What are Classes

Create data such as the registration of classes that cast members can assume in the game and the characteristics of each class.
You can specify the items and skills that can be used in different classes, as well as the growth factor of their abilities if they change to that class.

In Bakin, cast members and classes can have separate levels.
This allows for things like "a level 10 cast becomes a level 5 swordsman".
The cast can also specify two classes, "class" and "subclass".

The value of the status specified for a class is added to the status of the cast.


Function Description

Classes Add.png

Class Ability Values

Classes Name.png

Class Ability Values: Basic


Class Ability Values: Abilities


Attach file: fileDatabase_Classes_Basic.png 121 download [Information] fileDatabase_Classes.png 119 download [Information] fileDatabase_Classes_Abilities.png 259 download [Information] fileClasses Name.png 258 download [Information] fileClasses Add.png 249 download [Information]

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Last-modified: 2023-11-17 (Fri) 01:14:31