
Increase/Decrease Item

Increase or decrease the number of items.
When inputting as an integer, it is possible to input from 0 to 99.
You can also specify any variable box.


Discard Item

Display a window for selecting and discarding items.


Obtain Item Parameter

Obtain the parameters of the specified item and assign them to the variable by the specified method.


Item Enhancement

The parameters of a specified item can be increased or decreased.


Change Item Name

You can change the name of a specified item.
You can add words before or after the original item name, such as "Flame" + "Sword," or you can change the item name itself.


Obtain Cast Status

Obtain the status of a specified cast and assign it to a variable in the specified method.


Increase/Decrease Money

Change the amount of money in possession.
When entering the amount as an integer, it is possible to enter from 0 to 9999999.
You can also specify any variable box.


Recover/Reduce HP or MP

Increase or decrease the HP / MP of the specified cast.


Fully Recover Party

All casts in the party are fully recovered.
There are no configurable items.


Increase/Decrease EXP

Increase or decrease the experience of all members of the party or a specified cast.


Learn/Forget Skill

This allows a cast member to learn a skill or to forget a skill that has already been learned.


Change Cast Status


Make/Cure State Changes

Specify the specified state change for the cast.


Attach file: fileChange_Cast_Status.png 58 download [Information] fileItem_Enhancement.png 141 download [Information] fileObtain_Item_Parameter.png 136 download [Information] fileObtain_Cast_Status.png 128 download [Information] fileDiscard_Item.png 169 download [Information] fileChange_Item_Name.png 181 download [Information] fileMakeCure_State_Change.png 192 download [Information] fileIncreaseDecrease_Money.png 201 download [Information] fileRecoverReduce_HP_or_MP.png 258 download [Information] fileLearnForget_Skill.png 251 download [Information] fileIncreaseDecrease_Item.png 156 download [Information] fileIncreaseDecrease_EXP.png 263 download [Information] fileIncreaseDecrease_Cast's_Ability_Value.png 244 download [Information] fileFully_Recover_Party.png 245 download [Information]

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Last-modified: 2024-04-23 (Tue) 10:09:12