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Yukar.Engine.MapScene Class Reference

A class that manages general processing during map movement including menus More...

Inheritance diagram for Yukar.Engine.MapScene:
Yukar.Engine.SceneBase Yukar.Engine.BattleEventControllerBase


class  AutoSkipSettings
struct  ChangeMapParams
 Structure for passing information when moving the map
struct  EffectDrawEntry
 Effect rendering information More...
class  EventLoadJob
 Job for asynchronous loading of MapCharacters such as events
struct  MovieDrawEntry
 Movie drawing information More...
class  ScriptRunnerDictionary
 A class for managing events currently being executed or waiting to be executed More...

Public Types

enum  EffectPosType { Head , Body , Ground }
 effect coordinates More...

Public Member Functions

delegate void LoadEndCallback ()
void updateWindows ()
void drawWindows ()
void setLightDisplayID (bool isBattle, uint displayId)
void resetCamera (bool initializeByLoadMap)
void resetViewCamera ()
 MapScene ()
 MapScene (GameMain owner)
override void initialize ()
void initializeMenu ()
void Reset ()
void ResetMapCharacter ()
 Placement event reset More...
override void finalize ()
void releaseMenu ()
override void Update ()
bool isMenuVisible ()
 Menu display state (not including conversations, etc.) More...
override void Draw ()
 drawing process More...
SharpKmyMath.Vector3 UpdateCameraAnimation ()
void CopyFromCameraManager (CameraManager camManager)
void DrawEffects ()
void DrawMovies (int priority)
virtual void ShowFace (Guid inLeftId, string inLeftMotion, bool inIsLeftFlip, Guid inRightId, string inRightMotion, bool inIsRightFlip, bool inIsLeftActive, bool inUsedLighting)
void ShowFace (Guid inLeftId, string inLeftMotion, bool inIsLeftFlip, Guid inRightId, string inRightMotion, bool inIsRightFlip, bool inIsLeftActive, bool inUsedLighting, string blendShapeA, string blendShapeB)
virtual void HideFace ()
void UpdateFace ()
void DrawFace ()
 Explicitly draw a standing image It should be in SpriteFaceManager.cs, but it's left here to maintain compatibility with the battle plugin More...
void CreateCameraMatrix (out SharpKmyMath.Matrix4 p, out SharpKmyMath.Matrix4 v, float farclip=1000f)
 Generate Camera Matrix More...
void createCameraMatrix (float aspectRatio, SharpKmyMath.Vector3 lookAt, Common.Rom.ThirdPersonCameraSettings cameraSettings, out SharpKmyMath.Matrix4 p, out SharpKmyMath.Matrix4 v)
 Generation of camera matrix (type that explicitly specifies ThirdPersonCameraSettings) More...
void SetLookAtTarget (MapCharacter chr, SharpKmyMath.Vector3 pos)
SharpKmyMath.Vector3 GetLookAtTarget ()
virtual void GetCharacterScreenPos (MapCharacter chr, out int x, out int y, EffectPosType pos=EffectPosType.Ground)
virtual void GetCharacterScreenPos (MapCharacter chr, out int x, out int y, EffectPosType pos=EffectPosType.Ground, Vector3? offset=null)
bool GetSpritePos (int spriteid, out int x, out int y)
int GetRandom (int max, int min=0)
float GetRandom (float max, float min)
MapCharacter GetHero ()
virtual MapCharacter GetHeroForBattle (Common.Rom.Cast rom=null)
virtual ScriptRunner GetScriptRunner (Guid guid)
bool ChangeGraphic (MapCharacter mapChr, Guid guid)
void LockControl (ScriptRunner runner=null)
void UnlockControl (ScriptRunner runner=null)
void SetScreenColor (Color color)
int ShowMessage (string str, int winAlign, MenuControllerBase.WindowTypes winType, Guid sender)
int ShowDialogue (string str, int winAlign, MenuControllerBase.WindowTypes winType, Guid sender)
void ShowInn (int innPrice, int winAlign)
void ShowTelop (string str, int winAlign, MenuControllerBase.WindowTypes winType, AbstractRenderObject.GameContent.TelopProperty telopProperty, Guid sender)
void ShowEventLayout (Guid layoutGuid, Common.Rom.LayoutProperties.LayoutNode.UsageInGame usage)
bool IsVisibleMessage ()
bool IsQueuedMessage (int id)
bool IsVisibleDialogue ()
bool IsQueuedDialogue (int id)
bool IsVisibleTelop ()
bool IsVisibleInn ()
bool IsVisibleEventLayout (Guid guid)
bool DecidedStayingAtInn ()
bool IsWordPopped ()
void ShowChoices (string[] strs, int selectionPos)
int GetChoicesResult ()
bool IsVisibleChoices ()
void ShowShop (Guid layoutGuid, Common.Rom.NItem[] items, int[] prices)
void ShowInputWindow (string[] loadStrings, int stringLength, string defaultInputStrings, int selectionPosition)
void HideInputWindow ()
void HideFreeLayout (Guid layoutGuid, bool hideAll)
bool haveFinshedInputing ()
string GetInputString ()
bool IsShopVisible ()
bool GetShopResult ()
void ShowToast (string p)
void UpdateToast ()
void DrawToast ()
LayoutMenuController GetMenuController ()
void StartBattle (IEnumerable< Guid > enemyGuids)
void EndBattleMode (int loseSwitch=-1)
virtual bool DoGameOver ()
void RefreshHeroMapChr (bool setRigitBodyPosition=false)
virtual void RefreshHeroJoint (Guid heroGuid)
void setEncountFlag (bool p)
void setMenuAvailable (bool p)
void setSaveAvailable (bool p)
virtual void ReservationChangeScene (GameMain.Scenes scene)
Common.Rom.Map.CameraControlMode GetCameraControlMode ()
 Get camera control mode More...
bool isToastVisible ()
void ShowTrashWindow (Guid guid, int num, bool isCancellable=true)
bool IsTrashVisible ()
void StartFadeIn ()
void StartFadeOut ()
Catalog getCatalog ()
virtual void applyCameraToBattle ()
virtual void SetEffectColor (MapCharacter selfChr, Color color)
virtual void setHeroName (Guid hero, string nextHeroName)
virtual bool ExistMember (Guid heroGuid)
void SetEffectTargetColor (int index, Color color)
void SetWipe (Guid effectGuid)
bool IsWiping ()
void StartLoadData ()
bool IsLoadingData ()
void ReloadLayout (Common.Rom.LayoutProperties.LayoutNode.UsageInGame usage)
 Reread the layout (Since the release processing of the layout that is no longer used runs, it freezes for a moment) More...
virtual void StopCameraAnimation ()
 Force quit camera animation More...
abstract void initialize ()
abstract void finalize ()
abstract void Update ()
abstract void Draw ()

Static Public Member Functions

static EffectPosType GetEffectPosType (Common.Resource.NSprite.OrigPos origPos)
static void GetScreenPos (SharpKmyMath.Vector3 v, out int x, out int y, SharpKmyMath.Matrix4 pp, SharpKmyMath.Matrix4 vv)
static void GetCharacterScreenPos (MapCharacter chr, out int x, out int y, SharpKmyMath.Matrix4 pp, SharpKmyMath.Matrix4 vv, EffectPosType pos, Vector3? offset=null)
static SharpKmyMath.Vector3 GetCharacterPos (MapCharacter chr, EffectPosType pos)
static bool IsMapLoading ()
 Externally refer to whether it is loading More...

Public Attributes

MenuControllerBase menuWindow = null
SpriteManager spManager = new SpriteManager()
List< MapCharactermapCharList = new List<MapCharacter>()
List< Guid > destroyedEventList = new List<Guid>()
AutoSkipSettings autoSkip = new AutoSkipSettings()
ScriptRunnerDictionary runnerDic = new ScriptRunnerDictionary()
Color screenColor = Color.Transparent
ScriptRunner exclusiveRunner
bool exclusiveInverse
Common.Rom.Map map
Common.Rom.Map.BattleSetting battleSetting
MapData mapDrawer
MapCharacter hero
int playerLocked
HashSet< ScriptRunnerlockPushedRunner = new HashSet<ScriptRunner>()
MapEngine mapEngine
FaceView faceView
bool isBattle
BattleSequenceManagerBase battleSequenceManager
bool isGameOver
Vector3 camOffset = new Vector3(0, 0.5f, 0)
float yCurrentAngle = 0
float xCurrentAngle = -60
float yTargetAngle = 0
float xTargetAngle = -60
float fovy = 5
float dist = 70
float nearClip = 1f
Common.Rom.Camera.LpfTypes lpfType = Common.Rom.Camera.LpfTypes.HEIGHT
bool ortho
float baseRomDist = 70
float baseRomNearClip = 1f
bool mapFixCamera
bool mapFixCameraMode
Common.Rom.ThirdPersonCameraSettings startCameraParam = new Common.Rom.ThirdPersonCameraSettings()
SharpKmyMath.Vector3 startPos
SharpKmyMath.Vector3 startHeroPos
float moveCameraProcessTime
float loadMoveCameraProcessTime
int isCameraMoveByCameraFunc = 0
Guid currentRenderSetting
string currentRenderSettingBase64 = ""
FieldBattleViewer fieldBattleViewer
MapLoadManager loadManager
- Public Attributes inherited from Yukar.Engine.SceneBase
GameMain owner

Static Public Attributes

const int PLAYER_LOCK_BY_EVENT = 0x10000
const int EFFECT_2D_GROUND_OFFSET = 48
static LoadEndCallback s_loadEndCallback = null
static bool disablePreload

Static Protected Member Functions

static bool ChangeGraphicImpl (Catalog catalog, MapCharacter mapChr, Guid guid, MapData mapDrawer)

Protected Attributes

Common.Rom.Map.CameraControlMode cameraControlMode = Common.Rom.Map.CameraControlMode.UNKNOWN
SharpKmyMath.Matrix4 pp = SharpKmyMath.Matrix4.identity()
SharpKmyMath.Matrix4 vv = SharpKmyMath.Matrix4.identity()


virtual CameraManager CameraManager [get]
float yAngle [get, set]
float xAngle [get, set]
float normalizedYAngle [get]
SharpKmyMath.Matrix4 CurrentPP [get]
SharpKmyMath.Matrix4 CurrentVV [get]
SharpKmyMath.Matrix4 BattlePP [get]
SharpKmyMath.Matrix4 BattleVV [get]
virtual SharpKmyMath.Vector2 ShakeValue [get, set]
bool IsMapChangedFrame [get]
- Properties inherited from Yukar.Engine.SceneBase
MapScene M [get]

Detailed Description

A class that manages general processing during map movement including menus

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ EffectPosType

effect coordinates


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ MapScene() [1/2]

Yukar.Engine.MapScene.MapScene ( )

◆ MapScene() [2/2]

Yukar.Engine.MapScene.MapScene ( GameMain  owner)

Member Function Documentation

◆ applyCameraToBattle()

virtual void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.applyCameraToBattle ( )

◆ ChangeGraphic()

bool Yukar.Engine.MapScene.ChangeGraphic ( MapCharacter  mapChr,
Guid  guid 

◆ ChangeGraphicImpl()

static bool Yukar.Engine.MapScene.ChangeGraphicImpl ( Catalog  catalog,
MapCharacter  mapChr,
Guid  guid,
MapData  mapDrawer 

◆ CopyFromCameraManager()

void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.CopyFromCameraManager ( CameraManager  camManager)

◆ createCameraMatrix()

void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.createCameraMatrix ( float  aspectRatio,
SharpKmyMath.Vector3  lookAt,
Common.Rom.ThirdPersonCameraSettings  cameraSettings,
out SharpKmyMath.Matrix4  p,
out SharpKmyMath.Matrix4  v 

Generation of camera matrix (type that explicitly specifies ThirdPersonCameraSettings)


◆ CreateCameraMatrix()

void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.CreateCameraMatrix ( out SharpKmyMath.Matrix4  p,
out SharpKmyMath.Matrix4  v,
float  farclip = 1000f 

Generate Camera Matrix


◆ DecidedStayingAtInn()

bool Yukar.Engine.MapScene.DecidedStayingAtInn ( )

◆ DoGameOver()

virtual bool Yukar.Engine.MapScene.DoGameOver ( )

◆ Draw()

override void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.Draw ( )

drawing process

Implements Yukar.Engine.SceneBase.

◆ DrawEffects()

void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.DrawEffects ( )

◆ DrawFace()

void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.DrawFace ( )

Explicitly draw a standing image It should be in SpriteFaceManager.cs, but it's left here to maintain compatibility with the battle plugin

◆ DrawMovies()

void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.DrawMovies ( int  priority)

◆ DrawToast()

void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.DrawToast ( )

◆ drawWindows()

void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.drawWindows ( )

◆ EndBattleMode()

void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.EndBattleMode ( int  loseSwitch = -1)

◆ ExistMember()

virtual bool Yukar.Engine.MapScene.ExistMember ( Guid  heroGuid)

◆ finalize()

override void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.finalize ( )

◆ GetCameraControlMode()

Common.Rom.Map.CameraControlMode Yukar.Engine.MapScene.GetCameraControlMode ( )

Get camera control mode


◆ getCatalog()

Catalog Yukar.Engine.MapScene.getCatalog ( )

◆ GetCharacterPos()

static SharpKmyMath.Vector3 Yukar.Engine.MapScene.GetCharacterPos ( MapCharacter  chr,
EffectPosType  pos 

◆ GetCharacterScreenPos() [1/3]

virtual void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.GetCharacterScreenPos ( MapCharacter  chr,
out int  x,
out int  y,
EffectPosType  pos = EffectPosType.Ground 

◆ GetCharacterScreenPos() [2/3]

virtual void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.GetCharacterScreenPos ( MapCharacter  chr,
out int  x,
out int  y,
EffectPosType  pos = EffectPosType.Ground,
Vector3?  offset = null 

◆ GetCharacterScreenPos() [3/3]

static void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.GetCharacterScreenPos ( MapCharacter  chr,
out int  x,
out int  y,
SharpKmyMath.Matrix4  pp,
SharpKmyMath.Matrix4  vv,
EffectPosType  pos,
Vector3?  offset = null 

◆ GetChoicesResult()

int Yukar.Engine.MapScene.GetChoicesResult ( )

◆ GetEffectPosType()

static EffectPosType Yukar.Engine.MapScene.GetEffectPosType ( Common.Resource.NSprite.OrigPos  origPos)

◆ GetHero()

MapCharacter Yukar.Engine.MapScene.GetHero ( )

◆ GetHeroForBattle()

virtual MapCharacter Yukar.Engine.MapScene.GetHeroForBattle ( Common.Rom.Cast  rom = null)

◆ GetInputString()

string Yukar.Engine.MapScene.GetInputString ( )

◆ GetLookAtTarget()

SharpKmyMath.Vector3 Yukar.Engine.MapScene.GetLookAtTarget ( )

◆ GetMenuController()

LayoutMenuController Yukar.Engine.MapScene.GetMenuController ( )

◆ GetRandom() [1/2]

float Yukar.Engine.MapScene.GetRandom ( float  max,
float  min 

◆ GetRandom() [2/2]

int Yukar.Engine.MapScene.GetRandom ( int  max,
int  min = 0 

◆ GetScreenPos()

static void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.GetScreenPos ( SharpKmyMath.Vector3  v,
out int  x,
out int  y,
SharpKmyMath.Matrix4  pp,
SharpKmyMath.Matrix4  vv 

◆ GetScriptRunner()

virtual ScriptRunner Yukar.Engine.MapScene.GetScriptRunner ( Guid  guid)

◆ GetShopResult()

bool Yukar.Engine.MapScene.GetShopResult ( )

◆ GetSpritePos()

bool Yukar.Engine.MapScene.GetSpritePos ( int  spriteid,
out int  x,
out int  y 

◆ haveFinshedInputing()

bool Yukar.Engine.MapScene.haveFinshedInputing ( )

◆ HideFace()

virtual void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.HideFace ( )

◆ HideFreeLayout()

void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.HideFreeLayout ( Guid  layoutGuid,
bool  hideAll 

◆ HideInputWindow()

void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.HideInputWindow ( )

◆ initialize()

override void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.initialize ( )

◆ initializeMenu()

void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.initializeMenu ( )

◆ IsLoadingData()

bool Yukar.Engine.MapScene.IsLoadingData ( )

◆ IsMapLoading()

static bool Yukar.Engine.MapScene.IsMapLoading ( )

Externally refer to whether it is loading

true if loading

◆ isMenuVisible()

bool Yukar.Engine.MapScene.isMenuVisible ( )

Menu display state (not including conversations, etc.)


◆ IsQueuedDialogue()

bool Yukar.Engine.MapScene.IsQueuedDialogue ( int  id)

◆ IsQueuedMessage()

bool Yukar.Engine.MapScene.IsQueuedMessage ( int  id)

◆ IsShopVisible()

bool Yukar.Engine.MapScene.IsShopVisible ( )

◆ isToastVisible()

bool Yukar.Engine.MapScene.isToastVisible ( )

◆ IsTrashVisible()

bool Yukar.Engine.MapScene.IsTrashVisible ( )

◆ IsVisibleChoices()

bool Yukar.Engine.MapScene.IsVisibleChoices ( )

◆ IsVisibleDialogue()

bool Yukar.Engine.MapScene.IsVisibleDialogue ( )

◆ IsVisibleEventLayout()

bool Yukar.Engine.MapScene.IsVisibleEventLayout ( Guid  guid)

◆ IsVisibleInn()

bool Yukar.Engine.MapScene.IsVisibleInn ( )

◆ IsVisibleMessage()

bool Yukar.Engine.MapScene.IsVisibleMessage ( )

◆ IsVisibleTelop()

bool Yukar.Engine.MapScene.IsVisibleTelop ( )

◆ IsWiping()

bool Yukar.Engine.MapScene.IsWiping ( )

◆ IsWordPopped()

bool Yukar.Engine.MapScene.IsWordPopped ( )

◆ LoadEndCallback()

delegate void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.LoadEndCallback ( )

◆ LockControl()

void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.LockControl ( ScriptRunner  runner = null)

◆ RefreshHeroJoint()

virtual void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.RefreshHeroJoint ( Guid  heroGuid)

◆ RefreshHeroMapChr()

void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.RefreshHeroMapChr ( bool  setRigitBodyPosition = false)

◆ releaseMenu()

void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.releaseMenu ( )

◆ ReloadLayout()

void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.ReloadLayout ( Common.Rom.LayoutProperties.LayoutNode.UsageInGame  usage)

Reread the layout (Since the release processing of the layout that is no longer used runs, it freezes for a moment)

usageReread layout type

◆ ReservationChangeScene()

virtual void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.ReservationChangeScene ( GameMain.Scenes  scene)

◆ Reset()

void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.Reset ( )

◆ resetCamera()

void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.resetCamera ( bool  initializeByLoadMap)

◆ ResetMapCharacter()

void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.ResetMapCharacter ( )

Placement event reset

◆ resetViewCamera()

void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.resetViewCamera ( )

◆ SetEffectColor()

virtual void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.SetEffectColor ( MapCharacter  selfChr,
Color  color 

◆ SetEffectTargetColor()

void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.SetEffectTargetColor ( int  index,
Color  color 

◆ setEncountFlag()

void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.setEncountFlag ( bool  p)

◆ setHeroName()

virtual void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.setHeroName ( Guid  hero,
string  nextHeroName 

◆ setLightDisplayID()

void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.setLightDisplayID ( bool  isBattle,
uint  displayId 

◆ SetLookAtTarget()

void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.SetLookAtTarget ( MapCharacter  chr,
SharpKmyMath.Vector3  pos 

◆ setMenuAvailable()

void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.setMenuAvailable ( bool  p)

◆ setSaveAvailable()

void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.setSaveAvailable ( bool  p)

◆ SetScreenColor()

void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.SetScreenColor ( Color  color)

◆ SetWipe()

void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.SetWipe ( Guid  effectGuid)

◆ ShowChoices()

void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.ShowChoices ( string[]  strs,
int  selectionPos 

◆ ShowDialogue()

int Yukar.Engine.MapScene.ShowDialogue ( string  str,
int  winAlign,
MenuControllerBase.WindowTypes  winType,
Guid  sender 

◆ ShowEventLayout()

void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.ShowEventLayout ( Guid  layoutGuid,
Common.Rom.LayoutProperties.LayoutNode.UsageInGame  usage 

◆ ShowFace() [1/2]

virtual void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.ShowFace ( Guid  inLeftId,
string  inLeftMotion,
bool  inIsLeftFlip,
Guid  inRightId,
string  inRightMotion,
bool  inIsRightFlip,
bool  inIsLeftActive,
bool  inUsedLighting 

◆ ShowFace() [2/2]

void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.ShowFace ( Guid  inLeftId,
string  inLeftMotion,
bool  inIsLeftFlip,
Guid  inRightId,
string  inRightMotion,
bool  inIsRightFlip,
bool  inIsLeftActive,
bool  inUsedLighting,
string  blendShapeA,
string  blendShapeB 

◆ ShowInn()

void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.ShowInn ( int  innPrice,
int  winAlign 

◆ ShowInputWindow()

void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.ShowInputWindow ( string[]  loadStrings,
int  stringLength,
string  defaultInputStrings,
int  selectionPosition 

◆ ShowMessage()

int Yukar.Engine.MapScene.ShowMessage ( string  str,
int  winAlign,
MenuControllerBase.WindowTypes  winType,
Guid  sender 

◆ ShowShop()

void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.ShowShop ( Guid  layoutGuid,
Common.Rom.NItem[]  items,
int[]  prices 

◆ ShowTelop()

void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.ShowTelop ( string  str,
int  winAlign,
MenuControllerBase.WindowTypes  winType,
AbstractRenderObject.GameContent.TelopProperty  telopProperty,
Guid  sender 

◆ ShowToast()

void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.ShowToast ( string  p)

◆ ShowTrashWindow()

void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.ShowTrashWindow ( Guid  guid,
int  num,
bool  isCancellable = true 

◆ StartBattle()

void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.StartBattle ( IEnumerable< Guid >  enemyGuids)

◆ StartFadeIn()

void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.StartFadeIn ( )

◆ StartFadeOut()

void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.StartFadeOut ( )

◆ StartLoadData()

void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.StartLoadData ( )

◆ StopCameraAnimation()

virtual void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.StopCameraAnimation ( )

Force quit camera animation

◆ UnlockControl()

void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.UnlockControl ( ScriptRunner  runner = null)

◆ Update()

override void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.Update ( )

◆ UpdateCameraAnimation()

SharpKmyMath.Vector3 Yukar.Engine.MapScene.UpdateCameraAnimation ( )

◆ UpdateFace()

void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.UpdateFace ( )

◆ UpdateToast()

void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.UpdateToast ( )

◆ updateWindows()

void Yukar.Engine.MapScene.updateWindows ( )

Member Data Documentation

◆ autoSkip

AutoSkipSettings Yukar.Engine.MapScene.autoSkip = new AutoSkipSettings()

◆ baseRomDist

float Yukar.Engine.MapScene.baseRomDist = 70

◆ baseRomNearClip

float Yukar.Engine.MapScene.baseRomNearClip = 1f

◆ battleSequenceManager

BattleSequenceManagerBase Yukar.Engine.MapScene.battleSequenceManager

◆ battleSetting

Common.Rom.Map.BattleSetting Yukar.Engine.MapScene.battleSetting

◆ cameraControlMode

Common.Rom.Map.CameraControlMode Yukar.Engine.MapScene.cameraControlMode = Common.Rom.Map.CameraControlMode.UNKNOWN

◆ camOffset

Vector3 Yukar.Engine.MapScene.camOffset = new Vector3(0, 0.5f, 0)

◆ currentRenderSetting

Guid Yukar.Engine.MapScene.currentRenderSetting

◆ currentRenderSettingBase64

string Yukar.Engine.MapScene.currentRenderSettingBase64 = ""

◆ destroyedEventList

List<Guid> Yukar.Engine.MapScene.destroyedEventList = new List<Guid>()

◆ disablePreload

bool Yukar.Engine.MapScene.disablePreload

◆ dist

float Yukar.Engine.MapScene.dist = 70


const int Yukar.Engine.MapScene.EFFECT_2D_GROUND_OFFSET = 48

◆ exclusiveInverse

bool Yukar.Engine.MapScene.exclusiveInverse

◆ exclusiveRunner

ScriptRunner Yukar.Engine.MapScene.exclusiveRunner

◆ faceView

FaceView Yukar.Engine.MapScene.faceView

◆ fieldBattleViewer

FieldBattleViewer Yukar.Engine.MapScene.fieldBattleViewer

◆ fovy

float Yukar.Engine.MapScene.fovy = 5


const float Yukar.Engine.MapScene.GHOST_HERO_VISIBLE_DISTANCE = 0.5f

◆ hero

MapCharacter Yukar.Engine.MapScene.hero

◆ isBattle

bool Yukar.Engine.MapScene.isBattle

◆ isCameraMoveByCameraFunc

int Yukar.Engine.MapScene.isCameraMoveByCameraFunc = 0

◆ isGameOver

bool Yukar.Engine.MapScene.isGameOver

◆ loadManager

MapLoadManager Yukar.Engine.MapScene.loadManager

◆ loadMoveCameraProcessTime

float Yukar.Engine.MapScene.loadMoveCameraProcessTime

◆ lockPushedRunner

HashSet<ScriptRunner> Yukar.Engine.MapScene.lockPushedRunner = new HashSet<ScriptRunner>()

◆ lpfType

Common.Rom.Camera.LpfTypes Yukar.Engine.MapScene.lpfType = Common.Rom.Camera.LpfTypes.HEIGHT

◆ map

Common.Rom.Map Yukar.Engine.MapScene.map

◆ mapCharList

List<MapCharacter> Yukar.Engine.MapScene.mapCharList = new List<MapCharacter>()

◆ mapDrawer

MapData Yukar.Engine.MapScene.mapDrawer

◆ mapEngine

MapEngine Yukar.Engine.MapScene.mapEngine

◆ mapFixCamera

bool Yukar.Engine.MapScene.mapFixCamera

◆ mapFixCameraMode

bool Yukar.Engine.MapScene.mapFixCameraMode

◆ menuWindow

MenuControllerBase Yukar.Engine.MapScene.menuWindow = null

◆ moveCameraProcessTime

float Yukar.Engine.MapScene.moveCameraProcessTime

◆ nearClip

float Yukar.Engine.MapScene.nearClip = 1f

◆ ortho

bool Yukar.Engine.MapScene.ortho


const int Yukar.Engine.MapScene.PLAYER_LOCK_BY_EVENT = 0x10000

◆ playerLocked

int Yukar.Engine.MapScene.playerLocked

◆ pp

SharpKmyMath.Matrix4 Yukar.Engine.MapScene.pp = SharpKmyMath.Matrix4.identity()

◆ runnerDic

ScriptRunnerDictionary Yukar.Engine.MapScene.runnerDic = new ScriptRunnerDictionary()

◆ s_loadEndCallback

LoadEndCallback Yukar.Engine.MapScene.s_loadEndCallback = null

◆ screenColor

Color Yukar.Engine.MapScene.screenColor = Color.Transparent

◆ spManager

SpriteManager Yukar.Engine.MapScene.spManager = new SpriteManager()

◆ startCameraParam

Common.Rom.ThirdPersonCameraSettings Yukar.Engine.MapScene.startCameraParam = new Common.Rom.ThirdPersonCameraSettings()

◆ startHeroPos

SharpKmyMath.Vector3 Yukar.Engine.MapScene.startHeroPos

◆ startPos

SharpKmyMath.Vector3 Yukar.Engine.MapScene.startPos

◆ vv

SharpKmyMath.Matrix4 Yukar.Engine.MapScene.vv = SharpKmyMath.Matrix4.identity()

◆ xCurrentAngle

float Yukar.Engine.MapScene.xCurrentAngle = -60

◆ xTargetAngle

float Yukar.Engine.MapScene.xTargetAngle = -60

◆ yCurrentAngle

float Yukar.Engine.MapScene.yCurrentAngle = 0

◆ yTargetAngle

float Yukar.Engine.MapScene.yTargetAngle = 0

Property Documentation

◆ BattlePP

SharpKmyMath.Matrix4 Yukar.Engine.MapScene.BattlePP

◆ BattleVV

SharpKmyMath.Matrix4 Yukar.Engine.MapScene.BattleVV

◆ CameraManager

virtual CameraManager Yukar.Engine.MapScene.CameraManager

◆ CurrentPP

SharpKmyMath.Matrix4 Yukar.Engine.MapScene.CurrentPP

◆ CurrentVV

SharpKmyMath.Matrix4 Yukar.Engine.MapScene.CurrentVV

◆ IsMapChangedFrame

bool Yukar.Engine.MapScene.IsMapChangedFrame

◆ normalizedYAngle

float Yukar.Engine.MapScene.normalizedYAngle

◆ ShakeValue

virtual SharpKmyMath.Vector2 Yukar.Engine.MapScene.ShakeValue

◆ xAngle

float Yukar.Engine.MapScene.xAngle

◆ yAngle

float Yukar.Engine.MapScene.yAngle