Specifications: Shaders†
This section describes each shader.
Shaders should be changed according to what you want to achieve, so refer to this explanation and sample data to specify the shader you are looking for.
- Recommended Shaders
General Background Models: a_n_rm
Simple Textured Background Models: map
Addition: map_nolit_add
Translucent: map_nolit_alpha
Glass: glass
Water: transparent_normal_water
Leaves Swaying in the Wind: map_wind_discard
- Shader Descriptions
- 2dmap_skybox
Specify a background material with a 2D texture.
The material with this shader selected will be available for selection in "Map Settings > Rendering > Background Material".
- a_n
This shader uses physics-based shading with an albedo map and a normal map available for setting.
- a_n_discard
This shader uses physics-based shading with an albedo map and a normal map available for setting.
It is also possible to use the alpha channel of an albedo map to discard alpha.
- a_n_rm
This shader uses physics-based shading with an albedo map, a normal map and a mask map available for setting.
This is the recommended shader when using physics-based shading in Bakin.
- a_n_rm_discard
This shader uses physics-based shading with an albedo map, a normal map and a mask map available for setting.
It is also possible to use the alpha channel of an albedo map to discard alpha.
- a_n_rm_sss_discard
This shader uses physics-based shading with an albedo map, a normal map and a mask map available for setting.
It is also possible to use the alpha channel of an albedo map to discard alpha.
In addition, the use of SSS (Subsurface Scattering) mask map allows for the rendering of light transparency.
- a_n_rm_wind_discard
This shader uses physics-based shading with an albedo map, a normal map and a mask map available for setting.
It is also possible to use the alpha channel of an albedo map to discard alpha.
In addition, you can specify swaying effects in the wind.
When using with grass growing on the ground, turn on "Fix Y=0".
- a_n_wind_discard
This shader uses physics-based shading with an albedo map and a normal map available for setting.
It is also possible to use the alpha channel of an albedo map to discard alpha.
In addition, you can specify swaying effects in the wind.
When using with grass growing on the ground, turn on "Fix Y=0".
- character_create_hair
This is a special shader, a hair shader for characters, used in the Bakin sample character models.
Overlay composite of vertex color and parameter hair color.
- character_create_skin
This is a special shader, a skin shader for characters, used in the Bakin sample character models.
Parts such as eyes and mouth are placed from the vertex coordinates based on the parameters.
- cubemap_skybox
Specify a background material with a texture in .hdr format.
The material with this shader selected will be available for selection in "Map Settings > Rendering > Background Material".
- glass
It renders a glass-like effect.
- map
It is a physics-based extension of a shader from a non-physical based rendering.
Color textures can be specified.
- map_discard
Based on the map shader, discarding the alpha (non-transparent).
It can be used for leaves and etc.
- map_nolit
This is a shader that does not perform lighting and does not apply an environment map, but displays the color of the texture as it is.
Rendered as opaque.
- map_nolit_add
No lighting or environment map is applied, and the texture is blended with the color of the texture as it is by addition.
Rendered as translucent.
- map_nolit_alpha
No lighting or environment map is applied, and the texture is composited with the texture's alpha value, using the texture's color as it is.
Rendered as translucent.
- map_nolit_discard
Based on the map_nolit shader, discarding the alpha (non-transparent).
Rendered as opaque.
- map_nolit_modulate
No lighting or environment map is applied, and the texture is blended by modulate, using the color of the texture as it is.
Rendered as translucent.
- map_notex
Displays polygons using only vertex colors, without textures.
Performs physics-based shading.
Rendered as opaque.
- map_wind_discard
This shader adds vertex animation by wind to map_discard.
When using with grass growing on the ground, turn on "Fix Y=0".
- transparent_normal_water
Use a normal map to render the water surface.
The result of the back drawing is used for the refraction effect.
Transparency Distance: This is the degree of underwater murkiness. The opacity of the water gradually increases from the surface to the transparency distance.
Blend Distance: This is the distance where the transparency changes from 0 to 1 in the composition of the junction with the shore. 0 makes the touching of the ground clear.
Opaque Distance: The distance until the "Transparency Distance" and "Blend Distance" become invalid with regard to the camera position. The higher this value, the more the effects of "Transparency Distance" and "Blend Distance" do not disappear even when the camera is moved away.
Water Fall Speed:When this shader is applied to a mesh extending in the Y direction, water will flow from top to bottom like a waterfall, and to specify the speed at which the water surface falls.
Water Flow Direction: Specify the direction of water flow in 360 degrees.