What are State Definitions

A "state" can be granted to a terrain or skill, which, during the game, changes the cast's abilities or behavior.
You can create a "poison swamp" by giving the terrain a poisonous state, or if you give it to a skill, you can create "paralyzing attack magic" or "magic that increases the attack power of allies".
This section specifies the effects of the various states on the ability and the conditions under which they are released.


Function Description

State Add.png

State Definition Properties


Influence of State Change


Basic Settings

Specify basic information such as the probability of changing to a "state" and the conditions under which the "state" ability is removed.

State Abilities

Specify the ability when the cast enters this "state".
The Add button opens the "Ability Selector Dialog".
Selecting an ability closes a dialog that allows you to specify the parameters of the ability (e.g., the amount of damage for automatic damage).

Effect When Applied

Specify the effect to be displayed on the cast in this state.

Attach file: fileDatabase_StateDefinition_AbilitySelector.png 19 download [Information] fileDatabase_StateDefinition_Abilities.png 33 download [Information] fileDatabase_StateDefinition.png 47 download [Information] fileDatabase_StateDefinition_Name.png 92 download [Information] fileState Add.png 265 download [Information]

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Last-modified: 2024-11-27 (Wed) 07:26:51