*2D Stamps - Import and Export [#q125f6a7]

***What are "stamps"? [#redccbaa]

The "3D Stamps" and "2D Stamps" in "Resources" are very important to Bakin.
A "stamp" is a combination of assets such as a model, motions, materials, etc. that can be used in a game.
Various additional attributes can be added to each resource combination.

For example, a resource in "Models" under "Resources" cannot be placed on the map as is.
By pressing the "Stamp" button above the tree column, the stamp will become a "3D stamp" and will be registered in the Stamps palette in the Map Editor.

By using "stamps," you can link different materials to the same model, or keep the same model and other assets, but change only the additional attributes.

2D stamps are generated from either slice animations, sprites, or images.

***Importing DLC [#hc8e5bd9]

DLC assets obtained from Steam can be imported from the Asset Picker.
The most straightforward way to import is to import "stamps".

+ Click the Add button at Resources > 2D Stamps to open the Asset Picker.
//#ref(Asset Picker.png)
+ Select the DLC you want to use from the "Additional Menu" column, and the stamps included in the DLC will appear in the "Assets" column of the "Ready to Use" tab.
+ Select the stamps you want to import from the list, add them, and press the Exit button to import them.
It is also possible to import by folder or after multiple selections (hold down Ctrl while selecting).


***Drag-and-Drop File Import into the Map Editor [#s8f39c70]
2D stamps are generated by dragging and dropping images into the map editor.
Drag and drop opens the file import dialog, and by specifying various settings and clicking OK, the resource is automatically added to the Resources > Image/Slice Animation/2D Stamps.
Note that this method of addition will generate a 2D stamp based on the slice animation.

- ''File Naming Rules''
By naming the file according to the rules, the resource name and motion name are automatically taken from the file name when imported.
---Resource name from the beginning of the file name until the first underscore "_" is entered
---Motion name of the slice animation after the first underscore

-- ''Simultaneous Import of Related Files''
If files with the same resource name as the image to be dragged and dropped are in the same folder, they can be imported together as motions.
This makes it possible to keep images of various motions of the same character in the same folder and import them all at once.

--- ''Example''
With chr001_walk and chr001_wait in the same folder, drag and drop either file onto the map.
The name is "chr001" and "walk" and "wait" are registered as motions.

***File Import Dialog [#r62cc242]
This dialog appears when images are dragged and dropped into the map editor, or when the Add button is pressed in Resources > Slice Animation.
You can import resources after specifying various settings.

- ''Accepted File Information''
The part of the image file name from the beginning to the underscore "_" is automatically taken as the name.
If you want to change it, you can click to rewrite it.

---''X Slices / Y Slices''
If multiple character sheets fit into a single image, they can be divided and imported.
If you enter the number of horizontal and vertical divisions, the image will be divided into equal parts by the specified value and loaded. (The blue line indicates the state of division.)

---''X Slice Size / Y Slice Size''
Specify the size of the image that will be the first frame of the slice animation.
As you change the value, a gray line indicates the state of division.

---''Direction Order''
By specifying the order in which the images are oriented, the images are automatically converted and imported into the sequence for Bakin.
(The specifications are to line up from the top of the image to the bottom, left, top, and right.)

---''Separate Slice Animation''
It can be selected only when X Slices/Y Slices are specified.
You can choose to treat the split image as multiple motions within a single slice animation or as separate slice animations.

---''Scale (%)''
You can specify the scale for importing.
It is applied to all images that are imported at the same time.
This scale can be changed in the Resources > Slice Animation settings.

You can specify the type of billboard for the imported slice animation.
It is applied to all images that are imported at the same time.
This scale can be changed in the Resources > Slice Animation settings.

---''Motion Name''
Display the motion names that will be assigned to the imported slice animation.
The first word after the first underscore "_" in the name of the image file to be imported is automatically imported as the motion name.
However, if the image is divided, the motion name is reset.
In this case, please add a new motion name in the Resources section if necessary.

---''Display Time (msec)''
You can specify the display time of one slice of an imported slice animation.
The slice displayed switches in the unit specified here.
It is applied to all images that are imported at the same time.
This scale can be changed in the Resources > Slice Animation settings.

---''Playback Loop''
You can specify a loop pattern for the imported slice animation.
It is applied to all images that are imported at the same time.
This scale can be changed in the Resources > Slice Animation settings.

You can turn on/off the SRGB flag for imported images.
Check the checkbox to turn it on.
Basically, SRGB should be turned on for anything that is placed on maps, as in the image of the operating character.
It is applied to all images that are imported at the same time.
SRGB setting can be changed in Resources > Images settings.

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