Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
Yukar.Engine Namespace Reference


namespace  common
namespace  Controls
namespace  Easing
namespace  Extra
namespace  GameContentCreatorSub
namespace  GameContentGetter
namespace  Layout
namespace  Popup
namespace  Properties
namespace  SharpScript


class  AbstractLayoutState
 Concrete class in layout condition More...
class  AbstractRenderObject
 Base class for drawing objects for layout More...
class  ActionEffecter
 A class that performs actions such as menus More...
class  AskExitView
 Class for displaying end confirmation More...
class  Audio
 A class that manages playback of general audio such as BGM/SE/ME More...
class  AudioCore
 The entity of the audio playback management class
class  BakinFunction
 Attributes to be given to methods that can be called from the event panel More...
class  BakinObject
 User script base class to be used by assigning to MapCharacter More...
class  BattleCharacterBase
 Base class of characters (enemy/ally) in battle More...
class  BattleCharacterPosition
 Placement information of allies and enemies during battle More...
class  BattleEnemyData
 Enemy management class in battle More...
class  BattleEnemyInfo
 A class for passing enemy information in encounter settings, etc. More...
class  BattleEnum
 Various definitions of battle More...
class  BattleEventControllerBase
 Default class for battle event management class More...
class  BattlePlayerData
 Management class for allies in battle More...
class  BattleSequenceManagerBase
class  BattleStatusWindowDrawer
 Management class for the status window during battle More...
class  BattleTestScene
 battle test scene More...
class  BattleTestStruct
 A class for passing information to the battle test More...
class  BattleViewer3DPreviewBase
 Base class for battle preview More...
struct  BindProperty
 Input value information More...
class  BindPropertyGenerator
 Generate input value information
class  BitwiseOperation
 A class of bitwise operations More...
class  Blinker
 A class for receiving the result of making a round trip between specified colors at a specified time More...
class  ButtonGadget
 button gadget Type that responds by pressing More...
class  CameraManager
 A class that plays the camera created with the camera tool More...
class  ChipInfo
 Instances of regular terrain (not stairs) More...
class  ChipInfoBase
 Base class for terrain resource instances More...
class  ChipSetInfo
 A class that collectively manages the terrain resources of a map More...
class  ChipUtil
 Utility class for terrain resources More...
class  ChoiceWindowDrawer
 Window management/drawing class with options More...
class  CollisionUtil
 Utilities for Collision Matrix More...
class  Config
 Preferences class More...
class  DataConverter
 A class that converts from data older than the current version More...
class  DebugBaseDialog
 base class for debugging More...
class  DebugCastParamDialog
 Cast parameter debugging dialog More...
class  DebugDialog
 Dialog for test play debugging More...
class  DebugSrtingDrawer
 A class that displays a string for debugging on the screen
class  DisplayIdUtil
 Management class for the currently active DisplayID More...
class  EffectDrawer
 Directing drawing class with sound and shake using sprites More...
class  EffectDrawer3D
 Playback processing when particles are used as battle effects. More...
class  EffectDrawerBase
 Base class for drawing effects (sprites/particles) More...
class  EnhanceEffect
 A class for managing temporary ability enhancements such as saving and guarding More...
class  EnvironmentEffect
 Environment effect drawing class
class  FaceView
class  FieldBattleViewer
class  FormControlPadAssign
 runtime input assignment (not implemented) More...
class  GadgetImage
 Image information displayed on the gadget More...
class  GameContentCreator
 A class that picks up in-game information and generates drawing items More...
class  GameMain
 A class that manages the entire game More...
class  GaugeDrawer
 A class that draws gauges such as HP bars More...
class  GPS
 Class on GPS
class  Graphics
 A class that manages the loading and drawing of models and textures More...
class  GraphicsCore
 The entity of the graphics management class More...
class  HwndGetter
 A class to get the window handle of the currently running game More...
interface  IInputConfigStreamer
 Read and write input value settings More...
class  ImagePanel
 For layout Drawing items for image display
class  ImageRenderer
 Sprite-based drawing items for layout
class  Input
 Class to get input from mouse/keyboard/gamepad More...
class  InputCore
 The entity of the input management class More...
struct  InputProperty
 input setting More...
class  InputStringLayoutWindow
 Character string input screen drawing class for layout
class  ItemFilter
 Filter items More...
class  KmyUtil
class  LayoutDrawer
 layout drawing class More...
class  LayoutDrawerPreview
 Layout drawing class for preview More...
class  LayoutItemListGenerator
class  LayoutManager
 Manage layout behavior More...
class  LayoutMenuController
 Management class for menus with layout tools More...
class  LayoutStateCastDictionary
 State of the layout picture book
class  LayoutStateChoices
 Layout choice behavior
class  LayoutStateConfig
 Layout config behavior
class  LayoutStateCreator
 Create a layout state
class  LayoutStateDialogue
 Layout conversation behavior
class  LayoutStateDrawer
 A state in which only the layout is displayed
class  LayoutStateEquipmentSelectCategory
 The behavior of selecting a category of layout equipment
class  LayoutStateEquipmentSelectItem
 Behavior for selecting equipment items in layouts
class  LayoutStateEquipmentTarget
 Behavior after changing layout equip
class  LayoutStateExitApplication
 Layout closing behavior
class  LayoutStateGenericCancellable
 Display behavior that can be closed without menu effects such as simple maps and backlogs of layouts
class  LayoutStateInn
 layout inn behavior
class  LayoutStateItemDictionary
 Behavior for selecting items in a layout
class  LayoutStateItemEnhanceSelect
 Behavior for selecting items in a layout
class  LayoutStateItemSelect
 Behavior for selecting items in a layout
class  LayoutStateItemSelectDirect
 Behavior for selecting items from layout events
class  LayoutStateItemTarget
 Behavior for choosing where items in a layout are used
class  LayoutStateItemTrash
 Action to discard items in layout More...
class  LayoutStateItemTrashAsk
 Confirmation behavior to discard layout items
class  LayoutStateLoadSelect
 Layout Save Data Loading Behavior
class  LayoutStateMember
 Layout Member Change Behavior
class  LayoutStateMenu
 Layout main menu behavior
class  LayoutStateMessage
 Layout message behavior
class  LayoutStateReturnTitle
 Layout closing behavior
class  LayoutStateSaveAsk
 Operation of confirming whether to save the layout
class  LayoutStateSaveSelect
 Layout save slot selection behavior
class  LayoutStateSaveSelectDirect
 Behavior of select save slot from layout event
class  LayoutStateShopBuy
 Layout Purchase Item Selection Behavior
class  LayoutStateShopBuyQuantity
 Layout purchase behavior
class  LayoutStateShopSelect
 Layout shop selection behavior such as buy or sell
class  LayoutStateShopSell
 Layout sell item selection behavior
class  LayoutStateShopSellQuantity
 layout sell behavior
class  LayoutStateSkillDictionary
 Behavior for selecting items in a layout
class  LayoutStateSkillSelect
 Use Layout Skill Selection Behavior
class  LayoutStateSkillSelectUser
 Layout skill user selection behavior
class  LayoutStateSkillTarget
 Layout Skill Where Used Behavior
class  LayoutStateStatus
 Layout status display behavior
class  LayoutStateTelop
 Layout caption display behavior
class  LayoutStateTitle
 layout title behavior
class  LayoutStateToast
 Layout toast behavior
class  Logger
 Log Output Class/Output contents are added to bakinplayer_log.txt or bakineditor_log.txt. More...
class  LogoScene
 Boot logo display scene More...
class  LogProperty
 log elements More...
class  MapBillboard
 billboard display class More...
class  MapCharacter
 A class that manages the display of each character on the map More...
class  MapCharacterBattleStatus
 Battle status of MapCharacter More...
class  MapCharacterColliderHandler
 Generic PhysicsNotifyTarget for MapCharacter More...
class  MapCharacterCollisionBuilder
 Class for generating MapCharacter collision More...
class  MapCharacterMoveMacro
 Class for automatically moving MapCharacter according to specification More...
class  MapClusterBuilder
 Class to generate terrain mesh according to Common.Rom.Map More...
class  MapCollisionBit
 The hit judgment of the terrain and map objects is summarized in bits Information (8 bits) 4 pieces are one 2 bits from the bottom of the 8 bits for information on whether or not you can walk 4 bits for information on stairs 1 bit for information on unwalkable ground 1 bit reserved More...
class  MapCollisionBitsSameXZ
 Hit judgment information for the map on the same XZ coordinates More...
class  MapCollisionsDepotWithBit
 A class that summarizes hit detection for all XZ coordinates of a map using bits More...
class  MapCollisonsDepotConverter2SerializableLists
 Convert bit map hit judgment to serializable Int type List More...
class  MapData
 A class for reading Common.Rom.Map and generating and managing 3D models of terrain and objects More...
class  MapEngine
 Separation of event and player management from the MapScene class More...
class  MapLoadManager
 A class that manages map preloading More...
class  MapObjectCollisionBuilder
 Class for generating object collisions More...
class  MapObjectCollisionNotifyTarget
 Information retention class for physical settings More...
class  MapObjectCollisionNotifyTargetBase
 Information retention base class for physical settings More...
class  MapObjectInstance
class  MapRenderer
 Items for drawing map thumbnails for layout
class  MapScene
 A class that manages general processing during map movement including menus More...
class  MapSprite
 Class for displaying sprites as billboards on 3D coordinates More...
class  MapUtil
 Utility class for various processing related to maps More...
class  MenuContainer
 Menu container management/drawing class for layout More...
class  MenuControllerBase
 Base class for menu management More...
class  MenuSubContainer
 Each selected item stored in the layout menu container More...
class  MessageReader
 A class for interpreting and sequencing formatting in messages and conversations More...
class  MiniMapRenderer
 Items to draw minimap for layout
class  PageRenderer
 A class for drawing page marks in the layout menu container
class  PercentGraph
class  PerformanceDrawer
 performance meter More...
class  ProcessingTimeLoger
 Elapsed time log More...
class  ProcessingTimer
 processing time More...
class  RectRenderer
 Items that draw a filled rectangle for layout
class  RenderContainer
 Drawing container for layout More...
class  ResultStatusWindowDrawer
 Battle result screen drawing class More...
class  SceneBase
 base class for each scene More...
class  ScriptRunner
 Event content execution class More...
class  SerializableList
 List of serializable Int types More...
class  SharpScriptProvider
 Class for compiling user scripts More...
class  SingleColumnPageSelector
 Control class that can move to multiple pages with 1 column More...
class  SkyDrawer
 Distant view drawing class More...
class  SlicingTouchCollieder
class  SliderGadget
 gadget that slides More...
class  SliderPanel
 Slider type item for layout More...
class  SliderRenderer
 Drawing class of slider type item for layout More...
class  SoundObject
 sound effect object class More...
class  SpecialTextRenderer
 Special formatting drawing classes for layout More...
class  SpinPanel
 Spin item for layout More...
class  SpinRenderer
 Drawing class for spin-type items for layout More...
class  SpriteFaceManager
class  SpriteManager
 Management class for displaying sprites and images on 2D surfaces More...
class  SpriteRenderObject
 Sprite drawing class for layout More...
class  StairInfo
 Step terrain instance More...
class  StickGadget
 Stick type gadget (direction key) More...
class  StopWatch
 Stopwatch More...
class  TaskManager
class  TelopPosition
 Marquee class for scrolling when the width of the description field string is not enough More...
class  Terrain
 Class for managing terrain meshes More...
class  TerrainCollisionBuilder
 Class for generating terrain collision More...
class  TextDrawer
 String drawing class for general use It's easier to use with the Graphics.DrawString family of methods, so it's usually recommended to use them. More...
class  TextInputConfigStreamer
 Read and write text input value settings More...
class  TextPanel
 Text item for layout More...
class  TextRenderer
 Text drawing class for layout
class  TitleScene
 title scene More...
class  Touch
 Touch/mouse input acquisition processing More...
class  TouchCollider
 hit detection for touch More...
class  TouchCollidersForColumn
 Add hit detection according to the number of columns More...
class  TouchCollidersForRow
 Add hit judgment according to the number of lines More...
class  TouchCollieders
 Collider management class for touch reactions More...
class  TouchCore
 Entity of touch input management class More...
class  TouchRectCollider
 Check if we are touching inside a rectangle More...
struct  TouchState
 State of touch input More...
class  TransitionUtil
 A class for blindfolding with a captured image when transitioning maps More...
class  TweenBase
 Base class for tweening More...
class  TweenColor
 Tween between two colors More...
class  TweenFloat
 tween between two decimal values More...
class  TweenListManager
 A class that performs tween processing to smoothly transition between specified values over time. More...
class  TweenVector2
 Tween between two Vector2s More...
class  VirtualPad
 virtual pad class More...
class  WindowBaseRenderer
 Window drawing base class for layout More...
class  WindowDrawer
 A class that draws a window type image More...
class  WindowRenderer
 Window drawing class for layout More...


using MapCollisionsWithBit = List< MapCollisionBit >
using CollisionSet = Tuple< int, Common.Resource.MapObject.CollisionInfo >
using InputObjects = List< List< InputStringLayoutWindow.InputObject > >


enum  CollisionType {
  MAP = 0x1 , MAP_SLOPE = 0x2 , MAP_OBJECT = 0x4 , MAP_WATER = 0x8 ,
  MAP_WO_WATER = 0x7 , MAP_ALL = 0xF , PLAYER = 0x10 , EVENT = 0x20 ,
  BULLET = 0x40 , PLAYER_SUB = 0x100 , EVENT_SUB = 0x200 , EVENT_ALL = 0x220 ,
  PLAYER_ALL = 0x110 , ALL = 0xFF
 Hit detection type (flag) More...
enum  TouchSlideOrientation {
  None = 0 , Left = 1 , Right = 2 , Up = 4 ,
  Down = 8
 slide input More...
enum  GestureType { None , Tap , Hold }
 gesture input More...
enum  ActionInput {
  NONE = 0 , RIGHT = (1 << 1) , DECIDE = (1 << 2) , CANCEL = (1 << 3) ,
  MENU = (1 << 4) , L = (1 << 5) , R = (1 << 6) , CAMERA_VERTICAL_ROT_UP = (1 << 7) ,
  CAMERA_ZOOM_OUT = (1 << 12) , CAMERA_POSITION_RESET = (1 << 13) , CAMERA_CONTROL_MODE_CHANGE = (1 << 14) , DASH = (1 << 15) ,
  JUMP = (1 << 16) , ACTION1 = (1 << 17) , ACTION2 = (1 << 18) , ACTION3 = (1 << 19) ,
  ACTION4 = (1 << 20) , ACTION5 = (1 << 21) , ACTION6 = (1 << 22) , ACTION7 = (1 << 23) ,
  ACTION8 = (1 << 24) , ACTION9 = (1 << 25) , ACTION10 = (1 << 26) , TOUCH = (1 << 20)
 touch input More...
enum  TweenStyle { Liner , PingPong }
 Type of tweening More...


delegate void MapDrawCallBack (SharpKmyGfx.Render scn)
 Callback when drawing the map More...
delegate void onMapInitialize (Map data)
 Callback on map initialization More...
delegate void onMapReset ()
 Callback when map is destroyed More...
delegate void onTerrainUpdate (bool allClusters=true)
 Callback when updating map terrain More...
delegate void onTerrainSelectionChange ()
 Callback when changing the map terrain selection range More...

Typedef Documentation

◆ CollisionSet

using Yukar.Engine.CollisionSet = typedef Tuple<int, Common.Resource.MapObject.CollisionInfo>

◆ InputObjects

using Yukar.Engine.InputObjects = typedef List<List<InputStringLayoutWindow.InputObject> >

◆ MapCollisionsWithBit

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ActionInput

touch input


◆ CollisionType

Hit detection type (flag)


◆ GestureType

gesture input


◆ TouchSlideOrientation

slide input


◆ TweenStyle

Type of tweening


Function Documentation

◆ MapDrawCallBack()

delegate void Yukar.Engine.MapDrawCallBack ( SharpKmyGfx.Render  scn)

Callback when drawing the map


◆ onMapInitialize()

delegate void Yukar.Engine.onMapInitialize ( Map  data)

Callback on map initialization


◆ onMapReset()

delegate void Yukar.Engine.onMapReset ( )

Callback when map is destroyed

◆ onTerrainSelectionChange()

delegate void Yukar.Engine.onTerrainSelectionChange ( )

Callback when changing the map terrain selection range

◆ onTerrainUpdate()

delegate void Yukar.Engine.onTerrainUpdate ( bool  allClusters = true)

Callback when updating map terrain
