static global::System.Resources.ResourceManager | ResourceManager [get] |
| Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class. More...
static global::System.Globalization.CultureInfo | Culture [get, set] |
| Overrides the CurrentUICulture property of the current thread for all Overrides the CurrentUICulture property for the current thread. More...
static System.Drawing.Bitmap | _24_arrDown [get] |
| Finds a localized resource of type System.Drawing.Bitmap. More...
static System.Drawing.Bitmap | _24_arrUp [get] |
| Finds a localized resource of type System.Drawing.Bitmap. More...
static System.Drawing.Bitmap | _24_check_both [get] |
| Finds a localized resource of type System.Drawing.Bitmap. More...
static System.Drawing.Bitmap | _24_check_off [get] |
| Finds a localized resource of type System.Drawing.Bitmap. More...
static System.Drawing.Bitmap | _24_check_on [get] |
| Finds a localized resource of type System.Drawing.Bitmap. More...
static System.Drawing.Bitmap | _24_dlgCANSEL [get] |
| Finds a localized resource of type System.Drawing.Bitmap. More...
static System.Drawing.Bitmap | _24_edit [get] |
| Finds a localized resource of type System.Drawing.Bitmap. More...
static System.Drawing.Bitmap | icon_pin [get] |
| Finds a localized resource of type System.Drawing.Bitmap. More...
static string | str_AppName [get] |
| Finds a localized string similar to RPG Developer Bakin. More...
static string | str_AskExitGame [get] |
| Unsaved play data will not be saved. 本当にゲームを終了しますか? に類似しているローカライズされた文字列を検索します。 More...
static string | str_AskExitGameTitle [get] |
| Are you sure you want to quit the game? More...
static string | str_CastTypes [get] |
| Finds a localized string similar to Friend^Enemy^Both^None. More...
static string | str_Caution [get] |
| Finds a localized string similar to Note. More...
static string | str_CompanyFolderName [get] |
| Find localized strings similar to SmileBoom. More...
static string | str_ConfigFileName [get] |
| Search for localized strings similar to Config.xml. More...
static string | str_ConfigFolderName [get] |
| Search for localized strings similar to Bakin Player. More...
static string | str_Debug_EventSwitchOff [get] |
| Finds a localized string similar to off. More...
static string | str_Debug_EventSwitchOn [get] |
| Finds a localized string similar to on. More...
static string | str_Error [get] |
| Find a localized string similar to error. More...
static string | str_Error_DotNetError [get] |
| Application failed to start. 本アプリケーションの実行には、Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 以上がインストールされている必要があります。 に類似しているローカライズされた文字列を検索します。 More...
static string | str_Error_GraphicError [get] |
| An error has occurred in the graphics system. このまま続行できますが、一部表示が正しくない場合があります。 ログを開きますか? に類似しているローカライズされた文字列を検索します。 More...
static string | str_Error_InitializeError [get] |
| An error occurred during initialization. More...
static string | str_Error_IsNotSgbProject [get] |
| This folder is not a Bakin game file. ゲームのテストプレイは、エディタから[テストプレイ]を実行してください。 に類似しているローカライズされた文字列を検索します。 More...
static string | str_Error_OpenGLError [get] |
| Application failed to start. 本アプリケーションの実行には、OpenGL4.4以上に対応したGPUが必要です。 に類似しているローカライズされた文字列を検索します。 More...
static string | str_Error_SoundDeviceNotFound [get] |
| Failed to initialize the sound playback device. このまま続行できますが、サウンドが再生されないほか、 BGMと同期するイベントが正しく動作しない可能性があります。 に類似しているローカライズされた文字列を検索します。 More...
static string | str_Error_SoundError [get] |
| An error has occurred in the sound system. このまま続行できますが、サウンドが再生されない場合があります。 ログを開きますか? に類似しているローカライズされた文字列を検索します。 More...
static string | str_EventMonitorColumns [get] |
| Finds a localized string similar to Event name^Sheet name^In progress panel^Trigger. More...
static string | str_GfxFile_BadCubemapLayout [get] |
| Looks up a localized string similar to Layout not supported for cubemap {0}. More...
static string | str_GfxFile_DefHasSameMaterialName [get] |
| Def file has multiple material definitions with the same name マテリアルのインポートに問題が出る可能性があります。 修正後、再インポートすることができます。 に類似しているローカライズされた文字列を検索します。 More...
static string | str_GfxFile_FragmentShaderCompileError [get] |
| Error compiling fragment shader for shader file {0}. More...
static string | str_GfxFile_InternalFormatFileCreateFail [get] |
| There was an error in generating the internal format file. More...
static string | str_GfxFile_MeshWithoutMaterial [get] |
| The model file {0} has meshes with no material assigned. More...
static string | str_GfxFile_NativeModelFileNotFound [get] |
| Native model file {0} not found. More...
static string | str_GfxFile_NativeTextureFileNotFound [get] |
| Native texture file {0} not found. More...
static string | str_GfxFile_ShaderFileNotFound [get] |
| Could not find shader file {0}. More...
static string | str_GfxFile_ShaderGuidConflict [get] |
| Shader file {0} has been assigned the same GUID. More...
static string | str_GfxFile_ShaderLinkError [get] |
| Error linking shader file {0}. More...
static string | str_GfxFile_ShaderVersionError [get] |
| There is a problem with the version of shader file {0}. More...
static string | str_GfxFile_TextureBadFormat [get] |
| Failed to load texture file {0} due to format problem. More...
static string | str_GfxFile_UndefinedError [get] |
| An undefined error occurred in file {0}. More...
static string | str_GfxFile_UnTriangulate [get] |
| The model file {0} has untriangulated polygons. More...
static string | str_GfxFile_VertexAttributeColorError [get] |
| Looks up a localized string similar to Does not match shader settings because model data {0} has no vertex format Color. More...
static string | str_GfxFile_VertexAttributeNormalError [get] |
| Looks up a localized string similar to Does not match shader settings because model data {0} has no vertex format Normal. More...
static string | str_GfxFile_VertexAttributePositionError [get] |
| Looks up a localized string similar to Does not match shader settings because model data {0} has no vertex format Position. More...
static string | str_GfxFile_VertexAttributeSkinWeightError [get] |
| Looks up a localized string similar to Does not match shader settings because model data {0} has no vertex format SkinWeight. More...
static string | str_GfxFile_VertexAttributeTangentError [get] |
| Model data {0} does not have vertex format Tangent and does not match shader settings 本シェーダーを使用する場合、「タンジェント空間」にチェックを入れてFBXファイルをエクスポートしてください に類似しているローカライズされた文字列を検索します。 More...
static string | str_GfxFile_VertexAttributeUV0Error [get] |
| Looks up a localized string similar to Does not match shader settings because model data {0} has no vertex format UV0. More...
static string | str_GfxFile_VertexAttributeUV1Error [get] |
| Looks up a localized string similar to Does not match shader settings because model data {0} has no vertex format UV1. More...
static string | str_GfxFile_VertexShaderCompileError [get] |
| Error compiling vertex shader for shader file {0}. More...
static string | str_GfxFileErrorSupplement [get] |
| In addition, it is possible to prevent this warning from being displayed again even after restarting in the environment settings, データファイル側でエラー内容を修正いただくことが正しく、表示をオフにすることは推薦しません。 に類似しているローカライズされた文字列を検索します。 More...
static string | str_htmlMoviePlayer [get] |
| <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" /> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <style> player {{ position: absolute; top: 0; width: 99%; height: 99%; }} </style> <script type="text/javascript"> var isPlaying = null; More...
static string | str_ItemEquipTypeNames [get] |
| Finds localized strings similar to None^Shield^Head armor^Body armor^Adornment. More...
static string | str_ItemUsageTypeNames [get] |
| Finds a localized string similar to consumable^weapon^armor. More...
static string | str_labelCastAttrDefense [get] |
| Finds localized strings similar to attribute. More...
static string | str_labelCastAttributeAttack [get] |
| Finds localized strings similar to attribute attack power. More...
static string | str_labelCastChargePercent [get] |
| Search for localized strings similar to. More...
static string | str_labelCastGuardPercent [get] |
| Search for localized strings that are similar to Defense. More...
static string | str_labelCastJob [get] |
| Find localized strings similar to Occupation. More...
static string | str_labelCastMaxDamage [get] |
| Finds a localized string similar to max damage/recovery. More...
static string | str_labelCastMoney [get] |
| Search for localized strings that are similar to your owned money. More...
static string | str_labelCastResist [get] |
| Finds a localized string similar to tolerant to condition. More...
static string | str_labelCondition [get] |
| Finds localized strings similar to state. More...
static string | str_labelConditionAttackAdd [get] |
| Finds a localized string similar to add attack count. More...
static string | str_labelConditionCriticalDamagePercent [get] |
| Search for localized strings that are similar to Critical Damage Rate. More...
static string | str_labelConditionCriticalEvasionPercent [get] |
| Search for localized strings that are similar to Critical Avoidance Rate. More...
static string | str_labelConditionCriticalHit [get] |
| Finds a localized string similar to Critical Rate (%). More...
static string | str_labelConditionEncountPercent [get] |
| Search for localized strings similar to encounter probability change (%). More...
static string | str_labelConditionEncountRate [get] |
| Finds a localized string similar to encounter count change (%). More...
static string | str_labelConditionExpRate [get] |
| Finds a localized string similar to Experience Rate (%). More...
static string | str_labelConditionFirstAttack [get] |
| Finds a localized string similar to First Strike Rate (%). More...
static string | str_labelConditionHateRate [get] |
| Search for localized strings that are similar to Changes in targetability. More...
static string | str_labelConditionItemRate [get] |
| Search for localized strings that are similar to item drop rate (%). More...
static string | str_labelConditionRewardRate [get] |
| Search for localized strings similar to reward amount (%). More...
static string | str_labelConditionWalkSpeed [get] |
| Finds a localized string similar to Add movement speed (%). More...
static string | str_LoadingText [get] |
| Finds a localized string similar to Now Loading. More...
static string | str_NoMoreDisplay [get] |
| Search for a localized string similar to Do not show this warning until restart. More...
static string | str_ProjectTemplate [get] |
| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Project ToolsVersion="14.0" DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003"> <Import Project="$(MSBuildToolsVersion)\Microsoft.Common.props" Condition="Exists('$(MSBuildToolsVersion)\Microsoft.Common.props')" /> <PropertyGroup> <OutputType>Library</OutputType> <TargetFrameworkVersion>v{0}</TargetFrameworkVersion> <DebugType>pdbonly</DebugType> <Optimize>true</Optimize> <Output [残りの文字列は切り詰められました]"; に類似しているローカライズされた文字列を検索します。 More...
static string | str_statusDown [get] |
| Finds localized strings similar to ↓. More...
static string | str_statusNoChange [get] |
| Find localized strings similar to →. More...
static string | str_statusUp [get] |
| Finds localized strings similar to ↑. More...
static string | str_SystemFlags [get] |
| Search for localized strings similar to Operation, Dash, Squad, Monster Appearance, Menu, Save, Jump, Free Fall, Move, Auto Save. More...
static string | str_WarnimgCantFindFile2 [get] |
| {0} does not exist. More...
static string | str_WarnimgConfigFileLine [get] |
| An uninterpretable line was detected in Game Definition > Rules and Operations > Input Device Assignment, so it will be ignored and continued. 無効になった行:{0} に類似しているローカライズされた文字列を検索します。 More...
static string | str_Warning [get] |
| Finds a localized string similar to warning. More...
static string | str_WarningBattle [get] |
| Failed to build battlescript. 詳細はログを参照してください。 に類似しているローカライズされた文字列を検索します。 More...
static string | str_WarningBrokenFile [get] |
| The content of {0} is invalid. More...
static string | str_WarningBuild [get] |
| Failed to build C# script. More...
static string | str_WarningCantFindFile [get] |
| {0} does not exist. More...
static string | str_WarningMainMenu [get] |
| The menu could not be displayed because there is no main menu setting. More...
static System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryStream | wavDummy [get] |
| Searches for localized resources of type System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryStream that is similar to System.IO.MemoryStream. More...
static System.Drawing.Bitmap | win [get] |
| Finds a localized resource of type System.Drawing.Bitmap. More...