Map Settings Palette

Specify basic settings such as map size and background music to be used, as well as rendering settings and enemy distribution settings.



Specify basic information about the map you are editing.



Specify the map screen to be displayed in the "Map" menu during the game.
The "Map" section displays an image of the "map" the player is currently on, viewed from above.
This tab allows you to specify the display range of that "map".
("map" is displayed when the special format \mappreview is specified in the Layout Tool with the panel for rendering strings).

In some cases, there are areas of the map that you do not want the player to see in order to create a visual effect that expresses the depth of the map, or for the purpose of producing effects or events.
By specifying values on this tab, you can limit the area of the "map" that is displayed during the game.



Various post-effects can be specified to enhance the look of the map.


Enemy Distribution

Specify the areas, enemy groups, and appearance rates for encounter battles within the map you are editing.


Editor Settings

Adjustments to the camera for map editing operations.

Editor Settings.png

Attach file: fileMap_Settings_Rendering.png 6 download [Information] fileCameraTrackingRange.png 230 download [Information] fileBattle_Test.png 252 download [Information] fileEnemy_Distribution_tab.png 277 download [Information] filePlacement_Editor_Play.png 274 download [Information] fileMap_tab.png 288 download [Information] filePlacement_Editor.png 278 download [Information] fileBasic_tab.png 287 download [Information] fileENマップのサイズ.png 294 download [Information] fileEnemy casts Generated.png 314 download [Information] fileSelect the Area.png 332 download [Information] fileRendering.png 176 download [Information] fileMap Size.png 255 download [Information] fileEditor Settings.png 330 download [Information] fileBattle Test.png 286 download [Information]

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Last-modified: 2025-02-13 (Thu) 08:41:07