override Vector2 | GetRenderPosition () |
| Get drawing position (considering parent's position as well) More...
override Vector2 | GetRenderScale () |
| Get scaling (also consider parent's scaling) More...
override void | SetPositionForPreview (Vector2 position) |
| Position change function in preview More...
override LayoutObjectType | GetRenderObjectType () |
| Get layout part type More...
override void | EnableCanUse (bool enable) |
| Change Enabled State More...
override void | SetParent (AbstractRenderObject parent) |
| set parent More...
override void | Release () |
| Open More...
override void | Show () |
| indicate More...
override void | Hide () |
| You want to hide More...
override float | GetRenderAlpha () |
| get transparency More...
override void | ConfigureContentProperty (int maximumContent) |
| Set maximum number of elements in menu container More...
override void | UpdateGameContent (GameContent gameContent, bool skipBattleReplace=false) |
| Update game content More...
override void | ChangeSubMenuContainerRenderStatus (RenderStatus renderStatus, bool overrride) |
| Change the drawing state of a subcontainer More...
int | GetValue () |
void | SetValue (int value) |
void | AddValue (int addedValue) |
| AbstractRenderObject () |
| AbstractRenderObject (MenuSettings.MenuItem menuItem, bool isThumbnail) |
| AbstractRenderObject (MenuSettings.MenuItem menuItem, Guid guid, bool isThumbnail) |
| AbstractRenderObject (MenuSettings.MenuItem menuItem, Guid guid, AbstractRenderObject parent, int insertIndex, bool isThumbnail) |
| AbstractRenderObject (MenuSettings.MenuItem menuItem, Guid guid, AbstractRenderObject parent, int insertIndex, bool drawable, bool isThumbnail) |
| AbstractRenderObject (MenuSettings.MenuItem menuItem, Guid guid, AbstractRenderObject parent, int insertIndex, bool drawable, Vector2 position, bool isThumbnail) |
| AbstractRenderObject (MenuSettings.MenuItem menuItem, Guid guid, AbstractRenderObject parent, int insertIndex, bool drawable, Vector2 position, Vector2 size, bool isThumbnail) |
| AbstractRenderObject (MenuSettings.MenuItem menuItem, Guid guid, AbstractRenderObject parent, int insertIndex, bool drawable, Vector2 position, Vector2 size, Vector2 scale, bool isThumbnail) |
| AbstractRenderObject (MenuSettings.MenuItem menuItem, Guid guid, AbstractRenderObject parent, int insertIndex, bool drawable, Vector2 position, Vector2 size, Vector2 scale, float alpha, bool isThumbnail) |
| AbstractRenderObject (MenuSettings.MenuItem menuItem, Guid guid, AbstractRenderObject parent, int insertIndex, bool drawable, Vector2 position, Vector2 size, Vector2 scale, float alpha, bool isPreview, bool isThumbnail) |
| AbstractRenderObject (MenuSettings.MenuItem menuItem, Guid guid, AbstractRenderObject parent, int insertIndex, RenderProperty renderProperty, bool isThumbnail) |
| AbstractRenderObject (MenuSettings.MenuItem menuItem, Guid guid, AbstractRenderObject parent, int insertIndex, RenderProperty renderProperty, bool isPreview, bool isThumbnail) |
virtual Vector2 | GetScaledSize () |
| Get size with scaling (also consider parent's scaling) More...
virtual Vector2 | GetRenderPosition () |
| Get drawing position (considering parent's position as well) More...
virtual Vector2 | GetRenderPositionWithoutParent () |
| Get own drawing position More...
virtual Vector2 | GetRenderScale () |
| Get scaling (also consider parent's scaling) More...
virtual Vector2 | GetRenderScaleWithoutParent () |
| Get own scaling More...
bool | IsTouching (Vector2 position) |
| whether you are touching More...
bool | IsTouching (SharpKmyMath.Vector2 position) |
| whether you are touching More...
bool | IsTouchingCenter (Vector2 position, float centerLength) |
| Whether you are touching the center or not More...
bool | IsTouchingCenter (SharpKmyMath.Vector2 position, float centerLength) |
| Whether you are touching the center or not More...
Tuple< bool, TouchCollider.EdgePosition > | IsTouchingEdge (Vector2 position, float edgeLength) |
| Are you touching the edge? More...
Tuple< bool, TouchCollider.EdgePosition > | IsTouchingEdge (SharpKmyMath.Vector2 position, float edgeLength) |
| Are you touching the edge? More...
bool | IsTouchingAnything (Vector2 position) |
| Whether the child is also touched More...
bool | IsTouchingAnything (SharpKmyMath.Vector2 position) |
| Whether the child is also touched More...
List< AbstractRenderObject > | GetTouchingObjects (Vector2 position) |
| Get touched drawing object including children More...
List< AbstractRenderObject > | GetTouchingObjects (SharpKmyMath.Vector2 position) |
| Get touched drawing object including children More...
bool | CollideRectangle (Rectangle rectangle) |
| whether it hits the rectangle More...
bool | CollideRectangle (SharpKmyMath.Rectangle rectangle) |
| whether it hits the rectangle More...
bool | CoverRectangle (Rectangle rectangle) |
bool | CoverRectangle (SharpKmyMath.Rectangle rectangle) |
virtual void | SetPositionForPreview (Vector2 position) |
| Position change function in preview More...
virtual Vector2 | GetPositionForPreview () |
| Get position in preview More...
virtual Vector2 | SetRenderPosition (Vector2 globalPosition) |
| Set position in world coordinates More...
void | SetOffsetMyPosition (Vector2 position) |
| Set the position considering the initial position More...
virtual Vector2 | GetOriginPosition () |
| Get origin position More...
virtual void | ReCalculatePostion () |
| recalculate position More...
virtual void | SetSize (Vector2 size) |
| set position More...
virtual void | SetAngle (float angle) |
| set the angle More...
virtual void | SetFlip (int flip) |
| set inversion More...
bool | IsDescendants (AbstractRenderObject obj) |
| determine if descendant More...
bool | IsAncestor (AbstractRenderObject obj) |
| determine if ancestor More...
virtual LayoutObjectType | GetRenderObjectType () |
| Get layout part type More...
bool | IsContainer () |
| container or not More...
virtual bool | ContainsRenderContent () |
| whether it contains something to draw More...
virtual void | CreateBattleContent () |
| Generate elements for battle More...
virtual bool | NeedDrawingOrigin () |
| Need to draw the origin? More...
virtual void | ChangeAnimationState (SpriteRenderObject.AnimationState animationState) |
| Force an animation state change More...
virtual void | SetParent (AbstractRenderObject parent) |
| set parent More...
bool | AddChild (AbstractRenderObject child) |
| add child More...
bool | InsertChild (AbstractRenderObject child, int insertIndex) |
| add child More...
virtual AbstractRenderObject | Remove (MenuSettings.MenuItem menuItem) |
| remove child - Parameters
menuItem | Setting the layout to be deleted |
- Returns
- true if it was possible to delete false if it did not exist in the child and could not be deleted
bool | RemoveChild (AbstractRenderObject child) |
| remove child More...
void | ClearChildren () |
| clear the child More...
AbstractRenderObject | RemoveFromParent () |
| detach from parent More...
virtual RenderProperty | CreateRenderProperty () |
| Create drawing information More...
void | Update () |
| Update More...
virtual void | UpdateTouchCollider (Vector2 addtionalContainerSize) |
| Update hitbox More...
void | Draw () |
| draw More...
virtual void | DrawLineRect (Color color) |
| draw a rectangle More...
void | DrawTouchCollider () |
| Draw touch hit detection More...
virtual void | Release () |
| Open More...
virtual void | Show () |
| indicate More...
virtual void | ShowWithNotAnimation () |
| display without animation More...
virtual void | ShowContainer () |
| Show only containers More...
virtual void | Hide () |
| You want to hide More...
virtual void | HideWithNotAnimation () |
| Hide without animation More...
void | HideNotUsingAnimation () |
| Alias for Old Name / HideWithNotAnimation More...
virtual void | HideContainer () |
| Hide container only More...
virtual void | Lock () |
| lock More...
virtual void | Lock (AbstractRenderObject menuContiner) |
| lock the specified menu container More...
bool | IsLockedWithChildern () |
| whether it is locked More...
virtual void | UnLock () |
| to unlock More...
void | EnableDrawable (bool enable) |
| Change drawable state More...
virtual void | EnableCanUse (bool enable) |
| Change Enabled State More...
void | AddDrawableInBattle (bool enable) |
| Add control over drawing during battle More...
virtual Rectangle | GetClipRectangle (Rectangle? currentClipRectangle) |
| Get the rectangle to use for clipping More...
virtual bool | GetClipRectangleSolo (out Rectangle val) |
virtual bool | IsClipRecursive () |
virtual Vector2 | GetWindowPadding () |
| get window margins More...
virtual Vector2 | GetWindowRenderSize (Vector2 size) |
| Calculate drawing size within window frame More...
virtual float | GetRenderAlpha () |
| get transparency More...
virtual void | SetRenderAlpha (float alpha) |
| set transparency More...
virtual Vector2 | GetAutoSizeMargin () |
| Get Auto Adjust Margins More...
AbstractRenderObject | GetSameMenuItemObjectWithChildern (MenuSettings.MenuItem menuItem) |
| Get objects of the same menu item More...
AbstractRenderObject | GetNextRenderObject (NextInputTypes nextInputTypes) |
| get an object that matches the input More...
virtual MenuSettings.MenuItem | GetMenuItem () |
| get menu item More...
virtual MenuSettings.MenuItem | GetMenuItemWithChildren () |
| get menu item More...
virtual MenuSettings.MenuItem.ActionType | GetActionWithChildren (AbstractRenderObject menuContiner) |
| Get the selected action of the specified menu container More...
virtual MenuSettings.MenuItem.ActionType | GetActionWithChildern (int index) |
| Get the child action of the menu container with the specified index More...
virtual Tuple< MenuSettings.MenuItem.ActionType, AbstractRenderObject > | GetInputtingActionAndObjectWithChildern () |
| Get action with input More...
bool | IsVisibleWithChildern () |
| whether it is showing More...
bool | IsInOutAnimatingWithChildern () |
| whether it is in animation More...
virtual bool | HasHideContainerOption () |
| Whether the selected container has a setting to hide the container when determined More...
virtual bool | HasEventObject (Events layoutEvent) |
| Whether the event contains special formatting More...
virtual bool | HasSpecialText (SpecialTextRenderer.SpecialTexts specialText) |
| Whether the specified content contains special formatting More...
virtual bool | ContainLayoutType (MenuSettings.MenuItem.LayoutType layoutType) |
| Does it contain the specified layout type? More...
virtual void | ConfigureContentProperty (int maximumContent) |
| Set maximum number of elements in menu container More...
virtual void | ConfigureContentProperty (int maximumContent, AbstractRenderObject menuContiner) |
| Set maximum number of elements in menu container More...
virtual void | ConfigureContentProperty (int maximumContent, bool updateRenderPanelIndex) |
| Set maximum number of elements in menu container More...
virtual void | UpdateGameContent (GameContent gameContent, bool skipBattleReplace=false) |
| Update game content More...
virtual void | ResetSubMenuContainerRenderStatus () |
| Reset the drawing state of the subcontainer More...
virtual void | ChangeSubMenuContainerRenderStatus (RenderStatus renderStatus, bool overrride) |
| Change the drawing state of a subcontainer More...
virtual void | ChangeBattleResultVisible (GameContent gameContent) |
| Switch between displaying and hiding battle results More...
virtual AbstractRenderObject | Copy (AbstractRenderObject parent) |
| copy itself More...
virtual bool | HaveDecidedByTouch () |
| Whether you pressed decision by touch More...
virtual Tuple< bool, int > | ForceUpdateSubContainerTouch () |
| Force touch detection More...
virtual void | SkipContentRendering (bool skip) |
| Prevent container drawing (container children are still drawn) More...
virtual Tuple< int, bool > | GetSelectIndexWithChildern () |
| Get the index number of the selected menu container More...
virtual Tuple< int, bool > | GetSelectIndexWithChildern (AbstractRenderObject menuContiner) |
| Get the index number of the selected menu container More...
virtual void | SetSelectIndexWithChildern (int index) |
| Change the selected position of the menu container More...
virtual Tuple< int, bool > | GetMenuPageWithChildern () |
| Get page of menu container More...
virtual bool | IsSelectedFirstPage () |
| Are you selecting the first page? More...
virtual bool | IsSelectedLastPage () |
| Are you selecting the last page? More...
virtual bool | PressNextPage () |
| Did you enter a move to the next page? More...
virtual bool | PressPreviousPage () |
| Did you enter a move to the previous page? More...
virtual bool | MovedPage () |
| Did you move the page (need to call update first) More...
virtual int | GetMaximumSelectIndexWithChildern (AbstractRenderObject menuContiner) |
| Get the maximum value of the selection index of the menu container More...
virtual void | EnableSubContainerWithChildern (bool enable, int subContainerIndex) |
| Change whether the subcontainer with the specified index number can be selected More...
virtual void | EnableSubContainerPageIndexWithChildern (bool enable, int subContainerPageIndex) |
| Change whether the subcontainer of the specified page number can be selected More...
virtual void | EnableLoopPage (bool enable) |
| Whether to loop keystroke paging More...
void | EnableDrawSizeRect (bool drawable, bool drawSubContainer=false) |
| Display ON/OFF of size rectangle More...
void | SetSelectingRenderObject (Guid guid) |
| Make the object with the specified guid selected More...
virtual void | EnableSelectAll (bool enableSelectAll) |
| select all More...
virtual void | EnableSelectMulti (bool enableSelectMulti, int selectedCount) |
| Select multiple items from the beginning More...
virtual void | ForceBlinkSubContainer (bool forceUseBlinker, int subContainerIndex) |
| Force the subcontainer with the specified index number to shine More...
virtual Guid | GetSelectOpenLayoutGuid () |
| Get the guid of the selected open layout More...
virtual Guid | GetLayoutStateGuid () |
| Get the guid of the selected open layout state More...
virtual void | SetLayoutStateGuid (Guid guid) |
| Sets the guid of the selected open layout state More...
virtual Tuple< bool, Vector2 > | GetTextScaledSize () |
| get text size More...
virtual Tuple< bool, float > | GetTextScale () |
| get text scale More...
virtual TextDrawer | GetTextDrawer () |
| get text drawing object More...
List< TextContentType > | GetChildrenTextContentType () |
| get text content More...
virtual void | GetTextContentType (List< TextContentType > result) |
| get text content More...
virtual void | EnableScrollText (bool enable) |
| enable scrolling More...
virtual bool | IsTextOutOfScreen () |
| whether the text is off screen More...
virtual void | UpdateSpecialRenderObject () |
| Update specially formatted text More...
virtual void | ShowNamePlate (int containerIndex) |
| Show nameplate More...
virtual void | HideNamePlate (int containerIndex) |
| Hide nameplate More...
virtual void | ForceHideNamePlate () |
| Force hide all nameplates More...
virtual float | GetSelectSliderValueWithChildern () |
| Get the value of the selected slider More...
virtual float | GetSliderValueWithChildern (int index) |
| Get the value of the slider in the subcontainer with the specified index number More...
virtual float | GetSliderMaximumValueWithChildern (int index) |
| Gets the maximum value of the slider in the subcontainer with the specified index number More...
virtual void | SetSliderValueWithChildern (float value, int index) |
| Change the value of the slider in the subcontainer with the specified index number More...
virtual int | GetSpinValueWithChildern (int index) |
| Get the value of the spin in the subcontainer with the specified index number More...
virtual void | SetSpinValueWithChildern (int value, int index) |
| Change the value of the spin in the subcontainer with the specified index number More...
virtual void | ChangeMenuSubContainerAmount (int amount, Vector2 menuSubContainerSize) |
| Change the number of submenu containers More...
virtual TagPositions | GetTagPosition () |
| Get tag position settings More...
virtual TagTelop | GetTagTelop () |
| Get telop tag settings More...
virtual void | EnableMessageSprite (bool enable) |
| Enable sprites when waiting for messages More...
AbstractRenderObject | GetRenderObjectWithPositionAnchorTag (string positionAnchorTag) |
| Get an object with a special coordinate tag (return the first one found) More...
AbstractRenderObject | GetRenderObjectWithPositionAnchorTag (PositionAnchorTags positionAnchorTag) |
| Get an object with a special coordinate tag (return the first one found) More...
virtual AbstractRenderObject | GetRenderObjectWithPositionAnchorTag (string positionAnchorTag, int menuIndex) |
| Get an object with a special coordinate tag with the same container management number (return the first found object) More...
AbstractRenderObject | GetRenderObjectWithPositionAnchorTag (PositionAnchorTags positionAnchorTag, int menuIndex) |
| Get an object with a special coordinate tag with the same container management number (return the first found object) More...
List< AbstractRenderObject > | GetRenderObjectsWithPositionAnchorTag (string positionAnchorTag) |
| Get all objects with a special coordinate tag More...
List< AbstractRenderObject > | GetRenderObjectsWithPositionAnchorTag (PositionAnchorTags positionAnchorTag) |
| Get all objects with a special coordinate tag More...
List< AbstractRenderObject > | ParseNodes () |
| return all nodes More...