Project Settings

Specify the game title and icon, as well as the resolution, and volume default settings for the execution of the game.


Project Information

Specify the title and other basic information about the project.

Project Infomation.png


Specify the icon data to be used when creating a game for publication.


Tool Settings

You can specify the random pen settings, initial map elevation, and other settings.


Game Engine Settings

Specify basic information for test play and publishing work.


Attach file: fileGameDefinition_Project_Execution_Engine_Definition.png 166 download [Information] fileGameDefinition_ProjectSettings.png 177 download [Information] fileGameDefinition_Project_BasicSettings.png 180 download [Information] fileGameDefinition_Project_Icon.png 197 download [Information] fileProject Infomation.png 194 download [Information]

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Last-modified: 2024-03-12 (Tue) 02:28:38