map information class More...
Classes | |
class | AreaBattleSetting |
Battle setting information class for each area (enemy distribution list) More... | |
class | AutoScrollParams |
autoscroll info class More... | |
class | BattleSetting |
Battle setting information class for the entire map (enemy distribution list) More... | |
class | Encount |
Battle Encounter Information Class More... | |
class | EventRef |
Placement event information class More... | |
class | GameWorld |
Overall map information class (unused) More... | |
class | LocalLight |
Local light information class More... | |
class | MapCBSizeInfo |
class | MapObjectBase |
Base class for map layouts More... | |
class | MapObjectRef |
Placement object information class More... | |
class | ObjectGroup |
group information class More... | |
class | Place |
Location information class (destination, map camera) More... | |
class | RenderParams |
Render settings class (old type information) More... | |
class | SlopeStairsRef |
Slope/stair information class (for tool extension) More... | |
class | StairRef |
Slope/stairs information class More... | |
class | TerrainCBInfo |
Terrain clipboard information More... | |
Public Types | |
enum | AttribDir { Top , NegX , PosX , NegZ , PosZ , All } |
Terrain orientation attribute More... | |
enum | CameraControlMode { UNKNOWN = -1 , NORMAL , VIEW , NUM } |
Camera control mode More... | |
enum | OutsideType { NOTHING , REPEAT , MAPCHIP } |
Outer type of terrain chip More... | |
enum | BgType { COLOR , MODEL } |
background type More... | |
enum | EnvironmentEffectType { NONE , RAIN , SNOW , STORM , MIST , COLD_WIND , CONFETTI } |
Environmental effect type More... | |
Public Types inherited from Yukar.Common.Rom.RomItem | |
enum | ThumbnailStatusType { Empty = 0 , Creating , Created , Failed } |
Thumbnail image generation status More... | |
Public Member Functions | |
Rectangle | getMaxRange () |
string | getPath () |
Camera | getNtpCamera (Catalog catalog) |
Rectangle | GetCalculatedDisplayRange () |
Map () | |
void | setCache (int x, int z, List< SharpKmyGfx.VertexPositionNormalMapTexture2Color >[,] c, List< Guid > chiplist) |
void | clearCache () |
List< SharpKmyGfx.VertexPositionNormalMapTexture2Color >[,] | getCache (int x, int z, out List< Guid > chips) |
bool | InnerOfData (float x, float z) |
bool | outOfData (float x, float z) |
int | getTerrainAttrib (int x, int z, AttribDir dir=AttribDir.Top) |
int | getTerrainFlip (int x, int z, AttribDir dir=AttribDir.Top) |
int | getTerrainHeight (int x, int z) |
int | getTerrainHeight (int x, int z, int outerHeight) |
void | getTerrainMinMaxHeight (ref int minY, ref int maxY) |
void | setTerrain (int x, int z, int attrib, int height) |
bool | setTerrainAttrib (int x, int z, int attrib, AttribDir dir) |
bool | setTerrainUVFlip (int x, int z, AttribDir dir, bool flip) |
void | setTerrainHeight (int x, int z, int height) |
Dictionary< int, Guid > | getChipList () |
Dictionary< Guid, int > | getChipListRev () |
void | addMapObject (MapObjectRef mo) |
void | removeMapObject (MapObjectRef mo) |
MapObjectRef | getMapObject (int index) |
List< MapObjectRef > | getMapObjects () |
int | getMapObjectNum () |
void | addStair (StairRef s) |
void | removeStair (StairRef s) |
StairRef | getStair (int index) |
List< StairRef > | getStairs (int x, int z) |
List< StairRef > | getStairs () |
Dictionary< int, Guid > | getStairList () |
Dictionary< Guid, int > | getStairListRev () |
LocalLight | addLocalLight (float x, float y, float z) |
void | addLocalLight (LocalLight l) |
void | removeLocalLight (LocalLight l) |
List< LocalLight > | getLocalLights () |
LocalLight | getLocalLightByPickupID (ushort id) |
void | evaluateLightHeightAll () |
Place | addPlace (float x, float y, float z, bool activate=true) |
Place | addPlace (Place l) |
void | removePlace (Place l) |
void | removePlacesAll (Func< Place, bool > condition) |
Place | getPlaceByID (int id) |
Place | getPlaceByPickupID (ushort id) |
void | addEvent (EventRef ev) |
void | removeEvent (Catalog catalog, EventRef ev, Dictionary< Map, List< Place > > removedPlaces) |
void | removeEventWithoutPlaces (Catalog catalog, EventRef ev) |
EventRef | getEvent (int idx) |
EventRef | getEvent (int x, int z) |
EventRef[] | getEvents (int x, int z) |
EventRef | getEvent (Guid evGuid) |
List< EventRef > | getEvents () |
int | getUniquePlaceID () |
void | beginVisualize (uint displayID, Catalog catalog, bool increment) |
void | endVisualize (bool force) |
void | setSize (int w, int h, int shiftX, int shiftZ, int defaultHeight, bool isInitialize=false, short newAttrMarker=0) |
override void | save (System.IO.BinaryWriter writer) |
override void | load (System.IO.BinaryReader reader) |
override void | saveUsedGUID (BinaryWriter writer, bool inIncludeChildUseRomGUID) |
Export the GUID you are using (for tools) More... | |
override bool | initializingAfterLoading () |
bool | isReadOnly () |
Guid | getBattleBg (Catalog catalog, BattleSetting inBattleSetting) |
MapObjectBase[] | getAllMapObjects () |
Public Member Functions inherited from Yukar.Common.Rom.RomItem | |
string | getCategory (string locale=null) |
RomItem () | |
System.Drawing.Bitmap | getThumbnail (THUMBNAILMAKERNOTIFY notify, out bool setNotify) |
System.Drawing.Bitmap | getThumbnail (THUMBNAILMAKERNOTIFY notify) |
System.Drawing.Bitmap | getThumbnail () |
void | invalidateThumbnail () |
void | invalidateThumbnail (THUMBNAILMAKERNOTIFY notify) |
void | forceInvalidateThumbnail (THUMBNAILMAKERNOTIFY notify) |
virtual void | save (BinaryWriter writer) |
virtual void | load (BinaryReader reader) |
virtual void | saveUsedGUID (BinaryWriter writer, bool inIncludeChildUseRomGUID) |
Export the GUID you are using (for tools) More... | |
void | saveUsedGUID (BinaryWriter writer) |
Export the GUID you are using (for tools) More... | |
virtual bool | initializingAfterLoading () |
virtual void | reImport () |
virtual void | export (string path) |
virtual void | onCatalogCleanup () |
virtual void | onNameChanged () |
void | copyFrom (Common.Rom.RomItem src) |
virtual void | CheckRecourceConsistency (Catalog inCatalog) |
virtual void | ChangeId (Dictionary< Guid, Rom.RomItem > inChangeIdDic) |
Replace the Id you are using with the corresponding Rom Id More... | |
void | ClearId (List< Rom.RomItem > inClearRomItemList) |
Removed rom usage in list More... | |
void | Dispose () |
void | AddUpdatecall (int count) |
void | save (BinaryWriter writer) |
void | load (BinaryReader reader) |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static void | clearAllCaches () |
static IEnumerable< Script > | getSpotReferenceList (Catalog catalog, Guid mapGuid, int placeId) |
static int | getSpotReferenceCount (Catalog catalog, Guid mapGuid, int placeId, Event exclude=null, int cmdIndex=-1) |
static void | NormalizeMapNumber (Catalog catalog) |
Map number normalization More... | |
static int | GetNextMapNumber (Catalog catalog) |
static Guid | doConvertBattleBg (Catalog catalog, Guid battleBg) |
Static Public Member Functions inherited from Yukar.Common.Rom.RomItem | |
static void | writeChunk (System.IO.BinaryWriter writer, IChunk rom) |
static void | readChunk (System.IO.BinaryReader reader, IChunk rom) |
static void | skipChunk (System.IO.BinaryReader reader) |
static T | Clone< T > (RomItem inSrc) |
static bool | equalChunk (IChunk a, IChunk b) |
static IChunk | duplicate (IChunk rom) |
Static Public Attributes | |
static int | RecommendedMaxAreaSize = 256 * 256 |
static int | MaxAreaSize = 512 * 512 |
static int | MinSideSize = 2 |
const ushort | STARTTPOINT_PICKUPID = 1 |
PickupID More... | |
static Event | startPosEventDummy = new Event() { name = "AutoScroll Start" } |
static Event | endPosEventDummy = new Event() { name = "AutoScroll End" } |
const int | maxAreaBattleSettings = 999 |
const int | maxEncounts = 999 |
const int | minEncountSteps = 1 |
const int | maxEncountSteps = 100 |
const int | maxMaxMonsters = 8 |
static readonly List< Guid > | MAPBG_DICT_ID_TO_GUID |
static readonly List< Guid > | MAPBGMATERIAL_DICT_ID_TO_GUID |
static readonly List< Guid > | REFMAP_DICT_ID_TO_GUID |
static readonly List< Guid > | LUT_DICT_ID_TO_GUID |
const int | TERRAIN_DEFAULT_WIDTH = 25 |
const int | TERRAIN_DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 25 |
const int | DEFAULT_WIDTH = 20 |
const int | DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 12 |
const int | MAX_WIDTH = MAX_SIZE |
const int | MAX_HEIGHT = MAX_SIZE |
const int | ILLEGAL_STAIR_STAT = -100 |
const string | READ_ONLY_CATEGORY = "!ReadOnly" |
static readonly Guid | DEFAULT_3D_BATTLEBG = new Guid("bc5b2bff-f36d-44d2-a306-fafa11ef8a77") |
static readonly Dictionary< Guid, Guid > | BATTLEBG_DICT_2D_TO_3D |
static readonly Dictionary< Guid, Guid > | BATTLEBG_DICT_3D_TO_2D |
Static Public Attributes inherited from Yukar.Common.Rom.RomItem | |
static int | thumbnailWidth = 128 |
static int | thumbnailHeight = 128 |
const char | CATEGORY_SPLITTER = '\\' |
static CREATETHUMBNAIL | createThumbnailFunction = null |
const int | UnknownRefCount = -2000 |
Properties | |
static int | MaxSideSize [get] |
Catalog | Catalog [get, set] |
int[][] | mapHeightMap [get, set] |
short[][] | mapAttribMap [get, set] |
byte[][] | mapFlipMap [get, set] |
uint | dirLightColorPacked [get, set] |
uint | ambLightColorPacked [get, set] |
bool | HasCategory [get] |
map category. Due to the structure, I can't create a folder of folders. More... | |
List< EventRef > | events [get] |
List< MapObjectRef > | mapobjects [get] |
List< StairRef > | stairs [get] |
List< LocalLight > | localLights [get] |
List< Place > | places [get] |
Guid[] | chipIds [get, set] |
Guid[] | stairIds [get, set] |
int | MapNumber [get, set] |
int | Width [get] |
int | Height [get] |
int | MapWidth [get, set] |
int | MapHeight [get, set] |
bool | DisplayMapName [get, set] |
int | TextureResolution [get, set] |
bool | TextureFilter [get, set] |
float | PatternAnimInterval [get, set] |
int | ClusterSize [get, set] |
int | MapHeightScaleFactor [get] |
Guid | DefaultChip [get, set] |
Guid | MapBGM [get, set] |
Guid | MapBGS [get, set] |
int | EnvEffect [get, set] |
Guid | EnvEffectGuid [get, set] |
Guid | MapCamera [get, set] |
bool | FixCamera [get, set] |
bool | AllowWalkOuter [get, set] |
bool | UseAutoScroll [get, set] |
bool | UseCameraLink [get, set] |
bool | KillPlayer [get, set] |
bool | UsePlayerMoveArea [get, set] |
float | LimitUp [get, set] |
float | LimitDown [get, set] |
float | LimitLeft [get, set] |
float | LimitRight [get, set] |
bool | Preload [get, set] |
bool | ReceiveDecal [get, set] |
Guid | CommonEvent1 [get, set] |
Guid | CommonEvent2 [get, set] |
Guid | RenderSettings [get, set] |
Guid | GameWorldMap [get, set] |
int | GameWorldWidth [get, set] |
int | GameWorldHeight [get, set] |
int | GameWorldMapStartX [get, set] |
int | GameWorldMapStartY [get, set] |
int | GameWorldMapWidth [get, set] |
int | GameWorldMapHeight [get, set] |
bool | UseDOF [get] |
string | DisplayRange [get, set] |
string | CameraRange [get, set] |
bool | UseMiniMap [get, set] |
Properties inherited from Yukar.Common.Rom.RomItem | |
System.Drawing.Bitmap | Thumbnail [get] |
ThumbnailStatusType | ThumbnailStatus = ThumbnailStatusType.Empty [get, set] |
string | Name [get, set] |
virtual int | RefCount [get] |
virtual bool | UseRefCount [get] |
Folder | Parent [get, set] |
Additional Inherited Members | |
Protected Member Functions inherited from Yukar.Common.Rom.RomItem | |
virtual void | Dispose (bool disposing) |
map information class
enum Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.AttribDir |
enum Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.CameraControlMode |
Camera control mode
Enumerator | |
VIEW | |
enum Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.EnvironmentEffectType |
Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.Map | ( | ) |
void Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.addEvent | ( | EventRef | ev | ) |
LocalLight Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.addLocalLight | ( | float | x, |
float | y, | ||
float | z | ||
) |
void Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.addLocalLight | ( | LocalLight | l | ) |
void Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.addMapObject | ( | MapObjectRef | mo | ) |
Place Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.addPlace | ( | float | x, |
float | y, | ||
float | z, | ||
bool | activate = true |
) |
void Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.addStair | ( | StairRef | s | ) |
void Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.beginVisualize | ( | uint | displayID, |
Catalog | catalog, | ||
bool | increment | ||
) |
static |
void Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.clearCache | ( | ) |
static |
void Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.endVisualize | ( | bool | force | ) |
void Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.evaluateLightHeightAll | ( | ) |
MapObjectBase[] Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.getAllMapObjects | ( | ) |
Guid Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.getBattleBg | ( | Catalog | catalog, |
BattleSetting | inBattleSetting | ||
) |
List< SharpKmyGfx.VertexPositionNormalMapTexture2Color >[,] Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.getCache | ( | int | x, |
int | z, | ||
out List< Guid > | chips | ||
) |
Rectangle Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.GetCalculatedDisplayRange | ( | ) |
Dictionary< int, Guid > Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.getChipList | ( | ) |
Dictionary< Guid, int > Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.getChipListRev | ( | ) |
EventRef Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.getEvent | ( | Guid | evGuid | ) |
EventRef Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.getEvent | ( | int | idx | ) |
EventRef Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.getEvent | ( | int | x, |
int | z | ||
) |
List< EventRef > Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.getEvents | ( | ) |
EventRef[] Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.getEvents | ( | int | x, |
int | z | ||
) |
LocalLight Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.getLocalLightByPickupID | ( | ushort | id | ) |
List< LocalLight > Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.getLocalLights | ( | ) |
MapObjectRef Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.getMapObject | ( | int | index | ) |
int Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.getMapObjectNum | ( | ) |
List< MapObjectRef > Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.getMapObjects | ( | ) |
Rectangle Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.getMaxRange | ( | ) |
static |
string Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.getPath | ( | ) |
Place Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.getPlaceByID | ( | int | id | ) |
Place Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.getPlaceByPickupID | ( | ushort | id | ) |
static |
static |
StairRef Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.getStair | ( | int | index | ) |
Dictionary< int, Guid > Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.getStairList | ( | ) |
Dictionary< Guid, int > Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.getStairListRev | ( | ) |
List< StairRef > Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.getStairs | ( | ) |
List< StairRef > Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.getStairs | ( | int | x, |
int | z | ||
) |
int Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.getTerrainAttrib | ( | int | x, |
int | z, | ||
AttribDir | dir = AttribDir.Top |
) |
int Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.getTerrainFlip | ( | int | x, |
int | z, | ||
AttribDir | dir = AttribDir.Top |
) |
int Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.getTerrainHeight | ( | int | x, |
int | z | ||
) |
int Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.getTerrainHeight | ( | int | x, |
int | z, | ||
int | outerHeight | ||
) |
void Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.getTerrainMinMaxHeight | ( | ref int | minY, |
ref int | maxY | ||
) |
int Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.getUniquePlaceID | ( | ) |
virtual |
Reimplemented from Yukar.Common.Rom.RomItem.
bool Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.InnerOfData | ( | float | x, |
float | z | ||
) |
bool Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.isReadOnly | ( | ) |
override void Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.load | ( | System.IO.BinaryReader | reader | ) |
static |
Map number normalization
bool Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.outOfData | ( | float | x, |
float | z | ||
) |
void Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.removeEvent | ( | Catalog | catalog, |
EventRef | ev, | ||
Dictionary< Map, List< Place > > | removedPlaces | ||
) |
void Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.removeLocalLight | ( | LocalLight | l | ) |
void Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.removeMapObject | ( | MapObjectRef | mo | ) |
void Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.removePlace | ( | Place | l | ) |
void Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.removePlacesAll | ( | Func< Place, bool > | condition | ) |
void Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.removeStair | ( | StairRef | s | ) |
override void | ( | System.IO.BinaryWriter | writer | ) |
virtual |
Export the GUID you are using (for tools)
writer | Writer |
inIncludeChildUseRomGUID | Does it also include the roms used by the roms used? |
Reimplemented from Yukar.Common.Rom.RomItem.
void Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.setCache | ( | int | x, |
int | z, | ||
List< SharpKmyGfx.VertexPositionNormalMapTexture2Color > | c[,], | ||
List< Guid > | chiplist | ||
) |
void Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.setSize | ( | int | w, |
int | h, | ||
int | shiftX, | ||
int | shiftZ, | ||
int | defaultHeight, | ||
bool | isInitialize = false , |
short | newAttrMarker = 0 |
) |
void Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.setTerrain | ( | int | x, |
int | z, | ||
int | attrib, | ||
int | height | ||
) |
bool Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.setTerrainAttrib | ( | int | x, |
int | z, | ||
int | attrib, | ||
AttribDir | dir | ||
) |
void Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.setTerrainHeight | ( | int | x, |
int | z, | ||
int | height | ||
) |
bool Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.setTerrainUVFlip | ( | int | x, |
int | z, | ||
AttribDir | dir, | ||
bool | flip | ||
) |
List<MapObjectBase> Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.allMapObjects = new List<MapObjectBase>() |
bool Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.allowWalkOuter = false |
float Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.ambIntensity = 0.3f |
Color Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.ambLightColor |
List<AreaBattleSetting> Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.areaBattleSettings = new List<AreaBattleSetting>() |
AutoScrollParams Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.autoScrollParams = new AutoScrollParams() |
static |
static |
float [] Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.bgcolor |
BgType Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.bgType |
float Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.billboardLightModulation = 1.0f |
CameraControlMode Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.cameraModeForConvert |
Guid Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.chipSet |
uint Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.clusterSize = 16 |
Common.Rom.Folder Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.commonEventRootFolder = new Folder() |
List<Guid> Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.commonEvents = new List<Guid>() |
static |
static |
static |
Guid Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.defaultChip = Guid.Empty |
Color Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.dirLightColor |
float Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.dirLightIntensity = 0.4f |
bool Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.displayMapName = true |
EnvironmentEffectType Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.envEffect |
Guid Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.envEffectGuid = Guid.Empty |
bool Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.fixCamera = false |
float [] Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.fogColor |
List<ObjectGroup> Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.groups |
float Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.iblIntensity = 0.0f |
static |
bool Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.lightOnForBuildings |
DateTime Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.loadedTime |
static |
BattleSetting Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.mapBattleSetting |
static |
Guid Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.mapBgm |
static |
Guid Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.mapBgs |
Guid Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.mapCamera |
Rectangle Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.mapCameraRange = new Rectangle() |
Rectangle Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.mapDisplayRange = new Rectangle() |
int Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.mapHeightScaleFactor = 1 |
string Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.mapSceneName = "" |
bool Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.mapSceneNameModified = false |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
uint Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.maxLightCount = 4 |
static |
static |
static |
DateTime Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.modifiedTime |
Common.Rom.Folder Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.objectRootFolder = new Folder() |
OutsideType Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.outsideType |
float Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.patternAnimInterval = 0.33f |
bool Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.preload |
static |
bool Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.receiveDecal = true |
static |
float Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.reflectionIntensity = 1.0f |
static |
RenderParams Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.renderParams = new RenderParams() |
Guid Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.renderSettings |
float Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.shadowBias = 0.001f |
int Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.shadowCascadeCount = 1 |
Vector3 Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.shadowCascadeStep = new Vector3(0.05f, 0.15f, 0.5f) |
float Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.shadowDistance = 50f |
float Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.shadowMargin = 30f |
float Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.shadowRotateX = -1.2f |
float Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.shadowRotateY = -0.7f |
bool Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.skyFollowPlayer = true |
Guid Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.skyModel |
float Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.skyModelScale = 1.0f |
float [] Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.skyPos = new float[] { 0, 0, 0 } |
static |
static |
static |
bool Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.textureFilter = false |
int Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.textureResolution = 128 |
ThirdPersonCameraSettings Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.tpCamera |
bool Yukar.Common.Rom.Map.useMiniMap = true |
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map category. Due to the structure, I can't create a folder of folders.
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