Map Editor Overview

The map editor is the main tool in game creation, creating the terrain and buildings where the game will take place and placing events related to the storyline.
The structure and functions of the map editor are as follows.


1) Editor Screen

This is the main work screen of the Map Editor, where you change the form of the terrain and place objects and events.

The working camera can be rotated by right dragging.
Center-drag or hold down the Shift key and right-drag to scroll in the X-axis and Z-axis directions.

Zoom in/out by rotating the wheel.

Mouse Operation
Right DragRotation
Hold down Shift and right dragXZ Parallel Displacement (Horizontal Movement)
Center DraggingXZ Parallel Displacement (Horizontal Movement)
Center dragging while holding down AltXY Parallel Displacement (Vertical Movement)
Center WheelZoom in/out

See Shortcut Key List for a list of hotkeys (shortcut keys) for map editor operations.

Indicates the starting point of the game.
Represents an event for which no graphics are specified.
Represents a particle.
Represents a local light (point light). It can be moved and scaled.
Represents a local light (spotlight). It can be moved, rotated, and scaled.
Represents a decal. It can be moved, rotated, and scaled.
Represents the destination of an event involving a location move. Moving this symbol will be reflected in the content of the event.
This represents the frames of camera work belonging to this map created by the Camera Tool for which the gazing point is specified in the world. When this symbol is moved or rotated, it is also reflected in the camera data.

Context Menu

If you right-click while selecting something on the map, a context menu will appear.
The context menu that appears changes depending on whether terrain, object, or event is selected.

2) Master Menu

This menu provides access to the main features of Bakin.
Clicking on each menu opens the respective dialog.
For details on each menu, see the page for each menu in the manual.

3) Menu Bar

The menu bar at the top of the Map Editor window provides access to various features.

Test Play

You can execute the game player feature to test play the game in its current state.
There are two buttons to start the test play.

  1. Left Click: Quick Test Play. The editor is not available during test play.
  2. Right Click: Skip the title screen for a quick test play.
  3. Center Wheel Click: Test Play. Test play is performed in a separate process from the editor. You can use the editor during the test play. The test play will be the same environment as when the project is exported as a published work.

All features and notations described below are defaults.
The assignment of keys and buttons to be used can be changed in Assign Input Device.

Test Play.png

Keyboard Operation

Cursor Control
Player Movement
Cursor keys, ADWS keys
RunShift+Movement Operation
JumpX key
Menu DisplayEnter key, ESC key, M key
DecisionEnter key, Space key, Z key
CancelESC key
Speak and InvestigateSpace key, Z key
Horizontal Camera RotationEQ key
Vertical Camera RotationRF key
Zoom in/outTG key
Reset Camera PositionP key
Return to the Title ScreenCtrl + C key
Fast-Forward Event/CameraLeftCtrl
Open/Close the Debug WindowF5 Key
Open/Close the Cast Parameter Check ViewF6 Key
Immediate End of GameAlt+F4 Key

Controller Operation

Cursor Control
Player Movement
Direction buttons, left stick
RunX Button + Movement Operation
JumpY Button
Menu DisplaySTART Button
DecisionB Button
CancelA Button
Speak and InvestigateB Button
Horizontal Camera RotationRight stick left/right
Vertical Camera RotationRight stick up/down
Zoom inLB + RB Button
Zoom outLB + RT Button
Reset Camera PositionPress in the right stick


You can choose from a variety of menus that allow you to change and check the behavior while executing test plays.
This menu is not selectable during test play with center wheel click.

About the Debug Window

Pressing the "F5 key" during test play opens and closes the Debug Window.
By temporarily changing the values of various settings and variable boxes, you can efficiently test play and check for progress and defects.
Any settings you specify in this window will not be reflected in the game until you press the "Reflect in Test Play" button.


About the Cast Parameter Check View

You can open and close the Cast Parameters View by pressing on the "F6 key" during test play.
You can check the statuses of party members, enemies in battle, and cast events on the map.
In addition to the cast member's own status, the status also shows the values changed by class, equipment, and various influences during the battle.
It is also possible to temporarily change the values of some statuses and information about the skills held by the casts.


Performance Meter

Various graphs show how much load is being applied to rendering, logic processing, etc.
Placing many objects and events, or executing complex processing events simultaneously, increases the processing load and makes the game feel sluggish when played.
The Performance Meter is a feature that helps you adjust them.
(!)How much the processing load affects the operation depends on the environment being used.


Reset the test play and return to the title screen. (If you skipped the title screen, it will take you back to the beginning of the game.)
Ctrl+c can also be used to reset.
This menu is not selectable during test play with center wheel click.

4) Status Bar

The status bar at the bottom of the Map Editor window contains icons for frequently used functions.

5) Various Palettes

The "palette" is a collection of functions for creating maps by type.
There are six palettes used in the Map Editor
For a description of the function of each palette, please refer to "Various Palettes used on the Edit Screen" in this help.

Attach file: filePerformanceMater_Func.png 62 download [Information] filePerformanceMater_Minimater.png 59 download [Information] fileEvent_Search.png 88 download [Information] filePerformanceMater_Type0.png 106 download [Information] fileCastParameterCheckView_ItemEditor.png 119 download [Information] fileCastParameterCheckView_SkillEditor.png 118 download [Information] filemapsimbol_8.png 114 download [Information] fileCastParameterCheckView.png 145 download [Information] fileEventSymbolColor.png 167 download [Information] fileTerrain_FBX_Export.png 178 download [Information] fileContextmenu_Events.png 171 download [Information] fileContextmenu_Objects.png 197 download [Information] fileContextmenu_Terrain.png 172 download [Information] fileConfiguration.png 224 download [Information] fileTestPlay_button_2.png 274 download [Information] fileTestPlay_button_1.png 270 download [Information] fileMap_Editor_Overview.png 286 download [Information] fileScroll_Entire_Map.png 275 download [Information] fileDebugWindow_EventMonitor.png 276 download [Information] fileDebugWindow.png 295 download [Information] filePerformanceMater_Type1_2.png 257 download [Information] filePerformanceMater_Type1_1.png 253 download [Information] filePerformanceMater_Type3.png 264 download [Information] filePerformanceMater_Type2_2.png 271 download [Information] filePerformanceMater_Type2_1.png 242 download [Information] fileProjectPass.png 226 download [Information] fileDebugWindow_SystermStatus.png 294 download [Information] filemapsimbol_7.png 286 download [Information] filemapsimbol_6.png 245 download [Information] filemapsimbol_5.png 269 download [Information] filemapsimbol_4.png 280 download [Information] filemapsimbol_3.png 254 download [Information] filemapsimbol_2.png 284 download [Information] filemapsimbol_1.png 302 download [Information] fileENコリジョン表示.png 299 download [Information] fileTest Play.png 308 download [Information] fileMap Editor.png 241 download [Information] fileDebug.png 269 download [Information] fileAdjust Elevation of Entire Map.png 321 download [Information]

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Last-modified: 2024-11-27 (Wed) 08:37:35