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Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer Class Reference

layout drawing class More...

Public Member Functions

 LayoutDrawer (GameMain gameMain, Common.Catalog catalog, MenuSettings menuSettings, bool isPreview=false, bool isThumbnail=false)
 LayoutDrawer (GameMain gameMain, Common.Catalog catalog, LayoutProperties.LayoutNode layoutNode, bool isPreview=false, bool isThumbnail=false)
bool ContainsRenderContent ()
 whether it contains something to draw More...
List< AbstractRenderObjectGetRenderObjects ()
 Get a list of drawing objects More...
MenuSettings.MenuItem GetMenuItem (AbstractRenderObject obj)
 Get the setting value of the specified drawing object More...
AbstractRenderObject GetRednerObject (MenuSettings.MenuItem mitem)
 Get the drawing object with the specified settings More...
void SetGridProperty (bool drawGrid, int previewScreenWidth, int previewScreenHeight)
 Set grid settings More...
void ChangeAnimationState (SpriteRenderObject.AnimationState animationState)
 Force an animation state change More...
void Initialize (GameMain gameMain, Common.Catalog catalog, MenuSettings menuSettings, bool isPreview, bool isThumbnail)
 initialize More...
void Insert (GameMain gameMain, Common.Catalog catalog, MenuSettings.MenuItem addedMenuItem, MenuSettings.MenuItem parentMenuItem, int insertIndex, bool isPreview)
 insert More...
void Remove (MenuSettings.MenuItem removedMenuItem)
 delete More...
void Move (MenuSettings.MenuItem movedMenuItem, MenuSettings.MenuItem movedParentMenuItem, int insertIndex)
 Moving More...
void ResetVisible (MenuSettings.MenuItem menuItem)
 Reset display state More...
void Release ()
 Open More...
void Update ()
 Update More...
void UpdateTouchCollider (Vector2 addtionalContainerSize)
 Update hitbox More...
void Draw ()
 draw More...
void ClearSkipDrawIndices ()
 Clear information to skip drawing More...
void Show ()
 indicate More...
void ShowContainer ()
 make the container visible More...
void Hide (bool immediate=false)
 You want to hide More...
void HideContainer ()
 hide container More...
bool IsLocked ()
 is it locked More...
void Lock ()
 lock More...
void UnLock ()
 to unlock More...
Vector2 GetAutoSizeMargin (int index)
 Get Auto Adjust Margins More...
bool IsTouchingAnything (SharpKmyMath.Vector2 position)
 are you touching something More...
bool IsTouchingAnything (SharpKmyMath.Vector2 position, int index)
 are you touching something More...
bool HaveDecidedByTouch ()
 whether it is determined by touch More...
Tuple< bool, int > ForceUpdateSubContainerTouch ()
 Force touch detection More...
void CreateBattleContent ()
 Generate elements for battle More...
MenuSettings.MenuItem.ActionType GetSelectAction ()
 Get selected action More...
MenuSettings.MenuItem GetSelectMenuItem ()
 Get selected menu item More...
MenuSettings.MenuItem.ActionType GetSelectAction (int index)
 Get selected action More...
MenuSettings.MenuItem.ActionType GetAction (int index)
 get action More...
Tuple< MenuSettings.MenuItem.ActionType, AbstractRenderObjectGetInputtingActionAndObject ()
bool IsAnytingVisible ()
 is there anything displayed More...
bool IsAnytingVisible (int index)
 is there anything displayed

indexthe index number of the drawing object to check
bool IsAnytingInOutAnimating ()
 whether something is animated More...
bool IsAnytingInOutAnimating (int index)
 whether something is animated

indexthe index number of the drawing object to check
bool HasHideContainerOption ()
 Whether the selected container has a setting to hide the container when determined More...
bool IsHideMyself ()
 Whether to hide the container when the menu container is determined More...
bool ContainSpecialTextType (SpecialTextRenderer.SpecialTexts specialText, int index)
 Whether the specified content contains special formatting More...
bool ContainLayoutType (MenuSettings.MenuItem.LayoutType layoutType, int index)
 Does it contain the specified layout type? More...
void ConfigureContentProperty (int maximumContent)
 Set maximum number of elements in menu container More...
void ConfigureContentProperty (int maximumContent, int index)
 Set maximum number of elements in menu container More...
void ConfigureContentProperty (int maximumContent, int index, bool updateRenderPanelIndex)
 Set maximum number of elements in menu container More...
void ConfigureContentProperty (int maximumContent, bool updateRenderPanel, SpecialTextRenderer.SpecialTexts specialText)
 Sets the maximum number of menu container elements that contain the specified special formatting More...
void ConfigureMenuContainerContentProperty (int maximumContent, int menuContainerIndex)
 Set maximum number of elements in menu container More...
void UpdateGameContent (AbstractRenderObject.GameContent gameContent, bool skipBattleReplace=false)
 Update game content More...
void ResetSubMenuContainerRenderStatus ()
 Reset the drawing state of the subcontainer More...
void ChangeSubMenuContainerRenderStatus (AbstractRenderObject.RenderStatus renderStatus, bool overrride, int menuContainerIndex)
 Change the drawing state of a subcontainer More...
void ChangeSubMenuContainerRenderStatus (AbstractRenderObject.RenderStatus renderStatus, bool overrride)
 Change the drawing state of a subcontainer More...
void ChangeResultVisible (AbstractRenderObject.GameContent gameContent)
 Switch between displaying and hiding battle results More...
void SkipContentRendering (bool skip)
 Avoid drawing non-strings (container children are still drawn) More...
int GetSelectIndex ()
 Get the index number of the selected menu container More...
int GetSelectIndex (int menuContainerIndex)
 Get the index number of the selected menu container More...
void SetSelectIndex (int index)
 Change the selected index number More...
int GetMenuPage ()
 Get page of menu container More...
void SetSelectIndex (int index, int menuContainerIndex)
 Change the selected index number More...
bool IsSelectedFirstPage (int menuContainerIndex)
 Are you selecting the first page? More...
bool IsSelectedLastPage (int menuContainerIndex)
 Are you selecting the last page? More...
bool PressNextPage (int menuContainerIndex)
 Did you enter a move to the next page? More...
bool PressPreviousPage (int menuContainerIndex)
 Did you enter a move to the previous page? More...
bool MovedPage (int menuContainerIndex)
 Did you move the page (need to call update first) More...
int GetMaximumSelectIndex (int menuContainerIndex)
 Get the maximum value of the selection index of the menu container More...
void EnableSubContainer (bool enable, int subContainerIndex)
 Toggle enablement of submenu container (if disabled, it will not be selected when moving the cursor) More...
void EnableSubContainer (bool enable, int subContainerIndex, int menuContainerIndex)
 Toggle enablement of submenu container (if disabled, it will not be selected when moving the cursor) More...
void EnableSubContainerPageIndex (bool enable, int subContainerPageIndex, int menuContainerIndex)
 Change whether the subcontainer of the specified page number can be selected More...
void EnableLoopPage (bool enable)
 Whether to loop the page movement of keystrokes in the menu container More...
void SetSelectingLayout (Guid guid)
 Make the object with the specified guid selected More...
void EnableSelectAll (bool enableSelectAll)
 select all More...
void EnableSelectMulti (bool enableSelectMulti, int selectedCount)
 Select multiple items from the beginning More...
void ForceBlinkSubContainer (bool forceUseBlinker, int subContianerIndex, int menuContainerIndex)
 Force submenu container blinker More...
Guid GetSelectOpenLayoutGuid ()
 Get the guid of the selected open layout More...
Guid GetLayoutStateGuid ()
 Get the guid of the selected open layout state (to open multiple menus) More...
void SetLayoutStateGuid (Guid guid)
int GetMenuContainerIndex (int renderObjectIndex)
 Convert from index in RenderObjects to index in MenuContainer More...
void ChangeFocusMenuContainer (bool forceSelected, int menuContainerIndex)
 Change the focused menu container More...
bool IsFocusedMenuContainer (int menuContainerIndex)
 is it focused More...
void EnableAutoInputUpdate (bool autoInputUpdate, int menuContainerIndex)
 Change whether to automatically update input More...
void GoNextSubContainer (int menuContainerIndex)
 Select next subcontainer More...
void GoNextSubPanel (AbstractRenderObject.NextInputTypes nextInputType, int menuContainerIndex)
 Select next subcontainer More...
void GoPreviousSubPanel (int menuContainerIndex)
 Select previous subcontainer More...
int GetFocusedMenuContainerIndex (bool findFromAllContainers=false)
 Get the index number of the menu container that has focus More...
void SetCursorVisible (bool state)
 Change cursor visibility More...
Vector2 GetTextScaledSize (int index)
 get text size More...
float GetTextScale (int index)
 get text scale More...
TextDrawer GetTextDrawer (int index)
 get text drawing object More...
AbstractRenderObject GetTextDrawerObject (int index, AbstractRenderObject.Events usage, List< AbstractRenderObject > items=null)
 get text drawing object More...
void EnableScrollText (bool enable, int index)
 Enable text scrolling More...
bool IsTextOutOfScrren (int index)
 whether the text is off screen More...
void UpdateSpecialRenderObject ()
 Update special formatting More...
void ShowRenderNamePlate (int containerIndex, int index)
 Show nameplate More...
void HideRenderNamePlate (int containerIndex, int index)
 Hide nameplate More...
void ForceHideNamePlate (int index)
 Force hide all nameplates More...
void SetSliderValueAllowModification (int index, bool v)
 Forcibly enable the selected slider value set (for variable operations) More...
float GetSelectSliderValue ()
 Get the value of the selected slider More...
float GetSliderValueWithIndex (int index)
 Get slider value More...
float GetSliderValueWithIndex (int index, int objectIndex)
 Get slider value More...
float GetSliderMamixmumValueWithIndex (int index)
 Get maximum value of slider More...
float GetSliderMamixmumValueWithIndex (int index, int objectIndex)
 Get maximum value of slider More...
void SetSliderValueWithIndex (float value, int index)
 Change slider value More...
void SetSliderValueWithIndex (float value, int index, int objectIndex)
 Change slider value More...
int GetSpinValueWithIndex (int index)
 Get spin value More...
int GetSpinValueWithIndex (int index, int objectIndex)
 Get spin value More...
void SetSpinValueWithIndex (int value, int index)
 Change spin value More...
void SetSpinValueWithIndex (int value, int index, int objectIndex)
 Change spin value More...
void ChangeMenuSubContainerAmount (int amount, Vector2 menuSubContainerSize)
 Change the number of submenu containers More...
void ChangeMenuSubContainerAmount (int amount, Vector2 menuSubContainerSize, int index)
 Change the number of submenu containers More...
void SkipDrawingWithTagPosition (AbstractRenderObject.TagPositions tagPosition, AbstractRenderObject.Events layoutEvent)
 Skip drawing outside the specified tag position More...
int GetIndexWithTagPosition (AbstractRenderObject.TagPositions tagPosition, AbstractRenderObject.Events layoutEvent)
 Get the index of the specified tag position More...
void SkipDrawingWithTagTelop (bool useBacground, bool useImage, bool isScrolling)
 Change caption display More...
int GetIndexWithTagTelop (AbstractRenderObject.TagTelop tagTelop)
 Get the index that contains the telop tag More...
void EnableMessageSprite (bool enable)
 Show/hide message sprites More...
Vector2 GetSnapPosition (Vector2 position)
 Get position for snap More...
AbstractRenderObject GetRenderObjectWithPositionAnchorTag (string positionAnchorTag, int index=-1)
 Get an object with a special coordinate tag (return the first one found) More...
AbstractRenderObject GetRenderObjectWithPositionAnchorTag (AbstractRenderObject.PositionAnchorTags positionAnchorTag, int index)
 Get an object with a special coordinate tag (return the first one found) More...
AbstractRenderObject GetRenderObjectWithPositionAnchorTag (string positionAnchorTag, int menuIndex, int index)
 Get an object with a special coordinate tag (return the first one found) More...
AbstractRenderObject GetRenderObjectWithPositionAnchorTag (AbstractRenderObject.PositionAnchorTags positionAnchorTag, int menuIndex, int index)
 Get an object with a special coordinate tag (return the first one found) More...
List< AbstractRenderObjectGetRenderObjectsWithPositionAnchorTag (string positionAnchorTag, int index)
 Get all objects with a special coordinate tag More...
List< AbstractRenderObjectGetRenderObjectsWithPositionAnchorTag (AbstractRenderObject.PositionAnchorTags positionAnchorTag, int index)
 Get all objects with a special coordinate tag More...
List< AbstractRenderObjectParseNodes ()
 return all nodes More...
SpecialTextRenderer.SpecialTexts GetMostMajorContent (int index)
 Return the most content for all nodes More...

Static Public Member Functions

static void ClearLastSelectedIndicies ()
 Clear the last selected index More...

Public Attributes

string variableName
string selectingVariableName
bool setVariableOneOrigin
bool setContainerNumber
Func< float > fov = () => 0.2f
Func< int > maxLineNum = () => 3
int lineOffset = 0
bool rootVisibility = false
List< AbstractRenderObjectrenderObjects
List< MenuContainermenuContainers
MenuContainer selectMenuContainer

Static Public Attributes

static Guid extraGuid = Guid.Empty


int RenderObjectsCount [get]
int MenuContainersCount [get]
bool ShouldDrawCollider [get, set]
Guid Guid [get]

Detailed Description

layout drawing class

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ LayoutDrawer() [1/2]

Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.LayoutDrawer ( GameMain  gameMain,
Common.Catalog  catalog,
MenuSettings  menuSettings,
bool  isPreview = false,
bool  isThumbnail = false 

◆ LayoutDrawer() [2/2]

Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.LayoutDrawer ( GameMain  gameMain,
Common.Catalog  catalog,
LayoutProperties.LayoutNode  layoutNode,
bool  isPreview = false,
bool  isThumbnail = false 

Member Function Documentation

◆ ChangeAnimationState()

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.ChangeAnimationState ( SpriteRenderObject.AnimationState  animationState)

Force an animation state change

animationStatethe state of the animation to change to

◆ ChangeFocusMenuContainer()

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.ChangeFocusMenuContainer ( bool  forceSelected,
int  menuContainerIndex 

Change the focused menu container

forceSelectedtrue to force selection false to select when focused
menuContainerIndexIndex number of the menu container to change

◆ ChangeMenuSubContainerAmount() [1/2]

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.ChangeMenuSubContainerAmount ( int  amount,
Vector2  menuSubContainerSize 

Change the number of submenu containers

amountNumber of submenu containers
menuSubContainerSizeSubmenu container size

◆ ChangeMenuSubContainerAmount() [2/2]

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.ChangeMenuSubContainerAmount ( int  amount,
Vector2  menuSubContainerSize,
int  index 

Change the number of submenu containers

amountNumber of submenu containers
menuSubContainerSizeSubmenu container size
indexthe index number of the drawing object to change

◆ ChangeResultVisible()

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.ChangeResultVisible ( AbstractRenderObject.GameContent  gameContent)

Switch between displaying and hiding battle results

gameContentGame content

◆ ChangeSubMenuContainerRenderStatus() [1/2]

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.ChangeSubMenuContainerRenderStatus ( AbstractRenderObject.RenderStatus  renderStatus,
bool  overrride 

Change the drawing state of a subcontainer


◆ ChangeSubMenuContainerRenderStatus() [2/2]

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.ChangeSubMenuContainerRenderStatus ( AbstractRenderObject.RenderStatus  renderStatus,
bool  overrride,
int  menuContainerIndex 

Change the drawing state of a subcontainer


◆ ClearLastSelectedIndicies()

static void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.ClearLastSelectedIndicies ( )

Clear the last selected index

◆ ClearSkipDrawIndices()

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.ClearSkipDrawIndices ( )

Clear information to skip drawing

◆ ConfigureContentProperty() [1/4]

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.ConfigureContentProperty ( int  maximumContent)

Set maximum number of elements in menu container

maximumContentmaximum number of elements

◆ ConfigureContentProperty() [2/4]

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.ConfigureContentProperty ( int  maximumContent,
bool  updateRenderPanel,
SpecialTextRenderer.SpecialTexts  specialText 

Sets the maximum number of menu container elements that contain the specified special formatting

maximumContentmaximum number of elements
updateRenderPanelwhether to update the drawing panel index number
specialTextSpecial format you want to set

◆ ConfigureContentProperty() [3/4]

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.ConfigureContentProperty ( int  maximumContent,
int  index 

Set maximum number of elements in menu container

maximumContentmaximum number of elements
indexthe index number of the drawing object to change

◆ ConfigureContentProperty() [4/4]

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.ConfigureContentProperty ( int  maximumContent,
int  index,
bool  updateRenderPanelIndex 

Set maximum number of elements in menu container

maximumContentmaximum number of elements
indexthe index number of the drawing object to change
updateRenderPanelIndexwhether to update the drawing panel index number

◆ ConfigureMenuContainerContentProperty()

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.ConfigureMenuContainerContentProperty ( int  maximumContent,
int  menuContainerIndex 

Set maximum number of elements in menu container

maximumContentmaximum number of elements
menuContainerIndexIndex number of the menu container to change

◆ ContainLayoutType()

bool Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.ContainLayoutType ( MenuSettings.MenuItem.LayoutType  layoutType,
int  index 

Does it contain the specified layout type?

layoutTypeThe type of layout you want to check for inclusion
indexthe index number of the drawing object to check
true included false not included

◆ ContainSpecialTextType()

bool Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.ContainSpecialTextType ( SpecialTextRenderer.SpecialTexts  specialText,
int  index 

Whether the specified content contains special formatting

specialTextThe type of special format you want to check
indexthe index number of the drawing object to check
true included false not included

◆ ContainsRenderContent()

bool Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.ContainsRenderContent ( )

whether it contains something to draw

true included false not included

◆ CreateBattleContent()

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.CreateBattleContent ( )

Generate elements for battle

◆ Draw()

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.Draw ( )


◆ EnableAutoInputUpdate()

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.EnableAutoInputUpdate ( bool  autoInputUpdate,
int  menuContainerIndex 

Change whether to automatically update input

autoInputUpdatetrue Automatically update false Do not automatically update

◆ EnableLoopPage()

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.EnableLoopPage ( bool  enable)

Whether to loop the page movement of keystrokes in the menu container

enabletrue loop false no loop

◆ EnableMessageSprite()

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.EnableMessageSprite ( bool  enable)

Show/hide message sprites

enabletrue show false hide

◆ EnableScrollText()

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.EnableScrollText ( bool  enable,
int  index 

Enable text scrolling

enabletrue start scrolling false stop scrolling
indexthe index number of the drawing object whose scrolling is to be changed

◆ EnableSelectAll()

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.EnableSelectAll ( bool  enableSelectAll)

select all

enableSelectAlltrue select all false normal selection

◆ EnableSelectMulti()

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.EnableSelectMulti ( bool  enableSelectMulti,
int  selectedCount 

Select multiple items from the beginning

enableSelectMultitrue Select multiple items false Normal selection
selectedCountnumber to select

◆ EnableSubContainer() [1/2]

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.EnableSubContainer ( bool  enable,
int  subContainerIndex 

Toggle enablement of submenu container (if disabled, it will not be selected when moving the cursor)

enableWhether to enable true enabled false disabled
subContainerIndexIndex of submenu container to change

◆ EnableSubContainer() [2/2]

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.EnableSubContainer ( bool  enable,
int  subContainerIndex,
int  menuContainerIndex 

Toggle enablement of submenu container (if disabled, it will not be selected when moving the cursor)

enableWhether to enable true enabled false disabled
subContainerIndexIndex number of the submenu container to change
menuContainerIndexIndex number of the menu container to change

◆ EnableSubContainerPageIndex()

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.EnableSubContainerPageIndex ( bool  enable,
int  subContainerPageIndex,
int  menuContainerIndex 

Change whether the subcontainer of the specified page number can be selected

enabletrue selectable false not selectable
subContainerPageIndexThe page number of the subcontainer you want to change
menuContainerIndexIndex number of the menu container to change

◆ ForceBlinkSubContainer()

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.ForceBlinkSubContainer ( bool  forceUseBlinker,
int  subContianerIndex,
int  menuContainerIndex 

Force submenu container blinker

forceUseBlinkerForce blinker or true to force false to not force
subContianerIndexthe index number of the subcontainer to modify
menuContainerIndexIndex number of the menu container to change

◆ ForceHideNamePlate()

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.ForceHideNamePlate ( int  index)

Force hide all nameplates

indexIndex number of drawing object to hide nameplate

◆ ForceUpdateSubContainerTouch()

Tuple< bool, int > Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.ForceUpdateSubContainerTouch ( )

Force touch detection

true touched false not touched index number of the subcontainer being touched

◆ GetAction()

MenuSettings.MenuItem.ActionType Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.GetAction ( int  index)

get action

indexIndex number of the submenu container you want to get

◆ GetAutoSizeMargin()

Vector2 Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.GetAutoSizeMargin ( int  index)

Get Auto Adjust Margins

indexIndex number of the object for which you want to get the auto-fit margins
Auto Adjust Margin

◆ GetFocusedMenuContainerIndex()

int Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.GetFocusedMenuContainerIndex ( bool  findFromAllContainers = false)

Get the index number of the menu container that has focus

the index number of the menu container that has focus

◆ GetIndexWithTagPosition()

int Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.GetIndexWithTagPosition ( AbstractRenderObject.TagPositions  tagPosition,
AbstractRenderObject.Events  layoutEvent 

Get the index of the specified tag position

tagPositionthe position where you want to get the index
the index at the specified position

◆ GetIndexWithTagTelop()

int Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.GetIndexWithTagTelop ( AbstractRenderObject.TagTelop  tagTelop)

Get the index that contains the telop tag

tagTelopTelop tags
Index that contains caption tags

◆ GetInputtingActionAndObject()

Tuple< MenuSettings.MenuItem.ActionType, AbstractRenderObject > Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.GetInputtingActionAndObject ( )

◆ GetLayoutStateGuid()

Guid Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.GetLayoutStateGuid ( )

Get the guid of the selected open layout state (to open multiple menus)

guid of layout state to open

◆ GetMaximumSelectIndex()

int Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.GetMaximumSelectIndex ( int  menuContainerIndex)

Get the maximum value of the selection index of the menu container

menuContainerIndexIndex number of the menu container to get
Maximum value of the selection index of the menu container

◆ GetMenuContainerIndex()

int Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.GetMenuContainerIndex ( int  renderObjectIndex)

Convert from index in RenderObjects to index in MenuContainer


◆ GetMenuItem()

MenuSettings.MenuItem Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.GetMenuItem ( AbstractRenderObject  obj)

Get the setting value of the specified drawing object

objthe drawing object you want to get
Drawing object settings

◆ GetMenuPage()

int Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.GetMenuPage ( )

Get page of menu container

menu container page

◆ GetMostMajorContent()

SpecialTextRenderer.SpecialTexts Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.GetMostMajorContent ( int  index)

Return the most content for all nodes


◆ GetRednerObject()

AbstractRenderObject Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.GetRednerObject ( MenuSettings.MenuItem  mitem)

Get the drawing object with the specified settings

mitemThe setting value of the drawing object you want to get
drawing object

◆ GetRenderObjects()

List< AbstractRenderObject > Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.GetRenderObjects ( )

Get a list of drawing objects

List of drawing objects

◆ GetRenderObjectsWithPositionAnchorTag() [1/2]

List< AbstractRenderObject > Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.GetRenderObjectsWithPositionAnchorTag ( AbstractRenderObject.PositionAnchorTags  positionAnchorTag,
int  index 

Get all objects with a special coordinate tag

positionAnchorTagSpecial coordinate tag to get
indexthe index number of the drawing object to get
All objects with special coordinate tags

◆ GetRenderObjectsWithPositionAnchorTag() [2/2]

List< AbstractRenderObject > Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.GetRenderObjectsWithPositionAnchorTag ( string  positionAnchorTag,
int  index 

Get all objects with a special coordinate tag

positionAnchorTagSpecial coordinate tag to get
indexthe index number of the drawing object to get
All objects with special coordinate tags

◆ GetRenderObjectWithPositionAnchorTag() [1/4]

AbstractRenderObject Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.GetRenderObjectWithPositionAnchorTag ( AbstractRenderObject.PositionAnchorTags  positionAnchorTag,
int  index 

Get an object with a special coordinate tag (return the first one found)

positionAnchorTagSpecial coordinate tag to get
indexthe index number of the drawing object to get
Objects with special coordinate tags

◆ GetRenderObjectWithPositionAnchorTag() [2/4]

AbstractRenderObject Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.GetRenderObjectWithPositionAnchorTag ( AbstractRenderObject.PositionAnchorTags  positionAnchorTag,
int  menuIndex,
int  index 

Get an object with a special coordinate tag (return the first one found)

positionAnchorTagSpecial coordinate tag to get
menuIndexContainer management number to acquire
indexthe index number of the drawing object to get
Objects with special coordinate tags

◆ GetRenderObjectWithPositionAnchorTag() [3/4]

AbstractRenderObject Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.GetRenderObjectWithPositionAnchorTag ( string  positionAnchorTag,
int  index = -1 

Get an object with a special coordinate tag (return the first one found)

positionAnchorTagSpecial coordinate tag to get
indexthe index number of the drawing object to get
Objects with special coordinate tags

◆ GetRenderObjectWithPositionAnchorTag() [4/4]

AbstractRenderObject Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.GetRenderObjectWithPositionAnchorTag ( string  positionAnchorTag,
int  menuIndex,
int  index 

Get an object with a special coordinate tag (return the first one found)

positionAnchorTagSpecial coordinate tag to get
menuIndexContainer management number to acquire
indexthe index number of the drawing object to get
Objects with special coordinate tags

◆ GetSelectAction() [1/2]

MenuSettings.MenuItem.ActionType Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.GetSelectAction ( )

Get selected action

Selected action

◆ GetSelectAction() [2/2]

MenuSettings.MenuItem.ActionType Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.GetSelectAction ( int  index)

Get selected action

indexthe index number of the drawing object you want to get
Selected action

◆ GetSelectIndex() [1/2]

int Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.GetSelectIndex ( )

Get the index number of the selected menu container

Index number in menu container selection

◆ GetSelectIndex() [2/2]

int Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.GetSelectIndex ( int  menuContainerIndex)

Get the index number of the selected menu container

menuContainerIndexIndex number of the menu container you want to get
Index number in menu container selection

◆ GetSelectMenuItem()

MenuSettings.MenuItem Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.GetSelectMenuItem ( )

Get selected menu item

Selected menu item

◆ GetSelectOpenLayoutGuid()

Guid Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.GetSelectOpenLayoutGuid ( )

Get the guid of the selected open layout

guid of layout to open

◆ GetSelectSliderValue()

float Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.GetSelectSliderValue ( )

Get the value of the selected slider

slider value

◆ GetSliderMamixmumValueWithIndex() [1/2]

float Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.GetSliderMamixmumValueWithIndex ( int  index)

Get maximum value of slider

indexThe index number of the subcontainer of the slider you want to get
Maximum slider value

◆ GetSliderMamixmumValueWithIndex() [2/2]

float Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.GetSliderMamixmumValueWithIndex ( int  index,
int  objectIndex 

Get maximum value of slider

indexThe index number of the subcontainer of the slider you want to get
objectIndexIndex number of the slider drawing object you want to get
Maximum slider value

◆ GetSliderValueWithIndex() [1/2]

float Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.GetSliderValueWithIndex ( int  index)

Get slider value

indexThe index number of the subcontainer of the slider you want to get
slider value

◆ GetSliderValueWithIndex() [2/2]

float Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.GetSliderValueWithIndex ( int  index,
int  objectIndex 

Get slider value

indexThe index number of the subcontainer of the slider you want to get
objectIndexIndex number of the slider drawing object you want to get
slider value

◆ GetSnapPosition()

Vector2 Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.GetSnapPosition ( Vector2  position)

Get position for snap

positionPosition before snap
Snap position

◆ GetSpinValueWithIndex() [1/2]

int Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.GetSpinValueWithIndex ( int  index)

Get spin value

indexThe index number of the subcontainer of the spin you want to get
spin value

◆ GetSpinValueWithIndex() [2/2]

int Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.GetSpinValueWithIndex ( int  index,
int  objectIndex 

Get spin value

indexThe index number of the subcontainer of the spin you want to get
objectIndexIndex number of the spin drawing object you want to obtain
spin value

◆ GetTextDrawer()

TextDrawer Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.GetTextDrawer ( int  index)

get text drawing object

indexThe index number of the drawing object for which you want to get the text drawing object
text drawing object

◆ GetTextDrawerObject()

AbstractRenderObject Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.GetTextDrawerObject ( int  index,
AbstractRenderObject.Events  usage,
List< AbstractRenderObject items = null 

get text drawing object

indexThe index number of the drawing object for which you want to get the text drawing object
text drawing object

◆ GetTextScale()

float Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.GetTextScale ( int  index)

get text scale

indexThe index number of the drawing object for which you want to get the scale of the text
text scale

◆ GetTextScaledSize()

Vector2 Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.GetTextScaledSize ( int  index)

get text size

indexIndex number of the drawing object for which you want to get the size of the text
text size

◆ GoNextSubContainer()

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.GoNextSubContainer ( int  menuContainerIndex)

Select next subcontainer

menuContainerIndexIndex number of the menu container to change

◆ GoNextSubPanel()

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.GoNextSubPanel ( AbstractRenderObject.NextInputTypes  nextInputType,
int  menuContainerIndex 

Select next subcontainer

nextInputTypeInput type
menuContainerIndexIndex number of the menu container to change

◆ GoPreviousSubPanel()

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.GoPreviousSubPanel ( int  menuContainerIndex)

Select previous subcontainer

menuContainerIndexIndex number of the menu container to change

◆ HasHideContainerOption()

bool Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.HasHideContainerOption ( )

Whether the selected container has a setting to hide the container when determined

Has a true setting Does not have a false setting

◆ HaveDecidedByTouch()

bool Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.HaveDecidedByTouch ( )

whether it is determined by touch

true pressed false not pressed

◆ Hide()

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.Hide ( bool  immediate = false)

You want to hide

immediateWhether or not to perform erase animation.

◆ HideContainer()

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.HideContainer ( )

hide container

◆ HideRenderNamePlate()

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.HideRenderNamePlate ( int  containerIndex,
int  index 

Hide nameplate

containerIndexContainer index number on nameplate
indexthe index number of the drawing object to hide

◆ Initialize()

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.Initialize ( GameMain  gameMain,
Common.Catalog  catalog,
MenuSettings  menuSettings,
bool  isPreview,
bool  isThumbnail 


gameMaingame main
menuSettingsList of setting values to read
isPreviewpreview or not
isThumbnailThumbnail or not?

◆ Insert()

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.Insert ( GameMain  gameMain,
Common.Catalog  catalog,
MenuSettings.MenuItem  addedMenuItem,
MenuSettings.MenuItem  parentMenuItem,
int  insertIndex,
bool  isPreview 


gameMaingame main
addedMenuItemSetting the layout to insert
parentMenuItemParent layout settings
insertIndexindex number to insert
isPreviewpreview or not

◆ IsAnytingInOutAnimating() [1/2]

bool Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.IsAnytingInOutAnimating ( )

whether something is animated

true during animation false no animation

◆ IsAnytingInOutAnimating() [2/2]

bool Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.IsAnytingInOutAnimating ( int  index)

whether something is animated

indexthe index number of the drawing object to check

true during animation false no animation

◆ IsAnytingVisible() [1/2]

bool Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.IsAnytingVisible ( )

is there anything displayed

true showing false not showing

◆ IsAnytingVisible() [2/2]

bool Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.IsAnytingVisible ( int  index)

is there anything displayed

indexthe index number of the drawing object to check

true showing false not showing

◆ IsFocusedMenuContainer()

bool Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.IsFocusedMenuContainer ( int  menuContainerIndex)

is it focused

menuContainerIndexThe index number of the menu container to check
true focused false not focused

◆ IsHideMyself()

bool Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.IsHideMyself ( )

Whether to hide the container when the menu container is determined

◆ IsLocked()

bool Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.IsLocked ( )

is it locked

true locked false not locked

◆ IsSelectedFirstPage()

bool Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.IsSelectedFirstPage ( int  menuContainerIndex)

Are you selecting the first page?

menuContainerIndexThe index number of the menu container to check
true selected false not selected

◆ IsSelectedLastPage()

bool Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.IsSelectedLastPage ( int  menuContainerIndex)

Are you selecting the last page?

menuContainerIndexThe index number of the menu container to check
true selected false not selected

◆ IsTextOutOfScrren()

bool Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.IsTextOutOfScrren ( int  index)

whether the text is off screen

indexThe index number of the drawing object to check if the text is offscreen
true outside the screen false inside the screen

◆ IsTouchingAnything() [1/2]

bool Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.IsTouchingAnything ( SharpKmyMath.Vector2  position)

are you touching something

positionposition of touch
true touched false not touched

◆ IsTouchingAnything() [2/2]

bool Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.IsTouchingAnything ( SharpKmyMath.Vector2  position,
int  index 

are you touching something

positionposition of touch
indexThe index number of the drawing object to check for touching
true touched false not touched

◆ Lock()

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.Lock ( )


◆ Move()

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.Move ( MenuSettings.MenuItem  movedMenuItem,
MenuSettings.MenuItem  movedParentMenuItem,
int  insertIndex 


movedMenuItemSetting the layout to move
movedParentMenuItemSetting the parent of the layout to be moved
insertIndexDestination index number

◆ MovedPage()

bool Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.MovedPage ( int  menuContainerIndex)

Did you move the page (need to call update first)

menuContainerIndexThe index number of the menu container to check
true moved false not moved

◆ ParseNodes()

List< AbstractRenderObject > Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.ParseNodes ( )

return all nodes


◆ PressNextPage()

bool Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.PressNextPage ( int  menuContainerIndex)

Did you enter a move to the next page?

menuContainerIndexThe index number of the menu container to check
true pressed false not pressed

◆ PressPreviousPage()

bool Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.PressPreviousPage ( int  menuContainerIndex)

Did you enter a move to the previous page?

menuContainerIndexThe index number of the menu container to check
true pressed false not pressed

◆ Release()

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.Release ( )


◆ Remove()

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.Remove ( MenuSettings.MenuItem  removedMenuItem)


removedMenuItemSetting the layout to be deleted

◆ ResetSubMenuContainerRenderStatus()

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.ResetSubMenuContainerRenderStatus ( )

Reset the drawing state of the subcontainer

◆ ResetVisible()

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.ResetVisible ( MenuSettings.MenuItem  menuItem)

Reset display state

menuItemSetting the layout to reset the display state

◆ SetCursorVisible()

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.SetCursorVisible ( bool  state)

Change cursor visibility

statetrue show false do not show

◆ SetGridProperty()

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.SetGridProperty ( bool  drawGrid,
int  previewScreenWidth,
int  previewScreenHeight 

Set grid settings

drawGridwhether to draw the grid
previewScreenWidthscreen width of preview screen
previewScreenHeightscreen height of preview screen

◆ SetLayoutStateGuid()

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.SetLayoutStateGuid ( Guid  guid)

◆ SetSelectIndex() [1/2]

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.SetSelectIndex ( int  index)

Change the selected index number

indexIndex number to change

◆ SetSelectIndex() [2/2]

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.SetSelectIndex ( int  index,
int  menuContainerIndex 

Change the selected index number

indexIndex number to change
menuContainerIndexIndex number of the menu container to change

◆ SetSelectingLayout()

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.SetSelectingLayout ( Guid  guid)

Make the object with the specified guid selected

guidthe guid of the object you want to select

◆ SetSliderValueAllowModification()

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.SetSliderValueAllowModification ( int  index,
bool  v 

Forcibly enable the selected slider value set (for variable operations)


◆ SetSliderValueWithIndex() [1/2]

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.SetSliderValueWithIndex ( float  value,
int  index 

Change slider value

valueValue to set
indexThe index number of the subcontainer of the slider whose value you want to change

◆ SetSliderValueWithIndex() [2/2]

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.SetSliderValueWithIndex ( float  value,
int  index,
int  objectIndex 

Change slider value

valueValue to set
indexThe index number of the subcontainer of the slider whose value you want to change
objectIndexIndex number of the slider drawing object whose value you want to change

◆ SetSpinValueWithIndex() [1/2]

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.SetSpinValueWithIndex ( int  value,
int  index 

Change spin value

valueValue to set
indexThe index number of the subcontainer of the spin you want to set

◆ SetSpinValueWithIndex() [2/2]

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.SetSpinValueWithIndex ( int  value,
int  index,
int  objectIndex 

Change spin value

valueValue to set
indexThe index number of the subcontainer of the spin you want to set
objectIndexIndex number of the spin drawing object you want to obtain

◆ Show()

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.Show ( )


◆ ShowContainer()

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.ShowContainer ( )

make the container visible

◆ ShowRenderNamePlate()

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.ShowRenderNamePlate ( int  containerIndex,
int  index 

Show nameplate

containerIndexContainer index number on nameplate
indexthe index number of the drawing object to display

◆ SkipContentRendering()

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.SkipContentRendering ( bool  skip)

Avoid drawing non-strings (container children are still drawn)

skiptrue Do not draw the container false Draw the container

◆ SkipDrawingWithTagPosition()

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.SkipDrawingWithTagPosition ( AbstractRenderObject.TagPositions  tagPosition,
AbstractRenderObject.Events  layoutEvent 

Skip drawing outside the specified tag position

tagPositionthe position you want to display

◆ SkipDrawingWithTagTelop()

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.SkipDrawingWithTagTelop ( bool  useBacground,
bool  useImage,
bool  isScrolling 

Change caption display

useBacgrounduse background
isScrollingdo you scroll

◆ UnLock()

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.UnLock ( )

to unlock

◆ Update()

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.Update ( )


◆ UpdateGameContent()

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.UpdateGameContent ( AbstractRenderObject.GameContent  gameContent,
bool  skipBattleReplace = false 

Update game content

gameContentGame content
skipBattleReplaceSkip processing for battle or true Skip false Do not skip

◆ UpdateSpecialRenderObject()

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.UpdateSpecialRenderObject ( )

Update special formatting

◆ UpdateTouchCollider()

void Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.UpdateTouchCollider ( Vector2  addtionalContainerSize)

Update hitbox

addtionalContainerSizeAdditional size of container when previewing

Member Data Documentation

◆ extraGuid

Guid Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.extraGuid = Guid.Empty

◆ fov

Func<float> Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.fov = () => 0.2f

◆ lineOffset

int Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.lineOffset = 0

◆ maxLineNum

Func<int> Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.maxLineNum = () => 3

◆ menuContainers

List<MenuContainer> Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.menuContainers

◆ renderObjects

List<AbstractRenderObject> Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.renderObjects

◆ rootVisibility

bool Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.rootVisibility = false

◆ selectingVariableName

string Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.selectingVariableName

◆ selectMenuContainer

MenuContainer Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.selectMenuContainer

◆ setContainerNumber

bool Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.setContainerNumber

◆ setVariableOneOrigin

bool Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.setVariableOneOrigin

◆ variableName

string Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.variableName

Property Documentation

◆ Guid

Guid Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.Guid

◆ MenuContainersCount

int Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.MenuContainersCount

◆ RenderObjectsCount

int Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.RenderObjectsCount

◆ ShouldDrawCollider

bool Yukar.Engine.LayoutDrawer.ShouldDrawCollider