
Teleport Player

Move the player to the specified location.

Change Player Orientation

Change the player's orientation to the specified direction.

Make Player Walk

Make the player walk in the specified direction.

Change Player Movement Speed

Change the speed at which the player moves to any desired speed.

Make Player Invisible/Visible

Make the player's graphic invisible or return to its original state.

Change Cast Graphic

Change the graphic and motion of the cast on the screen.

Change Player Y Coordinate

Change the Y coordinate (height) of the player.

Start Player Falling

When the player is in the air, executing this event will initiate the player's fall.

Change Player Traversable Terrains

Change the passage attributes specified for the "Terrains."

Passage attributes can be referenced and modified in "Resource Management" > "Terrains" > "Terrain Model Attributes".

Change Player Scale

Change the scale (size) of the 3D model specified for the player by the specified magnification and time.

Attach Model to Cast

If the 3D model with hooks for items is used, the item model can be attached to the 3D model.

Enable/Disable Player Orientation Change

Allow or prohibit the player to change direction.

Make Player Invincible

Make the player invincible for a specified period of time.

Snap Player on Grid

Fit the player to the nearest grid (square).

Make Player Walk to Specified Coordinates

The coordinates of the map are specified and the player is made to walk.

Change Cast's Equipment

Change the equipment of the specified cast forcibly.

Change Cast's Class

Change the class of the cast.

Rotate Player

Rotate the player's orientation and angle, which can be specified for each of the XYZ axes.

Move Player with Physics Engine

Inertia is applied when the player moves.

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