3D Characters

We will use Blender, a 3D production software that is easy to obtain.
The detailed usage of Blender is omitted here.

Blender Preferences

First, change the Blender environment to one suitable for Bakin.

About the Scene Units
Please make sure that the scene units are set as follows.
If the settings are different, the model will not be properly sized for FBX export.


About FBX Export
To specify FBX export settings appropriate to Bakin's specifications, specify the following.


How to Set Motions
There are two ways to set up motions.
!) Importing a model and motions as a single file
2) Importing a model and motions as separate fbx files

1) Importing a Model and Motions as a Single File
Select all bones with character models and motions and escport them together to create a single fbx file with a model and motions.
When an fbx file is loaded in Bakin, a model is generated and the built-in motion is loaded by selecting that model in Motion Management.

2) Importing a Model and Motions as Separate fbx Files
A model and bones, bones with motions of the same structure, if exported separately, will be exported as separate fbx files.
The bone structure on the model side and the bone structure on the motion side must be the same.
Load each fbx file in Bakin and specify the "fbx you want to use for the model" and "fbx you want to use for the motion" respectively.

Advice on Making Your Own Models - Based on Preset Models -

Exporting a Model from Bakin
We will refer to the "Standard_A" character model in the 3D_Tutorial game file for this explanation.
(The DLC "3D_Tutorial" must be downloaded in advance.)


Open the 3D_Tutorial game file, select the 3D character model under "Resources > Models > standard_A" and press the Export button.
Select any folder to export.
Next, select the "motion_A" folder in the model list and export this folder as well.


Once the data has been exported, launch Blender, select File > Import > FBX, and import with the following specifications


This time, since the model and motions are handled as separate files, proceed with the motion setting method "2) Importing a Model and Motions as Separate fbx Files".
This method has the advantage that the same motion can be used for different character models with the same bone structure.

After importing the model into Blender, edit the polygon mesh and textures as needed to your liking.


Preparation for Adding a Model
Prepare a folder for the assets you wish to add.
This folder is only used temporarily when adding a file, and the location of the file or the name of the folder does not matter.
The added model will be added as a separate file with the same file name under the res folder in the game file folder.

Put the model file (.fbx), texture files (.png), and a specifying file (.def) directly under the folder you have provided.
Example: If you put an asset (standard_A) in the [standard_A] folder


When adding a model to Bakin, please add it with the standard_A.def generated when exporting in the same folder with it.
This file contains the material and texture linkage specifications.
If you change the material name or texture name, you will need to edit this. (It is possible to manually specify the material name in Bakin without editing.)


Advice on Making Your Own Models - Adding Your Own 3D Characters -

This section explains how to add your own 3D characters to Bakin.
There are two ways to add motion data, depending on how the motion data is handled.

Separating a Model and Motions as Separate FBX Files
Add a model file with polygons and skeleton structure, and motion files with skeleton structure and motion data separately.

The advantage of this method is that existing motions can be applied to different polygon shapes as long as they have the same skeletal structure.
(This method is used for the human characters in Bakin.)

The files required for addition are model (.fbx), texture (.png), and motion (.fbx) files.
The skeleton structure and name of the model and motion should be the same.


Combining a Model and Motions as a Single FBX File
Add polygons, skeleton structure and motion data together as a single file.
If the model has multiple motions, load the corresponding file with the model and select the corresponding model in Motion Management.
The number of frames and loop settings can then be specified.


About Files Required for Addition
3D characters require model, texture, and motion data.
Creating these requires knowledge of 3D graphics and prescribed software.

The format and specifications of each file are as follows.

1. Model file (.fbx)

2. Textures (.bmp、.png)

3. Motion Files (.fbx)
If the asset to be added is to be separate files for the model and motions, motion-only files will be required.
The supported FBX versions and formats are the same specifications as for the model file section.

Preparation for Adding a Model

  1. Prepare a folder for the asset files you wish to add.
    This folder is only used temporarily for addition. Any file location or folder name is acceptable.
    The added model will be added under the res folder in the game file folder.
  2. Put the model file (.fbx) and texture file (.bmp or .png) directly under the folder you have prepared.
    Example: If you put an asset (standard_A) in the [standard_A] folder

Adding Methods to Bakin

The process for adding a model and motions to Bakin is the same whether they are separate or combined.

  1. Select [Resources] > [Models] > [Add Button] to open the [Asset Picker] window.
    ENBAKIN への追加⽅法1.png
  2. Select the [Select from File].
    ENBAKIN への追加⽅法2.png
  3. Open the folder containing the model you wish to add and select the fbx file.
  4. Check [Auto Optimization When Importing FBX File] if necessary.
    Optimization automatically performs the following processes:
    • Skin weight normalization
    • Polygon triangulation
    • Apply scale (scale option next to the optimization checkbox)
    • For FBX formats earlier than FBX7.4, conversion to FBX7.4
      (If the model file was not imported correctly, uncheck the box.
      (If the model file was not imported correctly, uncheck the box.)
  5. Press [Add and Exit].
    Steps 1-5 can also be done by dragging and dropping fbx files into the model list.
  6. The character model is added to the Model List.
    The location of the added file will be displayed in [Model Settings > Basic > Folder Name].
    The textures are automatically created in the texture folder.
    ENBAKIN への追加⽅法3.png
    (Assets added by [Select from File] will be distinguished from the default system assets [reserved] and will be displayed with the model name in black).
    User assets are also saved in the game file when the game is saved.
    The original files are not used as is.
  7. Select the added character model and register it as a stamp using the Stamp button.
    ENBAKIN への追加⽅法4.png

Adding Motions
Continue with the motion fbx files, if available
Follow the same procedure as above to add a motion file as a model, and then select the added motion model in the motion menu.

ENBAKIN への追加⽅法5.png
  1. Selecting a motion model registers the specification in the Motion List.
    You can change the name of the motion specification to anything you like.
    ENBAKIN への追加⽅法6.png
  2. After specifying motion settings, return to the stamp and register the motion settings on the stamp of the character model.
    ENBAKIN への追加⽅法7.png
  3. Once you have registered the motion setting on the stamp, return to the motion menu and select the motion setting you wish to specify.
    BAKIN への追加⽅法8.png
  4. If there are more motions to be added, click the [+] Add button under [Motion Sets Settings > Motions] to add motion models.
    BAKIN への追加⽅法9.png
    ENBAKIN への追加⽅法10.png
    The "Motion Name" of the Motions are tied to the behavior in the game, so by adding the following Motion Name, the motions will be automatically registered as in-game behaviors.
    (Please refer to the "Motion Name Correspondence Table" for details.)
    wait: Waiting motion
    battle_wait: Standby motion in battles
    walk: Walking motion
    run: Running motion
    attack: Attack motion in battles
    skill: Skill motion in battles
    damage: Damage motion in battles
    Once you've specified the setup, cast settings, etc., then test play to see how it works!
    This completes the series of steps for adding a character model.

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