What you can do in the Resource Menu "Slice Animation"

Here you will find the basic elements of slice animation, which adds movement to casts.


Slice Animation Setting Options

Slice Animation List.png

Slice Animation List / Right-Click Menu

Right-click in the slice animation list.


Slice Animation Preview

This is a preview screen of motions. You can check the motion selected in the "Motion List".

Slice Animation Preview.png

Slice Animation Settings

This section is for setting up slice animation.


Attach file: fileResouces_SliceAnimation_SliceAnimationSettings.png 152 download [Information] fileResouces_SliceAnimation.png 153 download [Information] fileY Angle OffsetSample_walk.png 155 download [Information] fileRight.png 168 download [Information] fileSlice Animation Preview.png 381 download [Information] fileSlice Animation List.png 485 download [Information] fileSlice Animation List Right.png 384 download [Information]

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Last-modified: 2023-08-25 (Fri) 15:11:26