prevented skills with a common event s...
- Fixed a bug in which the scale of events placed on the ...
- Fixed a bug that prevented the "Make Battle Cast as Ope...
***''Sprite Tool'' [#o9ca8943]
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused images to become unin...
***''Events'' [#c703acb9]
- Fixed a bug that prevented mouse dragging to scroll the...
- Fixed a bug that "Orientation after Move" in the "Telep...
- In panels where cast status and item parameters can be ...
***''Others'' [#f40c0a92]
- Fixed a bug where particles placed directly on a map we...
- Fixed a bug that caused the bumps to be reversed in som...
- Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the Map Editor fro...
*''Ver. 1.4'' [#a9ed5550]
**''New and Improved Features'' [#u02f0386]
***''[Plug-ins]'' [#k2e1d7f2]
--''Allows C# programs to link arbitrary DLLs. ''
// @@link meta-syntax functionality improvements to allo...
A sample plugin that allows you to give your game the S...
''<For Those Who Create Plug-ins> ''
As an existing feature, another .cs file can be imported...
// @@include xxx.cs
This is especially useful when large processes are divid...
Although only the root BattlePluginDef.cs is targeted fo...
We hope you will find it useful.
--''A "Call C# Program" panel has been implemented in the...
Assign .cs file to an event using "C# Program Assignment"...
A sample plug-in that enables you to give your game the S...
-- We have implemented a function that allows you to impo...
It can be added from the event sheet "C# Program Assignme...
.csrbr files can also be uploaded to the Steam Workshop.
&color(red){Note, however, that battle plug-ins are not s...
-- We have added a function to the Extension menu to allo...
&color(red){The battle script in the "Battle Plug-in Samp...
&color(red){If you are using Bakin Ver. 1.3.0 or earlier,...
***''[Map Editor] '' [#h3a0fc57]
--''The Common Event Editor Plug-in, which allows editing...
It has been added to the Master Menu on the left side of ...
Add a tree of common events to the Event Editor, allowing...
This function is implemented as an Editor Plug-in.
The "Editor Plug-in" creation environment, which can ext...
--''Added configuration settings functionality.''
It can be opened from "Functions" in the top menu of the ...
You can customize shortcut key assignments for tool opera...
You can control the settings in the "Configuration" menu ...
-- Added shortcut keys.
Shortcut keys have been added along with the addition of ...
-- After a copy operation on a map, a box indicating the ...
This feature was added to solve the problem of not knowin...
-- Entries that are locked in the Placed List are no long...
It is possible to select that entry on the Placed List.
***''[Resources] '' [#sccf2b7b]
--''Improved the functionality of the dialog for selectin...
--- Materials with the same textures in the project can n...
--- The functions have been reorganized into three catego...
--- Material properties are now displayed in the Asset Pi...
***''[Layout Tool] '' [#ic8baad6]
--''Free Layout for Events can now be displayed during ba...
It was previously disabled during battles but can now be ...
-- It is now possible to sort skills. Added setting to au...
This can be set in the layout properties of each screen.
The default sort order is "Obtained Order".
-- The color of text used in the spin panel can now be ch...
***''[Game Definition] '' [#y29cda74]
--''A "cursor hide mode" has been implemented to help cre...
A selection "Hide Mouse Cursor While Moving" has been add...
&color(red){When this feature is turned on, the mouse cur...
&color(red){Please note that opening the menu screen will...
***''[Events] '' [#nd08f209]
-- When a Free Layout for Event is hidden using the "Disp...
-- A "Wait to Close" option has been implemented in the "...
-- The "Enable/Disable Camera Operation" panel can now al...
**''Bug Fixes'' [#e42efca6]
***''[Events]'' [#tfd78fff]
--''In custom events set for "Enhanceable" items, local v...
Prior to the fix, local variables were shared among the s...
Note that "Enhanceable" items are treated as separate it...
"Knife" and "Knife +1" are two different things.
---&color(red){This will result in the following differen...
''"Enhanceable" OFF'': all the same items use the same lo...
''"Enhanceable" ON'': Uses a separate local variable for ...
Deleting variables is also to avoid making the debug wind...
-- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when trying to re...
-- Fixed a bug where when creating and playing back a cam...
-- Fixed a bug in which an event with "when contact" as a...
-- Fixed a bug where events with the "Collide with Player...
-- Fixed a bug in the "Display Free Layout for Event" pan...
-- Fixed a bug where the arrow in the speech bubbles did ...
***''[Resources] '' [#q606b37d]
-- Fixed a bug in which "Cancel" in the Resources dialog ...
When you press Cancel to close the Resources dialog, the...
The Cancel button is disabled so as not to create the mi...
-- Fixed the searching process for similar materials in t...
-- When adding motions to a motion set, the add button wa...
-- Fixed a bug where image size values were not immediate...
***''[Layout] '' [#z34f7ece]
-- Fixed a bug in which text was not displayed correctly ...
-- Fixed a bug in the layout of the map screen in which t...
-- Fixed a bug that caused the OS system sound when using...
-- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when executing a ...
-- In the "Enhancement Item Selection" screen, an incorre...
This bug caused a layout with the same content as the sy...
We are working to prevent this unwanted layout from bein...
However, it does not affect the actual creation.
***''[Game Definition] '' [#cf1da9d1]
-- Fixed a bug in Tank Controls type operation mode where...
***''[Play Execution Issues] '' [#rb2200c1]
-- Fixed a bug that caused CPU load due to cache left in ...
-- Fixed a bug that caused a momentary jerky movement whe...
-- Fixed a bug in which the source for comparison of the ...
This is in response to a bug that prevented the purchase ...
-- The limit on the purchase of "items set to be enhancea...
-- Fixed a bug in which the "available item slots status"...
***''[Plug-ins] '' [#d2bbf7a9]
-- Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the test play fro...
*''Ver.'' [#ifee7418]
**''Bug Fixes'' [#h249e26f]
***''[Events]'' [#kc6f53a3]
-- Fixed the following bugs related to the "Teleport Play...
--- If the destination coordinates are specified with a "...
--- If the map ID is specified as a "direct value", it wi...
--- Regardless of the setting of the "Auto" checkbox in t...
--- If a map ID is specified, the elevation is calculated...
***''[Battle Plug-ins]'' [#d51cc9c7]
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception on the result sc...
Although we have corrected the above, we recommend that u...
-''[For Those Using Published Work Export]''
Bugs are being fixed with each update.
If you have exported and published your work with an earl...
Please update your own work as needed.
*''Ver.'' [#fcba685c]
**''Bug Fixes'' [#z7383499]
***''[Play Execution Issues]'' [#b9dd6c43]
--- Fixed a bug that only one state change was recovered ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused a white frame to appear aroun...
--- Fixed a bug that during game play, if the cursor was ...
***''[Battles]'' [#l9383935]
--- Fixed a bug that caused an ally's battle KO state eff...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the result screen to be very ...
--- Fixed a bug that occasionally caused particles create...
--- Fixed a bug in which attack ranges were not applied c...
***''[Others]'' [#d4810a20]
--- Fixed a bug that caused particles and model textures ...
*''Ver. 1.3.2'' [#d6254d84]
**'' New and Improved Features '' [#j3039cd7]
---'' We have completely reorganized the area around the ...
In event sheets, bugs such as events not hitting each oth...
''&color(red){Please note that this is an improvement in ...
If this affects your most recent work, please roll back t...
Please refer to the following manual for specific behavio...
[[Collision Detection between Cast Members and Events]]
***''[Functions Related to Footsteps]'' [#pfc23f6a]
''Added the ability to give objects footsteps or "states"...
We have also added the ability to change the volume and p...
---'' An option "Terrain Assignment" has been added to th...
- By assigning "Terrain " to a simple collision of st...
- This setting is also valid when objects are eventiz...
--- Added "Change Footstep Settings" panel to the player ...
-''[Game Definition]''
--- Added "Footstep Settings" to Rules and Operations to ...
***''[Resources]'' [#o935b6fa]
---'' Added the ability to make Slice Animation unaffecte...
Lights, ambient, point lights placed on the map, and sp...
Since it is not affected by lights, shadows will not ap...
It is affected by Bloom, auto exposure settings and DOF.
The following settings can be used to create billboards...
- Turn off this function in Resources > Slice Anima...
- Turn off "SRGB" in the properties of the image us...
---'' The ability to billboard objects has been implement...
A switch has been added to the Resources > 3D/2D Stamp ...
This makes the object rotate and face the camera accord...
However, rotation is limited to the Y axis.
--- The order of the Collision List in the Physics Settin...
--- For models with terrain exported as fbx, we have adde...
Specify this in the Shader of the Materials.
--- System project resources are now excluded from the se...
--- In the sprite preview, the scale can now be changed w...
***''[Events]'' [#gb0d138d]
---'' Added "Use Physical Keyboard" option to the "Input ...
This allows for direct input of strings from the keyboa...
---'' In the "Teleport Player" panel and "Teleport Event"...
---'' Y coordinate option has been added to the "Make Pla...
&color(red){However, if the target player/event has Falli...
--- Added "Group of the Last Skill Used (0=Party, 1=Monst...
--- In the "Execute Battle and Check Results" panel, "Ine...
This will allow "escapeable and not game over" battles ...
***''[Database]'' [#p5988b13]
---'' Variables can now be used in the damage calculation...
--- Added the ability to change the invincible time for d...
***''[Map Editor]'' [#c7ef48d3]
--- The ability to rotate the map being edited in 90-degr...
Added arrow buttons for rotation to Edit > Scroll Entire ...
--- Added an ON/OFF function that temporarily removes the...
Click on the lock symbols in the list to switch.
--- The Terrain: Same Type Selection tool in the Tools pa...
Alt+ will select only the "same terrain" ignoring terrain...
This improvement makes it easier to select the placed are...
< Grouping of Terrain>
In each menu in Resources, tags can be set to group...
The tag setting field is located below the entry tr...
When placing terrain with the Random Pen tool, it i...
For example, the cracked wall in the "Dungeon RPG S...
--- A new button has been added to the right of the test ...
The button labeled "...".
--- The Map Editor now scrolls the map when the mouse cur...
--- In the Map Settings > Enemy Distribution tab, the cur...
--- When the "Falling by Gravity" setting of an event is ...
***''[Layout Tool]'' [#e8c2ffa3]
--- "Management Tags for Items to be Displayed" can be us...
***''[Battles]'' [#c1924927]
--- After entering a battle command, if the target has mo...
***''[Others]'' [#r0aef8b9]
-- When the window size of the execution engine is differ...
''&color(red){With this function implemented, project...
If the window mode is not full screen, or if full scr...
--- Mini map rendering load has been optimized.
--- We have applied the features added in this update to ...
**'' Bug Fixes '' [#i8dc92b9]
***''[Resources]'' [#a9f27a96]
--- Fixed a bug that was causing textures used for slice ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an error when obtaining versi...
--- The path when importing an "exrbr file" has been modi...
--- Fixed a bug in which when adding resources from DLC i...
For example, in 3D stamps, if you add the "Models" fo...
However, at the same time, the "Models" folder was di...
Objects in the "Models" folder look the same as stamp...
With this correction, this issue no longer occurs.
--- Fixed a bug in which the "Optimize" and "Scale" setti...
--- When checking the size when importing a model, the sp...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when clicking on...
--- Fixed a bug in which the folder structure of resource...
--- Fixed a bug where adding a resource that was "created...
--- Fixed a bug where if a DLC stamp already added in Res...
--- Fixed a bug that caused both thumbnails and previews ...
--- Fixed to display material properties in the asset pic...
The behavior of the dialog that appears when importing ...
***''[Events]'' [#a42bc3ab]
--- Fixed a bug in the "Check Collision State" panel when...
--- Fixed a bug in which when a battle camera was selecte...
--- Fixed a bug in which copying and pasting an event acr...
--- Fixed a bug in which raycasts with "Terrain" set to c...
--- Fixed a bug that caused some sheets in some door-base...
***''[Database]'' [#bbcde06a]
--- Fixed so that the ON/OFF of "Enhancement" of an item ...
***''[Battles]'' [#ga587d86]
--- Fixed a bug in which the coordinates for determining ...
--- Fixed a bug in which when an event sheet was added to...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the order of party train to n...
--- Fixed a bug that could cause incorrect casts to be di...
--- Fixed a bug where local lights placed on a map design...
--- Fixed a bug that displayed the "Escape" icon in the "...
***''[Map Editor]'' [#cf8078bc]
--- Fixed a bug that caused objects outside the map to mo...
Objects with an origin outside the map are not moved.
--- Fixed a bug that caused objects using subgraphics to ...
***''[Camera Tool]'' [#k58e2cb5]
--- Fixed a bug that was causing the camera of deleted ma...
***''[Others]'' [#ubaf86a8]
--- Fixed a bug in the battle plugin sample where the pre...
*''Ver.'' [#laa91414]
**'' New and Improved Features '' [#ceeaebd8]
***''[Layout Tool] '' [#k387b9bc]
--- In "Free Layout for Event," when multiple layouts wit...
''&color(red){This will be a change from the previous ver...
--- When multiple "Free Layout for Event" with menus are ...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented specifying the "Layout to ...
--- Fixed a bug where some of the tooltips in the Layout ...
***''[Battles] '' [#s03ff060]
--- Fixed a bug that caused attack effects to be displaye...
***''[Events] '' [#oe580713]
--- Fixed a bug in the event template "Treasure Chest - G...
''&color(red){We apologize for the inconvenience, but if ...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented the player's expression fr...
***''In addition to the above, the following adjustments ...
--- For the common event "Grid Move" in "Dungeon RPG Samp...
In the "Make Player Walk" panel, the camera orientation i...
You can export the "Grid Move" event and import it into y...
--- Fixed a bug in the main menu of "Dungeon RPG Sample" ...
--- The rendering settings for the Neitei village map in ...
*''Ver. 1.3.1'' [#t8e930a0]
**'' New and Improved Features '' [#f92ff622]
***''[Layout Tool] '' [#i88801f1]
--- Added the ability to overlap layouts of other screens...
Press the button in the red box in the image to select th...
Please use it for layout positioning, etc.
Currently, there is only one layout that can be overlappe...
The overlapped layout cannot be manipulated.
--- Added layout import and export function buttons to th...
Functions that were in the context menu of the layout pre...
--- When using the special coordinate specification tags ...
If you are editing a speech bubble layout in version 1.2....
***''[Events] '' [#j64d1a94]
--- A method for specifying the layout to be displayed by...
Display the same name of the free layout as the specified...
--- Added "Name of the Last Item Obtained" to the "Advanc...
--- Added and improved functions in the "Change Camera Pa...
-- Added option to abort the camera animation and run...
-- Changed so that camera movement does not end midwa...
-- Improved behavior when duplicate changes are made ...
***''[Game Definition] '' [#z6a28807]
--- A new setting to rotate the player icon on the mini m...
***''[Resources] '' [#g7cdc124]
--- In the 2D file import dialog, you can now select mult...
***''[Map Editor] '' [#ra415219]
--- Improved behavior when copying and pasting objects on...
-- Improved the priority of pasting over selected ter...
Previously, priority was given to "mouse cursor p...
If the selected terrain is outside the editor's d...
-- When an attempt is made to place it off the map, i...
-- In cases where pasting occurs without specifying t...
This is to avoid users losing track of what they ...
***''[Others] '' [#x86a8bf1]
--- The following improvements have been made to the "Dun...
- The names of items obtained from treasure chests dr...
The new "Advanced String Variable Operation" panel ...
- During battle, when an attack hits an enemy, the ef...
This is achieved by specifying a simple collision o...
Depending on the "Position from Target" setting of ...
If the target is "Target Center", the effect will...
If the target is "Target Overhead", the effect wi...
If the target is "Target Feet", the effect will b...
**''Bug Fixes '' [#uc2c9bae]
***''[Map Editor] '' [#l3d17f6b]
--- Fixed a bug that caused a different entry to be selec...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the selection display (highli...
--- Fixed a bug in which "properties for multiple entry s...
***''[Game Definition] '' [#s0752d2d]
--- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception if the TAB ...
***''[Problems Occurring During Gameplay] '' [#m0d1f493]
--- Fixed a bug in which the "Change in Maximum HP/MP" va...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented the "Change Camera Paramet...
--- Fixed a bug that caused 2D stamps in "No Billboard Pr...
***''[Events]'' [#kaf279c1]
--- Fixed a bug in which it would always take more than 2...
***''[Test Play] '' [#ye2553bf]
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when exiting tes...
***''[Other] '' [#o026936e]
--- Fixed a bug that the images may not be rendered corre...
*''Ver.'' [#zfd57418]
**'' New and Improved Features'' [#ve4c66e1]
***''[Database]'' [#b8946add]
--- Improved to be able to edit the damage calculation fo...
**''Bug Fixes'' [#o6951adf]
***''[Database]'' [#c8dd6f58]
--- Fixed a bug that caused some options to become imposs...
***''[Events]'' [#rfb98e56]
--- Fixed a bug in which the "Teleport Player" panel did ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when the display...
--- Fixed a bug that pattern 0 was always displayed when ...
--- Fixed a bug in which designated cast members in the r...
--- Fixed a bug in the "Change Camera Parameters" panel w...
***''[Map Editor]'' [#ncfd64f5]
--- Fixed a bug that prevented a placed object from becom...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented the quick toolbar from bei...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when copying an ...
***''[Game Definition]'' [#c198e025]
--- The player icon image in the System Resources has bee...
*''Ver. 1.3'' [#b42b0e2f]
**''New and Improved Features'' [#a956cdc6]
***''[Dungeon RPG Sample Game]'' [#ee51b1ed]
A simple dungeon RPG sample game has been added to the Ga...
***''[2D Style Battle Related]'' [#sea2f5cd]
''This function can be used, for example, to create a so-...
--- A special coordinate specification tag DamagePosition...
--- A new " Orthographic Projection" option has been adde...
The size and visibility of the projected object is no...
This camera is easy to use for creating 2D games.
***''[Battle Related]'' [#k5c95d1b]
''This function can be used to introduce the concept of "...
--- Added "Use Attack Range" and "Attack Range Judgment T...
--- Added "Attack Range" setting to Database > Casts & It...
--- Added "Rearrange by State During Battle" and "Restore...
--- Added "Move to Back of the Party while Granted" setti...
It is intended to be used to automatically move membe...
--- "Swap Places" has been added to the function for assi...
Selecting this command allows you to change the order...
--- Added "Reverse Left/Right Battle Target Selection" an...
Reverses keystrokes for selecting battle command sele...
Specify the order of the selection to match the order...
--- The following can now be specified in Game Definition...
Added a guide message to the Battle tab when selectin...
The Items tab can now specify the wording to be displ...
--- Added "Make Battle Rewards Level Dependent" to Game D...
When turned on, rewards specified in the Database wil...
***''[Increase in Number of Party/Enemy Members]'' [#xd62...
''The maximum number of members has been doubled to "8" i...
''The number of enemies appearing in a battle has also be...
--- The number of Accompanied Members can now be set to "...
--- Regarding the area where the number of enemies is spe...
***''[Enhancement Items]'' [#n3c44443]
''Combine database/event/layout to create enhancement ite...
--- Added "Enhanceable" setting to "Items."
Items with this setting are eligible for enhancement.
--- "Item" can now specify a custom event to be triggered...
Keep in mind that the number of available event panel...
--''[Layout Tool]''
--- Added "Enhancement Item Selection" screen.
This screen will be used together with a common event...
Please see the note on the System Layout for instruct...
--- Added "Display Item to be Enhanced" to the actions in...
--''[Event Panels]''
--- The new event panel "Display Layout Screen" can now o...
--- Added "Item Enhancement" and "Change Item Name" panel...
--- Added "nth Parameter in the Inventory" and "Parameter...
--- Added "nth Parameter in the Inventory" and "Parameter...
***''[Mini Map with Auto Mapping]'' [#h65d0411]
''Mini map display function, including auto-mapping funct...
--''[Layout Tool]''
--- Displaying a layout using the special format \minimap...
The position/size of the mini map on the screen can b...
--''[Game Definition]''
--- You can specify which areas on the map will be shown ...
--- The size of the terrain 1 grid on the mini map and th...
--- Icons indicating the location of doors, traps, etc. c...
--''[Event Editor]''
--- Under "Change Elements During Sheet Execution," a fie...
The image can be selected from the Image for Displayi...
***''[Expanded Picture Book Features]'' [#o53925f2]
''New features have been implemented to enhance the monst...
--''[Layout Tool] ''
--- Added a Skill Picture Book and added special formats ...
--- Added special formats for Item Picture Book to show i...
--- Added the ability to filter the entries to be display...
Additional settings are specified in the properties o...
Tags should be specified for each entry in the Databa...
--- The "Others" tab has been added to "Items" and "Skill...
--''[Game Definition] ''
--- Added an option under "Rules and Operations" to allow...
--''[Event Panel] ''
--- The new "Display Layout Screen" panel can be used to ...
***''[Item Sorting]'' [#c2cdff5c]
Added the ability to "sort" ("rearrange") in-game to orga...
--''[Layout Tool]''
--- Added "Sorting Items" to the actions of the submenu c...
--- Added "Sorting Type" to the properties of the submenu...
Three sorting types are implemented: by database, by ...
--- Added "Input to Execute Action" function to the prope...
--- Added "Disable Auto Assignment Container Management N...
***''[Batch Rename]'' [#c223cd3a]
''A function to rename multiple entries in a list at once...
Select multiple entries in the following tree, then right...
''[Map Editor]''
A "Batch Rename" function has been added to the Plac...
''[Layout Tool]''
A "Batch Rename" function has been added to the Layo...
***''[Layout Tool]'' [#xdec0655]
--- Added special formats for the Replace Member screen t...
The status of both members to be replaced can be disp...
Members who do not want to be replaced can be set in ...
--- A "Display Special Format for Party" setting has been...
For the special format that displays party status and...
However, this function does not exist in the Replace ...
--''[Free Layout for Events]''
--- The order in which free layouts are displayed can now...
This can be specified in the Layout Properties.
The standard value is 0. The higher the value, the mo...
--- A "Save Display State" setting was added.
This can be specified in the Layout Properties.
You can choose whether or not to save the display sta...
--''[Improved Layout Tool Operation]''
--- When an image with a No Slice setting is specified as...
--- When pasting a layout part in the Layout Tool, only t...
--- The display of configurable settings has been improve...
--- When opening the Add Layout Part dialog, the behavior...
--- The display frame of a part can be enlarged without c...
--- The behavior of the preview has been changed so that ...
--- Improved the performance when changing the specified ...
--''[Layout Tool and Others]''
--- The "Suspend Event Execution" setting has been added ...
--- For clipping by parent containers, the parent is now ...
--- Added a new setting value to the Properties Control s...
--- In the Discard Item Selection screen, obtained items ...
***''[Game Definition]'' [#w0212d1d]
--- A function has been added to the "Rules and Operation...
Please use this function when the range of detection ...
--- In System Resources, the default image can now be spe...
***''[Map Editor]'' [#gcb0e6bc]
--- A MapID option has been added to the Map Settings > B...
The MapID is automatically assigned when the map is g...
--- Added MapID indication to the Map List.
--- Added a new setting to the Map Settings > Basic tab t...
--- Faster display of the Placed List and UNDO/REDO for m...
***''[Events]'' [#r75da161]
--- Added "Change Battle Speed" panel to the Battle categ...
You can change the speed of the battle by specifying ...
--- A "Display Layout Screen" panel has been added to the...
You can select the screen and layout to be displayed.
--- The event panel "Display Menu" has been added to the ...
--- Added "Teleport Player" panel to specify where to mov...
The Map ID can be found in the upper right corner of ...
--- A function to retrieve the current map ID has been ad...
--- A function to obtain "whether operation is prohibited...
In the DRPG sample game, this function is used in the...
--- Added the ability to get the name of the monster in b...
--- The "Change Camera Parameters" panel now includes the...
--- When playing a movie with an event, the sound effect ...
--- Added the ability to check the availability of specif...
--- Added a Non Cancelable option to the "Discard Item" p...
--- Added a function to the "Discard Item" panel to turn ...
--- We have improved the processing of the event template...
--- The "Display Image" panel now inverts the image when ...
***''[Resources]'' [#zf1db61d]
-- Improved the behavior of the dialog that appears when ...
--- Single images that are not placed on maps are now reg...
--- When multiple slice animation assets are imported, it...
--- Slice animation assets can now be specified as count ...
---Added "Up, Left, Down, Right" setting for Direction Or...
***''[Camera Tool]] [#ad2a75df]
--- For the gazing point of the camera tool, the coordina...
"LPF" stands for low pass filter. The effect is that ...
--- The tree section now allows the reordering of cameras...
Since the camera belongs to each map, it is not possi...
***''[Test Play]'' [#ufaf74b5]
--- Added the ability to visualize raycasts to the debugg...
--- An "Event Monitor" tab has been implemented in the de...
***''[Event Editor]'' [#jc969d85]
--- Variable icons in the Variable Selection List are now...
***''[Others]'' [#b17b32da]
--- Battle effects are now loaded at the time of command ...
--- The speed of the Database and Asset Picker has been i...
--- In the Battle Placement Editor, the coordinates of th...
--- 2D cast stamps for conversation events" and "icon ima...
The mini map icons are located at Resources > Images ...
**'' Bug Fixes '' [#a0cdfbb7]
---''[Layout Tool] ''
--- Fixed a bug in which the images of reserve members we...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented changes to menu container ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when calling a c...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented messages from being displa...
--- Fixed a bug that caused child parts of containers who...
--- Fixed a bug in which when multiple parts were selecte...
--- Fixed a bug in submenu container Properties->Control ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when selecting a...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception in some cases wh...
---''[Game Definition] ''
--- Fixed a bug in which message-related window images sp...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented the player from rotating s...
---''[Resources] ''
--- The "SpriteOrigin" texture setting was found not to b...
We will reexamine how to implement this function in c...
--- Fixed a bug in which the skip selection in the overwr...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when selecting C...
---''[Map Editor] ''
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when attempting ...
--- Fixed a bug where, immediately after converting a ter...
--- Fixed naming rule when groups are created in the Plac...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception in some cases wh...
--- Fixed a bug that caused 2D stamps to appear distorted...
---''[Database] ''
--- Fixed a bug that caused overwritten items to disappea...
--- Fixed a bug in which the enable/disable decision for ...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented changing equipment even if...
--- Fixed a bug that caused incorrect status values when ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused a crash if an event was disca...
--- Fixed a bug where the "4 Fixed Directions" in the "Ch...
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the "Display Image"...
--- Fixed a bug in which the "Walk to Specified Coordinat...
--- Fixed a bug in which images specified for "Layout Dis...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the Game Definition "Use Iner...
--- Fixed a bug that when using a raycast from "This Even...
--- Fixed a bug where using the "Change Cast Motion" pane...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented battles from progressing i...
--- Fixed a bug that could cause the skybox to blink blac...
--- Fixed a bug in the battle placement editor that could...
--- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to be displ...
--- Fixed a bug where a Windows warning sound would be em...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the BGM fade process to not w...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the menu save to become selec...
--- Fixed a bug in the "Specify Game Over" panel where ev...
---''[Camera Tool] ''
--- Fixed a bug in the camera tree in which information o...
---''[Variables Used] ''
--- Fixed a bug in the "Variables Used" dialog in which i...
---''[Game Play] ''
--- Fixed a bug in which changes in experience, money, an...
--- Fixed a bug in which the cursor could be moved to the...
--- Fixed a bug that caused object collisions to be gener...
--- Fixed a bug in which the attack calculation formulas ...
--- Fixed a bug that could cause unnatural shaking in the...
--- Fixed a bug that caused reserve members to be selecte...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented monster preemptive attacks...
---''[Other] ''
--- Fixed a bug that could cause the tool to fail to star...
--- Fixed a bug that caused after rearranging the entry t...
--- Fixed the display position of the player icon in the ...
--- Fixed the save screen layout settings for the sample ...
The property "Layout to be Opened" setting for the "Sa...
"SaveAsk_Master_1" must be specified as with other "sa...
Please note that if you have created a save screen for...
--''Improved Features''
--- A warning is now displayed when attempting to delete ...
--''Bug Fixes''
--- Fixed a problem with unused camera data being pasted ...
--''New and Improved Features''
--- When importing multiple assets for slice animation by...
Previously supported only for importing a single image, t...
Please refer to the [[2D Stamps - Import and Export]] for...
---''[Resources] ''
--- When importing sound files, "Use Loop" is now automat...
---''[Layout Tool] ''
--- A system layout has been added to the "Item Picture B...
Currently, all items in the Database are listed on this s...
---''[Database] ''
--- The effect of the "status change with a rate of incre...
--''Bug Fixes''
---''[Events] ''
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when executing t...
---''[Event Editor] ''
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused an exception when r...
---''[Problems at Playing] ''
--- Fixed a bug that caused incorrect values for each cha...
---''[Published Work Export] ''
--- Fixed a bug that could cause published exported game ...
---'' Fixed a bug that caused map editing content to be i...
As a result, the following issue, which was reported fixe...
'''- Fixed a bug that caused camera operations and rend...
--- Fixed a bug that caused incorrect determination of th...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented some of the rendering sett...
--- Fixed a bug that Enemy was not appearing in the Inser...
--''New and Improved Features''
---''[Asset Picker] ''
---'' A simple asset picker has been implemented.''
We implemented a new asset picker that is just the tree p...
We have applied this to places where previews are not nee...
This allows for quicker selection of various assets.
The process of opening the asset picker has also been spe...
--- When the asset picker is opened, various places have ...
---''[Map Editor] ''
---'' Copy, cut, and paste functions for terrain have bee...
This changes the behavior of copy, cut, and paste in the ...
The behavior depends on the mode of the "Selection Target...
" Terrains Only ": Copy, cut, and paste selected terrains.
" Objects Only": Copy, cut, and paste selected objects a...
" Terrains and Objects ": Copy, cut, and paste selected ...
--- Folders with more than two levels of hierarchy can be...
--- The number of monsters that appear during battle test...
--- Multiple monsters can now be selected and deleted fro...
---''[Event Editor] ''
---'' The variable list has been changed to a tree system...
---''[Events] ''
--- The event walking process is now paused while the men...
--- Parallel events are now stopped while the save screen...
These two changes may affect some events. Please be aware...
--- In status---related event panels, "Entire Party" can ...
--- The maximum number of selections in the "Display Sele...
--- Added the ability to obtain "This Event's Name" in th...
---''[Layout Tool] ''
--- Modifications have been made to the Layout Tool to im...
We will continue to make ongoing modifications based on t...
---''--- Display necessary information and delete unneces...
Ex: Container Management Number used for submenu contai...
---''--- Anything that cannot be placed or changed, etc.,...
Ex: In the dialog box for specifying special coordinate...
---''--- Make it easier to understand the settings at the...
Ex: When creating a new menu container or rendering con...
--- A special format called \newitem has been added that ...
--- The special coordinate specification tag "Player" can...
---''[Database] ''
--- Status changes due to skill/state changes can now als...
Currently, changes in status caused by "skills" and statu...
Skills > Effect on Allies tab > Ability Enhancement
Skills > Effect on Enemies tab > Ability Weakening
State Definition > Influence of State Change > Influence...
---''[Game Definition] ''
--- Multiple selection and deletion of Initial Accompanie...
--- Added options to Game Definition > Project Settings t...
---''[Resources] ''
--- The contents of folders can be added together from Ex...
---''[Test Play] ''
--- The "debug window open/close status" from the previou...
--- Regarding the Variable List in the Debug Window, it h...
---'' [Others] ''
--- The "Zip Project" function, available by right---clic...
Import paths for resources, etc. can be removed and distr...
--''Bug Fixes''
---''[Game Engine] ''
--- Fixed a bug in the processing when rotation was appli...
''The engine rotation order "ZYX" has been changed to "ZX...
Please note that the operation of the engine will change ...
---''[Problems at Playing] ''
--- Fixed a bug that caused HP/MP values to change in som...
--- Fixed a bug where gamepad stick thresholds were not w...
--- Fixed a bug where information on the currently select...
---''[Events] ''
--- For "Only Once in Parallel" event sheets, as with "Re...
--- When the original motion is played back immediately a...
--- Fixed a bug that caused a crash when combining the "L...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when specifying ...
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused an exception on the...
--- Fixed a bug in which "event transparency state," "ren...
--- Fixed a bug in the "Change Display State of Player/Ev...
--- Fixed a bug that caused some frames to momentarily sh...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the volume to be set to 0 whe...
--- Fixed a bug where events with "Collide with Player" t...
--- Fixed a bug in which contact detection was not perfor...
--- Fixed a bug in which contact detection with other obj...
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented up staircase eve...
--- In battle events, when using a message or conversatio...
---Fixed a bug that prevented the "Decrease" function fro...
--- Fixed a bug that caused speech bubbles to be displaye...
---''[Layout Tool] ''
--- Fixed a bug in which the size of the rectangle when s...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the size rectangle in the tex...
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused incorrect position ...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented dragging small sized parts...
--- Fixed a bug that caused camera operations and renderi...
---''[Map Editor] ''
--- Fixed a bug where properties were not displayed in th...
--- Fixed a bug where a common event immediately after it...
--- Fixed a bug where the checkboxes for enabling and dis...
--- Fixed a bug where camera data was not pasted correctl...
--- Fixed a bug that caused a crash when creating thumbna...
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the indicator for s...
---''[Resources] ''
--- Fixed a bug that prevented stamps with "None" selecte...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented thumbnails from being disp...
--- Fixed a bug where the "Use Same Procedure for All The...
---''[Game Definition] ''
--- Fixed a bug that prevented jumping to objects and eve...
---''[Published Work Export] ''
--- Fixed a bug in exported game files that caused the me...
--- Fixed a bug in which the DLL for battle system proces...
[Test Play]
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when entering a ...
--- Fixed a bug that could cause a freeze during loading ...
---''[Top Menu] ''
--- Changed the operation method to Tank Controls when "O...
--- Fixed a bug in the Steam Workshop management screen w...
--- Fixed a bug where changing the game file save locatio...
---''[Others] ''
--- Fixed a bug that caused the skybox coordinates to shi...
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes slowed down the test play ...
--- Fixed a bug that when the execution engine window was...
--- For each tree view in the tool, a bug has been fixed ...
--- Fixed a bug in the battle test that prevented battles...
--- Fixed a bug in the default terrain stamp EP_rock_01 w...
--- Fixed a bug where a variable name for the Orb Stories...
--- Added an event on Orb Stories' Scorching Cave map to ...
-- ''New and Improved Features''
---''[Steam Workshop]''
--- Lyrbr files (exported layout data) can now be uploade...
The .lyarbr file contains the sprite and image resources ...
This new feature makes it easier for users to share their...
We hope this will be of great use to you.
In addition, two layout data files have been released...
---''- SGB Style: "SMILE GAME BUILDER" style layout.''
---''- Sample Layout A: A bright yellow and orange-based ...
--- A property called "Y Angle Offset" has been added to ...
Previously, a two-directional slice animation could onl...
---''[Map Editor]''
--- In Terrain Raise/Lower Pen mode, when the Ctrl key is...
--- Map size limits are now determined by the area of X *...
--- When creating a new map or resizing a large map, the ...
---''[Layout Tool]''
---''<Preview Improvements>''
--- The outer frame of layout parts can be resized by dra...
--- Property values are now updated immediately when a la...
--- Specified values used for previews of the Selection S...
---''<Improved Actions>''
--- Allows the common event specified in the submenu cont...
--- A "Display Return to Title" action has been added as ...
This function works as follows. The Exit Game action th...
At the title screen;
Exit Game...Quit game (application)
Return to Title... do nothing.
When other than the title screen:
Exit Game...Quit game (application)
Return to Title...Return to the title
--- Actions for the configuration can now work outside of...
Please note that some screens, such as battle-related s...
---''<Improvements to Panel for String Rendering>''
--- The following improvements have been made:
- Multiple lines of text input is now supported.
- The property option "Use Multi-Line Text (Auto Line...
- Text effects can now be specified individually (e.g...
- If "Specify What to Display in the Panel" contains ...
---''<Improvements to Layout for Input String Screen>''
--- The following improvements have been made:
- The rendering width of input string elements (eleme...
Previously, rendering was based on the width of the...
- The rendering container placed on this screen can n...
- Images used for decision buttons, etc. can now be s...
With this change, the option to specify input string-rela...
The existing Input String screen will not be affect...
---''<Other Improvements to Layout Tool>''
--- Menu containers cannot be placed as layout parts on "...
--- The size of the menu container is now unchangeable on...
The size setting of the menu container is invalid becau...
The above action was taken to prevent confusion caused ...
--- Visibility of the "Add Layout Part" and "Insert Speci...
--- "Targetability" was added as an element of the State ...
By increasing or decreasing this value through skills a...
--- The ability to explicitly specify the target of an ac...
---''[Game Definition]''
--- Added the ability to dither objects close to the came...
[u]This feature is activated by turning it on both in t...
--- The timing of data loading at the start of battle is ...
---''[Top Menu]''
--- A "Save Information for Inquiry" function has been ad...
We would appreciate it if you could provide us with the...
--- In the local PC menu, the history of the game file sa...
-- ''Bug Fixes''
--- Fixed the display state of the player's subgraphics t...
Please note that with this modification, if you change ...
--- Fixed a bug in which when a skill was used with the "...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the game to become very slow ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the "Display Effect" panel to...
--- Fixed a bug that could cause images to not load prope...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when updating in...
--- Fixed a bug that caused texture files to be copied ev...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the volume of BGM to be lower...
--- Fixed a bug that could cause file path information to...
--- Fixed a bug that caused a shader compilation error to...
---''[Game Definition]''
--- Fixed a bug that caused a sprite called "None" to be ...
---''[Sprite Tool]''
--- Fixed a bug in which sound effects specified for the ...
---''[Layout Tool]''
--- Fixed a bug where the special coordinate specificatio...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when the value o...
---''[Map Editor]''
--- Fixed a bug in the terrain selection in the Auto Map ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the motion of placed objects ...
--- Fixed a bug that could cause incorrect application of...
--- Fixed a bug where exrbr files could not be selected w...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented multiple selections by shi...
--- Improved stability against crashes for OpenGL-related...
--- Fixed a bug in which English translations were not be...
--'' New and Improved Features''
---''[Layout Tool]''
---''[Layout Tool Operation]''
--- Operation using the mouse in layout preview has been ...
General operations have been revised, such as zooming in ...
--- Added a button at the top of the preview that allows ...
--- The Layout to be Assigned column in the Layout Tool h...
---''[Layout Tool Features]''
--- Container for Elements of Entry Selection now can spe...
--- In the "Effects" section of the Container for Element...
--- A special coordinate specification tag has been added...
--- Improved "Continue" as a layout action so that it can...
By using Container for Elements of Entry Selection with t...
--- "Display Discard Item Selection" and "Confirm Discard...
By specifying these actions and Layout to be Opened in Co...
--- Add options to the properties of the General Message ...
--- The Container for Rendering settings on the General M...
The above functionality has been added because these scre...
--- Added special formats for displaying extended variabl...
---''[Layout Data]''
--- Paste and export of layouts now includes the resource...
This will ensure that the .lyrbr file exporting the layou...
--- Layouts can now be selected for inclusion in the expo...
---''[Map Editor]''
--- When Bakin is launched multiply and maps are copied b...
(*However, resources specified in events that exist on ma...
--- For frames of camera data for which the gazing point ...
--- A "Enable/Disable Move" panel has been added to the "...
---A "Change Operation Mode" panel has been added to the ...
--- For the event panel that performs operations on the p...
--- Added "Event Status (For Cast---based Event)" to the ...
--- The "Name of Shooting Source" for dynamic events can ...
--- A check box has been implemented in the "Play Movie" ...
---''[Game Definition]''
--- In the project settings, the default text color can n...
--- In Rules and Operations, a switch has been implemente...
The above switch can now be used to turn on/off jumps tha...
--- Added a "Disable "None"" option to the "Fixed" column...
This setting will prohibit the "Remove" option from being...
--- The battle formula rand(min,max) has been improved so...
--- The confirmation of overwriting related data when pas...
--- The maximum number of particle emitters and vertices ...
--- The configuration can now be specified to reverse up/...
Accordingly, the default value for the vertical rotation ...
--- .xlsx can now be selected as the export format for th...
--- The mouse operation of the image/icon preview has bee...
--- Added jumpup and landing motion to all casts included...
--'' Bug Fixes''
---''[System Resources]''
--- Fixed a bug in which the sounds specified for opening...
Please note that with this modification, no sound will pl...
---''[Game Execution Issues]''
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when selecting "...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception if a deleted win...
--- Fixed a bug in which the player cast could fall when ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the camera rotation speed to ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused a graphic error when displayi...
--- Fixed a bug that caused incorrect collision walls to ...
--- Fixed a bug in which changing the movement speed usin...
Please note that with this modification, if you change th...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when an event us...
--- Fixed a bug in which null was set to mapScene when a ...
--- Fixed a bug that could cause the player to change to ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the player to move while the ...
--- For dynamically generated events, a bug that prevente...
--- In the "Advanced String Variable Operation" panel, fi...
--- As for obtaining the "Name of Shooting Source" in the...
--- Fixed a bug in which changes in destination coordinat...
---''[Map Editor]''
--- Fixed a bug that prevented the map paste button of Ba...
--- Fixed a bug that caused a crash when trying to select...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the scale to be applied twice...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when placing a 3...
--- Fixed a bug that caused extremely horizontal billboar...
--- Fixed a bug in which copy/paste, etc. in the Database...
--- Fixed a bug in which entries for local variables used...
---''[Layout Tool]''
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when displaying ...
--- Fixed a bug in the Container for Entry Selection prop...
--- Fixed a bug in which the text color was not reflected...
--- Fixed a bug with Panel for Slider Operation in which ...
--- Fixed a bug in which the display did not work correct...
---''[Sprite Tool]''
--- Fixed a bug in which copying and pasting sprites in t...
--- Fixed a bug that created a new material when a materi...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when selecting a...
--- Fixed so that when renaming using "Rename File by Res...
--- Fixed a bug in which "None" could be selected as the ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when multiple fi...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when a slice ani...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception in some cases wh...
--- Changed so that adding a model from motion does not g...
--- In each tree view, the opening and closing of folders...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when adding some...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented events from working proper...
--'' Known Bugs''
We have confirmed a case where the application cannot be ...
Then, please start Bakin again.
We will continue to investigate and fix this issue.
--'' Bug Fixes ''
--- In Ver. or later, when "Center-Aligned"/"Righ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the text color to turn white ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused cast members to be sent to th...
--- Fixed a bug that caused a margin to appear in the low...
--- Fixed a bug in which the special formats \currentpart...
--- Fixed a bug in which the display priority of free lay...
--- Fixed a bug in the layout function that caused the ca...
--- Fixed a bug in which, since Ver., skills that...
--- Fixed a bug in which selecting "Add with Another ID" ...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented adding terrain from a DLC ...
--- Fixed a bug that was not immediately reflected in the...
--'' Improved Feature''
--- When using "Copy Battle-Related Scripts to Game File"...
We recommend Visual Studio (Community version is acceptab...
--'' Bug Fixes''
--- Fixed a bug in which it was possible to copy and dele...
If it has already been executed, it can be restored by ru...
--- Fixed a bug in Ver. where the "Ignore Elevati...
--- Fixed a bug in Ver. that caused speech bubble...
--- Fixed a bug in Ver. that caused a crash when ...
Currently, we ask that you work with the .efk file and th...
--'' Note''
After this version update, if you perform test play on a ...
However, there are no changes to the battle process in th...
If you do not want the warning, you can replace // @@vers...
(Overwrite copying of the battle plug-in can also solve t...
--'' Major New Features''
---''[C# Plug-ins]''
''Bakin has two types of plug-ins: tool plug-ins (.dll fo...
''We have published a reference for "Battle Plug-ins" and...
''- Added "Copy Battle-Related Scripts to Game File" fe...
The battle plug-in must be exported from the default ...
The source itself can be modified, allowing you to fr...
''- The reference will be a website with brief descript...
Plug-in Reference URL: https://rpgbakin.com/csref...
- We have also updated the compilation method for C# sc...
---''Added a sample project of a battle plug-in to the Ga...
This project uses a plug-in to create a battle system in ...
Two patterns are available as battle layouts.
We hope you will use them as a reference when creating yo...
When using Layout Type-B, select the Battle Camera in the...
---''[Layout Tool]''
- Multiple displays of the "Free Layout for Events" scr...
- Added "Open Menu" and "Open Free Layout" as container...
Starting from ver. 1.1.3, common events can also be c...
- During test play, the feature to fast-forward through...
This allows for faster play when debugging, etc.
In Game Definition > Rules and Operations > Assign In...
The default specification is to assign the "left CTRL...
It is automatically included in new projects, but if ...
''bind FAST_FORWARD LeftControl''
--''Added and Improved Features''
''- The event panel "Make Event as Operation Target" ha...
This panel can be used to perform operations such as ...
- The following features have been added to the "Advanc...
- Implemented the ability to specify "nth in the Pa...
- Ability to obtain information on cast members oth...
- The following features have been added to the "Advanc...
- Ability to obtain the elapsed time from the previ...
- Ability to obtain the coordinates of the camera i...
- Ability to obtain class and subclass levels.
- Ability to obtain information on cast members oth...
- In the "Display Store and Check Results" event panel,...
- In the "Change Layout to be Used" event panel, the me...
- In the "Make Player/Event Walk to Specified Coordinat...
- In the event panels "Select from Selection and Check ...
The type of Text Commands available depends on the fu...
- When adding a member using the "Add/Remove Party Memb...
- The event panel "Start Event Falling" can now be exec...
By using this condition, the "Move with Physics Engin...
---''[Layout Tool]''
'' - We have added and improved features to unify the op...
---'' [Layout Preview]''
- Changed so that hidden parts cannot be selected in ...
- The display color of the rectangle representing the...
- Added the ability to move parts while holding down ...
- When multiple parts are selected by pressing Shift ...
---'' [Layout Parts Tree]''
- Lock feature for parts is provided.
- When multiple parts are selected and the display ch...
- Changed the position of the new entry in the tree o...
- Improved behavior so that name editing is canceled ...
---'' [Others]''
- Added search feature to the add layout part dialog.
- The Special Format Insert Support dialog can now be...
- Reorganized the order in which action candidates ar...
- When a duplicate layout is found when importing lay...
- When clicking on a value specified for a system lay...
---''[Layout Tools - Other Features]''
- Added "Call Common Event" (do not close after calling...
- A special format has been added that displays a movin...
- A special coordinate specification tag has been added...
- When layouts are converted by changing the execution ...
- Specified an animation that fades in and out during p...
- When adding a new entry in the entry tree of each men...
---''[Sprite Tool]''
- Added variations of interpolation like rotation and e...
---''[Camera Tool]''
- Added two preset data for the battle camera.
---''[Map Editor]''
- Added the feature to drag the quick toolbar to pin it...
You can specify to enable or disable this feature in ...
- Changed the folder to which resources from the DLC ar...
Files imported from the DLC were previously stored in...
- In Resources > Motions, motion of models with no mate...
- The minimum scale value that can be specified in the ...
- When selecting an icon image using the asset picker, ...
--''Bug Fixes''
---''[C# Plug-ins]''
- Fixed a bug where update/beforeupdate/afterdraw was n...
---''[Camera Tool]''
'' - Fixed a bug in the battle camera where the gazing p...
There was a case where the camera tool and the battle...
'' Please note that due to this correction, if you hav...
- Fixed a bug where particles displayed using the "Disp...
- Fixed a bug that prevented local variables for events...
- Fixed a bug in which operations other than the Y axis...
- Fixed a bug in the event panel related to conversatio...
- Fixed a bug that caused the player's motion to return...
- Fixed a bug in which if the event panel "Change Playe...
'' - During battles, there was a function that displayed...
If you would like to display the status change of ene...
We are separately considering how to allow the displa...
- Fixed a bug that could cause the previous battle stat...
- Fixed a bug in the battle formula where the enemy lev...
- Fixed a bug where events placed in the battle backgro...
- Fixed a bug that caused even unselected monsters to b...
- Fixed a bug where the subgraphic portion of the cast ...
- Fixed a bug that could cause a monster to target an a...
- Fixed a bug that prevented the "Escape" command from ...
---'' [Exporting Layouts]''
- An error occurred when loading a project if an .rbr f...
The extension for exporting with the Layout Tool has ...
Please note that placing an .rbr file of a previously...
- Fixed a bug where the Layout to be Assigned section w...
---'' [Layout Parts Tree]''
- Fixed a bug in which switching the display of the sli...
- Fixed a bug that when copying and pasting layout part...
---'' [Layout to be Assigned]''
- Fixed a bug that caused some properties to be incorre...
---'' [Properties]''
- When displaying the status of party/reserve members u...
Along with this modification, a special format has be...
- Fixed a bug where special formats related to saved da...
- Fixed a bug that prevented some of the special format...
This applies to formats without [x], such as partyhp ...
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception if the parent Co...
---'' [Layout Preview]''
- Fixed a bug that caused a crash when clicking on the ...
- Fixed a bug in the scrolling process when the preview...
- Fixed a bug in which display position updates were no...
- Fixed a bug that caused a crash when dragging and mov...
---'' [Game Execution Issues]''
- Fixed a bug that caused the message feed mark to appe...
- Fixed a bug that caused the text to be misaligned at ...
- Fixed a bug that caused the game to start from the be...
- Fixed a bug that prevented hidden containers from bei...
- Fixed a bug that caused the "Free Layout for Event" w...
- Fixed a bug that prevented the special format display...
- Fixed a bug that caused items and skill availability ...
---'' [Layout Conversion Issues]''
- Fixed a bug in which non-default layouts were not con...
- Fixed a bug that caused icons to be the wrong size wh...
---'' [Others]''
- Fixed a bug in the system layout of the save file sel...
---''[Sprite Tool]''
- Fixed a bug that caused sprites to be deleted when th...
- Fixed a bug that prevented material textures from bei...
- Fixed a bug in which unnecessary resources were check...
- Fixed a bug that was causing slow processing due to r...
- Fixed a bug in which changes to the State Definition ...
- In the tree of each entry, fixed a bug in which "cont...
---''[Game Definition]''
- Fixed a bug in the Game Definition in which the scree...
- Fixed a bug in which entries that should have been en...
- Fixed a bug in Game Definition > Common Terms where t...
---''[Map Editor]''
- Fixed a bug that caused shortcut keys such as Del key...
- When multiple entries are selected on the map and in ...
- In the Placed List, the behavior of the display check...
- Fixed a bug in the battle test where the light source...
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the camera to move ...
- Fixed a bug with 2D stamps in "No Billboard Processin...
- When running a published game, if the monitor resolut...
--''Additional and Improved Functions''
---''[Layout Tool]''
--- The ability to specify variables as parameters to be ...
--- The following special formats have been added:
- Display array variables.
- Display cast description.
- Display units of money specified in common terms.
--- An action can now be called from a menu placed on the...
However, this screen-placed menu behaves as "equivalent ...
--- The following settings have been added to the propert...
- Whether or not the player's operations are limited ...
- Whether the screen can be closed with the Cancel bu...
--- Unchecked parts in the "Layout Parts" column are now ...
--- The page mark is now always displayed on the preview ...
--- A copy and paste function for the sheet condition pan...
This can be done by right-clicking on the condition p...
--- In the event panels "Display Conversation" and "Displ...
--- The event panel "Check String Variable Box" allows st...
--- Added playback of battle_walk (when walking in battle...
--- Fixed monster placement, battle test UI and default l...
--- For resources, whose properties cannot be changed, a ...
(This includes default resources in the reserved folder.)
---''[Map Editor]''
--- In the Placed List of the Map Editor, the icon to sho...
--- When a vertex error occurs during a middle-click test...
--''Bug Fixes''
---''[Layout Tool]''
--- When the special format "\currentsavemap" is used, no...
--- Fixed a system layout problem that caused the window ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused incorrect display when displa...
--- Fixed a bug that caused containers displayed as recta...
--- Fixed a bug in which class status was not being added...
---''[Game Engine]''
--- Fixed a bug where dashing toward a gap between collis...
--- For the "Advanced Variable Box Operation" panel, a bu...
In addition, a bug has been fixed in which the state of b...
--- The following bugs in the "Display Image" panel have ...
- The center point for rotating the image was not spe...
- Failure to rotate slice animation
- Scale/rotation was not working in the preview of th...
--- Fixed a display misalignment problem when displaying ...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented changes to the direction o...
--- Fixed a bug where the state definition "Increase Move...
---''[Game Definition]''
--- Fixed a bug in which the camera's "Get Behind Player ...
---''[Camera Tool]''
--- Fixed a bug in the camera tool that caused the X angl...
In addition, when a camera work in which the interpolatio...
--- Fixed a bug that appeared in special cases such as "a...
--- When multiple launching projects in use, the project ...
--- Removed unneeded minimize buttons from forms that had...
--'' Additional Functions ''
--- Layout Tool: Added special formats showing status cha...
selectshopitemequipstatus[x], selectshopitemequipstatus[x...
If you use the above special formats when selecting an it...
--- Added "Basic Max Damage/Recovery Amount" to the "Rule...
--- The following parameters have been added to the Datab...
- "Max Damage/Recovery Amount" of "Items > Change Ele...
- "Max Damage/Recovery Amount" of "State Definition >...
The final Max Damage/Recovery is the sum of the Basic Max...
--- In the asset picker, the properties of the selected r...
--'' Bug Fixes ''
---''[Layout Tool]''
--- Fixed a bug that caused the cursor to be displaced wh...
--- Fixed a bug that could cause a rare exception when a ...
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the granting messag...
--- Fixed a bug in which when another state was added to ...
--- Fixed a bug in the event sheet that prevented movemen...
After this version, the last issued walk command will hav...
--- Fixed a bug where when changing the event sheet, walk...
--- Fixed a bug that caused incorrect speech bubble heigh...
--- Fixed a bug where adding a new member to the party wh...
--- Fixed a bug in the "nth Status in the Party" of the "...
--- Fixed a bug where the options column in Database > Ca...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented the Database menu from ope...
---''[Map Editor]''
--- Fixed a bug that caused event collisions that existed...
---''[Game Engine]''
--- Fixed a bug in Map Settings > Rendering Settings wher...
--- Fixed a bug where repeatedly pressing the jump button...
--'' New and Improved Features''
--- Formats for Text Commands have been implemented that ...
--- All resistance values in the Database have been chang...
--- The System Resources menu that was in Resources has b...
--- When adding assets from local files or DLC using the ...
--'' Bug Fixes''
---''[Game Engine]''
--- Fixed a bug that could cause the player to be trapped...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the player cast to be affecte...
--- Fixed a bug where collisions were not generated corre...
--- Fixed a bug in which the collision models' pre-loadin...
--- Fixed a bug that could cause movement by "Movement Pa...
--- Fixed a bug in "Display Ticker Text" that caused the ...
--- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception when using ...
--- Fixed a bug in which the elevation of the destination...
--- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception when specif...
--- Fixed a memory leak problem when starting to display ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused damage numbers to overlap whe...
--- Fixed a bug in which the value of the class's state r...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an empty battlefield to be di...
---''[Map Editor]''
--- Fixed a bug in which, when converting an object to an...
--- Fixed a bug where adding and deleting terrain stamps ...
---''[Layout Tool]''
--- Some wording used within the layout tool has been cor...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the display of messages, conv...
--- Fixed a bug that caused incorrect scale calculations ...
--- Fixed the display of special formats for sliders and ...
--- Fixed a bug in the special format for displaying vari...
--- Fixed a bug that incorrectly indicated state changes ...
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented folders in the l...
--- The U/I of the file import dialog that appears when i...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when changing mo...
--- Fixed a bug that caused images existing in the res fo...
--- In the process of adding to Resources, the behavior o...
--- Collision models from local files (files whose filena...
--- Fixed a bug in which resource files that did not need...
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the scale select...
--- Fixed a bug that caused incorrect values to be specif...
--'' New and Improved Features''
---'' Cross-Save Shared Variables''
Variables that exist beyond the saved data units and can ...
By using these variables, it is possible to change the ga...
---'' Title Screen Call Feature from Event''
Added a command script "Display Title Screen".
This makes it possible to display the title screen after ...
Together with the cross-save shared variables, it is also...
To skip the title screen, turn on Game Definition > Rules...
The sample game "Orb Stories" has been updated to show ho...
---'' Stamp Export/Import Feature and Ability to Publishe...
Added the ability to export 2D/3D/terrain stamps and vari...
''< Export >''
1. Select the file(s) or folder(s) you wish to export in ...
2. Select "Export Selected Elements" in the menu.
3. Each element of the stamp is compiled and exported in ...
''< Import >''
You can import resources by selecting them from the Asset...
Also, exported .exrbr files can now be published to the S...
Please use it to publish your own stamps, etc.
---'' New 3D/2D stamps exported to Steam Workshop are now...
We have released the following two samples of the stamp e...
''2D Cast Figure Graphics Set'': This is a set of figure ...
#ref(./2D Cast Figure Sets.png,20%)
''3D Models Stall Tent Set'': This set will be 3D stamps ...
#ref(./Stall Tent Sets.png,20%)
--[ Event Editor ]
--- Added functions to the command script "Advanced Varia...
--- The command script "Play Movie" can now select the di...
In addition, a function has been implemented to end a mov...
--- The command script "Change Cast Graphic" can also be ...
--- Changed the specification of the command script "Chan...
The previous specification was to go through the collisio...
--[Map Editor]
--- Added "Memorize Position" to the context menu of even...
Events with this setting turned on will keep their post-m...
--- Snap Tool has been added to the Tools palette.
After this tool is turned on, if an object or event is se...
--- Random Pen placed on the Tools palette.
Random Pen function that randomly changes scale and angle...
(The existing shortcut Ctrl+Alt to Random Pen when using ...
--- A button has been added to the Quick Toolbar that all...
--- The ON/OFF button for View Collision at the bottom of...
--[ Layout Tool ]
--- Added Special Formats for Layout Tool
Various special formats have been added, focusing on attr...
--- Implementation of a List of Tags Specifying Special C...
Special Coordinate Specification Tags" in Container for R...
--[ Game Definition ]
--- Rules and Operations > Use Default Battle Layout and ...
This allows you to specify a default battle layout for th...
Also, a switch to use/not use custom battle layouts has b...
--- The height limit of 50 for "Change Y Coordinate of Pl...
--- In the Project Settings, it is now possible to specif...
This setting is common to both the Pen tool and the Rando...
--[ Resources ]
--- The asset picker now divides sound types into BGM/Env...
--- When moving to the material edit screen from the "Mat...
--- Added motion for emotion marks to Emotion in the Reso...
--[ Database ]
--- The range of status increases/decreases values for it...
--'' Bug Fixes''
--[ Game Engine ]
--- Fixed a bug in the command script "Change Player Y Co...
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the event to be sta...
--- Fixed a bug in which when changing classes with a bat...
--- Fixed the display position of the cast graphic for co...
--- Fixed a bug in which the "Enemy Level" specified and ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when a sprite wi...
--- Fixed a bug that caused a crash when executing the co...
--- Fixed a bug that caused a crash when playing a movie ...
--[ Layout Tool ]
--- Fixed a bug that allowed the user to press the Add Pa...
--- The value displayed in the special format enemystatus...
--[ Event Editor ]
--- Fixed a bug that prevented switching motions on the e...
--[ Map Editor ]
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when renaming an...
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the collision of th...
--[ Resources ]
--- Fixed a bug in Resources > 3D Stamps/2D Stamps Textur...
--- Fixed a bug that caused resources with the same name ...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented a stamp with multiple subg...
--[ Database ]
--- Fixed incorrect initial value for Generate Events > "...
--[ Sprite Tool ]
---Fixed a bug that caused an exception when adding a spr...
--[ Camera Tool ]
---Fixed a bug that could cause an exception when editing...
[ Other ]
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused particles placed on...
--- Fixed a bug that caused a freeze when quitting a publ...
--- Fixed unnecessary folders are no longer displayed in ...
--'' New Features''
--- When the project path is displayed in the upper right...
--- Added state resistance indicators to the Cast Paramet...
--- Added links to the official website/YouTube channel/C...
--'' Functional Improvements''
--- When removing ally members from the party, you can no...
--- The check for allies in the party for the execution c...
--''Bug Fixes''
---''[ Events ]''
--- Fixed a bug in which left-right flipping did not work...
With this correction, if a character or other element is ...
--- Fixed a bug in which changing the cast to be displaye...
--- Fixed a bug in which scaling did not work when a spri...
--- Fixed a bug in which events fired using "Generate Eve...
--- Fixed a bug in which the upper limit for a value inpu...
--- Fixed a bug in which a sheet with the "In Battle, Rep...
---''[ Test Plays ]''
--- Fixed a bug that prevented motions of some models fro...
--- Fixed a bug that caused a crash that was still occurr...
--- In the Cast Parameter Check View of the Test Play > O...
--- Fixed a bug in which resistance values specified for ...
--- Fixed a bug in Items > Assign When Handling Skill whe...
--- Fixed a bug in the success check when using a state c...
--- Fixed a bug where the camera's playback status, such ...
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused events with Falling...
--- Fixed a bug where the target of "This Event" was the ...
After this modification, "This Event" will be ignored whe...
--- Fixed a bug where the sound specified on the startup ...
--- Fixed a bug in which the text effects of layouts used...
--- Fixed a bug in which the text display position for me...
--- Fixed a bug in which the display was not always updat...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented variables from displaying ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused a crash when entering emoji d...
---''[ Map Editor ]''
--- Fixed a bug that caused a mismatch between the displa...
--- Fixed a bug where changes to the collision range of a...
--- Fixed a bug in the "Event to be Called Before Display...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the object stamp thumbnails i...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented placing an event if a cast...
---''[ Resources ]''
--- Fixed a bug that caused some bone animations to be lo...
--- Fixed a bug where when adding Terrain Stamps/Particle...
--- Fixed a bug that caused a crash when repeatedly chang...
---''[ Layout Tool ]''
--- Adjusted the size of the thumbnails displayed in the ...
---''[ Sample Game ]''
--- Modified the sample game to conform to current specif...
--''Bug Fixes''
--- Fixed a bug that caused a crash after moving the map,...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the selection window to grow ...
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused teleporting to coor...
--- Adjusted the animation of the sprite set, Emoticon "!...
--'' New Features''
--- Guides have been added for dragging and moving elemen...
--- Layout Tool > Slider Panel text color can now be chan...
--''Functional Improvements ''
--- We have implemented load handling when a relatively l...
--- Improved processing time when executing the command s...
--- In the in-game menu, it is now possible to go back an...
--''Bug Fixes''
--- Fixed display problems with the asset picker.
--- Fixed a bug that caused the player to teleport to coo...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception on the map scree...
--- Fixed a bug in the command script "Advanced String Va...
--- Fixed a bug in the command script "Display Ticker Tex...
--- Fixed a bug in which the display state of the command...
--- Fixed a bug in which the text effects of layouts used...
--- Fixed a bug that caused graphics from other sheets to...
---''[Game Play]''
--- Fixed a bug that caused the player to receive damage ...
--- Fixed a bug that when the player collided with an ene...
--- Fixed a bug in which the height of the speech bubble ...
---''[Map Editor]''
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes created events with duplic...
This fix resolves the following issues that were occurrin...
An exception occurs during save and load.
Unintended events are moved.
Local variables would be shared.
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the positions of pl...
--- Fixed a bug in which changes to the resources that ma...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when copying and...
--- Fixed a bug that created data that could not be loade...
--- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception when updati...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented model scaling from working...
--- Fixed a bug that caused semi-transparency to appear i...
--- Fixed a bug that in some cases the folder preview dis...
---''[Layout Tool]''
--- In Layout Tools > System Layout, a bug that caused la...
--- Fixed a bug in the display of selections when using w...
--- Fixed a bug in which the Database > Casts > Others > ...
In newly created projects, the case in which the followin...
If you are experiencing disappearing events for an existi...
--'' New Features''
--- Added the ability to skip the "Do Nothing" message in...
--'' Bug Fixes''
--- Fixed a bug that caused walk and wait motions to star...
--- Fixed a bug that the manipulator could not be operate...
--- Fixed a bug that caused battle characters to be highl...
--- Fixed a bug in the command script "Rearrange the Part...
--- Fixed a bug in the command script "Make Event Walk" w...
--- Fixed a bug in the Map Editor > Placed List palette t...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when placing a P...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when the file tr...
--- Fixed a bug that caused a crash in the preview of the...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented textures from being conver...
--- Fixed a bug that caused colors to change on export wh...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented a battle from progressing ...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented the next battle from progr...
--''Functional Improvement''
--- For the player's walking process, a new walking proce...
If Game Definition > Rules and Operations > "Use Inertia ...
If you wish to use inertia, please turn on this option an...
e.g.: Lowering the Damping Amount at Ground Level will re...
--- Asset picker has been improved.
The UI has been changed to make it easier to find ready-t...
Added the ability to add resources from the DLC with mult...
--'' New Features''
--- Test Play > Debug Window now has a function to fast-f...
--- An "Invisible Wall" event template has been added to ...
You can place an event on the map and adjust its size t...
--'' Bug Fixes''
--- Fixed a bug that prevented resources such as skyboxes...
--- Fixed a bug regarding the command script "Select from...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented images from being displaye...
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented subsequent conve...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when attempting ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when attempting ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused pointer information of array ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the player to be affected by ...
--- Fixed a bug in which, when using the Basic tab "Event...
--- Fixed a bug in which the cast's own accuracy and evas...
--- Rotation and scaling behavior when multiple objects o...
--- Fixed a bug in the Map Editor that caused the eyedrop...
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the Map Editor d...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented object deletion if the sta...
--- Fixed a bug in which when an object was selected, the...
--- In the Slice Animation Import dialog, a bug was fixed...
--- Fixed a bug that caused some models imported from the...
--- After resource files are deleted, the empty OS folder...
--- When deleting related resources, the parent folder in...
--- When deleting a model, a texture was not a candidate ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused events deleted by the command...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented editing of the tag field i...
--- Fixed a bug in which pressing Ctrl+C, etc. while edit...
--- Fixed a bug in which the default "Yes/No" selection w...
-- ''Bug Fixes''
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception in the battle te...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when performing ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused a crash when playing a WebM f...
--- Fixed a bug that caused a crash if the collision type...
--- Fixed a bug that caused common events tied to an item...
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused a cast without a ju...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented the "Teleport Event" panel...
--- Fixed a bug in which deleting the event that executed...
--- Fixed a bug so that a confirmation message is not dis...
--- When pasting data from the database, if there is data...
--- Fixed a bug in which the contents of an event generat...
--- Fixed a bug in the Layout Tool > Text & Special Forma...
learncharactername : Name of Party Member who Lea...
learnskillname : Name of Skill to be Lea...
learnskillname[x] : Name of Skill X to be Le...
--- Fixed a bug that caused skin models to appear composi...
--- Graphic data that contained incorrect settings has be...
--- ''Countermeasures have been taken to address the issu...
Please try this along with the previously mentioned turni...
--'' Added Feature''
--- A link to the "Shortcut Key List" has been added to t...
--'' Bug Fixes''
--- Fixed a bug in Ver. 1.0.9 where the target to be gene...
--- Fixed a bug in the Layout Tool where the mini map cou...
--- Fixed a bug in the Map Editor in which the relative p...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented games exported by the publ...
If you have experienced a failure to launch the sample ga...
Due to this problem, there have been cases where games di...
-- ''Functional Improvements ''
--- When a diffuse/normal/specular texture is set as the ...
-- ''Bug Fixes''
--- Fixed a bug that could slow down test play after open...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when repeatedly ...
--- Fixed a bug in which placing an allied cast on the ma...
--- Fixed a bug that caused variables in deleted events t...
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the graphic on Shee...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented test play from starting if...
--- Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when adding a re...
--- Fixed a bug in the Layout Tool where the OK button co...
--- Fixed a bug that caused Bakin to become inoperable fo...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the engine to process very sl...
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused light gray squares ...
--'' Known Issues ''
--- There is a problem with the Steam overlay function di...
To turn off this feature explicitly, go to the right side...
--- The bug that prevented the published work export dial...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the texture in the blank area...
--- Fixed a bug that caused automatic window width adjust...
--- Fixed a bug in which "Layout to be Opened" could not ...
--- Fixed a Bakin crash that could occur if the Asset Pic...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when the Add but...
---%%''We are currently experiencing a slowdown in test p...
-- ''Added Features''
---Top Menu: "Update Log" page tab and "Back" button adde...
-- '' Bug Fixes''
--- We have removed the -0.2 degree X-axis tilt that was ...
--- Fixed a bug in the command script "Event/Rotate Playe...
--- Fixed a bug where event destination symbols sometimes...
--- Fixed a bug in which local variables were not availab...
--- Fixed a bug that caused shader compilation errors dur...
--- Fixed a bug that caused image files to be locked and ...
--- The process of obtaining the loop range of an ogg fil...
---'' Fixed a bug where battle formulas required commas f...
''From this version onward, decimal points in battle form...
''[Affected Areas]''
Database -> "Damage Formula" for Items and Skills, "HP Re...
--''Functional Improvements''
--- Removed text limits for title, subtitle, and creator'...
However, if the number of letters is large, the default t...
--''Bug Fixes''
---Fixed a bug that could cause an exception when using t...
---Fixed a bug in Event Editor > Panel Mode where copying...
---Fixed a bug that occurred in Game Definition > Project...
Changing the run-time resolution causes a crash / BGM ini...
---Minor corrections were made to the sample game "Orb St...
--- Fixed a problem that caused maps to become abnormally...
The problem was occurring in some locales, including Ge...
If you are still experiencing the problem after having ...
--- Fixed a problem in which bakinbattle.dll would not st...
With this modification, no special work is required to ...
--- Fixed a problem where the RayCast panel was firing fr...
From this Ver onward, as previewed in the panel, it wil...
If you have already implemented events in a way that de...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when using a ski...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented recovery from events durin...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented the event panel "Recover/R...
--- Fixed a problem in which a weapon item with "One Step...
--- Fixed a problem in which the camera with the gazing t...
--- Fixed a problem in which pressing the F key with a Co...
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the position of the...
--- Improved the ability to toggle the display of a file ...
Moved to "View" menu to memorize ON/OFF
--- Fixed a bug where Wav files were not being processed ...
--- The section Game Definition > Execution Engine Defini...
The font can be changed from the configuration settings i...
--- Modified the various "House - Wall 01-03" models on t...
Newly created project (Normal assets)
Sample game "Orb Stories"
House Pack Vol.1 (Free DLC)
--- In addition, we have fixed several issues that were i...
-- ''Added Features''
--- Effekseer 1.70 is now supported.
You can use particles created with Effekseer 1.70 in Bakin.
-- ''Bug Fixes''
--- Fixed a bug that caused the splitter position in the ...
--- Fixed a bug that caused a higher value to be set inte...
After this version, the correct values are displayed and ...
--- Fixed a bug in the command script "Display Image" tha...
--- Fixed a bug in the battle layout that caused an excep...
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when a cast memb...
--- Fixed a bug in the map editor "Placed List Palette" w...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the window to maximize when d...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the tool to crash if there wa...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented WAV files from playing pro...
--- Fixed a bug that caused some dialogs, such as exit co...
--'' Added Features''
--- The manual wiki is also available from the "Info and ...
--- For the property "Layout to be Opened" of the Layout ...
--''Bug Fixes''
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when an item ref...
--- Fixed a bug in the rendering settings in Map Settings...
--- Fixed a bug in the game where events added to that ma...
--- Fixed a bug that caused resources other than stamps t...
--- Fixed a bug that sound was distorted in some cases wh...
--- Fixed a bug where this tool crashes in the middle of ...
If you are using an AMD Radeon GPU and have been experien...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the editor to freeze or crash...
--- Fixed a problem with the screen turning light blue an...
--- Fixed a problem with the jump button, which is specif...
--- Fixed a bug that caused the editor to freeze or crash...
--- In the "Edit" menu at the top of the Map Editor, a ne...
--- Fixed a bug that prevented the "Asset Showcase" banne...
--- Other minor corrections