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Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer Class Reference

Menu container management/drawing class for layout More...

Inheritance diagram for Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer:
Yukar.Engine.SpriteRenderObject Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject


class  MenuSubPanelProperty
 A structure that stores sub-drawing elements such as selection items

Public Member Functions

override void SetPositionForPreview (Vector2 position)
 Position change function in preview More...
override void SetSize (Vector2 size)
 set position More...
override bool ContainsRenderContent ()
 whether it contains something to draw More...
override LayoutObjectType GetRenderObjectType ()
 Get layout part type More...
override void ChangeAnimationState (AnimationState animationState)
 Force an animation state change More...
override void Release ()
 Open More...
override void UpdateTouchCollider (Vector2 addtionalContainerSize)
 Update hitbox More...
override void Show ()
 indicate More...
override void ShowContainer ()
 Show only containers More...
override void Hide ()
 You want to hide More...
override void HideContainer ()
 Hide container only More...
override void Lock (AbstractRenderObject menuContiner)
 lock the specified menu container More...
override Rectangle GetClipRectangle (Rectangle? currentClipRectAngle)
 Get the rectangle to use for clipping More...
override bool GetClipRectangleSolo (out Rectangle val)
override bool IsClipRecursive ()
override Vector2 GetWindowPadding ()
 get window margins More...
override Vector2 GetWindowRenderSize (Vector2 size)
 Calculate drawing size within window frame More...
override MenuSettings.MenuItem GetMenuItem ()
 get menu item More...
override MenuSettings.MenuItem GetMenuItemWithChildren ()
 get menu item More...
override MenuSettings.MenuItem.ActionType GetActionWithChildren (AbstractRenderObject menuContiner)
 Get the selected action of the specified menu container More...
override MenuSettings.MenuItem.ActionType GetActionWithChildern (int index)
 Get the child action of the menu container with the specified index More...
override bool NeedDrawingOrigin ()
 Need to draw the origin? More...
override Vector2 GetOriginPosition ()
 Get origin position More...
override bool HasHideContainerOption ()
 Whether the selected container has a setting to hide the container when determined More...
override bool HasEventObject (Events layoutEvent)
 Whether the event contains special formatting More...
override bool ContainLayoutType (MenuSettings.MenuItem.LayoutType menuType)
 Does it contain the specified layout type? More...
override void ConfigureContentProperty (int maximumContent)
 Set maximum number of elements in menu container More...
override void ConfigureContentProperty (int maximumContent, AbstractRenderObject menuContiner)
 Set maximum number of elements in menu container More...
override void ConfigureContentProperty (int maximumContent, bool updateRenderPanel)
 Set maximum number of elements in menu container More...
override bool HaveDecidedByTouch ()
 Whether you pressed decision by touch More...
override Tuple< bool, int > ForceUpdateSubContainerTouch ()
 Force touch detection More...
override void SkipContentRendering (bool skip)
 Prevent container drawing (container children are still drawn) More...
override Tuple< int, bool > GetSelectIndexWithChildern ()
 Get the index number of the selected menu container More...
override Tuple< int, bool > GetSelectIndexWithChildern (AbstractRenderObject menuContiner)
 Get the index number of the selected menu container More...
override void SetSelectIndexWithChildern (int index)
 Change the selected position of the menu container More...
override Tuple< int, bool > GetMenuPageWithChildern ()
 Get page of menu container More...
override bool IsSelectedFirstPage ()
 Are you selecting the first page? More...
override bool IsSelectedLastPage ()
 Are you selecting the last page? More...
override bool PressNextPage ()
 Did you enter a move to the next page? More...
override bool PressPreviousPage ()
 Did you enter a move to the previous page? More...
override bool MovedPage ()
 Did you move the page (need to call update first) More...
override int GetMaximumSelectIndexWithChildern (AbstractRenderObject menuContiner)
 Get the maximum value of the selection index of the menu container More...
override void EnableSubContainerPageIndexWithChildern (bool enable, int subContainerIndex)
 Change whether the subcontainer of the specified page number can be selected More...
override void EnableLoopPage (bool enable)
 Whether to loop keystroke paging More...
override void EnableSelectAll (bool enableSelectAll)
 select all More...
override void EnableSelectMulti (bool enableSelectMulti, int selectedCount)
 Select multiple items from the beginning More...
override void ForceBlinkSubContainer (bool forceUseBlinker, int subContainerIndex)
 Force the subcontainer with the specified index number to shine More...
override Guid GetSelectOpenLayoutGuid ()
 Get the guid of the selected open layout More...
override Guid GetLayoutStateGuid ()
 Get the guid of the selected open layout state More...
override void SetLayoutStateGuid (Guid guid)
 Sets the guid of the selected open layout state More...
override void GetTextContentType (List< TextContentType > result)
 get text content More...
override float GetSelectSliderValueWithChildern ()
 Get the value of the selected slider More...
SliderPanel GetSliderPanel (int index)
override float GetSliderValueWithChildern (int index)
 Get the value of the slider in the subcontainer with the specified index number More...
override void SetSliderValueWithChildern (float value, int index)
 Change the value of the slider in the subcontainer with the specified index number More...
override float GetSliderMaximumValueWithChildern (int index)
 Gets the maximum value of the slider in the subcontainer with the specified index number More...
override int GetSpinValueWithChildern (int index)
 Get the value of the spin in the subcontainer with the specified index number More...
override void SetSpinValueWithChildern (int value, int index)
 Change the value of the spin in the subcontainer with the specified index number More...
override void ChangeMenuSubContainerAmount (int amount, Vector2 menuSubContainerSize)
 Change the number of submenu containers More...
override TagPositions GetTagPosition ()
 Get tag position settings More...
override TagTelop GetTagTelop ()
 Get telop tag settings More...
override void EnableMessageSprite (bool enable)
 Enable sprites when waiting for messages More...
override void EnableCanUse (bool enable)
 Change Enabled State More...
bool IsDisabled (MenuSubContainer selectingSubContainer)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Yukar.Engine.SpriteRenderObject
override Vector2 GetRenderPosition ()
 Get drawing position (considering parent's position as well) More...
override bool ContainsRenderContent ()
 whether it contains something to draw More...
override void ChangeAnimationState (AnimationState animationState)
 Force an animation state change More...
Vector2 CalcRenderPosition (Vector2 inBasePosition, bool useScaleOffset=false)
override void Release ()
 Open More...
override void Show ()
 indicate More...
override void ShowWithNotAnimation ()
 display without animation More...
override void Hide ()
 You want to hide More...
override void HideWithNotAnimation ()
 Hide without animation More...
void ResetAnimationProgress ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject
 AbstractRenderObject ()
 AbstractRenderObject (MenuSettings.MenuItem menuItem, bool isThumbnail)
 AbstractRenderObject (MenuSettings.MenuItem menuItem, Guid guid, bool isThumbnail)
 AbstractRenderObject (MenuSettings.MenuItem menuItem, Guid guid, AbstractRenderObject parent, int insertIndex, bool isThumbnail)
 AbstractRenderObject (MenuSettings.MenuItem menuItem, Guid guid, AbstractRenderObject parent, int insertIndex, bool drawable, bool isThumbnail)
 AbstractRenderObject (MenuSettings.MenuItem menuItem, Guid guid, AbstractRenderObject parent, int insertIndex, bool drawable, Vector2 position, bool isThumbnail)
 AbstractRenderObject (MenuSettings.MenuItem menuItem, Guid guid, AbstractRenderObject parent, int insertIndex, bool drawable, Vector2 position, Vector2 size, bool isThumbnail)
 AbstractRenderObject (MenuSettings.MenuItem menuItem, Guid guid, AbstractRenderObject parent, int insertIndex, bool drawable, Vector2 position, Vector2 size, Vector2 scale, bool isThumbnail)
 AbstractRenderObject (MenuSettings.MenuItem menuItem, Guid guid, AbstractRenderObject parent, int insertIndex, bool drawable, Vector2 position, Vector2 size, Vector2 scale, float alpha, bool isThumbnail)
 AbstractRenderObject (MenuSettings.MenuItem menuItem, Guid guid, AbstractRenderObject parent, int insertIndex, bool drawable, Vector2 position, Vector2 size, Vector2 scale, float alpha, bool isPreview, bool isThumbnail)
 AbstractRenderObject (MenuSettings.MenuItem menuItem, Guid guid, AbstractRenderObject parent, int insertIndex, RenderProperty renderProperty, bool isThumbnail)
 AbstractRenderObject (MenuSettings.MenuItem menuItem, Guid guid, AbstractRenderObject parent, int insertIndex, RenderProperty renderProperty, bool isPreview, bool isThumbnail)
virtual Vector2 GetScaledSize ()
 Get size with scaling (also consider parent's scaling) More...
virtual Vector2 GetRenderPosition ()
 Get drawing position (considering parent's position as well) More...
virtual Vector2 GetRenderPositionWithoutParent ()
 Get own drawing position More...
virtual Vector2 GetRenderScale ()
 Get scaling (also consider parent's scaling) More...
virtual Vector2 GetRenderScaleWithoutParent ()
 Get own scaling More...
bool IsTouching (Vector2 position)
 whether you are touching More...
bool IsTouching (SharpKmyMath.Vector2 position)
 whether you are touching More...
bool IsTouchingCenter (Vector2 position, float centerLength)
 Whether you are touching the center or not More...
bool IsTouchingCenter (SharpKmyMath.Vector2 position, float centerLength)
 Whether you are touching the center or not More...
Tuple< bool, TouchCollider.EdgePositionIsTouchingEdge (Vector2 position, float edgeLength)
 Are you touching the edge? More...
Tuple< bool, TouchCollider.EdgePositionIsTouchingEdge (SharpKmyMath.Vector2 position, float edgeLength)
 Are you touching the edge? More...
bool IsTouchingAnything (Vector2 position)
 Whether the child is also touched More...
bool IsTouchingAnything (SharpKmyMath.Vector2 position)
 Whether the child is also touched More...
List< AbstractRenderObjectGetTouchingObjects (Vector2 position)
 Get touched drawing object including children More...
List< AbstractRenderObjectGetTouchingObjects (SharpKmyMath.Vector2 position)
 Get touched drawing object including children More...
bool CollideRectangle (Rectangle rectangle)
 whether it hits the rectangle More...
bool CollideRectangle (SharpKmyMath.Rectangle rectangle)
 whether it hits the rectangle More...
bool CoverRectangle (Rectangle rectangle)
bool CoverRectangle (SharpKmyMath.Rectangle rectangle)
virtual void SetPositionForPreview (Vector2 position)
 Position change function in preview More...
virtual Vector2 GetPositionForPreview ()
 Get position in preview More...
virtual Vector2 SetRenderPosition (Vector2 globalPosition)
 Set position in world coordinates More...
void SetOffsetMyPosition (Vector2 position)
 Set the position considering the initial position More...
virtual Vector2 GetOriginPosition ()
 Get origin position More...
virtual void ReCalculatePostion ()
 recalculate position More...
virtual void SetSize (Vector2 size)
 set position More...
virtual void SetAngle (float angle)
 set the angle More...
virtual void SetFlip (int flip)
 set inversion More...
bool IsDescendants (AbstractRenderObject obj)
 determine if descendant More...
bool IsAncestor (AbstractRenderObject obj)
 determine if ancestor More...
virtual LayoutObjectType GetRenderObjectType ()
 Get layout part type More...
bool IsContainer ()
 container or not More...
virtual bool ContainsRenderContent ()
 whether it contains something to draw More...
virtual void CreateBattleContent ()
 Generate elements for battle More...
virtual bool NeedDrawingOrigin ()
 Need to draw the origin? More...
virtual void ChangeAnimationState (SpriteRenderObject.AnimationState animationState)
 Force an animation state change More...
virtual void SetParent (AbstractRenderObject parent)
 set parent More...
bool AddChild (AbstractRenderObject child)
 add child More...
bool InsertChild (AbstractRenderObject child, int insertIndex)
 add child More...
virtual AbstractRenderObject Remove (MenuSettings.MenuItem menuItem)
 remove child

menuItemSetting the layout to be deleted
true if it was possible to delete false if it did not exist in the child and could not be deleted
bool RemoveChild (AbstractRenderObject child)
 remove child More...
void ClearChildren ()
 clear the child More...
AbstractRenderObject RemoveFromParent ()
 detach from parent More...
virtual RenderProperty CreateRenderProperty ()
 Create drawing information More...
void Update ()
 Update More...
virtual void UpdateTouchCollider (Vector2 addtionalContainerSize)
 Update hitbox More...
void Draw ()
 draw More...
virtual void DrawLineRect (Color color)
 draw a rectangle More...
void DrawTouchCollider ()
 Draw touch hit detection More...
virtual void Release ()
 Open More...
virtual void Show ()
 indicate More...
virtual void ShowWithNotAnimation ()
 display without animation More...
virtual void ShowContainer ()
 Show only containers More...
virtual void Hide ()
 You want to hide More...
virtual void HideWithNotAnimation ()
 Hide without animation More...
void HideNotUsingAnimation ()
 Alias for Old Name / HideWithNotAnimation More...
virtual void HideContainer ()
 Hide container only More...
virtual void Lock ()
 lock More...
virtual void Lock (AbstractRenderObject menuContiner)
 lock the specified menu container More...
bool IsLockedWithChildern ()
 whether it is locked More...
virtual void UnLock ()
 to unlock More...
void EnableDrawable (bool enable)
 Change drawable state More...
virtual void EnableCanUse (bool enable)
 Change Enabled State More...
void AddDrawableInBattle (bool enable)
 Add control over drawing during battle More...
virtual Rectangle GetClipRectangle (Rectangle? currentClipRectangle)
 Get the rectangle to use for clipping More...
virtual bool GetClipRectangleSolo (out Rectangle val)
virtual bool IsClipRecursive ()
virtual Vector2 GetWindowPadding ()
 get window margins More...
virtual Vector2 GetWindowRenderSize (Vector2 size)
 Calculate drawing size within window frame More...
virtual float GetRenderAlpha ()
 get transparency More...
virtual void SetRenderAlpha (float alpha)
 set transparency More...
virtual Vector2 GetAutoSizeMargin ()
 Get Auto Adjust Margins More...
AbstractRenderObject GetSameMenuItemObjectWithChildern (MenuSettings.MenuItem menuItem)
 Get objects of the same menu item More...
AbstractRenderObject GetNextRenderObject (NextInputTypes nextInputTypes)
 get an object that matches the input More...
virtual MenuSettings.MenuItem GetMenuItem ()
 get menu item More...
virtual MenuSettings.MenuItem GetMenuItemWithChildren ()
 get menu item More...
virtual MenuSettings.MenuItem.ActionType GetActionWithChildren (AbstractRenderObject menuContiner)
 Get the selected action of the specified menu container More...
virtual MenuSettings.MenuItem.ActionType GetActionWithChildern (int index)
 Get the child action of the menu container with the specified index More...
virtual Tuple< MenuSettings.MenuItem.ActionType, AbstractRenderObjectGetInputtingActionAndObjectWithChildern ()
 Get action with input More...
bool IsVisibleWithChildern ()
 whether it is showing More...
bool IsInOutAnimatingWithChildern ()
 whether it is in animation More...
virtual bool HasHideContainerOption ()
 Whether the selected container has a setting to hide the container when determined More...
virtual bool HasEventObject (Events layoutEvent)
 Whether the event contains special formatting More...
virtual bool HasSpecialText (SpecialTextRenderer.SpecialTexts specialText)
 Whether the specified content contains special formatting More...
virtual bool ContainLayoutType (MenuSettings.MenuItem.LayoutType layoutType)
 Does it contain the specified layout type? More...
virtual void ConfigureContentProperty (int maximumContent)
 Set maximum number of elements in menu container More...
virtual void ConfigureContentProperty (int maximumContent, AbstractRenderObject menuContiner)
 Set maximum number of elements in menu container More...
virtual void ConfigureContentProperty (int maximumContent, bool updateRenderPanelIndex)
 Set maximum number of elements in menu container More...
virtual void UpdateGameContent (GameContent gameContent, bool skipBattleReplace=false)
 Update game content More...
virtual void ResetSubMenuContainerRenderStatus ()
 Reset the drawing state of the subcontainer More...
virtual void ChangeSubMenuContainerRenderStatus (RenderStatus renderStatus, bool overrride)
 Change the drawing state of a subcontainer More...
virtual void ChangeBattleResultVisible (GameContent gameContent)
 Switch between displaying and hiding battle results More...
virtual AbstractRenderObject Copy (AbstractRenderObject parent)
 copy itself More...
virtual bool HaveDecidedByTouch ()
 Whether you pressed decision by touch More...
virtual Tuple< bool, int > ForceUpdateSubContainerTouch ()
 Force touch detection More...
virtual void SkipContentRendering (bool skip)
 Prevent container drawing (container children are still drawn) More...
virtual Tuple< int, bool > GetSelectIndexWithChildern ()
 Get the index number of the selected menu container More...
virtual Tuple< int, bool > GetSelectIndexWithChildern (AbstractRenderObject menuContiner)
 Get the index number of the selected menu container More...
virtual void SetSelectIndexWithChildern (int index)
 Change the selected position of the menu container More...
virtual Tuple< int, bool > GetMenuPageWithChildern ()
 Get page of menu container More...
virtual bool IsSelectedFirstPage ()
 Are you selecting the first page? More...
virtual bool IsSelectedLastPage ()
 Are you selecting the last page? More...
virtual bool PressNextPage ()
 Did you enter a move to the next page? More...
virtual bool PressPreviousPage ()
 Did you enter a move to the previous page? More...
virtual bool MovedPage ()
 Did you move the page (need to call update first) More...
virtual int GetMaximumSelectIndexWithChildern (AbstractRenderObject menuContiner)
 Get the maximum value of the selection index of the menu container More...
virtual void EnableSubContainerWithChildern (bool enable, int subContainerIndex)
 Change whether the subcontainer with the specified index number can be selected More...
virtual void EnableSubContainerPageIndexWithChildern (bool enable, int subContainerPageIndex)
 Change whether the subcontainer of the specified page number can be selected More...
virtual void EnableLoopPage (bool enable)
 Whether to loop keystroke paging More...
void EnableDrawSizeRect (bool drawable, bool drawSubContainer=false)
 Display ON/OFF of size rectangle More...
void SetSelectingRenderObject (Guid guid)
 Make the object with the specified guid selected More...
virtual void EnableSelectAll (bool enableSelectAll)
 select all More...
virtual void EnableSelectMulti (bool enableSelectMulti, int selectedCount)
 Select multiple items from the beginning More...
virtual void ForceBlinkSubContainer (bool forceUseBlinker, int subContainerIndex)
 Force the subcontainer with the specified index number to shine More...
virtual Guid GetSelectOpenLayoutGuid ()
 Get the guid of the selected open layout More...
virtual Guid GetLayoutStateGuid ()
 Get the guid of the selected open layout state More...
virtual void SetLayoutStateGuid (Guid guid)
 Sets the guid of the selected open layout state More...
virtual Tuple< bool, Vector2 > GetTextScaledSize ()
 get text size More...
virtual Tuple< bool, float > GetTextScale ()
 get text scale More...
virtual TextDrawer GetTextDrawer ()
 get text drawing object More...
List< TextContentTypeGetChildrenTextContentType ()
 get text content More...
virtual void GetTextContentType (List< TextContentType > result)
 get text content More...
virtual void EnableScrollText (bool enable)
 enable scrolling More...
virtual bool IsTextOutOfScreen ()
 whether the text is off screen More...
virtual void UpdateSpecialRenderObject ()
 Update specially formatted text More...
virtual void ShowNamePlate (int containerIndex)
 Show nameplate More...
virtual void HideNamePlate (int containerIndex)
 Hide nameplate More...
virtual void ForceHideNamePlate ()
 Force hide all nameplates More...
virtual float GetSelectSliderValueWithChildern ()
 Get the value of the selected slider More...
virtual float GetSliderValueWithChildern (int index)
 Get the value of the slider in the subcontainer with the specified index number More...
virtual float GetSliderMaximumValueWithChildern (int index)
 Gets the maximum value of the slider in the subcontainer with the specified index number More...
virtual void SetSliderValueWithChildern (float value, int index)
 Change the value of the slider in the subcontainer with the specified index number More...
virtual int GetSpinValueWithChildern (int index)
 Get the value of the spin in the subcontainer with the specified index number More...
virtual void SetSpinValueWithChildern (int value, int index)
 Change the value of the spin in the subcontainer with the specified index number More...
virtual void ChangeMenuSubContainerAmount (int amount, Vector2 menuSubContainerSize)
 Change the number of submenu containers More...
virtual TagPositions GetTagPosition ()
 Get tag position settings More...
virtual TagTelop GetTagTelop ()
 Get telop tag settings More...
virtual void EnableMessageSprite (bool enable)
 Enable sprites when waiting for messages More...
AbstractRenderObject GetRenderObjectWithPositionAnchorTag (string positionAnchorTag)
 Get an object with a special coordinate tag (return the first one found) More...
AbstractRenderObject GetRenderObjectWithPositionAnchorTag (PositionAnchorTags positionAnchorTag)
 Get an object with a special coordinate tag (return the first one found) More...
virtual AbstractRenderObject GetRenderObjectWithPositionAnchorTag (string positionAnchorTag, int menuIndex)
 Get an object with a special coordinate tag with the same container management number (return the first found object) More...
AbstractRenderObject GetRenderObjectWithPositionAnchorTag (PositionAnchorTags positionAnchorTag, int menuIndex)
 Get an object with a special coordinate tag with the same container management number (return the first found object) More...
List< AbstractRenderObjectGetRenderObjectsWithPositionAnchorTag (string positionAnchorTag)
 Get all objects with a special coordinate tag More...
List< AbstractRenderObjectGetRenderObjectsWithPositionAnchorTag (PositionAnchorTags positionAnchorTag)
 Get all objects with a special coordinate tag More...
List< AbstractRenderObjectParseNodes ()
 return all nodes More...

Protected Member Functions

override void UpdateCallback ()
 Update process More...
override bool DrawCallback ()
 drawing process More...
override void AfterDrawCallback ()
 Post-drawing processing More...
override void ResetLayoutProperties ()
 Reset layout information More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Yukar.Engine.SpriteRenderObject
void ApplyDrawableWithAnimation (bool newDrawable)
override void UpdateCallback ()
 Update process More...
override void DrawAll ()
 drawing process More...
Vector2 CalculateOriginOffset ()
void ResetSpriteProperty (MenuSettings.MenuItem.Origin origin, Guid animationSpriteId, Guid appearAnimationMotionId, Guid disappearAnimationMotionId, Guid drawAnimationMotionId, Guid drawWhenNotFocsingAnimationMotionId, Guid decisionAnimationMotionId)
void ResetDecisionAnimation (Guid animationSpriteId, Guid decisionAnimationMotionId)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject
void PushMask (Rectangle clipRect, Guid mask)
 Apply UI mask More...
void PushMaskUseSprite (Action< Vector2 > applyMask)
 Putting elements on the stack to use sprite-based UI masks More...
void PopMask ()
virtual Rectangle CreateIntersectRectangle (Rectangle rectangleA, Rectangle rectangleB)
abstract void UpdateCallback ()
 Update process More...
abstract bool DrawCallback ()
 drawing process More...
virtual void AfterDrawCallback ()
 Post-drawing processing More...
virtual void DrawAll ()
 drawing process More...
virtual void ResetLayoutProperties ()
 Reset layout information More...
void ResetChildLayoutProperties ()
 Repopulate child layout information More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Yukar.Engine.SpriteRenderObject
enum  AnimationState {
  ShowPlaying , DrawPlaying , HidePlaying , DrawPlayingWhenNotFocsing ,
  DecisionPlaying , End
 animation state More...
- Public Types inherited from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject
enum  LayoutObjectType {
  None = -1 , MenuContainer , MenuSubContainer , RenderContainer ,
  SliderPanel , SpinPanel , TextPanel , ImagePanel ,
 Layout part type More...
enum  NextInputTypes {
  NONE = -1 , UP , DOWN , RIGHT ,
 The following input types More...
enum  PositionAnchorTags {
  TopLeft , Top , TopRight , Left ,
  Center , Right , BottomLeft , Bottom ,
  BottomRight , Balloon , FixedBalloon , MessageSprite ,
  ArrowSprite , TelopBackgroung , TelopBackgroungImage , TelopText ,
  TelopScrollText , Player , Enemy , DamagePosition
 special coordinate tag name More...
enum  TagPositions {
  None = -2 , ALL = -1 , TopLeft , Top ,
  TopRight , Left , Center , Right ,
  BottomLeft , Bottom , BottomRight , Balloon ,
 Tag position More...
enum  TagTelop {
  None = -1 , TelopBackgroung , TelopBackgroungImage , TelopText ,
 tag for telop More...
enum  Events {
  None = -1 , Message , Dialogue , DialogueImage ,
  TelopText , TelopImage , Inn , Selection ,
 Event type More...
enum  TextContentType { NONE = -1 , EMPTY_TEXT , TEXT_OR_SPECIAL_TEXT }
 type of text content More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject
static void ApplyCurrentMask ()
- Public Attributes inherited from Yukar.Engine.SpriteRenderObject
Vector2 defaultPosition
- Protected Attributes inherited from Yukar.Engine.SpriteRenderObject
Common.Catalog catalog
GameMain gameMain
AnimationState animationState
MenuSettings.MenuItem.Origin origin
Vector2 offset
EffectDrawer appearSpriteDrawer
EffectDrawer drawSpriteDrawer
EffectDrawer drawWhenNotFocsingSpriteDrawer
EffectDrawer disappearSpriteDrawer
EffectDrawer decisionSpriteDrawer
Vector2 defaultScale
float defaultAlpha
Vector2 defaultOffset
Vector2 centerOffset
bool isEndNotFocsingMotion = false
- Protected Attributes inherited from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject
Guid guid
bool canUse
 Whether to use (toggles between enabling and disabling only Drawble of MenuItem) More...
bool drawable
 Toggle whether to draw or not depending on the action More...
bool locked
Vector2 scale
float alpha
TouchRectCollider touchRectCollider
bool isPreview
bool isThumbnail
bool disable
Color? overrideRenderColor
bool useVariablePosition
Tuple< string, string > variableNames
bool usePlayerPosition
Layout.AbstractController controller
- Properties inherited from Yukar.Engine.SpriteRenderObject
bool useEffectDrawer [get]
override bool IsInOutAnimating [get]
- Properties inherited from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject
AbstractRenderObject Parent [get, set]
List< AbstractRenderObjectChildren [get, set]
Vector2 Position [get, set]
Vector2 DefaultPosition [get, protected set]
Vector2 Size [get, set]
int Depth [get, set]
bool DrawableSizeRect [get]
Color? SizeRectColor [get, set]
int Index [get]
int MenuIndex [get, set]
int Top [get]
int Bottom [get]
int Left [get]
int Right [get]
bool CanUse [get]
MenuSettings.MenuItem MenuItem [get, set]
bool SkipDrawMySelf [get, set]
bool IsVisible [get, set]
bool SkipUpdateVisibleFromParent [get, set]
virtual bool IsInOutAnimating [get]
AbstractRenderObject Previous [get, set]
AbstractRenderObject Next [get, set]
AbstractRenderObject RightNext [get, set]
AbstractRenderObject LeftNext [get, set]
AbstractRenderObject UpNext [get, set]
AbstractRenderObject DownNext [get, set]
bool IsVisibleBySwitch [get]
virtual bool IsDrawable [get]

Detailed Description

Menu container management/drawing class for layout

Member Function Documentation

◆ AfterDrawCallback()

override void Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.AfterDrawCallback ( )

Post-drawing processing


Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ ChangeAnimationState()

override void Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.ChangeAnimationState ( AnimationState  animationState)

Force an animation state change

animationStatethe state of the animation you want to change

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ ChangeMenuSubContainerAmount()

override void Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.ChangeMenuSubContainerAmount ( int  amount,
Vector2  menuSubContainerSize 

Change the number of submenu containers

amountNumber of submenu containers
menuSubContainerSizeSubmenu container size

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ ConfigureContentProperty() [1/3]

override void Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.ConfigureContentProperty ( int  maximumContent)

Set maximum number of elements in menu container

maximumContentmaximum number of elements

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ ConfigureContentProperty() [2/3]

override void Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.ConfigureContentProperty ( int  maximumContent,
AbstractRenderObject  menuContiner 

Set maximum number of elements in menu container

maximumContentmaximum number of elements
menuContinerMenu container you want to set

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ ConfigureContentProperty() [3/3]

override void Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.ConfigureContentProperty ( int  maximumContent,
bool  updateRenderPanelIndex 

Set maximum number of elements in menu container

maximumContentmaximum number of elements
updateRenderPanelIndexwhether to update the drawing panel index number

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ ContainLayoutType()

override bool Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.ContainLayoutType ( MenuSettings.MenuItem.LayoutType  layoutType)

Does it contain the specified layout type?

layoutTypeThe type of layout you want to check for inclusion
true included false not included

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ ContainsRenderContent()

override bool Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.ContainsRenderContent ( )

whether it contains something to draw

true included false not included

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ DrawCallback()

override bool Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.DrawCallback ( )

drawing process


Implements Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ EnableCanUse()

override void Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.EnableCanUse ( bool  enable)

Change Enabled State

enabletrue drawable false not drawable

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ EnableLoopPage()

override void Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.EnableLoopPage ( bool  enable)

Whether to loop keystroke paging

enabletrue loop false no loop

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ EnableMessageSprite()

override void Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.EnableMessageSprite ( bool  enable)

Enable sprites when waiting for messages

enabletrue enabled false disabled

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ EnableSelectAll()

override void Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.EnableSelectAll ( bool  enableSelectAll)

select all

enableSelectAlltrue select all false normal selection

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ EnableSelectMulti()

override void Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.EnableSelectMulti ( bool  enableSelectMulti,
int  selectedCount 

Select multiple items from the beginning

enableSelectMultitrue Select multiple items false Normal selection
selectedCountnumber to select

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ EnableSubContainerPageIndexWithChildern()

override void Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.EnableSubContainerPageIndexWithChildern ( bool  enable,
int  subContainerPageIndex 

Change whether the subcontainer of the specified page number can be selected

enabletrue selectable false not selectable
subContainerPageIndexThe page number of the subcontainer you want to change

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ ForceBlinkSubContainer()

override void Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.ForceBlinkSubContainer ( bool  forceUseBlinker,
int  subContainerIndex 

Force the subcontainer with the specified index number to shine

forceUseBlinkertrue forcibly blink false forcibly unblink
subContainerIndexIndex number of container to force blink

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ ForceUpdateSubContainerTouch()

override Tuple< bool, int > Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.ForceUpdateSubContainerTouch ( )

Force touch detection

true touched false not touched index number of the subcontainer being touched

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ GetActionWithChildern()

override MenuSettings.MenuItem.ActionType Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.GetActionWithChildern ( int  index)

Get the child action of the menu container with the specified index


Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ GetActionWithChildren()

override MenuSettings.MenuItem.ActionType Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.GetActionWithChildren ( AbstractRenderObject  menuContiner)

Get the selected action of the specified menu container

menuContinerthe menu container from which you want to get the action

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ GetClipRectangle()

override Rectangle Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.GetClipRectangle ( Rectangle?  currentClipRectangle)

Get the rectangle to use for clipping

Rectangle used for clipping, mask texture

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ GetClipRectangleSolo()

override bool Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.GetClipRectangleSolo ( out Rectangle  val)

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ GetLayoutStateGuid()

override Guid Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.GetLayoutStateGuid ( )

Get the guid of the selected open layout state

guid of layout state to open

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ GetMaximumSelectIndexWithChildern()

override int Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.GetMaximumSelectIndexWithChildern ( AbstractRenderObject  menuContiner)

Get the maximum value of the selection index of the menu container

menuContinerthe menu container to get
Maximum value of the selection index of the menu container

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ GetMenuItem()

override MenuSettings.MenuItem Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.GetMenuItem ( )

get menu item

menu item

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ GetMenuItemWithChildren()

override MenuSettings.MenuItem Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.GetMenuItemWithChildren ( )

get menu item

menu item

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ GetMenuPageWithChildern()

override Tuple< int, bool > Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.GetMenuPageWithChildern ( )

Get page of menu container

menu container page

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ GetOriginPosition()

override Vector2 Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.GetOriginPosition ( )

Get origin position

Origin position

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ GetRenderObjectType()

override LayoutObjectType Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.GetRenderObjectType ( )

Get layout part type

Layout part type

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ GetSelectIndexWithChildern() [1/2]

override Tuple< int, bool > Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.GetSelectIndexWithChildern ( )

Get the index number of the selected menu container

Index number in menu container selection

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ GetSelectIndexWithChildern() [2/2]

override Tuple< int, bool > Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.GetSelectIndexWithChildern ( AbstractRenderObject  menuContiner)

Get the index number of the selected menu container

menuContinerthe menu container to get
Index number in menu container selection

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ GetSelectOpenLayoutGuid()

override Guid Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.GetSelectOpenLayoutGuid ( )

Get the guid of the selected open layout

guid of layout to open

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ GetSelectSliderValueWithChildern()

override float Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.GetSelectSliderValueWithChildern ( )

Get the value of the selected slider

Selected slider value

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ GetSliderMaximumValueWithChildern()

override float Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.GetSliderMaximumValueWithChildern ( int  index)

Gets the maximum value of the slider in the subcontainer with the specified index number

indexThe index number of the subcontainer of the slider you want to get
Maximum slider value

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ GetSliderPanel()

SliderPanel Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.GetSliderPanel ( int  index)

◆ GetSliderValueWithChildern()

override float Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.GetSliderValueWithChildern ( int  index)

Get the value of the slider in the subcontainer with the specified index number

indexThe index number of the subcontainer of the slider you want to get
slider value

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ GetSpinValueWithChildern()

override int Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.GetSpinValueWithChildern ( int  index)

Get the value of the spin in the subcontainer with the specified index number

indexThe index number of the subcontainer of the spin whose value you want to get
spin value

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ GetTagPosition()

override TagPositions Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.GetTagPosition ( )

Get tag position settings

Tag position

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ GetTagTelop()

override TagTelop Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.GetTagTelop ( )

Get telop tag settings

Telop tags

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ GetTextContentType()

override void Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.GetTextContentType ( List< TextContentType result)

get text content

resulttext content

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ GetWindowPadding()

override Vector2 Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.GetWindowPadding ( )

get window margins

Window margin (0 if there is no window)

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ GetWindowRenderSize()

override Vector2 Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.GetWindowRenderSize ( Vector2  size)

Calculate drawing size within window frame

sizethe size you want to calculate
Drawing size within window frame

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ HasEventObject()

override bool Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.HasEventObject ( Events  layoutEvent)

Whether the event contains special formatting

layoutEventthe event you want to check
true included false not included

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ HasHideContainerOption()

override bool Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.HasHideContainerOption ( )

Whether the selected container has a setting to hide the container when determined

Has a true setting Does not have a false setting

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ HaveDecidedByTouch()

override bool Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.HaveDecidedByTouch ( )

Whether you pressed decision by touch

true pressed false not pressed

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ Hide()

override void Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.Hide ( )

You want to hide

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ HideContainer()

override void Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.HideContainer ( )

Hide container only

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ IsClipRecursive()

override bool Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.IsClipRecursive ( )

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ IsDisabled()

bool Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.IsDisabled ( MenuSubContainer  selectingSubContainer)

◆ IsSelectedFirstPage()

override bool Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.IsSelectedFirstPage ( )

Are you selecting the first page?

true selected false not selected

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ IsSelectedLastPage()

override bool Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.IsSelectedLastPage ( )

Are you selecting the last page?

true selected false not selected

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ Lock()

override void Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.Lock ( AbstractRenderObject  menuContiner)

lock the specified menu container

menuContinermenu container to lock

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ MovedPage()

override bool Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.MovedPage ( )

Did you move the page (need to call update first)

true moved false not moved

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ NeedDrawingOrigin()

override bool Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.NeedDrawingOrigin ( )

Need to draw the origin?

true required false not required

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ PressNextPage()

override bool Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.PressNextPage ( )

Did you enter a move to the next page?

true pressed false not pressed

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ PressPreviousPage()

override bool Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.PressPreviousPage ( )

Did you enter a move to the previous page?

true pressed false not pressed

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ Release()

override void Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.Release ( )


Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ ResetLayoutProperties()

override void Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.ResetLayoutProperties ( )

Reset layout information

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ SetLayoutStateGuid()

override void Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.SetLayoutStateGuid ( Guid  guid)

Sets the guid of the selected open layout state

guidThe guid of the open layout state in the selection to set

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ SetPositionForPreview()

override void Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.SetPositionForPreview ( Vector2  position)

Position change function in preview

positionthe coordinates you want to change

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ SetSelectIndexWithChildern()

override void Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.SetSelectIndexWithChildern ( int  index)

Change the selected position of the menu container

indexSelected position

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ SetSize()

override void Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.SetSize ( Vector2  size)

set position


Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ SetSliderValueWithChildern()

override void Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.SetSliderValueWithChildern ( float  value,
int  index 

Change the value of the slider in the subcontainer with the specified index number

valueValue to set
indexThe index number of the subcontainer of the slider whose value you want to change

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ SetSpinValueWithChildern()

override void Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.SetSpinValueWithChildern ( int  value,
int  index 

Change the value of the spin in the subcontainer with the specified index number

valuevalue to change
indexThe index number of the subcontainer of the spin whose value you want to change

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ Show()

override void Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.Show ( )


Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ ShowContainer()

override void Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.ShowContainer ( )

Show only containers

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ SkipContentRendering()

override void Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.SkipContentRendering ( bool  skip)

Prevent container drawing (container children are still drawn)

skiptrue Do not draw the container false Draw the container

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ UpdateCallback()

override void Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.UpdateCallback ( )

Update process

Implements Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.

◆ UpdateTouchCollider()

override void Yukar.Engine.MenuContainer.UpdateTouchCollider ( Vector2  addtionalContainerSize)

Update hitbox

addtionalContainerSizeAdditional size of container when previewing

Reimplemented from Yukar.Engine.AbstractRenderObject.