Common Event Palette

Specify events that will not be placed on maps, but will be used throughout the game.
Common Events are categorized into Common Events, which can be used both on maps and during battles, and Battle Events, which can only be used during battles.


Feature Description

Common Event Folder

Add or double-click on the event name in the list to open the settings template for each common event and specify the settings.
Except for "Custom Events," only one of each of the common events can be specified from the template. If you wish to place more than one, perform a "Convert to Custom Event" for each template.
In addition, when converted to a custom event, the following five conditions are used to start the event.

Custom Event

Use the event editor to specify events with a combination of commands.
Multiple common events created in "Custom Events" can be specified.

Count Timer

Execution of this common event will display the timer and countdown according to the value of the variable box.

Countdown Timer.png

Compass Event

When this common event is placed, a compass (direction indicator) is displayed in the game.

Compass Event.png
Compass Gameplay 1200.png

Display Money in Possession as Score

When you place this common event, the money in possession is displayed on the game screen as a score.

Display Money in Possession as Score.png
Display Money Gameplay 1200.png

Display Variable as Score

When this common event is placed, certain variable will be displayed on the game screen as a score.

Display Variable as Score.png
Display Variable Gameplay 1200.png


When this common event is specified, a black band will be displayed at the top and bottom of the game screen when the specified switch is turned on.

Letterboxing Gameplay 1200.png

Grid Move

Executing this common event will allow the player to move in a grid of terrain units. The camera automatically rotates behind the player when the direction is changed. Since movement is controlled by events, the speed of movement will be calculated based on the Game Definition's setting of "NPC's Standard Walking Speed".
This event is primarily intended for use in First-Person View games.
See alsoCreation Tips/Grid Move.


Skip Events

When the "Enable Event Skipping" switch is turned on, pressing the menu key fades out the screen and allows the user to skip events until the point in the event where user input is required is reached or the "End Event Skipping" switch is turned on.

(!)In this template, the screen will remain dark unless the “End Event Skipping” switch is turned on by an event, unless there is an event that requires user input such as “selecting selections” during the event.


Battle Event Folder

You can create "battle events" that are triggered during battles.
Add or double-click on the event name in the list to open the event editor and specify the event.

Attach file: fileEventTemplate_Skip_Events.png 107 download [Information] fileEventTemplate_Grid_Move.png 110 download [Information] fileCommon_Event_Selector.png 98 download [Information] fileCommonevents_Palette_EN.png 354 download [Information] fileCountdownGameplay1920.png 193 download [Information] fileCountdownGameplay1200.png 341 download [Information] fileLetterboxing.png 322 download [Information] fileLetterboxing Gameplay.png 203 download [Information] fileLetterboxing Gameplay 1200.png 318 download [Information] fileDisplay Variable Gameplay.png 177 download [Information] fileDisplay Variable Gameplay 1200.png 350 download [Information] fileDisplay Money Gameplay.png 182 download [Information] fileCompass Gameplay 1200.png 331 download [Information] fileDisplay Variable as Score.png 317 download [Information] fileDisplay Money in Possession as Score.png 340 download [Information] fileDisplay Money Gameplay 1200.png 333 download [Information] fileCountdown Timer.png 313 download [Information] fileCompass Gameplay.png 190 download [Information] fileCompass Event.png 338 download [Information] fileCommon Events.png 221 download [Information]

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Last-modified: 2024-10-24 (Thu) 05:37:08