
Under Materials in the Resource menu, you can configure detailed settings for materials.


Material List

This is a list of registered materials.
Materials can be generated automatically when a model is added, or they can be generated anew by selecting the texture you want to base the model on from the Add button.

Materials List.png

Material List / Right-Click Menu

Right-click in the material list to view.


Material Preview

This is a preview screen of the material.


Material Settings

This section provides detailed material settings.

Materials Settings Animation.png
2dmap_skyboxRender the skybox with a 2D texture for a spherical map.
a_nRender opacity. Physics-based shading, Albedo <Color>, Normal <Normal>
a_n_discardRender opacity. Physics-based shading, Albedo <Color>, Normal <Normal>, Discard Alpha
a_n_rmRender opacity. Physics-based shading, Albedo <Color>, Normal <Normal>, Mask <Roughness (Green), Metallic (Blue), Emissive (Red), Specular (Alpha)>
a_n_rm_discardRender opacity. Physics-based shading, Albedo <Color>, Normal <Normal>, Mask <Roughness (Green), Metallic (Blue), Emissive (Red), Specular (Alpha)>, Discard Alpha
a_n_rm_sss_discardThis shader includes SSS elements in a_n_rm_discard.
a_n_rm_wind_discardThis shader adds vertex animation by wind to a_n_rm_discard.
a_n_wind_discardThis shader adds vertex animation by wind to a_n_discard.
character_create_hairHair shader for characters. Overlay composite of vertex color and parameter hair color.
character_create_skinSkin shader for characters. Places parts such as eyes and mouth based on parameters from vertex coordinates.
cubemap_skyboxRender the skybox with a cube texture for a spherical map.
glassEnvironment maps can be rendered as reflective, glass-like textures. Rendered as translucent. No lighting is performed.
mapIt is a physics-based extension of the shader for non-physics-based rendering. Performs opaque rendering.
map_discardBased on the map shader, discard alpha (non-transparent) is performed. For example, the effect of leaves. Rendered as opaque.
map_nolitThis shader does not perform lighting and does not apply an environment map; the color of the texture remains the same. It renders as opaque.
map_nolit_addNo lighting or environment map is applied, and the texture is blended with the color of the texture as it is by add. It is rendered as translucent.
map_nolit_alphaNo lighting or environment map is applied, and the texture is composited with the texture's alpha value, leaving the texture's color as it is. It is rendered as translucent.
map_nolit_discardBased on the map_nolit shader, discard alpha (non-transparent). Rendered as opaque.
map_nolit_modulateNo lighting or environment map is applied, and the texture is blended by modulate with the color of the texture. Rendered as translucent.
map_notexDisplays polygons using only vertex colors, without textures. Physics-based shading. Rendered as opaque.
map_terrainIt will be rendered in the same way as the terrain. When a model is exported using the Map Editor's "Export Model" right-click context menu and placed on the map as a stamp, it can be used to match the appearance of the terrain.
map_wind_discardThis shader adds vertex animation by wind to map_discard.
toonIt creates a cartoon-like rendering with sharply defined shading.
transparent_normal _waterUse the normal map to express the surface of the water. The result of the back rendering is used for the refraction representation.

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