| Particle () |
override void | load (BinaryReader reader) |
override void | save (BinaryWriter writer) |
override void | saveUsedGUID (BinaryWriter writer, bool inIncludeChildUseRomGUID) |
| Export the GUID you are using (for tools) More...
override string[] | getPathList () |
void | CopyReferenceFiles (string inSrcBasePath, string inSrcPath, string inDstPath, bool inIsOverwrite, bool inIsExistFileRename) |
override void | CopySourceResourceFile (string inSrcPath, string inDstPath=null, bool inIsOverwrite=false, bool inIsExistFileRename=false) |
override void | ChangeReImportPath () |
override void | reImport () |
override void | reload () |
override List< string > | getRelatedFiles () |
List< string > | getReferenceFilePathList () |
override void | export (string path) |
override void | ChangeId (Dictionary< Guid, Rom.RomItem > inChangeIdDic) |
override List< Guid > | GetUsedResourceIdList () |
SharpKmyGfx.ParticleInstance | getParticleInstance (uint displayID) |
void | overwriteImport (string newPath) |
| simple overwrite import More...
override bool | initializingAfterLoading () |
virtual void | initializeKmyGfx () |
override void | save (System.IO.BinaryWriter writer) |
override void | load (System.IO.BinaryReader reader) |
virtual void | setPath (string path) |
virtual void | CopySourceResourceFile (string inSrcPath, string inDstPath=null, bool inIsOverwrite=false, bool inIsExistFileRename=false) |
void | CopyOutsideResourceFile (bool inIsOverwrite=false, bool inIsExistFileRename=false) |
bool | deleteResourceFile (Dictionary< string, int > inUsedFilePathCountDic, bool inIsAutoDeleteFile) |
virtual List< string > | getRelatedFiles () |
virtual List< string > | getInternalFormatFilePath () |
virtual ErrorType | verify () |
bool | IsError (bool inCheckDispOnly=true) |
bool | isSystemResource () |
bool | isDLCResource () |
void | setToModified () |
virtual string[] | getPathList () |
string | getExtension () |
virtual void | ChangeReImportPath () |
virtual List< Guid > | GetUsedResourceIdList () |
override void | ChangeId (Dictionary< Guid, Rom.RomItem > inChangeIdDic) |
void | ClearResourceHolderCache () |
virtual void | reload () |
bool | isExistNewerTimeStamp () |
virtual void | renamePath (string inNewPath) |
virtual void | setNativeResourcePath (string inFolderPath) |
| set full path of native resource for system project y More...
string | getCategory (string locale=null) |
| RomItem () |
System.Drawing.Bitmap | getThumbnail (THUMBNAILMAKERNOTIFY notify, out bool setNotify) |
System.Drawing.Bitmap | getThumbnail (THUMBNAILMAKERNOTIFY notify) |
System.Drawing.Bitmap | getThumbnail () |
void | invalidateThumbnail () |
void | invalidateThumbnail (THUMBNAILMAKERNOTIFY notify) |
void | forceInvalidateThumbnail (THUMBNAILMAKERNOTIFY notify) |
virtual void | save (BinaryWriter writer) |
virtual void | load (BinaryReader reader) |
virtual void | saveUsedGUID (BinaryWriter writer, bool inIncludeChildUseRomGUID) |
| Export the GUID you are using (for tools) More...
void | saveUsedGUID (BinaryWriter writer) |
| Export the GUID you are using (for tools) More...
virtual bool | initializingAfterLoading () |
virtual void | reImport () |
virtual void | export (string path) |
virtual void | onCatalogCleanup () |
virtual void | onNameChanged () |
void | copyFrom (Common.Rom.RomItem src) |
virtual void | CheckRecourceConsistency (Catalog inCatalog) |
virtual void | ChangeId (Dictionary< Guid, Rom.RomItem > inChangeIdDic) |
| Replace the Id you are using with the corresponding Rom Id More...
void | ClearId (List< Rom.RomItem > inClearRomItemList) |
| Removed rom usage in list More...
void | Dispose () |
void | AddUpdatecall (int count) |
void | save (BinaryWriter writer) |
void | load (BinaryReader reader) |
override string | ImportPath [get, set] |
float | Prewarm [get, set] |
bool | UseEnvEffect [get, set] |
Guid | BattleSettingSE [get, set] |
float | BattleSettingSoundTiming [get, set] |
float | BattleSettingTime [get, set] |
int | BattleSettingStart [get, set] |
float | BattleSettingStartOffsetX [get, set] |
float | BattleSettingStartOffsetY [get, set] |
float | BattleSettingStartOffsetZ [get, set] |
int | BattleSettingEnd [get, set] |
int | BattleSettingDirection [get, set] |
int | BattleSettingGeneration [get, set] |
Guid | BattleSettingChainTarget [get, set] |
float | BattleSettingChainTiming [get, set] |
int | BattleSettingShakeForce [get, set] |
float | BattleSettingShakeTiming [get, set] |
float | BattleSettingShakeLength [get, set] |
float | BattleSettingDamageTiming [get, set] |
float | BattleSettingGuardTiming [get, set] |
float | LightPosX [get, set] |
float | LightPosY [get, set] |
float | LightPosZ [get, set] |
System.Drawing.Color | LightColor [get, set] |
float | LightForce [get, set] |
float | LightRadius [get, set] |
float | LightFadeInStart [get, set] |
float | LightFadeInTime [get, set] |
float | LightFadeOutStart [get, set] |
float | LightFadeOutTime [get, set] |
string | SourcePath [get] |
virtual string | ImportPath [get, set] |
virtual string | SourceFileName [get] |
string | SourceFolderName [get] |
int | StampType [get, set] |
bool | ForceExport [get, set] |
virtual bool | ConvertableToInternalFormat [get] |
string | resourcePath [get, set] |
System.Drawing.Bitmap | Thumbnail [get] |
ThumbnailStatusType | ThumbnailStatus = ThumbnailStatusType.Empty [get, set] |
string | Name [get, set] |
virtual int | RefCount [get] |
virtual bool | UseRefCount [get] |
Folder | Parent [get, set] |
A class that manages particle resources