*Project Settings [#lf1ca8da]
Specify the game title and icon, as well as the resolution, quality, and volume default settings for the execution of the game.

**Project Information [#peb576a4]
Specify the title and other basic information about the project.

#ref(Project Information.png)
#ref(Project Infomation.png)

Enter the title of the game.

Enter a subtitle, if any.

Enter the name of the game creator.

--''Copyright Notice''
Enter the copyright notice.
The information entered here will be displayed when the mouse pointer is hovered over the file in "Open Game File".

--''Game Description''
Enter a brief description of the game.
The information entered here will be displayed when the mouse pointer is hovered over the file in "Open Game File".

Enter a version number.
The information entered here will be displayed when the mouse pointer is hovered over the file in "Open Game File".

**Icon [#t9865bc9]
Specify the icon data to be used when creating a game for publication.

The specified icon image is previewed in seven different resolutions.

--''Change Image Button''
Click to specify an image for the icon from your local PC.

**Basic Settings for Tool [#ice5e14b]
You can specify the random pen settings, initial map elevation, and other settings.

#ref(Basic Settings for Tool.png)

--''Initial Map Terrain Elevation''
Specify the default terrain elevation when creating a new map.

--''Hide Title During Test Play''
When turned on, the title display will always be skipped during test play.

-''Random Pen Settings''
Specify the minimum and maximum object scale and y-axis rotation when placing a 3D stamp using the random pen.

--''Scale Min''
Specify the minimum value of the scale to be determined at random.

--''Scale Max''
Specify the maximum value of the scale to be determined at random.

--''Y Rotation Min''
Specify the minimum angle of the Y-axis rotation range to be determined at random.

--''Y Rotation Max''
Specify the maximum angle of Y-axis rotation range to be determined at random.

**Game Engine Settings [#z806f86b]
Specify basic information for test play and publishing work.

#ref(Game Engine Settings.png)
#ref(Execution Engine Definition.png)

-''Execution Engine Definition''
You can specify the resolution, rendering quality, and other settings for game execution.
You can specify the resolution and other settings for game execution.

--''Use the Standard Built-In Font''
When turned on, the standard installed font is used.
Turn off if you want to use your own font.
//--''Use the Standard Built-In Font''
//When turned on, the standard installed font is used.
//Turn off if you want to use your own font.

If "Use the Standard Built-In Font" is off, select the font to be used here.
//If "Use the Standard Built-In Font" is off, select the font to be used here.

--''Run-Time Resolution''
Select the game screen resolution from the list.

--''Run-Time Rendering Quality''
Select the rendering quality of the game from low, standard, high, and super high quality.
//--''Run-Time Rendering Quality''
//Select the rendering quality of the game from low, standard, high, and super high quality.

--''Initial BGM Volume''
Specify the initial value of the background music volume.

--''Initial Sound Effect Volume''
Specify the initial volume of the sound effect.

--''Max Number of Sound Effects''
Specify the maximum number of sound effects to be played simultaneously.

--''Max Number of 3D Sound Effects''
Specify the maximum number of the 3D sound effect to be played simultaneously.

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