Add Layout Part Dialog†
This is a dialog that appears when the "Add Part" button in the Layout Parts column is pressed, and supports the creation of layout parts.
In addition to being able to generate various containers and panels, selecting the content you wish to place in the layout will generate a panel for rendering a string with special formats inserted to display that section.
Adjust the position, size, and content based on the generated parts.
- Parameter X, Parameter Y
You can specify the parameters X and Y to be inserted into the special format of the panel for rendering the generated strings.
What each value means depends on the special format you insert.
- Layout Part Selection Tab
Containers and panels to be generated, as well as panels for rendering strings with special formats already inserted, are grouped by type and contained in their own tabs.
Select the content you wish to insert from the tabs to generate the layout parts.
- Parts that cannot be placed (parts that do not work even if placed) due to restrictions imposed by the parent-child relationship of screen and layout parts are not displayed in the list.
e.g.: Container for Entry Selection cannot be placed on the Conversation Screen, so it will not appear as a candidate when adding a layout part.
- Special Format Parameter Details
Show what the values you put in the special format parameters represent.
- For example, this field is not displayed in special formats that specify party members by parameters.
This is because the parameter you specify represents the party member number itself.