*Cameras [#lb110652]

**Camera Settings [#cf0b4918]
Specify the data to be executed from the camera work set up in the Camera Tool.
For more information on how to create camera work, see [[Camera Tool]].


**Enable/Disable Camera Operation [#yb2c1c2b]
Permit or prohibit the player to operate the camera.


-''Camera Angle and Zoom Operations''
Specify the operations that the player can perform during play.
--''Available Operations''
---Horizontal Rotation
---Vertical Rotation

**Enable/Disable Battle Camera [#v1fe5063]
Specify permission or prohibition of camera during battles. You can specify from the following camera performances.


-''At the Beginning of Battle''
-''When Attacking''
-''When Using Skill''
-''When Using Item''

**Change Camera Parameters [#f52e73b4]

-''Time until Complete''
Specify the time it takes to change parameters.

-''Wait to Complete''
Wait for the next event panel to execute until the parameter changes are complete.

-''Abort Camera Animation''
Execute the contents of this panel by aborting the previously moving camera movement.

**Switch Battle Camera Sets [#od87e983]
You can switch the camera set to be used during battles.
Battle camera sets can be created with the [[Camera Tool]].

**Switch Conversation Scene Camera [#rafd0126]
When using the "Display Conversation" panel to execute a cast conversation event, you can assign and change the camera that will show the cast graphics to be displayed.
Camera sets for conversation scenes can be created with the [[Camera Tool]].


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