3D Textures

This section describes textures used in 3D models.
When using the PBR (Physics-Based Rendering) shaders available in Bakin, the following three texture maps should be prepared.

Details are explained in the section below.

Specifications: Textures

BMP and PNG file formats are available.

BMP format: Less deterioration in image quality
PNG format: file size can be reduced

Please choose the one that best fits your situation.

The texture name can also be specified for each element with a specified suffix, which will automatically be specified in place when the model is loaded.

(Automatic setting also requires texture settings on the fbx model side.)


We will discuss each texture using the dresser model texture below as an example.


Create a mask map texture with emissive, roughness, and metalness stored in each RGB(A) channel of the mask map texture.

Texture Tips

Attach file: file3Dテクスチャ8.png 293 download [Information] file3Dテクスチャ7.png 314 download [Information] file3Dテクスチャ6.png 269 download [Information] file3Dテクスチャ5.png 346 download [Information] file3Dテクスチャ4.png 275 download [Information] file3Dテクスチャ3.png 325 download [Information] file3Dテクスチャ2.png 330 download [Information] file3Dテクスチャ1.png 329 download [Information]

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Last-modified: 2022-10-19 (Wed) 05:08:22