*RPG Developer Bakin Update History [#sddd12b1]
--'' New Features''
--- Added the ability to skip the "Do Nothing" message in the command script "Specify Battle Cast Action".

--'' Bug Fixes''
--- Fixed a bug that caused walk and wait motions to start playing every frame for the player after ver 1.0.12, so the motions were not behaving correctly.

--- Fixed a bug that the manipulator could not be operated correctly with the mouse after ver1.0.12.

--- Fixed a bug that caused battle characters to be highlighted when they were hidden in the shadows.

--- Fixed a bug in the command script "Rearrange the Party Train Order" that caused an exception when there was no character to display.

--- Fixed a bug in the command script "Make Event Walk" where the "Pass Through Player/Events" checkbox did not allow the player to pass through.

--- Fixed a bug in the Map Editor > Placed List palette that caused an entry to be deleted by pressing the Delete key while renaming.

--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when placing a Panel for Rendering Strings with MapPreview specified in Layout Tool > Text to the root of the Layout Parts List.

--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when the file tree view was empty at various locations in the Resources.

--- Fixed a bug that caused a crash in the preview of the Resources containing the motion after deleting the model used in the motion in the Resources.

--- Fixed a bug that prevented textures from being converted to png files when importing models with jpg files as textures.

--- Fixed a bug that caused colors to change on export when specifying no SSS file in SSS material.

--- Fixed a bug that prevented a battle from progressing when using the command script "Camera Playback" in Database > Skills > Common Event to be Called.

--- Fixed a bug that prevented the next battle from progressing if the command script "Terminate Battle Forcibly" was used in Database > Skills > Common Event to be Called.

--''Functional Improvement''
--- For the player's walking process, a new walking process has been implemented that does not shift or bounce from side to side.
If Game Definition > Rules and Operations > "Use Inertia to Move" is turned off, inertia is to be 0.
If you wish to use inertia, please turn on this option and adjust each of the specified settings. 
e.g.: Lowering the Damping Amount at Ground Level will reduce slippage.

--- Asset picker has been improved.
The UI has been changed to make it easier to find ready-to-use assets.
Added the ability to add resources from the DLC with multiple selections, including folders.
--'' New Features''
--- Test Play > Debug Window now has a function to fast-forward through battles.

--- An "Invisible Wall" event template has been added to the Stamps Palette > Events tab > Physics, which can be used to place restrictions on where the player can go. 
 You can place an event on the map and adjust its size to create a wall. 

--'' Bug Fixes''
--- Fixed a bug that prevented resources such as skyboxes referenced only from the command script "Change Rendering Settings" from being included in the public export.
--- Fixed a bug regarding the command script "Select from Selection and Check Results" panel that caused an exception when deleting the top selection in the editor.

--- Fixed a bug that prevented images from being displayed when a variable was used for the Y magnification factor in the "Display Image" panel.

--- Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented subsequent conversation windows from being displayed, depending on the command scripts combined between conversation panels.

--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when attempting to change the walking speed of an event during battle.
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when attempting to select a target with a mouse click during a battle while the player was invisible.

--- Fixed a bug that caused pointer information of array variables to be lost when exporting and importing events.

--- Fixed a bug that caused the player to be affected by Terrain State Change even if the player was in the air.
--- Fixed a bug in which, when using the Basic tab "Event to be Called Before Displaying Map" in the Map Settings palette, depending on the content of the event, the player could not be controlled even after the process was complete.
--- Fixed a bug in which the cast's own accuracy and evasion rate was not reflected when playing the game from "Continue" until a status change, such as an equipment change, was made.
--- Rotation and scaling behavior when multiple objects on the map are selected in the Map Editor has been corrected.
--- Fixed a bug in the Map Editor that caused the eyedropper picked objects to change indefinitely while editing a map with many objects placed on it.
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the Map Editor display from reflecting the results of editing the event collision range extensions.

--- Fixed a bug that prevented object deletion if the starting point was included in the selection.

--- Fixed a bug in which when an object was selected, the starting point was also selected at the same time, making it impossible to delete the object.

--- In the Slice Animation Import dialog, a bug was fixed in which the dividing line specified in Slice Size would change position when the motion was switched, causing it to be imported in an incorrect form.
--- Fixed a bug that caused some models imported from the Unity Asset Store to appear broken.

--- After resource files are deleted, the empty OS folders are also modified to be deleted.
--- When deleting related resources, the parent folder in the editor has been modified to be deleted when it is empty.
--- When deleting a model, a texture was not a candidate for deletion if the stamp used the same material.

--- Fixed a bug that caused events deleted by the command script "Delete This Event" to be restored by loading saved data.

--- Fixed a bug that prevented editing of the tag field in the Camera Tool.

--- Fixed a bug in which pressing Ctrl+C, etc. while editing an event in the text mode of the event editor would jump to the line with the matching initial letter.

--- Fixed a bug in which the default "Yes/No" selection was written in Japanese. 

-- ''Bug Fixes''
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception in the battle test when there was a common event with "Collision Condition with Player (Operating Cast)" as an execution condition on the event sheet.

--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when performing a battle test from the battle panel on a common event.

--- Fixed a bug that caused a crash when playing a WebM file with no audio track using the command script "Play Movie".

--- Fixed a bug that caused a crash if the collision type was set to Mesh in the Resource > Stamp settings and the Mesh model was left blank.

--- Fixed a bug that caused common events tied to an item to be executed even after the item's use was canceled.

--- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused a cast without a jumpup/landing motion to have a different jump power or be able to make a double jump when the cast was set as the player.

--- Fixed a bug that prevented the "Teleport Event" panel from taking effect from common events executed from other than items/skills.

--- Fixed a bug in which deleting the event that executed the conversation while the conversation was being displayed would prevent operation even after the conversation was closed.

--- Fixed a bug so that a confirmation message is not displayed when pasting data from the same project in the database.

--- When pasting data from the database, if there is data with the same name in the destination, the data name is now sequentially numbered.

--- Fixed a bug in which the contents of an event generated by "Generate Event" were sometimes mixed with the contents of another event and executed after the player moved to a different map.

--- Fixed a bug in the Layout Tool > Text & Special Formats Insert Support dialog where the following formats could no longer be specified.
  learncharactername   :   Name of Party Member who Learns a New Skill
  learnskillname            :   Name of Skill to be Learned in Results
  learnskillname[x]        :   Name of Skill X to be Learned in Results

--- Fixed a bug that caused skin models to appear composited when rendering instances.

--- Graphic data that contained incorrect settings has been corrected.

--- ''Countermeasures have been taken to address the issue of slow operation of this tool in some environments. ''
Please try this along with the previously mentioned turning off "Threaded Optimization" in the NVIDIA Control Panel 3D Settings Management.
--'' Added Feature''
--- A link to the "Shortcut Key List" has been added to the "Help" section of the Map Editor top menu.
--'' Bug Fixes''
--- Fixed a bug in Ver. 1.0.9 where the target to be generated by the command script "Generate Events" could not be selected correctly.

--- Fixed a bug in the Layout Tool where the mini map could not be moved by mouse dragging.

--- Fixed a bug in the Map Editor in which the relative positions of grouped objects were sometimes misaligned when pasting them.

--- Fixed a bug that prevented games exported by the publishing work export function from running in environments where the Visual C++ 2019 Runtime was not installed.
If you have experienced a failure to launch the sample game "Orb Stories", which can be downloaded from the top page of the official RPG Developer Bakin website, please download the game again from there and give it a try. 
Due to this problem, there have been cases where games distributed to other parties do not launch.  We apologize for the inconvenience, but we would appreciate it if creators could try exporting their works again to see if the symptom improves.

-- ''Functional Improvements ''
--- When a diffuse/normal/specular texture is set as the material for a model imported from Blender, a_n_rm is now automatically assigned to the albedo/normal/mask textures, respectively.
-- ''Bug Fixes''
--- Fixed a bug that could slow down test play after opening the "Classes” of the Database.

--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when repeatedly executing the "Make Monster Appear" event panel.

--- Fixed a bug in which placing an allied cast on the map would cause it to be added as a reserve member of the party.

--- Fixed a bug that caused variables in deleted events to appear in the ALL category of variable labels.

--- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the graphic on Sheet 1 of an event specified in the Custom Event Settings in the Database to be automatically replaced by the graphic of the cast.

--- Fixed a bug that prevented test play from starting if the saved data contained deleted cast members.

--- Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when adding a resource overwrite by selecting from a file in the Layout Tool.

--- Fixed a bug in the Layout Tool where the OK button could be pressed without selecting anything in the Add Layout Part dialog.

--- Fixed a bug that caused Bakin to become inoperable for a long time when manipulating the position of a mini map with the Layout Tool.

--- Fixed a bug that caused the engine to process very slowly when a mini map was used for free layout in the Layout Tool.

--- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused light gray squares to appear on top of each other in the map editor.

--'' Known Issues ''
--- There is a problem with the Steam overlay function displaying off the screen.  Currently, we recommend that you do not use the Steam overlay when using this tool.
To turn off this feature explicitly, go to the right side of the Steam library page in Bakin and uncheck the “Enable the Steam Overlays while in-game” checkbox in the Steam Library > General menu.

--- The bug that prevented the published work export dialog from opening after the Ver. 1.0.7 update has been fixed.

--- Fixed a bug that caused the texture in the blank area to be randomly corrupted on execution when the texture was left blank in the Resource -> Material Edit screen.

--- Fixed a bug that caused automatic window width adjustment to only work on the narrower message when a series of speech bubble-type messages or conversations are used.

--- Fixed a bug in which "Layout to be Opened" could not be selected under "Continue" in the Layout Tools -> Title Layout.

--- Fixed a Bakin crash that could occur if the Asset Picker was opened and closed immediately.

--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when the Add button could be pressed to add more than the maximum limit of 2048 variable boxes to be used within the event editor.

---%%''We are currently experiencing a slowdown in test play after opening the "Classes" section of the Database. We apologize for the inconvenience, but restarting Bakin will temporarily resolve the issue.''%%
-- ''Added Features''
---Top Menu: "Update Log" page tab and "Back" button added to Info and Tips。

-- '' Bug Fixes''
--- We have removed the -0.2 degree X-axis tilt that was implicit for the player and events.

--- Fixed a bug in the command script "Event/Rotate Player" where decimals were not available.

--- Fixed a bug where event destination symbols sometimes remained on the map without being erased.

--- Fixed a bug in which local variables were not available in the command scripts "Teleport Player" and "Teleport Event".

--- Fixed a bug that caused shader compilation errors during tool initialization in Radeon HD series graphics environments.

--- Fixed a bug that caused image files to be locked and unable to be updated or deleted until the tool was exited when generating a map from an image.

--- The process of obtaining the loop range of an ogg file has been corrected.  This fixes a bug that prevented the BGM_Opening04.ogg in Sound Pack Vol. 1 from playing.

---'' Fixed a bug where battle formulas required commas for decimal points in some locales.  ''
''From this version onward, decimal points in battle formulas will be standardized to dots.  If you have been entering commas, we apologize for the inconvenience and ask that you please correct this manually.''
''[Affected Areas]''
Database -> "Damage Formula" for Items and Skills, "HP Recovery Formula" for Skills, and "EXP Calculation Formula" for Game Definitions

--''Functional Improvements''
--- Removed text limits for title, subtitle, and creator's name.
However, if the number of letters is large, the default title screen layout may run out of the screen in some cases.  If this is the case, adjust the title screen layout in the Layout Tool after creating the project.
--''Bug Fixes''
---Fixed a bug that could cause an exception when using the "Display Effect" panel to play both sprites and particles on the same event.
---Fixed a bug in Event Editor > Panel Mode where copying and pasting the "Advanced Variable Box Operation" panel would change "Assign with Decimals Rounded Down" to "Assign Remainder of Division".
---Fixed a bug that occurred in Game Definition > Project Settings > Execution Engine Definition.
Changing the run-time resolution causes a crash / BGM initial volume cannot be changed.
---Minor corrections were made to the sample game "Orb Stories".

--- Fixed a problem that caused maps to become abnormally bright in newly created projects, etc.
 The problem was occurring in some locales, including German and Dutch.
 If you are still experiencing the problem after having this correction, please contact us through the Contact Us page.
--- Fixed a problem in which bakinbattle.dll would not start if not allowed to run by its properties for publishing work.
 With this modification, no special work is required to unzip a published work into a Zip file using Explorer.
--- Fixed a problem where the RayCast panel was firing from the feet, making it very difficult to detect the player, among other things.
 From this Ver onward, as previewed in the panel, it will be fired from an elevation of 0.5 square from the ground.
 If you have already implemented events in a way that depends on the previous behavior, we apologize for the inconvenience, but please correct this manually.

--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when using a skill with no effect and common assignment for both allies and enemies on the map. 

--- Fixed a bug that prevented recovery from events during battles for conditions other than KO.
--- Fixed a bug that prevented the event panel "Recover/Reduce Battle Cast's HP/MP" from working in battles.
--- Fixed a problem in which a weapon item with "One Step Forward When Acting" could cause a monster with "Not Moving" specified to take one step backward when using a skill, item, or etc.

--- Fixed a problem in which the camera with the gazing target set to "world coordinates" would not animate correctly when Game Definition > Rules and Operations > Camera Get Behind the Player Automatically was turned on.
--- Fixed a problem in which pressing the F key with a Common Event or Battle Event selected in the Common Event palette would move the display range of the Map Editor to distant coordinates.
--- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the position of the splitter for Database and Resources to fluctuate unintentionally when the asset picker was opened.
--- Improved the ability to toggle the display of a file path shown in the upper right corner of the map editor.
 Moved to "View" menu to memorize ON/OFF
--- Fixed a bug where Wav files were not being processed properly for playback.
--- The section Game Definition > Execution Engine Definition > Font, which was not reflected due to specification changes during development, has been removed.
The font can be changed from the configuration settings in the top menu.
--- Modified the various "House - Wall 01-03" models on the 3D stamps for the following three projects 
 Newly created project (Normal assets)
 Sample game "Orb Stories"
 House Pack Vol.1 (Free DLC)
--- In addition, we have fixed several issues that were identified in the crash reports we received from our users, so that crashes do not occur.
-- ''Added Features''
--- Effekseer 1.70 is now supported.
You can use particles created with Effekseer 1.70 in Bakin.

-- ''Bug Fixes''
--- Fixed a bug that caused the splitter position in the "Conditions to Run This Sheet" field in the Event Editor to change unintentionally.
--- Fixed a bug that caused a higher value to be set internally when specifying the movement speed and frequency in the "Movement Settings" of the Event Editor.
After this version, the correct values are displayed and specified in the editor.
--- Fixed a bug in the command script "Display Image" that caused a crash when selecting a sprite.
--- Fixed a bug in the battle layout that caused an exception if a party or monster was placed outside the area range.
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when a cast member repeatedly joined and left from the party in a battle event.
--- Fixed a bug in the map editor "Placed List Palette" where group name renames were not being saved.
--- Fixed a bug that caused the window to maximize when double-clicking the caption area on the Map Editor Quick Toolbar.

--- Fixed a bug that caused the tool to crash if there was a description error in Game Definition - "Rules and Operations" - "Assign Input Device".
--- Fixed a bug that prevented WAV files from playing properly.
--- Fixed a bug that caused some dialogs, such as exit confirmation, for games exported using "Published Work Export" to be displayed in Japanese even in an English environment.
--'' Added Features''
--- The manual wiki is also available from the "Info and Tips" section of the top menu.  As previously, it is also available from the Map Editor's Help (H), so please click here while you are working on your game.
--- For the property "Layout to be Opened" of the Layout Tool Layout Part's Container for Element of Entry Selection, the selectable layouts are now narrowed down according to what is specified in the entry "Action".

--''Bug Fixes''
--- Fixed a bug that caused an exception when an item referencing a skill that invokes a common event was the second or later entry in the inventory.
--- Fixed a bug in the rendering settings in Map Settings that caused an exception when minimizing a property that contained entries that were being edited.
--- Fixed a bug in the game where events added to that map or common after a save were not reflected when loaded and played.

--- Fixed a bug that caused resources other than stamps to be added when adding stamps from the right-click menu on the Object tab of the Stamp Palette.
--- Fixed a bug that sound was distorted in some cases when playing sound data in the tool.
--- Fixed a bug where this tool crashes in the middle of the loading screen (progress bar).
If you are using an AMD Radeon GPU and have been experiencing this problem, please try this version.
--- Fixed a bug that caused the editor to freeze or crash due to incomplete default data for creation.
--- Fixed a problem with the screen turning light blue and stopping when playing the published sample game.
--- Fixed a problem with the jump button, which is specified by default, reacting when closing the in-game menu.

--- Fixed a bug that caused the editor to freeze or crash due to incomplete default data for new creation.  The problem has been fixed so that data that has already been created will not cause problems.
--- In the "Edit" menu at the top of the Map Editor, a new function " View File Path" has been added to turn on/off the path that appears in the upper right of the Map Editor.
--- Fixed a bug that prevented the "Asset Showcase" banner from displaying correctly.
--- Other minor corrections

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